Homes for Sale, Real Estate, Luxury Homes and Commercial ...

Buyer Information Package

The Keller Williams Realty

Belief System


(pron. Y-For-See-To-Tees)

Win-Win…………………………………………………………………..or no deal

Integrity………………………………………………… the right thing

Commitment ……………………………………………………in all things first to understand

Creativity ………………………………………….ideas before results

Customers …………………………………………….always come first

Teamwork ……………………together everyone achieves more

Trust ...............................................................starts with honesty

Success ...............................................results through people


To build careers worth having,

businesses worth owning, and lives worth living.

Here Is Where It All Begins!

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss your real estate needs. I think you’ll find that the home buying process can be educational and a lot of fun! Buying a home is a cooperative venture that requires thorough communication and teamwork. When we meet, I will discuss buying a home in the Charlotte area and how we can best work together to achieve your goals.

If you have any specific issues you’d like to address, please make note of them now and bring them to my attention at our meeting. I will make sure that all of your questions are answered to your satisfaction!

I urge you to take a few minutes of your time to review this packet carefully. These materials have been created with the input of many agents with years of real estate experience, and is a comprehensive look at what to expect in your quest for a new home.

After our first meeting, I will have a clear picture of your needs and wants, and you will have a clear picture of what to expect in the exciting process of finding your new home! I look forward to our first meeting and a fruitful working relationship!

If you need any additional information at any time, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Polly Brewer

Polly Brewer

Cell Phone: 704.724.9682

Fax: 704.409.4823

Email: PollyB@



North Carolina real estate law requires that I inform you of your options in choosing what type of agency relationship we will employ when I work with you, and it is my pleasure to do so.

My preference is to work only for you as your Exclusive Buyer Agent in the purchase transaction. The listing agent on all properties that I show you is legally representing only the interests of the seller. The Exclusive Buyer Agency Agreement allows me to act on your behalf by assisting you in negotiations, disclosing any available information about seller motivation, coaching and counseling you on the details, and providing you with sales information on comparable properties to help you determine a fair market price.

Without that authorization from you, licensing law requires that I represent the seller as his/her “subagent”, and that I attempt to obtain the best possible price for the seller. Also, many properties will be unavailable for us to see because the listing agency may not authorize agents from other firms to act as the seller’s subagent.

If you decide not to authorize me to be your Exclusive Buyer Agent, you are stating that you do not want representation from me and that you understand that I will be representing the seller.

I need to know what agency relationship you prefer prior to showing any homes to you and before you share any confidential or personal information with me.

If you are uncomfortable at the time of our initial meeting committing to an Exclusive Buyer Agency agreement with me, that is completely understandable. I can offer another legal alternative that allows me to act as your Buyer’s Agent under an Oral Agreement between us. This is a non-exclusive arrangement which does not bind the client to any one particular agent but still allows for me to act exclusively as your Agent for a limited period of time.

I will review the “Working With Real Estate Agents” brochure and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about agency relationships.

7 Reasons to Buy a Home

1. Pride of ownership is a key reason for wanting your own home. Decorate it to your own taste and enjoy all of the benefits while making a great investment.

2. Real estate over time has been considered a good investment because most of it has appreciated. The effects of leverage can multiply the increase when borrowed funds are used to purchase the home.

Many times, the largest investment a person owns is their home. Homes have been a good hedge against inflation. Homeowners build equity and can borrow against that equity for a variety of reasons that could include college, medical, or to start a business.

3. Qualified mortgage interest and home equity loans are deductible for Income Tax purposes.

4. Property taxes on a first or second home are deductible for Income Tax purposes.

5. A homeowner can exclude up to $500,000 of capital gain if married, filing jointly or up to $250,000 if single or filing separately for homes that have been the taxpayer's principal residence for the previous two years. There is no age requirement for taking the capital gains exclusion.

It is not necessary to purchase a replacement home more expensive than the one sold. Homeowners can buy a more or less expensive home with no tax consequences assuming their gain is less than the allowable amounts.

