|Name your region from the above list |East Africa |

|First Name |David |

|Last Name/ Surname |Kitavi |

|Email address |davidkitavi@ |

|Date of Birth |9 -4 - 1983 |

|Age |24 |

|Gender |Male |

|Street Address |Dagoretti Market Road, Karen |

|City + State |Nairobi |

|Postal code |00502 |

|Country of Residence |Kenya |

|Phone number (specify if it is a mobile number) |+254721556239 MOBILE |

|TakingITGlobal Profile URL[1] |davidkitavi |

|Organization/Network Affiliation |Don Bosco Life Choices Program, Youth Development Forum |

|Organization’s Website (if applicable) | |

|How long have you worked at the organization? |6 years |

1) Are you near a capital/major city? (Yes or no, which one?):

Yes, Nairobi

2) Do you have daily Internet access? If so, please describe how often you go online, what kind of Internet connection you have (dial-up, cable, DSL, etc) and how often you experience technical difficulties connecting to the Internet. If you do NOT have daily Internet access, please do not apply. Yes I have daily internet access, I spend at least two hours daily apart from Sundays. The Internet type we have is DSL. I have not experienced any difficulties in connection

3) Do you have access to a landline? Is the best way to make international calls on a landline or via mobile phones? Yes I have access to landline number +254 020 883016/7 however the best way to make international calls is through the mobile

4) Number of hours you can commit to GYCA per week (Please be realistic and honest!):

___ 2-4 ___4-8 ___8-15 ___ More than 15

5) Kinds of populations that you work with (youth? PLWHA? CSWs? IDUs?):

I work mainly with

✓ Socially marginalized youth aged 15 -28 in various slums of Nairobi

✓ Out of school youth

✓ Adolescents involved in commercial sex work

6) Do you work with youth in resource constrained areas on a regular basis? Whom?[2]

____Y ___N


I work with youth in Kibera one of the biggest slums in East Africa. Lack of basic amenities like community centres, electricity, piped water, roads etc

7) Please expand on what kind of outreach you do in 3-5 sentences:

I am involved in providing out-of-school youth with accurate information on RH/HIV issues and services (in collaboration with partners) and with communication and negotiation skills most of the time am involved with the youth in disseminating health information by using approaches that appeal to youth

I organize events that are focused towards encouraging the youth to stay in school or return to school. I especially empower pregnant girls to return to school

This can be sporting events, drama or workshops.

Work in conjunction with local health clinics and different partners to provide youth-friendly health services and provide out-of-school youth in slum area of Kibera with appropriate RH/HIV services including voluntary counseling and testing services

8) What are your long term goals for the next 3 years? The next 5-10 years?

The Health Matters Project for Vulnerable Adolescents seeks to reduce HIV/STI

transmission and the incidence of unintended pregnancies among adolescents

involved in commercial sex work and street children in the slums of Kibera,

Kenya. I intend to work to increase access to youth-friendly services for vulnerable

adolescents through outreach arrangements, peer-provided services, and establish drop-in centers.

My long term goal 5-10 years is to reduce poverty and dependency among the youth in Kibera, set upa local NGO to provide youth friendly services and micro credit.

9) Do you have experience working with different kinds of personalities/people? Please elaborate in 3-5 sentences:

I have moderate experience in working with different personalities. I have interacted with policy makers in Kenya especially the period when I was a member of the National Youth Policy steering committee. I have had opportunities to interact with celebrities when organizing youth events. My vast experience lies in interacting with the desperate youth in slum areas (gangs, CSWs and drug addicts who have given up hope in life.

10) Please list any community partners/other NGOs you work with on a frequent basis.

CARE – Kenya

Catholic Church

Kenya Community Development Foundation

AMREF - African Medical Reserch Foundation


Carolina For Kibera

Girl Child Network

Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Children Rights

11) Do you have the capacity to hold meetings or GYCA local gatherings? (This can be any open space to gather people, and can be outdoors in warm climates.) How many people can your meeting space accommodate?

YES I have the capacity to hold meetings and other local gatherings. I have access to a youth centre equipped with facilities and conference room with capacity of up to 300 persons (free of charge) There is also an open field used for sports that can fit up to 2000 people. In our office we can accommodate up to 30 people indoor or up to 500 in open space.

12) For those RFPs re-applying, (new applicants, skip to Question 13) send a two page report of what you have done for GYCA, (including a list of all the organizations mapped, regional updates and activities, WAD activities, chats attended, newsletter submissions, E-course taken etc.)

13) Applicants must have already taken, or must enroll in one of GYCA’s month-long e-courses by March 2007, offered in Project Management, Political Advocacy, and Grant Proposal Writing and Fundraising:

Course: Preparing for Toronto E-Course Month you took it/can take it (before March): Am planning to take up a course in Project Management before March 2007

14) Please describe any potential problems/difficulties you foresee with taking on the RFP position: Currently I do not foresee any problems

15) Please describe anything else about yourself that would make it a good fit for GYCA:

I am a self stater, Dynamic and relate well with the youth and policy makers. I have the drive and enthusiasm to be part of GYCA as a coordinator. I posses skills in communication and am well versed in Youth issues especially on reproductive health.

