The Minutes of the 37th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Harrowbarrow and Metherell Community Association (CA) held on Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in the GAMES ROOM of the VILLAGE HALL. (The AGM is open to all residents who receive a hand delivered HAMLET)

1. Chairman’s Welcome and to receive Apologies for Absence: The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. There were only eleven members in attendance. The secretary had received apologies from: Verona Davis (Treasurer), Louise Marsh (Calstock Parish Twinning Association), Lorraine Palmer (Bookings Secretary and Social Committee Chair) and Alan Sturt (Hall Management Committee).

2. To approve the Minutes of the last AGM (30/05/2017) and Matters Arising thereof ~ The Minutes were approved. This was proposed: John Roberts and Seconded Jill Roberts. Carried. Matters Arising: Item 4ii Jean Miller had written to John Bassett and Chris had given him some wine in thanks for examining our accounts. John was pleased to continue as our Financial Examiner. Item 7i Jean Miller had been in touch on several occasions with Duchy Defibrillators (FLEET) about placing a public access box on the outside wall of the Village Hall. With all the work taking place over the last month Jean had not pursued the matter. Now that all work was done she would get in touch once again. She had been told that the box had arrived and wording on the outside was to take place. Item 7iv Jean Miller had written to the Parish Council enclosing a cheque for half the cost of replacing the Zip-wire posts. Chris Miller would like a copy of the RoSPA report to enclose with a letter to School Scapes noting our dissatisfaction with the equipment. Action: John Roberts to provide Chris Miller with a copy of the RoSPA report on the Playground Equipment. Item xii Hall Management Committee had now extended the Wi-Fi system to enable more than one person to log onto the internet. Item xvi Jean Miller had sent the letter and the new rates of hire to members at the AGM and had asked Lorraine Palmer (Bookings Secretary) to send same to all Hall Users. 3. To receive the Chairman’s Annual Report: Chris Miller began by noting how well used the Village Hall had become. It was in a good state of repair, too. He drew everyone’s attention to the new multifunctional lighting in the Main Hall which was operational and to be used for the first time by SHAME. The system had not officially been handed over as 3 moving spot lights were still awaited plus various items of documentation. An immediate outcome of the new lighting is a Wedding booking for August. Chris went onto tell members that the heating system failed a recent service due to corrosion problems. At 23 years old, the heater was well passed its design life and had now been replaced. The new heater is operational and is much more efficient and has better controls. Other safety items were identified during the replacement of the heater and the Trustees agreed to fund these to be rectified during the installation of the heater. He thanked the volunteers for their hard work and commitment and giving their time freely. Thanked in particular were the officers of all the sub-committees and Lorraine Palmer the Bookings Secretary. He also thanked John Bassett for carrying out an independent examination of the Association accounts. All the individual sub-committee accounts were collated into a summary sheet which was duly signed by John and was presented to the meeting. He went onto thank Alan Sturt and John Eccles who endeavour to see the hall always looks pristine.

4. To receive accounts for the year ended 31/03/18 and appoint an Independent Financial Examiner Chris Miller took members through the Income and Expenditure for the accounting year. Total receipts £22,338.14, Total Payments £14,286.16 making a net of £8,051.98. Cash funds at the year-end totalled £97,911.74. Included in this figure were donation/transfers of £6000 towards the multifunctional lighting along with legacies yet to be spent. Hall Management had worked hard to make up the shortfall in income from lettings when the Pre-school moved to Harrowbarrow School. The Accounts were proposed by Eileen Sturt and Seconded by Jill Roberts. Carried. Chris Miller said that John Bassett was willing to continue as Independent Financial Adviser. Chris would ensure that John received a couple of bottles of wine in thanks for his time and advice.

