Financial News

ASSET MANAGEMENT AWARDS EUROPE 2020-571499-716279 The Financial News Asset Management Awards 2020 are free to enter and open to all investment firms and investment advisers working in the European institutional asset management industry.Submissions are strongly encouraged to improve firms’ chances of success in the FN awards. However, the editorial team reserves the right to include other firms on the shortlist (based on its own research, including taking soundings from the industry).There is no limit on the number of categories a firm may enter, as long as it genuinely believes it meets the award criteria. Please read the ‘categories and eligibility’ document carefully before submitting your entry. Each award category entry must be completed on a separate entry form and submitted as a Word document. No additional attachments or pdfs will be accepted.The following data MUST BE INCLUDED IN SUBMISSIONS (for all investment related/ consulting/ investment leader categories):Investment returns - for the main strategy/multiple strategies under consideration, in the format of 12 months to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees. Where available please also include the latest YTD figures for 2020.Please also include comparative data for the strategy or funds’ recognised benchmarks. Data tables may be pasted into the form but no graphs please.If relevant/correctly formatted performance numbers are not supplied we reserve the right to exclude entries from consideration. Assets under management/advisement – total AUM for the firm AND for the strategy under consideration, at March 2020 and at March 2019 (preferably in ?/sterling).(inflows and new client data for these periods would also greatly aid a submission entry) FN reserves the right to exclude entries that do not supply correctly formatted performance and asset dataEntrants are encouraged to be as transparent as possible in their submissions including verified performance, fund and AUM data in the correct format as well as client numbers/growth, client wins, clear and concise product and strategy information, key hires/recruitment, evidence of innovation, and any other measure of success over the past 12 months.All entries will be assessed on four key criteria: investment performancestrengthnew developments/innovationbetter than the restHowever, we do not require reams of information – please keep entries punchy, clear and to the point. There is a 1,000 word limit per criteria. As a DEFAULT position, Financial News will assume that all information provided in official submissions is available for publication. If you wish to submit material that is NOT for publication, and for the judges’ eyes only, please highlight the relevant information in red and mark as ‘for judges only’, and this will be respected. Please return completed submission forms to: fnawards@ NO LATER THAN Tuesday, 26th May, 2020. Submissions for each award must be made in a separate FN entry form (see below) and submitted as a word document (not pdf). Many thanks and good luck! FN ASSET MANAGEMENT AWARDS CATEGORIES 2020Equity Manager of the YearAn award for the best manager of equity assets in 2020. Excellent recent performance relative to index and peer group is crucial but this would need to be backed by impressive longer-term returns. Please also provide evidence of asset growth, inflows, client wins and asset growth, recruitment, business expansion and robust customer service and other measures of success between March 2019 and March 2020.Performance and asset data must be limited to no more than five funds – and must include a firm’s best-selling fund and its biggest fund. Performance data should be limited to the 12 month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent 2020 YTD numbers.Eligibility: this award is open to managers of equity assets, operating in Europe. Fixed Income Manager of the YearAn award for the best manager of fixed income assets in 2020. Excellent recent performance relative to index and peer group is crucial but this would need to be backed by impressive longer-term returns. Please also provide evidence of asset growth, inflows, client wins and asset growth, recruitment, business expansion and robust customer service and other measures of success between March 2019 and March 2020.Performance and asset data must be limited to no more than five funds – and must include a firm’s best-selling fund and its biggest fund. Performance data should be limited to the 12 month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent 2020 YTD numbers.Eligibility: this award is open to managers of fixed income assets, operating in Europe. LDI Manager of the YearAn award for the fund manager offering the best liability-driven investment service in 2020. Please provide quantifiable evidence of strong performance and a close match to client requirements over the long term, as well as data (and names where possible) to show new business/client inflows and growth in total LDI assets under management or advice (for 12 months to March 2020 and for the same 2019 period). Brief explanation of new strategies, client services, innovation, as well as evidence of robust customer service (including client testimonials) will also greatly aid a submission. Eligibility: this award is open to managers of LDI mandates, operating in Europe. ETF Provider of the YearAn award for the best manager of