Haunt Scheduler

 Hexed Carnage Crew Handbook 2020The BasicsContact InfoHexed Hollow is located at 2059 Burkette Road, Elliston, VA 24087. Our phone number is 540-998-FEAR or 540-998-3327. Our email address is hexedhollow@What is the Carnage Crew?Hexed is so much more than just a haunted attraction. We are a group of high creative, skilled, and amazing people working collectively to create Virginia’s Most Terrifying Haunted Attraction. The Carnage Crew is our collective group of staff- actors, actresses, side show performers, builders, make-up artists, security, medical staff, ticket booth personnel, back stage folks, and everyone else who works so hard to make Hexed possible.Facebook GroupsIn order to communicate with our staff, we use 2 closed Facebook groups. The first group is Carnage Crew Social Club. This group is used for things like socializing, sharing spooky memes and videos you think other will enjoy, and posting pictures from haunt work days/haunt nights. Anyone may post in this group. Our second group is Carnage Crew No Fuckery. This group is where you’ll find all the official information like schedules, official events, traffic information for a day we’re open, etc. Only admins may post in this group without approval of the post by an admin. Please add both of these groups to keep up with what’s going on. If you have trouble finding or adding, please contact Misty.Actor & Actress ResponsibilitiesCharacter AssignmentCareful care and consideration is taken when assigning each actor/actress to a specific room or spot so please do not leave unless you have an emergency. If an emergency arises, please notify your Security ASAP. Please make sure to take care of all your bathroom needs, water, or anything else before the show begins. There is nothing worse than a customer coming through an empty room. We understand things happen and you may need a break for water of the bathroom, we will try to help and accommodate you in any way we can. All breaks should be approved.Character CardsAt the beginning of each night, you will receive a character card after signing in with your assigned role, make-up number, costume number, and lines written on it. This card not only helps you but is an essential tool for our SFX make-up and costuming team. Please keep up with your card! A lot of time and thought has gone into each and every card, so please STICK TO YOUR CARD! If you are found to be straying from your character card, you will be warned once and then asked to leave for any further deviations. Have a rad idea for switching up lines? Talk to one of the Owners. Want to change up your costume or find a gnarly Pinterest SFX look? Just grab one of the Owners or make-up team. We absolutely want to work with you to make each and every character as incredible as possible, but all changes to character cards must be approved PRIOR to the changes taking effect.Know Your CharacterWhat’s your character’s name? Background? Life story? Likes and dislikes? What makes them happy/sad/mad/scared? Why are they wearing that costume? A scarecrow in tutu just doesn’t make much sense. All of these little details come together to create a rich character. The more you know about your character, the stronger your portrayal will be. Have a question about your assigned character? Ask Mark or an Owner.Breaking CharacterNEVER EVER EVER EVER BREAK CHARACTER! It doesn’t matter if it is someone you know, your own mom, or even an emergency. If you are even potentially in a guest’s view, you should be your character. Have an emergency? Please find security or your section immediately while still in character. On a bathroom break? Your old lady character should still be old person shuffling to that porta potty. Breaking character ruins the haunted experience we are working so hard to provide for all of our guests.CussingNo cussing will be tolerated in the haunted attraction unless it is specifically written on your character cards. Cussing should be the dash of seasoning on our already superb acting and no one like a super salty french fry. TouchingWE DO NOT TOUCH OUR CUSTOMERS! We do not touch customers coming through the haunt, even if they are the aggressor. Unless you have been specifically told otherwise for special scripted parts, under no circumstances should you touch a customer. If you are found to be touching customers without authorization or in a manner that was not authorized, you will be asked to leave.IncentivesWhile we think scaring folks and the fun we have together is enough of incentive, we offer many more! Every haunt night you will be fed dinner at the end of the night. We also have awesome staff t-shirt, group events, holiday/cast parties, plus awards for the end of the season and nightly awards for MVP, favorite character, and favorite roomCleanlinessWe must work together as a team on this one. Due to being an outdoor attraction keeping the property clean is important. Throwing your trash on the ground and leaving your trash in the actor trailer is unacceptable. We have trash can, USE THEM!!PrideTake pride in knowing you are part of