5. To receive Annual Reports from the CA standing committees:

(a) Hall Management - John Roberts (Chair) presented the Annual Report. Of note was on-going maintenance that would fall into 2018/19 financial year. These were the widening of the door to the chair store, the repair of the roof and making good internally. Due to be take place on Health & Safety grounds were the replacement of external floodlights and paving. Full report attached to the main minute. Lorraine Palmer had sent a report outlining past and forthcoming bookings. New in the past year have been Zumba and the Beekeepers. Dru Yoga is booked through to 2019. A Wedding in August 2018 as well as a proposed wedding in 2019. A Classic Car Event in September 2018 as well as the return of Tai Chi in September. Lorraine thanked regular users for their patience throughout the maintenance work. Denise Parker was thanked in particular for keeping the hall pristine throughout. Full report attached to the main minute. (b) Hamlet (Welcome Pack Team) – Jean Miller (Chair) gave the annual report. Hamlet along with the Website and Facebook page were the source that kept all informed of events going on in our community. Advertisers were thanked along with the volunteers who deliver Hamlets to over 700 families. Editor Sally was thanked for her unfailing work along with the members of the committee. Jean finished with inviting members to let Hamlet know of any achievements along with newcomers to the villages. Full report attached to the main minute. The Welcome Team had produced and delivered 12 packs over the year and made new residents welcome. Many of whom as in the past have joined in with many of the activities available to them in the Village Hall. Full report attached to the main minute.

(c) Social - Lorraine Palmer’s (Chair) report was read out by the secretary. Events had happened on almost a monthly basis offering something for everyone. Even the cancelled, due to snow, St Piran’s Eve Party was rescheduled and proved to be an enjoyable evening. Lorraine mentioned all the annual standbys such as 200 Club, May Day, Christmas Coffee Morning and the Quiz that bring in a regular income. Look out for more Bingo Nights, Byng Pig Racing and this year a Christmas Party with the Rubber Band. Lorraine extended a thank you for all help and support given at the events. Full report attached to the main minute.

(d) HAMLET Film Club – Eileen Sturt gave the report. Now in its 3rd year with an average of 22 members at each screening the Film Club was doing well. Rising costs through C-Fylm had necessitated a small increase to members when joining (55 this year), but the admission had been kept to £4. The raffle and donations help offset costs allowing a small profit to be handed onto the Community Association (£800). Full report attached to the main minute.

6. To express thanks to ALL the CA’s volunteers: This went without saying, as without the time and commitment from volunteers we would not be able to operate. John Eccles, who organises the Hall Supervisors, said that talking to individuals was the best way of getting more volunteers and he was pleased to report that the voluntary hall supervisor numbers were good.

7. To invite for discussion any comments or suggestions to develop the work of the CA for the benefit of the Villages: i) Notice Boards ~ The Notice Board at the top of the Coombe had been renewed by Calstock Parish Council and the Davis’ were the keeper of the key. The Notice Board in the Car Park had been repaired its supports having rotted away.

ii) Jill Crawford was invited do any artwork required. iii) Play Area for grown-ups - Eileen Sturt had got a couple of quotes for both the Boules and table tennis footings. A clerk of works would need appointing. For health and safety reasons all works including picnic tables would need to be done by insured professionals and not volunteers. Eileen was advised to revisit the quotes and consider progressing some funding via Tesco.

Action: Eileen Sturt to take the installation forward iv) Lighting - The Entrust Grant had been lost due to time constraints. As agreed at the Community Association meeting, where a grant was not forthcoming, then funds were to be released from the Building Maintenance Fund along with £6000 from Hall Management, Social Committee and SHAME. Tendering proved difficult and took longer than expected. Chris Miller had called numerous meetings with Simon Maclennan and Linda Beth Murphy as well as the Trustees to develop the specifications and take the project forward. Blue Thunder won the contract, but was not able to start straight away. The tendering process reduced costs from £14,000 to £12,000 that included a redesign to a multi-functional system that would be of greater benefit to hall users. We await 3 moving spots and documentation before the system is fully commissioned. Simon Maclennan pointed out that there were now no hot incandescent lights on the stage (fire risk) and he had begun work on programming the events lighting and would give a demonstration at the close of the meeting. Heating – Progress on the lighting was complicated by the service failure and condemning of the heater. This had to take precedence over the lighting and needed addressing first and foremost. The heating system did not come up to fire safety standards and needed much more work doing than anticipated. The separation of the hot air system to the Games Room proved far too costly. It was agreed by the Trustees that wall mounted electric heaters would be installed for when the Games Room only was booked. Chris had agreed to look into these. A Vote of Thanks was proposed by John Eccles to Chris Miller for his expertise and the hours of work he had put into the projects. This was seconded by Eileen Sturt and carried. v) Eileen Sturt had recently visited St Dominick Parish Hall where they had a dado rail around the walls of the hall to stop chairs and tables marking the walls and necessitating repair and painting. This would be considered at the next Hall Management meeting.