16) Submit a bio of yourself (no more than 2 paragraphs including information on your experience working on HIV/AIDS):


I worked as a Trainer where I:

❖ Coordinated the Youth Peer Communication strategy development activities at the National Level.

❖ Coordinated technical assistance to the organization towards strategy development and establishing and rolling out an active youth initiatives.

❖ Facilitated the development of a Youth Training Curriculum for HIV and AIDS

❖ Trained Peer Educators and Trainer of Facilitators in Behavior Change Communication using Problem Posing Methods, Life Skills and Magnet Theatre.

❖ Organized workshops on Message review and IEC material production.

❖ Offered technical assistance in areas of message generation and material development for programs and special events. Coordinates the mobilization of the youth and community members for HIV and AIDS Behavior Change Communication activities

17) Attach your current resume or CV with this application.

Please find attached.

18) DAVID KITAVI has read out and filled the above application, criteria and duties carefully and honestly. DAVID KITAVI agrees to represent the EAST AFRICA region as a Regional Focal Point (RFP) for the Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA) starting from January 2007 to December 2007. Should circumstances beyond my control arise and I cannot complete this one year contract, I will find a suitable replacement for my region in collaboration and approval of the GYCA Secretariats.

|P.O. Box 6899-00200 |Phone 0721556239 |

|NAIROBI, KENYA |E-mail davidkitavi@ |

David Kitavi

|Professional experience |2006 – Present TWANA TWITU () |

| |Project Officer. |

| |Involved in the planning and monitoring of the implementation of various activities under USAID grant. |

| |Scaling up support and care for OVCs. |

| |Overall responsible for the coordination of the project, ensuring timely implementation and reporting. |

| |Coordinates the mobilization of the youth and community members for HIV and AIDS Behavior Change Communication|

| |activities. |

| |Prepares monthly and quarterly activity reports. |

| |supervises other staff |

| |2001 – 2004 DON BOSCO LIFE CHOICES PROGRAM (lifechoices) |

| |Trainer |

| |Coordinated the Youth Peer Communication strategy development activities at the National Level. |

| |Coordinated technical assistance to the organization towards strategy development and establishing and rolling|

| |out an active youth initiatives. |

| |Facilitated the development of a Youth Training Curriculum for HIV and AIDS |

| |Trained Peer Educators and Trainer of Facilitators in Behavior Change Communication using Problem Posing |

| |Methods, Life Skills and Magnet Theatre. |

| |Organized workshops on Message review and IEC material production. |

| |Offered technical assistance in areas of message generation and material development for programs and special |

| |events. |

| | |


| |Programs Coordinator |

| |Coordinated Youth HIV and AIDS Behavior Change Communication activities. |

| |Trained Peer Educators and Youth in Peer education, Behavior Change Communication both in various regions of |

| |Kenya. |

| |Conducted various youth programs on Enterprise Development, Life Skills, Behaviour Change and Conflict |

| |Resolutions in and out of Nairobi. |

| |Wrote, Compiled and edited numerous reports on progress and special activities. |

| | |

| |2000 - 2002 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI |

| |Commonwealth Diploma in Youth and Development. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |1999 New People Media Centre |

| |Certificate, Computer Graphics – Desktop Publishing |

| |1996 – 1998 Africa Radio Service |

| |Certificate, Radio journalism |

| | |

| |1992 – 1995 Kenya Polytechnic |

| |Certificate, (City & Guilds) Printing and Graphic Design |

| | |

|Education | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Training | |

| |2000 Trainer of Trainers course organized by Don Bosco Youth & Educational Services. |

| | |

| |2001 Pastoral Counseling Conducted by Kenya Episcopal Conference |

| | |

| |2001 HIV AIDS program development and Management organized by CARE – Kenya |

| | |

| |In International Diploma in Youth Work |

| |Certified by Froebel Academy and GTZ Prosyr |

| |Youth promotion Program (SUNGURA) instituted by GTZ PROSYR – GOK in partnership with Ministry of Culture, |

| |Sports, Gender and Social Services, Office of the Vice President, Children’s Department, Ministry of Labour |

| |and Human Resources Management, Local Government and a number of Civil Society Organizations. |

| | |

|Skills |Analytical, communication and report writing skills. |

| |Computer skills in MS Office Suite. |

| |Radio programmes production |

| |Video editing |

|Date of Birth |April 9, 1983 |

|Extracurricular activities |Reading, Theatre, Traveling and Sports., |

| |Mr. Jerry Aurah |

|References |Program Manager |

| |National Organization of Peer Educators – NOPE KENYA |

| |P.O. Box 10498 NAIROBI |

| |Phone (020) -4451201/2 |

| | |

| |Mr. Pascal Mailu |

| |Project Manager – Local Links |

| |Care – Kenya |

| |P.O. Box 43894 Nairobi – Kenya |

| |Phone (020) 2710069 |

| |Mr. Opimbi Osore |

| |Senior Program Officer |


| |Email opimbi@ |

| |Phone (020) 318681 |


[1] To find your Profile URL, go to and click on ‘view profile’ to the right. Then paste your profile link above.

[2] GYCA is committed to working with and for excluded youth such as intravenous drug users, men who have sex with men, sex workers, and youth in resource-constrained areas without access to information communication technology (ICT)


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