Virginia’s Most Terrifying Haunted Attraction. People travel from states away to come see what we’re doing and we couldn’t put on such an amazing show without each and every one of you!Make-UpThe makeup team is in charge of your characters makeup. While we always encourage design suggestions, please respect this department and trust their expertise. The Makeup Department will be your greatest asset to ensure your character is spooky and ready to go on haunt nights. Please listen to them, be courteous, and be there on time, for them. You do not design your assigned characters makeup, the makeup department does. The Makeup department is responsible for working with the Owners to make sure each character is made up, and that the haunt has the makeup supplies we need.CostumingCostuming is one of the hardest areas to work at, in a haunted house. One character can have up to 15 different costume pieces alone that need to be organized, functional, and together for opening night. The Costuming Department is responsible for dressing each assigned character. The Costuming Department is also in charge of organizing, and assigning designate costume bags to each character. The Costume Department is not your mom, and should not have to clean up after you. Each and every actor needs to work with the costuming department to ensure that your character is dressed correctly, and that your costume is ready to go each and every night. Messy Monsters who leave their costume lying around and do not hang their costumes up after performing WILL LOSE THEIR ROLE AND BE REASSIGNED. Costume Department is responsible for working with to ensure that all characters are dressed, and all costumes are organized. Costume and Makeup check are required before you’re ready to act!Department of FunFriends who do stuff together, you and me, anywhere and anytime at all, here in our scare factory. Department Of Fun is responsible for working with us to ensure that Fun is being had, voices are being heard and appreciated, and that group events outside the haunt are being planned. Contact Emily Gallows for this department.Social Media The Social Media Department is our voice to the outside world, if you are interacting online with the outside world for the haunt, please discuss this with them first. We are a professional organization, and as such, please let Social Media do their jobs, and organize and moderate our online presence. Do not interact with customers online without discussing it with the Social Media Department. Social Media department is responsible for working with Owners to ensure the content, tone, and posts that go out, are all on time, and in line with our message as a Haunt.Rules and RegulationsDrugs and AlcoholHexed Hollow does not condone the use of any illegal substances by anyone affiliated with the haunt. Absolutely NO drugs or alcohol are to be brought to or consumed on Hexed property AT ANY TIME including but not limited to in season nights, work days, casting calls, or just hanging out. IF YOU SHOW UP TO HEXED HOLLOW UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANY INTOXICATING SUBSTANCES, YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATELY ESCORTED OFF OF THE PROPERTY. If you have a medical condition that requires you to take prescription medications while you are at Gallows, please let us know.FraternizingMembers of the Carnage Crew may date, develop friendships and relationships both inside and outside of the workplace as long as the relationships do not negatively have an impact on work. Any relationship that interferes with the company culture of teamwork, the harmonious work environment or the productivity of the Volunteers, will be addressed by the owners.While haunt relationships are allowed and often happen, “relations” are not allowed on Hexed property. In addition, there are to be no relationships of any kind among those above 18 and those under this age. Any form of assault or harassment will absolutelyNOT be tolerated. Any violation of the fraternization policy will result in immediate dismissal and an escort off haunt property.Physical, Verbal, & Sexual HarassmentHexed Hollow strives to create and maintain an environment in which people are treated with dignity, decency and respect. The environment of the company should be characterized by mutual trust and the absence of intimidation, oppression and exploitation. Volunteers should be able to work and learn in a safe, yet stimulating atmosphere. The accomplishment of this goal is essential to the mission of the company. For that reason, Hexed Hollow will not tolerate unlawful harassment of any kind. Through enforcement of this policy and by education of employees, the company will seek to prevent, correct and discipline behavior that violates this policy.All Volunteers, regardless of their positions, are covered by and are expected to comply with this policy and to take appropriate measures to ensure that prohibited conduct does not occur. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against any volunteer who violates this policy. Hexed Hollow prohibits harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment, and will take appropriate and immediate action in response to complaints or knowledge of violations of this policy. Verbal taunting (including racial and ethnic slurs) that, in the volunteer’s opinion, impairs his or her ability to perform his or her job is included in the definition of harassment. Courteous, mutually respectful, pleasant, noncoercive interactions between volunteers, including men and women, that are appropriate in the workplace and acceptable to and welcomed by both parties are not considered to be harassment, including sexual harassment.BullyingBullying through verbal or physical means, threatening gestures, and/or exclusion will absolutely not be tolerated. Any reports of bullying will be thoroughly investigated and proper disciplinary action will be taken. This ban on bullying not only includes the bullying of fellow Hexed staff but also other haunts. We are all part of the same haunt community and should be embracing our common ground.CleaningAll staff should work together to keep all areas of our haunt clean and tidy. This includes throwing away your trash or trash you see sitting on the ground/in a room, cleaning up spills, etc. ParkingAll volunteers should park in the designated parking area- behind the actor trailer or if arriving late, by the white house. Absolutely no parking in the customer parking areas.Social MediaHexed main form of advertising is through our social media. Hexed staff should NEVER respond to a customer on social media- not on a comment, not on a review, not on anything. If you see something that you believe requires immediate attention or something that needs to be addressed/answered, please take a screenshot and contact the Head of Social Media, Misty. Anyone who violates this policy will first be warned and asked to remove the comments when applicable. Repeat offenses or refusal to remove comments will result in being banned/blocked from the social media account and/or dismissal from Hexed.We encourage all of our crew to take lots of photos and videos, but we don’t want to give away the scares. Before you post, stop and consider if in doing so you will ruin or take away from someone’s experience in doing so. If you have any questions about what you can and can’t post, please contact Misty, Head of Social Media. In addition, please send pictures and videos to Misty and they may be feature on our social media! By phone at 540-556-0440, FB messenger, or by email at hexedhollow@Other Haunted AttractionsThe haunt community is made up of incredible, creative minds and we encourage all of our participants to attend and support other haunted attractions both locally and far away. Your behavior whether online or onsite with other haunted attractions directly reflects Hexed as an organization so please be courteous and supportive. If you act a fool, leave a bad review, damage property etc., you best believe we are going to hear about it. We do NOT recruit from another haunt’s volunteers EVER! This is industry wide professional courtesy between haunts. Reputation is everything in the small haunt community and we are working to rebuild ours. Let’s make sure we’re only having positive interactions regardless of how another haunt or its members may act towards us. Take the high road and keep it classy. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.Cell Phones and Personal BelongingsWe advise that you do not keep your cell phone on you while in the haunt/acting as it could get lost, broken, etc. Plus, you probably won’t have service anyway. All personal items should be locked inside your car or lockers provided by Hexed. (Please bring your own lock.) Hexed is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Phones are not to be used AT ALL when groups are walking through.CostumingBefore we begin each night, every actor must go through a costume check to ensure their costume and make-up are up to Hexed standards. Costuming checks are to ensure that your look is fully immersive. A victim from the 70’s isn’t going to be wearing a modern day choker and Nikes. Have a ton of blood on your face? Then realistically, some should have dripped down onto your arms, hand and even your legs. These little details are what set Hexed apart from the competition and make us the haunt we are. In order to act, you must have approved costuming. Persons refusing to comply with costuming and make-up requirements will be subject to disciplinary action.Disciplinary ActionsHexed reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action in response to failure to follow rules, regulations, standard of conduct etc. up to and including dismissal of participation in Hexed for a period of time or indefinitely. Determination of disciplinary action will be made by the owners, Tim and Misty. This is not a task anyone enjoys however it is necessary. .Immediate DismissalSome actions simply are too serious for minor disciplinary action. Any action by a crew members that threatens guest safety, other crew members’ safety, or the crew member in question’s