8. To elect Officers and Standing Committees for the ensuing year: Chairman – Chris Miller. Proposed John Eccles Seconded Sally Eccles. Carried.

Vice-chair – John Roberts. Proposed Rick Stead Seconded Simon Maclennan Carried. Secretary – Jean Miller. Proposed Frank Ellwood Seconded Rick Stead Carried. Treasurer – Verona Davis. Proposed Chris Miller Seconded Sally Eccles Carried.

Bookings Secretary – Lorraine Palmer. Proposed Jean Miller Seconded Chris Miller Carried.

Jean Miller pointed out that Lynda Harman felt the role of Historian was no longer relevant as all documents, reports, photos etc. were kept by the Parish Archive. The sub-committees were elected en bloc Proposed Frank Ellwood and seconded by Rick Stead Carried. Jean Miller reminded members that Sub-committees would look at Standing Orders and Terms of Reference and elect officers at their first meeting following the AGM.

9. Forthcoming Events: i) Cream Tea at Hares’ Wood organised by the WI to take place on 21 June 2018 3 – 5 p.m. ticket holders only. ii) Hamlet Film Club’s next screening on the 3rd Tuesday in June is ‘Woman in Gold’ followed by Paddington 2 in July. The possibility of screening children’s films was suggested. Eileen Sturt said that once there was a digital projector in situ in the Games Room then Saturday Morning films may be considered. Children’s films in the past had been poorly attended.

A.O.B. was added to the agenda: i) There was a request from the floor that Minutes of our meetings be published on the Website. Jean explained that a precis of the meetings including the AGM went in Hamlet along with the accounts summary. It was agreed to publish minutes on the Website and for John Roberts to be responsible for publishing CA minutes on the Parish Council Website. ii) Jean Miller reported that the next Neighbourhood Plan meeting was to take place on 26 June when the points raised by Cornwall Council in the proposed Parish Plan would be addressed. iii) John Roberts gave a Parish Council Report. Council meetings were now on Tuesdays. 1st & 3rd for planning and the 2nd for full council meetings. John reminded all that full details of meetings and agendas were on the Parish Council website. The CA is no further forward with the Village Hall car park. The parish owns the car park and has to pay business rates on it. It is unable to proceed with resurfacing due to lack of funds. Planning issues have become very time consuming and the council is awaiting the adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan so that planning issues may be resolved more quickly. Notice was drawn to the new traffic controls outside the school with multiple lines and signs. Hopefully, these will deter inconsiderate parking. iv) Jean Miller had received a plea along with apologies from Headteacher Andrew Hunt. The school is keen to recruit someone for the Board of Governors. Whilst stating in the advert in Hamlet they were seeking someone with a background in legal or finance, anybody with an expertise or particular interest that could make a contribution to the governance of the school would be welcomed. Let Jean Miller know if interested.

v) GDPR had come into law on 25 May 2018. Jean Miller had circulated all members of the Community Association with a form on which they needed to express preferences for communication. Many had been returned but some were still outstanding.

vi) Pre-planning application for 22 affordable houses on the field opposite the village hall and adjacent to the Coombe public footpath and Middle Meadow had been tabled. Jean Miller referred members back to when a meeting was held in the Village Hall inviting Caradon Council who had issued a call for land for affordable homes and this particular field at the time was rejected (along with other exception sites) because of the impact it would have when entering the village from Metherell.

Jean Miller agreed to put a copy of the plan up in the Village Hall for the hall users to see.

10. Date of next AGM in the Games Room of the Village Hall was scheduled for 28 May 2019 at 7 p.m. Jean Miller to confirm date with Lorraine Palmer.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.02 p.m. and all went into the hall to see the events lighting demo.

Jean Miller Signed:



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