6. Preferential tax treatment on gains that have been made from capital assets held more than one year are permitted by IRS. This is especially important for homeowners with gains in excess of the allowable exclusion.

7. Mortgage payments include the interest for the time that the money has been used and principal to retire the debt over a period of time. Each month part of the payment is for principal accumulation.

MLS Member

As a member of the Multiple Listing Service, I can research any listed properties customized to your particular requirements. I can narrow down the hundreds of prospects to those that most closely match your wants and needs. And when you are ready, I can show you the properties we have agreed on.

If you should see an ad in the paper or a sign in a yard, call me to find out the information.

If you want to see it, I will show it to you.

For Sale by Owner

Many times a homeowner will work with an agent, even though the home is not listed with a real estate broker. It is necessary for the agent to introduce the buyer to the property.

A homeowner trying to sell his home himself is usually doing so in hopes of saving the commission. Coincidentally, this is the reason a buyer wants to deal directly with a homeowner.

If you want to see a home offered by the owner and want the advantages of my services, please let me contact the owner and set the appointment.

Builder’s Homes

Most builders are more than willing to work with agents who accompany the buyer to the property on the initial visit.

By working through me with builders, you get all the services offered by me in addition to those offered by the builder. You'll get more, but you won't pay more for it.

Pre-Approval Is an Advantage

Applying for a loan and obtaining approval before a buyer finds a home they want to buy can be a distinct advantage. Submitting a loan application is going to be required eventually unless you are going to pay cash for the home.

Pre-qualification is a procedure whereby you receive an opinion from a mortgage officer about how much you are eligible to borrow. In the process, any obvious difficulties that might cause problems may be discovered. This process is always recommended but it does not have the advantages of a pre-approval.

Pre-approval requires a complete application along with credit reports and verifications. The Mortgage Company will issue a commitment letter subject to a specific interest rate, points, and a satisfactory appraisal when the property is identified.

Time limits are usually placed on pre-approval commitments. It is recommended that you be in a position to look at homes and be prepared to make a decision on a suitable property after you receive your pre-approval commitment.

The advantages of being pre-approved are:

• Narrowing your focus to the right-priced homes.

• Avoiding the disappointment in deciding on a home that you can’t afford.

• A seller who is confident about taking their home off the market because of buyers who have a definite loan commitment.

• One less contingency that the seller will be concerned with to get their home sold.

• Closing more quickly, the lengthiest contingency is usually the mortgage approval.

• Minimizing the anxiety of not knowing whether or not you qualify.

Preparation for a Mortgage Application


Names and addresses for two full years

Gross monthly income

W-2s for two years, if available

Year to date pay stub

Proof of income from rentals, investments, etc

Proof of retirement, disability or Social Security

Proof of child support or alimony paid/received

If self-employed:

Two years Federal Income Tax Returns

Current year profit and loss statement


Each creditor's name, addresses and type of account

Account numbers for each

Monthly payments and approximate balances

Amounts of child care expenses


Names and addresses of banking institutions

Account numbers for all accounts

Type of accounts and present balances


List of assets in stocks, bonds, and property

Life insurance cash value (documented if used as cash down payment)

If applicant is selling a home, a copy of sales contracts

Social Security numbers for all parties

Veterans - Certificate of Eligibility & DD-214

Cash or check to pay for application fee


Copy of sales agreement

Copy of listing on property

Instructions on how appraiser is to gain entrance

My Unique Selling Position

There are over 7000+ agents in the Charlotte area available and willing to help you with your home purchase! To make a solid case for letting me assist you, I have to provide a higher level of service both before and after the sale.

I am not just looking for one sale to you. I want you to consider me as your real estate professional for the long-term.

The reasons for doing business with me must be such that not only will you not consider doing business with anyone else, you will feel comfortable in referring me to your friends and family who are looking to buy or sell a home.

Neighborhood Knowledge

I’ll know the neighborhoods that you are considering or will find someone who does. I will identify comparable sales, and locate information on the schools, shopping, crime, demographics, and other things you feel are important.

Appropriate Houses to Consider

I’ll look for what you desire and can afford in an area you want to live. I’ll show you all the homes that are available, not just the ones that I have listed.