exchange-traded funds and products in 2020. Please provide evidence of a robust and consistent process delivering client objectives over the long-term. Evidence of business inflows (for 12 months to March 2020 and for the same 2019 period), recruitment, business expansion, excellent customer service as well as product innovation and new fund/strategy/product launches will greatly aid a submission. Performance and asset data must be limited to no more than five funds – and must include a firm’s best-selling fund and its biggest fund. Performance data should be limited to the 12 month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent 2020 YTD numbers.Eligibility: this award is open to managers of exchange-traded funds and products, operating in Europe.Smart Beta Manager of the Year An award for the best manager of “alternative indexation” products, whether implemented through pooled funds, segregated mandates or ETFs, in 2020. In demarcating the boundary between “smart beta” and active management, special attention will be paid to the level of fees charged to investors – so evidence of particularly competitive rates will greatly aid submissions. Please also provide evidence of products aimed at client needs, strong sales and inflows/asset growth, innovation in new fund/strategy launches and performance. Information on new recruitment, business expansion and excellent customer service will also help. Performance and AUM data must be limited to no more than five funds – and must include a firm’s best-selling fund and its biggest fund. Performance data should be limited to the 12 month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent 2020 YTD numbers.Eligibility: this award is open to any fund managers running smart beta style products, operating in Europe.Multi Asset Manager of the YearAn award for the best manager of multi-asset funds, strategies or diversified growth funds in 2020. Please provide evidence of a robust investment team and process that has led to strong sustainable performance, meeting or exceeding both return and volatility targets over the long-term. Evidence of strong inflows, asset growth, new clients, recruitment, business expansion and new strategies will greatly aid a submission. Performance and AUM data must be limited to no more than five funds – and must include a firm’s best-selling fund and its biggest fund. Performance data should be limited to the 12-month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent 2020 YTD numbers.Eligibility: this award is open to the managers of multi-asset strategies and diversified growth funds, operating in Europe.Emerging Markets Manager of the YearAn award for the best manager of emerging markets funds across equities, bonds, multi-asset and alternative asset classes in 2020. Excellent performance relative to index and peer group is crucial, but a longer-term track record is far more important than short-term outperformance. Evidence of strong inflows and asset growth is essential, while new recruitment, business expansion, innovation and robust customer service will also aid a submission. Performance and AUM data must be limited to no more than five funds – and must include a firm’s best-selling fund and its biggest fund. Performance data should be limited to the 12-month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent 2020 YTD numbers.Eligibility: this award is open to managers operating in Europe, running emerging markets assets, across equities, bonds, multi-asset or alternative investments.Boutique Manager of the Year – Equity (less than ?25bn AUM) An award for the best boutique equity fund manager in Europe in 2020. Excellent performance is crucial, but a longer-term track record is far more important than outperformance in the past year. Information on the business’s ownership structure, which shows significant equity ownership by staff or other methods of aligning interests, will aid a nomination. Evidence of strong inflows and asset growth (for 12 months to March 2020 and to March 2019), innovation, robust customer service, recruitment, business expansion will also help. Performance and asset data must be limited to no more than five funds – and must include a firm’s best-selling fund and its biggest fund. Performance data should be limited to the 12-month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent 2020 YTD numbers.Eligibility: this award is open to boutique managers running equity funds. We define “boutique” simply as having less than ?25bn under management. The firm must operate in Europe (ie manage money on behalf of UK or European institutional clients). Boutique Manager of the Year – Fixed Income (less than ?25bn AUM)An award for the best boutique fixed-income fund manager in Europe in 2020. Excellent performance is crucial, but a longer-term track record is far more important than outperformance in the past year. Information on the business’s ownership structure, which shows significant equity ownership by staff or other methods of aligning interests, will aid a nomination. Evidence of strong inflows and asset growth (for 12 months to March 2020 and to March 2019), innovation, robust customer service, recruitment, business expansion will also help. Performance and asset data must be limited to no more than five funds – and must include a firm’s best-selling fund and its biggest fund. Performance data should be limited to the 