safety will result in immediate dismissal from Hexed. We reserve the right to determine when discipline by immediate dismissal is appropriate and for what length of time.GroupsSlow or Stalling GroupsIf a group stops or is moving slow, encourage the group to move alone while staying in character. For example, the front room actor might usher the group towards the door saying, “Y’all hurry up now, momma’s waiting on ya!” If a group simply won’t go, please notify Security.Groups using a flashlight, phone, noisemakers, lasers, with food/drinkTell them to put the item away and then immediately notify your Section Leader or Security so we can follow up and ensure the problem has been corrected.WeaponsDO NOT CONFRONT ANY GROUP OR PERSON WITH A WEAPON! Notify Security immediately.Groups cowering or being begged to be left aloneWe do not “take it easy” on anyone. Your job is to scare the customers as much as possible. You are only to back off from someone if they get aggressive. If you have an issue scaring children, you may back off while staying in character, but it is not advised.Never converse with customers under any circumstances. If they are too scared to continue, offer them the option of exiting the haunt and notify security. Our safe phrase is “Kill Me Now.” If this phrase is used by a customer, no matter in what manner, you may break character and lead them to an exit immediately. Once a guests has left the attraction or used the safe phrase, they may not re-enter the attraction.Emergency ProceduresEvacuationEach person should know the nearest fire exit to their room when inside the haunt. If you are unsure where it is located, please ask. In case of an emergency where evacuation is required, please escort anyone in your room safely and calmly to the nearest fire exit or to the front of the haunt. You are to stay out front and not re-enter the haunt until Tim or Misty authorize you to do so.Medical EmergencyIf there is a medical emergency, please notify your Security immediately. You are not to do anything for the situation unless directed to.Aggressive Groups or PatronsIf you are harassed or assaulted in any way by a customer, please take evasive action until the incident is over and the group leaves. Please make sure to have a good description of the offender (ex. The tall guy in a red sweatshirt with a black flat brim in a group with 2 girls in camo) so that we can find and identify them. Notify Security immediately of any incidents.Contact InfoTim Meadows, Haunt Owner540-520-2205Misty Meadows, Haunt Owner540-556-0440Acknowledgment and ReceiptI have received my copy of the Volunteer Handbook.The Volunteer handbook describes important information about Hexed Haunted Attraction, and I understand that I should consult a Haunt Owner regarding any questions not answered in the handbook or about the handbook. Accordingly, either I or Hexed Haunted Attraction can terminate the relationship at will, with or without cause.This manual and the policies and procedures contained herein supersede any and all prior practices, oral or written representations, or statements regarding the terms and conditions of volunteering at Hexed Haunted Attraction. By distributing this handbook, Hexed expressly revokes any and all previous policies and procedures which are inconsistent with those contained herein.Hexed Haunted Attraction reserves the right to change policies and add additional policies at any time. All such changes will be communicated through official notices during meetings and on Carnage Crew No Fuckery. I understand that revised information may supersede, modify, or eliminate existing policies. Only the Haunt Owners have the ability to adopt any revisions to the policies in this handbook. I understand that this Volunteer handbook is a guide and agree to follow and comply with all rules, regulations, and instructions given or face appropriate disciplinary action.I have received the handbook, and I understand that it is my responsibility to read and comply with the policies contained in this handbook and any revisions made to it.________________________________________Volunteer's Signature________________________________________Volunteer's Name (Print)____________________DateHexed Haunted Attraction Volunteer FormName: Phone Number: Address: City & Zip: Email: Birthday: Emergency ContactName:Relationship:Phone Number: Waiver and ReleaseIn consideration of my participation in any activities on site or related to JMEM LLC and Hexed Haunted Attraction/ Hexed Hollow, and other good and valuable consideration, I, the undersigned, herby release, indemnify and hold harmless the releases identified hereinafter from any and all claims, actions, costs, expenses, judgements or damages of any character, whether statutory or arising in contraction or loss of my property, directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with or attributable to my participation in such activities but not limited claims or damages for death, bodily injury, psychological trauma or property damage arising in whole or in part from the negligence of