Good Financial Decisions

Every buyer needs basic financial information to make a good buying decision. You’ll know that you qualify for the home, what the estimated payments are, and what the closing costs will be.

Work Diligently to Find Your Home

I’ll work hard to find your new home. I understand that finding a home is a priority and will consider it my priority as well. I’ll screen and preview homes so as to not waste your time and when I find one that I feel meets your needs, I will arrange to show it to you as quickly as possible.

Buyer Agency Can Benefit You

When a buyer agency relationship exists between you and I, you are entitled to special fiduciary client level services.

Loyalty - the real estate agent must act in the best interest of the buyer.

Obedience - must follow the lawful instructions of his /her client.

Disclosure - of all material facts such as relationships between agent and other parties, existence of other offers, status of earnest money, seller's financial condition, property's true worth, commission split with other brokers, and legal effect of important contract provisions.

Confidentiality - any discussions, facts, or information that should not be revealed to others but does not include responsibility of fairness and honesty in dealings with all parties.

Accountability - reporting of where any money placed in the hands of the broker is kept.

Reasonable Skill and Care - arriving at a reasonable purchase price and advising buyer of such, affirmatively discovering material facts and disclosing them to the buyer, investigating the material facts related to the sale.

With buyer agency, your interests will be represented in the purchase of your home. This is different from a typical sub-agency transaction where the buyer is not technically represented.

Agency is a legal relationship and a written agreement should be completed to explain all the duties and responsibilities.

Who Pays the Commission?

The Seller

In most every case, the Seller has signed a listing agreement with his agent specifying a certain fee to be paid for selling the home. It can include provisions for splitting that fee with the selling agent, regardless of agency representation.

The Buyer

In some cases, the Buyer pays his agent a commission as set out in their written agreement. If the buyer pays his agent from his separate funds, it would not be appropriate for the buyer's agent to also accept part of the fee paid by the seller.

The Client Determines How the Agent is Paid

The seller agrees to pay his agent in the listing agreement and the sub-agent of the seller who sells the property.

The buyer agrees to pay his agent if buyer agency is elected.

In almost every case, the buyer directs his agent to be paid from the seller’s proceeds.

Home Protection Plan

Some sellers provide a Home Protection Plan for the buyer that covers certain items for a one-year period like:

• Heating and air conditioning systems

• Interior plumbing

• Built-in appliances

• Electric pool equipment

If a Home Protection Plan is not provided on the home you contract for, you can acquire the coverage yourself. The price of programs will vary in price and coverage and among carriers.

Home Inspection

Under current North Carolina law, the seller will provide a property disclosure for interested buyers prior to writing a contract. This will declare any material facts about the physical condition of the property.

The property disclosure does not take the place of a buyer’s inspection that is usually made after a contract is completed.

For unique situations(i.e. Pool systems, spas, etc.). A provision for a home inspection can be added to the sales contract identifying those areas to be inspected by a professional inspector who specializes in those items of interest.

Of course, the purpose of the inspection is to find major defects in the home.

The areas of concern include but are not limited to:

• Mechanical – heating, air-conditioning, appliances.

• Plumbing – fixtures, lines, water heaters, sewers.

• Electrical – wiring, out of date systems.

• Structural – doors, windows, roof, foundation, drainage, ventilation, and environmental hazards.

I will be happy to supply a list of recommended inspectors. You are encouraged to accompany the inspector to ask questions and receive a written report itemizing any areas of concern. I will also plan to be on-site when the inspections take place.

Process of Buying a Home


During the initial interview, you’ll share your expectations and learn about the process of buying a home. I will share my knowledge about areas, prices, financing, your qualifications, and normal procedures.

Taking into consideration your wants, financial abilities, and needs, you will decide on price, size, style, and area. At this point, we will begin the search to find your new home.


As discussed earlier, a prudent strategy for a successful purchase is to apply for pre-approval as soon as you begin the search for a new home. Negotiating a contract with a loan commitment can be very advantageous to you and sometimes is even the deciding factor in a successful acceptance of your purchase offer.

