Midthun Math

Sheep Grazing Project – Due Tuesday, 26 April 2016For this project, you have been given a sheep and you want to tie your sheep up in the back yard to graze. In order to make sure your sheep has enough grass and to keep your yard neat, you need to calculate the grazing area and the circumference length for each of your options. You have three different options for where you want your sheep to graze. In every option you have a rope that is 6 meters long.1. Your first option is to put a stake in the center of the yard and allow your sheep to graze in any direction. What is the total area of grass the sheep can reach? Also, if you want to place a border along the very edge of where the sheep can reach, how long does your border have to be? Show all your work and round your answer to the nearest centimeter. 2. You also have a shed in the backyard. The shed is 6 meters wide and 8 meters long. Your second option is to tie your sheep to the corner of your shed. What is the difference in the area of grass the sheep can reach and how long does your border have to be in this case? Show all your work and round your answer to the nearest centimeter. 3. The third option also ties the sheep to the shed but instead of on the corner, you tie the sheep to the center of the long wall. Does this change the amount of area the sheep can reach and by how much? Also, does this change the amount of border you need and if so, by how much? Show all your work and round your answer to the nearest centimeter. 4. There is a path that cuts through the field. The path is just tangent to the sheep’s grazing area when it is tied to the corner of the shed. The path begins at the corner of the field and the corner of the field is 25 meters away from the corner of the shed. How long is the path from the corner of the field to the point where it just touches the edge of your sheep’s grazing area? Show all your work and round your answer to the nearest centimeter. For this project – draw at least two diagrams that identify your problem and the section you are trying to solve. All problems need to show all work. Your final product needs to be on a separate sheet of paper and needs to include a copy of the directions and rubric. The grading for the project will be as follows:Each part – 8 points__________Correct, complete, answers the question(s).Diagrams – 8 points (4 points each)__________Complete, accurate, labeled with knowns & variables.Neat, Complete & Best Work – 10 points__________Total – 50 points__________ ................

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