any of the releases and/or negligence on my part. As used herein, the term “releases” shall mean (a) JMEM LLC (b) Hexed Haunted Attraction (c) Hexed Hollow (d) any and all corporations, individuals or entities sponsoring or supporting the aforementioned activities (e) any and all corporation, individuals or entities participating in the construction of, operation of, and/or any activates in relation to the said activities and (f) any and all corporations, individuals, or entities who are in any way associated with any of these activities.I release any likeness of my image created while participating in any of the aforementioned activities to remain the sole property of JMEM LLC and/or Tim & Misty Meadows.I will adhere to the Hexed Hollow handbook and its policies. JMEM LLC and/or their representatives may authorize any and all medical treatment and/or transport in the vent I become ill or injured while participating in any activities on site or related to JMEM LLC.I understand that as a volunteer of Hexed Hollow, Hexed Haunted Attraction, JMEM LLC, I will be privy to the setup of sets and costumes. As such, I agree not to share photos, videos, or knowledge I may acquire while working or volunteering at Hexed Hollow with any person or company for any reason without prior written consent from the owner. All characters, ideas, scenes formed at Hexed Hollow are property of Tim & Misty Meadows.I hereby certify that I have read and understand the foregoing language and its effects.Signature:Date: If under 18, this form must be signed by a parent or guardian:Parent:Date:Witness: Medical Consent I, (please print) ______________________________________, hereby grant permission for a member of Hexed Haunted Attraction to take whatever steps may be necessary to obtain emergency medical care for the below named participant. These steps may include, but are not limited to, the following: ? Attempt to contact a parent or guardian if the volunteer is a minor ? Attempt to contact the volunteer’s emergency contact listed on file ? A hospital or emergency service In addition, you agree to not hold Hexed Haunted Attraction responsible for any injuries, accidents, lost or stolen items, or any other ill effect suffered as a result of your volunteering for the haunt. Please list any health problems that we should know about (i.e. Diabetes, epilepsy, heart conditions, allergies, back problems, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Volunteer Signature (and Parent/Guardian Signature if volunteer is a minor) _____________________________________________ DateCOVID-19 Waiver Every staff member must fill out this form to participate in the 2020 Hexed Haunted Attraction season.By signing this form, I understand and authorize the following: I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the CDC and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing.I further acknowledge that JMEM LLC and Hexed Haunted Attraction has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.I further acknowledge that JMEM LLC and Hexed Haunted Attraction can not guarantee that I will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, attraction staff, and other attraction clients and their families.I voluntarily seek services provided by JMEM LLC and Hexed Haunted Attraction and acknowledge that I am increasing my risk to exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending the attraction.I attest that:* I am not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.* I have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.* I have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United States of America in the last 14 days.* I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.* I have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19 and not yet cleared as non contagious by state or local public health authorities.* I am following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.I hereby release and agree to hold JMEM LLC and Hexed Haunted Attraction harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the attraction, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from JMEM LLC and Hexed Haunted Attraction. I understand that this release discharges JMEM LLC and Hexed Haunted Attraction from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the attraction with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from JMEM LLC and Hexed Haunted Attraction. This liability waiver and release extends to the attraction together with all owners, partners, and employees.Parent/GuardianI, (please print) _____________________________________, hereby give authorization for (Parent / Guardian) my child ___________________________________________, to participate in all phases of implementation of the 2020 Hexed Haunted Attraction season. ________________________________________Parent/Guardian's Signature________________________________________Volunteer's Signature________________________________________Volunteer's Name (Print)____________________Date ................

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