Don’t take the chance of loosing your dream house to someone else who has the loan commitment in place at the time of the offer. All other items being equal, the seller will almost always take the contract offer from the buyer who is already qualified and has the loan commitment letter in hand.

There are specific things necessary to make a loan application and assembling them can take some time. It is recommended to use the enclosed list.

Formulating an Offer

When we find the right home, of course you will want to make an offer to purchase it. This is done in writing specifying every detail that is part of the agreement. There are standard forms that I will provide you with and assist in their completion (see sample contract included).

Once we tender an offer we will wait to see if the seller accepts your terms or returns a counteroffer. If a counteroffer is presented, then I will assist you in determining the appropriateness of the new terms and will offer counsel as to whether an acceptance of the counteroffer is in your best interest, or if there is room for further negotiation.

If all goes well, the offers and counteroffers will be distilled down to a final offer that is acceptable to both parties and we will have a contract!

Now is when my real work begins. For the next few weeks I will be shepherding the deal through the necessary hurdles, inspections, etc. so that we arrive at the closing table prepared to close the deal with no surprises. During this time I will be in regular contact with you, even if it’s just to say that everything is going according to plan.

The last step is to assemble all of the loan papers at the settlement table. You will need to pay the balance of your down payment and your closing costs at this time (usually with certified funds). The process concludes when you are handed the keys to your new home!

Home Buying Process

Closing Cost Estimates

(B=buyer cost S=Seller cost)

Loan Origination Fee: (B) A fee that covers the lender’s administrative costs in connection with the loan. Typically 1% of the loan amount. Can sometimes be financed into the loan or waived at a higher rate.

Discount Points: (B)/(S) A one-time charge used to adjust the lender’s yield on the loan to match what market conditions demand. One point=1% of the loan amount. Average = 0-3% of the loan amount.

Appraisal Fee: (B) A statement of property value made by an independent appraiser. Conventional appraisals average $325, FHA/VA appraisals average $275.

Appraisal Review: (B) Lender’s cost to review the appraisal and inspect the property if necessary. Average $25.

Credit Report: (B) A report obtained from one or more reporting agencies to check the borrower’s credit history. Average $50.

Express Charge: (S) Charges to defray the cost of expressing the loan package overnight to the lender. Average $30.

Underwriting Fee: (B) A fee charged by some investors to underwrite and approve the loan application. Average $100-$300.

Tax Service Fee: (B) A one time fee charged to the lender by an independent tax reporting agency to search tax records and route the property tax billings to the lender for payment. Average $75.

Mortgage Insurance: (B) This protects the lender from loss due to default, and allows the borrower to obtain loans with less than 20% down. Cost varies depending on the loan-to-value ratio, type of loan, etc.

Hazard Insurance: (B) This protects you, the owner, against loss due to fire, theft and natural hazards. The first 14 months are paid at closing.

Title Insurance: (B)/(S) Protects you, the buyer and seller, against loss due to claims against the property, which cannot be found on public record. Average $2 per $1000 of coverage.

Revenue/Deed Stamps: (S) Fee charged by North Carolina. $2 per $1000 sales price.

Interim Interest: (B)/(S) Interest on the new loan that is collected at closing to pay through the end of that month. Your first payment will not be due until the first full month following closing!

Escrow Deposits: (B) Funds held in an account by the lender to assure future payment of the hazard insurance, property taxes and mortgage insurance. Average is 2 mo’s hazard insurance, 2 mo’s mortgage insurance and 4 mo’s taxes.

Attorney Fees: (B) Fees for legal services of the closing attorney for title examination, obtaining title insurance, and conducting the closing. Average $475.

Recording Fees: (B)/(S) Fees paid to the Clerk of the Court to record the deed, deed of trust and any other necessary documents. Average $20.

Survey: (B) Property survey by an independent surveyor that shows the property lot lines, easements, encroachments, and any improvements. Average $300 - $400.

Termite Inspection: (B) Self-explanatory. Average $70.


Structural Inspection: (B) Fee paid to an independent, licensed inspector to visually inspect the mechanical and structural components of the property. Average $175-$400.

