EMT 515 Contemporary General Mathematics Hatfield

EMAT3500 Exploring Concepts Hatfield & Olive

Course Evaluation in Secondary School Mathematics Fall Semester 2004

To evaluate this course, we must reflect upon and consider both intentions and actual events---each objective, activity and experience. What each of us has gained has depended on the expectations, efforts, and personal experiences we have brought or given to the course. Thus, “our course” is a combination of what the instructor and each student have contributed and achieved in relation to the goals and activities.

Therefore, complete both a self evaluation (Part I) related to your course as you actually experienced it, as well as your reactions and suggestions related to the plan and conduct of the course (Part II). Please review the Course Overview and all other handouts, as well as your own productions. Reflect on all of your experiences.

Part I. Self Evaluation

For each of the following, “grade” yourself (A, B, C, D, or F) on both your effort and the result of that effort. Add any comments to explain your “grade.” Be thoughtful and realistic in your judgment about yourself.

A. General Expectations

Effort Results

1. Attendance ____ ____ Comments:

2. Active Participation ____ ____ Comments:

3. Thorough Preparation ____ ____ Comments:

4. Thoughtful Reflection ____ ____ Comments:

5. Deadlines ____ ____ Comments:

6. High Quality ____ ____ Comments:

7. Enjoyment ____ ____ Comments:

B. Specific Productions & Assignments (see Course Outline for details)

Effort Results

1. Readings Summaries/Reactions ____ ____ Comments:

2. Assignments ____ ____ Comments:

3. Midterm Exam ____ ____ Comments:

4. Lab Reports ____ ____ Comments:

5. Course Project ____ ____ Comments:

6. Project Presentation ____ ____ Comments:

7. Reflections ____ ____ Comments:

8. Course Portfolio ____ ____ Comments:

C. Reflecting on Some Extremes

1. Identify the aspect of your participation in which you experienced your “best” performances. Explain why you consider it to be the “best.”

2. Identify and explain your “worst” performances.

3. Looking back, in terms of your own behavior what would you do differently in our course?

4. Identify some of the most important affects that our course has had upon you.

Part II. Course Plans and Conduct

For each of the following, give a “grade” (A, B, C, D, or F) for both how the course was planned and conducted. Add any comments to explain the “grade.”

A. The Course...

...as planned ...as conducted

1. Goals & Objectives ____ ____ Comments:

2. Overall Learning and Teaching Activities

a. Readings ____ ____ Comments:

b. Lectures/Discussions ____ ____ Comments:

c. Midterm Exam ____ ____ Comments:

d. Lab Reports ____ ____ Comments:

e. Course Project ____ ____ Comments:

f. Project Presentation ____ ____ Comments:

g. Reflections ____ ____ Comments:

h. Course Portfolio ____ ____ Comments:

3. Some Specific Materials, Situations and Activities

a. NCTM Standards ____ ____ Comments:

b. Web-based Course Guides ____ ____ Comments:

c. Reprints/Handouts ____ ____ Comments:

d. Dynagraphs ____ ____ Comments:

e. Conics (folding & GSP) ____ ____ Comments:

f. GCTM meeting ____ ____ Comments:

g. “The Model Shop” ____ ____ Comments:

h. Lab experiments ____ ____ Comments:

i. Modeling (Box, View Tube) ____ ____ Comments:

4. Use of Specific Technologies

a. GSP ____ ____ Comments:

b. Excel Spreadsheets ____ ____ Comments:

c. Fathom ____ ____ Comments:

d. Handheld Calculators ____ ____ Comments:

e. CBL & CBR ____ ____ Comments:

B. The Roles of the Professor

...as conducted

1. Planning the Course ____ Comments:

2. Posing Problematic Situations ____ Comments:

3. Guiding Investigations & Solutions ____ Comments:

4. Explaining Mathematics ____ Comments:

5. Discussing Curriculum & Teaching ____ Comments:

6. Discussing Student Thinking ____ Comments:

7. Developing Technology Uses ____ Comments:

8. Responding to Individual Needs ____ Comments:

C. Reflecting on Some Extremes

1. For you, what was the “best” class session? Explain why you consider it to be the “best.”

2. Identify and explain the “worst” class session.

3. What would you recommend be changed about our course? Why?

4. Identify some of the most important affects that our course has had upon you.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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