12-month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent 2020 YTD numbers.Eligibility: this award is open to boutique managers running fixed-income funds. We define “boutique” simply as having less than ?25bn under management. The firm must operate in Europe (ie manage money on behalf of UK or European institutional clients). Fiduciary Manager of the YearAn award for the best fiduciary manager operating in Europe in 2020. Evidence of new UK/European business – asset growth and number of clients – and total fiduciary assets under management in the region (to March 2020 and March 2019), as well as strong investment performance and data to support success in matching clients’ requirements, such as performance against liabilities, over the short and long-term, is essential. Details of new recruitment, business expansion and robust customer service will also greatly aid a submission. Performance data should be limited to the 12-month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent 2020 YTD numbers.Eligibility: this award is open to fiduciary managers, both from the investment consulting and fund management communities, operating in Europe. Financial Technology Innovation of the Year NEWA new award this year that recognises the most innovative financial technology product/project designed for the institutional asset management industry. This broad innovation category is open to any initiative or product that is deemed transformative, new and groundbreaking for the business, for institutional investor clients or for the wider industry. Examples may include, but are not limited to, AI, machine learning, projects undertaken in partnership with fintech or regtech firms, and new platforms for trading or fund distribution. Evidence of market impact, success, growth/scale, improved efficiency, strong performance, or other quantifiable measures of success or positive change over the 12 months to March 2020 are essential. Consideration will also be given to an initiative’s potential for future success/impact on the market. Eligibility: this award is open to asset managers, investment consultants, institutional investors, industry groups, service providers (including technology companies, custodians, fund administrators, liquidity providers, trading firms and fund distribution providers that service asset managers), and fintech/regtech firms operating in Europe. Environmental, Social and Governance Initiative of the YearAn award for the best environmental, social and corporate governance initiative or strategy by an asset manager in Europe in the past 12 months. Asset managers must demonstrate the seriousness, strength and success of their ESG responsibilities as an investor, through their environmental and social investment strategy (firm-wide) or through their corporate governance initiatives/approach - such as AGM voting, corporate engagement or other actions. Entrants may provide details of one, or a maximum of three, significant initiatives/approaches/strategies from the 12 months to March 2020 with evidence of impact and success. This may include strong investment returns, increased inflows/assets under management/clients, meaningful change or other identifiable results. Consideration will be given to significant new initiatives launched in the past year where scale, rapid growth or success is quantifiable (not individual small fund launches) or to a longer-term business project that bore substantial fruit during the 12 months ending March 2020. Any investment performance data submitted must be for the 12 months ending March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent available 2020 YTD figures.Eligibility: this award is open to asset managers implementing ESG across mainstream portfolios and overall investment strategy, operating in Europe.Investment Consultant of the YearAn award for the best investment consulting firm operating in Europe in 2020. Evidence of growth in European client numbers and assets under advisement for the 12 months to March 2020 (please split out fiduciary management assets if applicable), new business expansion and evidence of strong client satisfaction/performance (e.g. performance against liabilities) arising directly from consultants’ recommendations in the 12 months to March 2020 is essential. Other quantifiable measures of success or details of strategy innovation, thought leadership, recruitment, business expansion, and robust customer service (including client testimonials) will also help. Please submit relevant performance data for the 12-month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees. Eligibility: this award is open to firms running investment consulting businesses that operate in Europe. Firms that also operate fiduciary management businesses are eligible although this award focuses on consulting only.Alternatives Investment Provider of the Year REVISEDAn award that recognises the firm that is providing the best alternative investment solutions to institutional investors in Europe in 2020. Evidence of inflows, asset growth, fundraising, new European clients, size and success of deals/investments and excellent performance/success meeting clients’ expectations in the 12-18 months to March 2020 is essential. Evidence of recent innovation, robust customer service, recruitment, joint ventures, business expansion, technology and other initiatives will also aid a submission.For hedge funds to be eligible