Radon Test: (B) Fee for testing to determine the presence/absence and levels of radon. Average $75.

Well & Septic: (B) Tests to determine the adequacy and condition of the well and septic systems. Average $150.

Mutual Commitment

I will:

Make my best effort to find the home that meets your needs until you either find a home or tell me to stop looking,

Commit my time, resources, and experience to find exactly what you want, while incurring my own expenses.

Will you:

Tell me what you like and dislike about the homes we look at?

Tell me if you want to look at a home listed with another:

- Broker,

- Builder, or

- For Sale By Owner.

Tell me if you feel the need to talk to another agent?

Let me know if your plans change?

Work with me until we find you the right home?

Polly Brewer


Polly Brewer


Property Tax Examples


|1.  House and Lot Purchase Price - $150,000 |

|Tax Rate          |City/County |Incorp. County  |Unincorp. Cty. |

|(Per $100 Valuation) |$1.1767 |$0.7567 |$0.9193 |

|  | | | |

|Evaluation in 2003 - $150,000 | | | |

|Tax Rate x $100 Value on $150,000 |$1,765.05 |$1,135.05 |$1,378.95 |

|Solid Waste Fee  |$     57.00 |$     12.00 |$     12.00 |

|  | | | |

|*Two Examples of Automobiles | | | |

|2003 Toyota Sienna LE @ $22,520 |$   264.99 |$   170.41 |$   207.03 |

|1999 Honda Accord LX V-6 @ $11,690 |$   137.56 |$     88.46 |$   107.47 |

| | | | |

|Total Taxes |$2,224.60 |$1,405.92 |$1,705.45 |

|2.   House and Lot Purchase Price - $250,000 |

|Tax Rate |City/County |Incorp. County |Unincorp. Cty. |

|(Per $100 Valuation) |$1.1767     |$0.7567 |$0.9193 |

|  | | | |

|Evaluation in 2003 - $250,000 | | | |

|Tax rate x $100 Value on $250,000 |$2,941.75 |$1,891.75 |$2,298.25 |

|Solid Waste Fee |$    57.00 |$    12.00 |$    12.00 |

|  | | | |

|*Two Examples of Automobiles | | | |

|2003 Ford Explorer XLT @ $27,790 |$   327.00 |$  210.29 |$   255.47 |

|2001 Acura TL @ $20,050 |$   235.93 |$   151.72 |$   184.32 |

| | | | |

|Total Taxes        |$3,561.68 |$2,265.76 |$2,750.04 |


• Persons living in the City have an additional $30 auto fee included in the tax amount.

• Vehicles are no longer a lien against real estate.  The law changed as of January 1, 1993.  Vehicles are assessed and billed following tag renewal or issue of a new tag.

Source: Mecklenburg County Property Assessment and Land Records Management Department, September 2004. 


All information provided is considered proprietary and is maintained in the strictest confidence. This is for OUR use only!

Date: ______________

Name: _________________________________________________

Name: _________________________________________________


Address: ______________________________________________________________________

City: ________________________________ State: _________________ Zip: ____________

Home Phone: ______________________________ Cell: ______________________________

#1 Work Phone: ______________________ #2 Work Phone: ___________________________

Pager: ______________________________ E-mail:___________________________________

1. Are you working with a Realtor® now? □ Yes □ No

Have you signed “Buyer Agency Agreement” with him/her? □ Yes □ No

2. What is your idea of a great Realtor®?

3. Have you ever bought or sold a home before? □ Yes □ No

4. Was it with a Realtor®? □ Yes □ No

5. How did you feel about your experience? □ Positive, □ Negative, □ Indifferent


6. Please tell me how to reach you and what method of communication you prefer:

What is the best time to call you?

7. How soon do you want to be settled into your new home?

Why are you buying now?

How long do you hope to be staying in this next home?

8. If we were lucky enough to find the right home today, is there anything that would prevent you from going ahead and buying today? □ Yes □ No

If so, what?

Is there anyone else involved in this decision? □ Yes □ No If Yes, whom?

