
Farm to Table e-News AUGUST 2009To unsubscribe, please send e-mail with subject heading “unsubscribe” HEREThe VISTAs and extension intern, Erin have been learning the ins and outs of the many Farm to Table projects. Everything from learning how to grind barley into flour and cleaning beans to working in the field and putting up high tunnel houses. Below are photos from the last couple weeks:Inside This IssueFTT’s New Americorps VISTASFree coffee at Saturday’s Farmer’s Market!$146,000 State Grant confirmedWhat’s coming up this fall: Farm to Table EventsCulinary Classes at DCC??!!Labor Day Eat – In and we need YOU!4819651696720July has been busy for Farm to Table! Earlier this month we welcomed our year long Americorps VISTA volunteers, Cal Silver and Jessica Gerencser. They’ve spent the last two weeks getting acquainted with the Glendive community and the various Farm to Table projects.Above Jess (L) and Cal (R) taking a break from hoeing potato plants at Alvin Hoff’s. -163830374650Right: Cal and Erin plant basil in a hoop house above Top: Bruce, Cal, Erin and Jess take off shoes and dip their feet after a hard days work in the field11823701568450Community GardenWe have begun putting up the ribs for the high hoop house (greenhouse) in the community garden. The hoop house will allow us to extend our growing season throughout the winter and provides a model for other farmers in the community who would like to do the same. We have sweet potatoes growing in the tunnel so far (sweet potato fries!) and plan to sow some more hardy veggies for the winter once the house is up!If you are interested in having a plot in the garden just let us know! There is still plenty of room for organic and traditional plots!27705053810Calendar of EventsSaturday Farmer’s Market – EVERY SATURDAYFREE COFFEE and SAMPLESLive cooking demonstrationsTuesday August 4 – Funder’s TourAugust 13-16 – County FairCheck out the Farm to Table and Western Trails booth at the fairAugust 20th from 6-9pm – Glendive Tomato Festival Hungry Joe Hall, contests for Best Tasting red tomato, best green tomato recipe, best homemade tomato juice, and MORE!Prizes – Tasting – Other Summer FoodsContact Pat 377-6690Events in the works…Labor Day, Sept 7 – Eat-IN (more details on this in next issue, if interested in organizing a labor day celebration of local, healthy, or organic foods please contact Cal Silver, the VISTA at Farm to Table carolinersilver@)Mid-October – Harvest Festival8 Acres of FoodOut at the 8 acres we lease from Alvin Hoff, we have successfully planted tomatoes, peppers, two kinds of sweet corn, onions, potatoes, millet, teff and barley. This past week we weeded and hoed mercilessly and set up an irrigation system.25228552908300-17258865208Community Kitchen Update: In case you haven’t heard, Farm-to-table just received a two-year $146,000 grant towards the Community Kitchen. Garthand Jessica will be working together to set up the equipment, determine the layout of the kitchen and get things rolling. Healthy Fact of the month:Kale:Kale is a highly nutritional form of cabbage that has powerful antioxidant properties and is also an anti-inflammatory. One cup of kale provides more than the daily requirement of vitamins A and C. It is also a good source of calcium and fiber. Kale is packed with beta carotene and vitamin k which keep a healthy heart and strong bones. Here are a few simple ways you can incorporate kale into your diet. Sauté with a little olive oil and garlic as a side vegetable with your dinner.Use instead of a tortilla wrap. Put your favorite fillings inside, wrap them up in the kale, and eat it like a burrito. Chop it up and add it to your salad.You can look for kale at your local farmers market! Culinary Classes?!?Jessica recently met with Jackie Shultz and Maryann Vester at DCC to discuss some upcoming fall credited and non-credited culinary courses. These cooking courses will teach a variety of cooking tips including what to do with farm market ingredients, grilling and marinades, vegan and vegetarian cooking, nutrition, and kitchen basics. We will keep you posted on the progress of the classes!-17272064770Recipe of the Month:By: Jessica GerencserCurried Zucchini Soup 10 Zucchini (or about 5 large)6 Garlic cloves3 Large onions (Vidalia)3 T Olive oil1 Quart chicken stock1/8 C Curry powder (add more or less to desired taste)Salt and pepper to tasteIn a large pot, heat the olive oil. Rough chop the onions, garlic and zucchini. Add the onions to the oil and sweat for about 5 minutes on medium heat. Add the garlic and zucchini and cook for about 5 minutes. Add the chicken stock (or vegetable stock for vegetarian version) and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to low and simmer one hour. Pour soup into blender and blend well. Return to pot and re-heat. Serve with a dollop of crème fraiche or sour cream on top. For leftovers: toss cold with your favorite type of pasta for a great pasta salad!What does Glendive have to do with it?Getting Congress' attention is a big job, and we need your help here in Glendive! “Real Food” is not just about vegetables – it’s about food that comes from our farmers, local produce that supports our community in addition to being good for you. Most food travels hundreds of thousands of miles before it is served in a school cafeteria – why do that when we have SO MUCH FOOD here in Dawson County?!What is an Eat-In?An Eat-In is a potluck that takes place in public and gathers people to support a cause - like getting real food into schools.On Labor Day, Sept. 7, 2009, people in communities all over the country will sit down to share a meal with their neighbors and kids. This National Eat-In will send a clear message to Congress: It's time to provide America's children with real food at school.-398780109220Farm to Table is in the midst of organizing an Eat-In on September 7th here in Glendive in order to get together and share a meal that we all believe in – do you want to help out or be involved? We need you! More details in the next e-newsletter!To get info or be involved contact Cal Silver at Farm to Table: carolinersilver@ 347668425-335280363855LAST MINUTE REMINDER: Come join us every Saturday at the Farmer’s Market in front of the Prairie Development Center from 9am-11am. As the season progresses, we will only see a greater abundance of fresh vegetables, fry breads, arts&crafts and more! Not sure what to do with vegetables? Just ask one of the VISTA Volunteers! We would be happy to give you a quick and easy recipe. -259080449072030683204846320-335280-411480-347980604520Have a great month! You know we will…267335401955-The Farm to Table Team ................

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