for this category we ask that total firm AUM is at least $5bn. Performance and asset data must be limited to no more than five funds – and must include a firm’s best-selling fund and its biggest fund. Performance data should be limited to the 12 month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent 2020 YTD numbers.For private equity/debt, real estate and infrastructure funds your latest fund raised must be a minimum of $500m to qualify for this award. Please provide IRR for your last three funds raised.Eligibility: this award is open to firms that generate the majority of their revenues from alternatives investments, whether that is hedge funds, private equity, private debt/credit, real estate, infrastructure, or a combination of two or more of those investments. Mentor of the Year NEWThis category recognises the individual who has done most to support junior members of their team in advancing their careers. Please provide details of how many mentees you have (whether formally or informally), how often you meet with them, what you do to support them, and any formal schemes/groups you lead or are part of and what that involves. Please provide three testimonials from current or past mentees (limited to 200 words each). Particular merit will be given to applicants who can show they are contributing to making the industry more diverse through supporting young females, those from ethnic minority backgrounds or those from less privileged backgrounds.Eligibility: This award is open to anyone working in institutional asset management, whether in investment management, consultancy or support services, who has staff directly reporting to them.Industry Leader of the Year REVISEDPlease note that this year we have decided to split the Industry Leader category into separate awards for men and women to ensure gender equality for this awardIndustry Leader of the Year - FemaleIndustry Leader of the Year - MaleEntry criteria is the same for both awards:An award for the Europe-based chief executive officer, chief investment officer or business head at an asset management firm who has added the most value to the business they oversee and their clients in the 12 months to March 2020. Please provide evidence of strong asset growth and inflows for this period (versus March 2019), as well as investment performance AND/OR business success owing to, and initiatives personally undertaken by, the individual. Evidence of innovation, new strategies/initiatives/ approaches, recruitment, mergers, joint ventures, improved efficiency, risk management etc implemented under the person’s leadership will greatly aid a submission. Testimonials from colleagues, peers in the industry, but especially from clients, giving specific examples, will also help. Performance and asset data to show the success of a person’s business or team must be limited to no more than five funds – and must include a firm’s best-selling fund and its biggest fund. Only performance data for the 12-month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees – will be accepted, plus YTD 2020 numbers where available.Eligibility: this award is open to leaders at fund management firms with substantial institutional businesses operating in Europe. The individual must also be based in Europe. Asset Manager of the YearThis award recognises the best asset management firm operating in Europe in 2020. Excellent across-the-board performance of flagship funds in the 12 months to March 2020 is crucial, but evidence of longer-term track records of sustained performance are far more important. Please also provide evidence of strong new business inflows and asset growth (over 12 months to March 2020 and for the same 2019 period). Examples of new recruitment, business expansion, innovation, new initiatives and robust customer service will also help, as will evidence of strategic business positioning to meet the challenges of the future. Performance and asset data must be limited to no more than five funds – and must include a firm’s best-selling fund and its biggest fund. Performance data should be limited to the 12-month period to the end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – net of fees, plus the most recent 2020 YTD numbers.Eligibility: this award is open to fund management firms across all asset classes, operating in Europe, with a minimum of ?25bn in total assets. Non-submission awardEditor’s Choice Award An award given to an individual working in the asset management industry – in Europe or globally – chosen by the Financial News editor for their outstanding or “unusual” contribution to the development of the industry. If you would like to approach us to informally nominate an individual, please do so, but be aware that the decision of the FN editorial team in this category is final.Submissions for each award must be made in separate FN entry forms (see below) and submitted as a word document (not pdf) no later than close of business on Tuesday, 26 May, 2020.METHODOLOGYFinancial News’s editorial team will research, select and publish a shortlist of up to five nominees per category, having extensively researched the market, including scrutinising submission material (where received), reviewing industry data and canvassing market opinion. The shortlists will be published in August 2020. A summary profile on each shortlisted firm, based on FN’s research, will be viewed by a panel of FN editors and distinguished industry judges, which will meet in September to vote on the nominees. Industry judges will be selected on the basis of their ability to take an independent view, drawing on their own industry knowledge as well as FN’s research.The winners will be announced in the autumn.ELIGIBILITYEligibility PeriodNominations are accepted in respect of achievements made or projects undertaken in the 12 months ending March 2020. If a longer-term business project started in 2018-19, or even earlier, bore substantial fruit during the 12-month period ending March 2020 this will also be considered. Eligibility GeographyThe focus of FN’s awards is the European institutional asset management industry.Nominations are accepted for asset management firms operating in Europe. Europe is defined in the usual geographic way, including Turkey and Russia.‘Operating in’ means the management of funds or segregated mandates that are available for investment by investors based in any European country. The London arms of large investment institutions based outside Europe, such as North American pension funds or Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds, for example are not eligible for our awards, unless they also manage external money for European investors. Captive or in-house investment managers for Europe-based investors, however, are eligible.PUBLICATION OF MATERIALAs a DEFAULT position, Financial News will assume that all information provided in official submissions is available for publication. If you wish to submit material that is NOT for publication, and for the judges’ eyes only, please highlight the relevant information in red and mark it as ‘for judges only’, and this will be respected. If you are unsure on whether or not to include something, please email fnawards@.ENTRY FORM BELOW:FINANCIAL NEWS-6248390ASSET MANAGEMENT AWARDS EUROPE 2020ENTRY FORMName of company/individual being nominated:Submission contact name and title Submission contact email & telephone numberEmail:Telephone:Award category:ALWAYS READ EACH AWARD’S ELIGIBILITY/CRITERIA CAREFULLY AS A GUIDE TO COMPLETING YOUR SUBMISSIONALL FOUR CRITERIA MUST BE COMPLETEDPerformancePerformance means any quantifiable measure of success by the fund(s), strategy, initiative, firm and/or individual over the 12 months to March 2020. All submissions for investment-related categories must include (but are not limited to):*investment returns data for the 12 months to end of March 2020, annualised over one, three and five years – NET of fees (or details of investment/deal exit success in the case of direct alternatives investments during the period). Please also include the latest YTD 2020 numbers*comparative data for the strategy or funds’ recognised benchmarks and peer groups, and where relevant, information about risk-adjusted returns. Data tables may be pasted into the form but no graphs please.See above for information on how many and which funds we require information for.For Industry Leader, Mentor, ESG, Financial Technology Innovation and Consultant awards: please see individual category listings for details of what we require(Entries for this section must not exceed 1,000 words – no attachments will be accepted)StrengthPlease provide any evidence from the 12 months to March 2020 that you believe best shows the strength, firepower, and expertise of the firm and of the fund(s), strategy, initiative, and/or individual that is the focus of the award.This must include (but is not limited to): * The firm’s overall total global assets under management or advice, and total European AUM/advice at the end of March 2020 and at March 2019. * The specific fund(s), initiative, business, strategies: - AUM at the end of March 2020 and at March 2019- Inflows over the 12 months to March 2020 and 12 months to March 2019- Number, value (and names where possible) of new UK/European clients over the 12 months to March 2020.If you are submitting AUM data on more than one fund or strategy, this must be limited to FIVE funds – and must include both your best-selling and your biggest fund.(Entries for this section must not exceed 1,000 words – no attachments will be accepted)New developments & innovationPlease include an explanation of key new developments during the 12 months to March 2020 that have helped grow the business, fund, strategy or initiative, and why these deserve recognition in this particular award. This could include examples of innovative products and services, new strategies, recruitment, investment in technology, joint ventures, regulatory/compliance efforts, standards setting, or other initiatives launched in that period. If a longer-term business project begun in 2018-19, or even earlier, bore substantial fruit in the 12 months to March 2020, this will also be considered: (Entries for this section must not exceed 1,000 words – no attachments will be accepted) Better than the restPlease include an explanation of why your business, fund, strategy style, team or individual relevant to this category stood out from the competition in the 12 months to March 2020. Testimonials from clients can be submitted here:(Entries for this section must not exceed 1,000 words – no attachments will be accepted) Once completed - please email your entry form to: fnawards@. The final deadline for submissions is close of business Tuesday 26th May, 2020 ................

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