9. Unless you are paying cash, arranging financing is our most important task before we begin!

Do you have a “Pre-Qualification from a lender? □ Yes □ No

Do you have a “Pre-Approval” Letter? □ Yes □ No

If so, who with?

10. If you don’t have a lender you prefer, I would like to put you in contact with one who will help you determine your financing needs and abilities. May I? □ Yes □ No

11. How long have you been looking?

How many homes have you seen?

Have you seen anything you liked? □ Yes □ No

Why didn’t you buy one of them?

12. Do you need to sell your current home? □ Yes □ No

If so, would you like me to refer you to a Realtor® in your area? □ Yes □ No

If you are leasing, when does your lease expire?

13. In detail, please try to describe your current home to me in your own words:

14. What do you like and dislike most about your current home?

15. Are you participating in a corporate relocation? □ Yes □ No

If yes, who is the contact person?

May I contact them? □ Yes □ No

How do I reach them?

16. Now, in detail, please try to describe your next home to me and what you will like most about it:

17. In your new home, what features are the MOST and LEAST important to you?

18. Where is your workplace located now, or going to be located?

Your spouse’s (if applicable)?

19. Please rank these concepts in order of importance to you:

Value/Price/Resale value? □ Low □ Medium □ High □ Critical

Monthly payment ? □ Low □ Medium □ High □ Critical

Prestige/Reputation/Status? □ Low □ Medium □ High □ Critical

Friendly neighbors/Social contact? □ Low □ Medium □ High □ Critical

Schools? □ Low □ Medium □ High □ Critical Commute/Access to airport or work /convenience? □ Low □ Medium □ High □ Critical

Proximity of Shopping/Theater/Arts? □ Low □ Medium □ High □ Critical

New home construction? □ Low □ Medium □ High □ Critical

20. Do you have any special needs? (schools, churches, medical, special education, handicap accessible, special rooms, office in home, one particular neighborhood, one particular school, one particular floorplan, etc):

21. Is there an area of town that you prefer (ie- Area 5, uptown area, Union County, University area)?

22. What is your target price range? $_______________________ to $_________________________

23. Please write down any questions or comments that you feel are important.

24. If I do a great job for you, may I use you as a reference in the future? □ Yes □ No

25. I am closely associated with a carefully selected group of business people that I trust and respect. I can most likely offer you a referral to someone for just about any need you may have. Before you resort to the Yellow Pages, please ask me for a referral!

26. If you would like to search for available homes in the Charlotte area, I suggest that you try which has a direct access to the Charlotte Realtor’s MLS database.

Home Buyer Interview - Financial Data

What size monthly payments do you want: $

What price range are you looking: $

How much cash is available? $

Does this include closing costs? Yes θ No θ

Do you currently own? Yes θ No θ

Do you need to sell before buying? Yes θ No θ

How much do you think your home is worth? $

What is the unpaid balance? $___________________________Interest rate _______% term ________yrs.

Type of loan

Monthly payment $

If renting, how much is your rent? $

List your regular monthly payments (installment debt, revolving charges, student loan, etc.)

Description Amount






Are all debts current? Yes θ No θ

Is there any problem with your credit? Yes θ No θ

What is your monthly income: $

Employed θ Self-employed θ

What is your spouse’s monthly income? $

Do you have any other monthly income? Yes θ No θ

If yes, how much? $

Where are you employed?

How long have you been employed there?

Have you or your spouse ever taken bankruptcy? Yes θ No θ

If yes, explain:

Have you or your spouse had a home foreclosure? Yes θ No θ

If yes, explain:

Home Buyer Interview - House Requirements Form

| |Category/Topics/Options |Comments |Priority |

|Gene|Type: |Townhouse | | |

|ral |Single-family detached |Condominium | | |

| |Condition: |Fixer-upper | | |

| |New |Remodel | | |

| |Lived in |Restoration | | |

| |Style: |Contemporary | | |

| |Traditional |Specify | | |

| |Size: |Square feet | | |

| |Exterior Finish: |Foundation | | |

| | |Walls | | |

| | |Roof | | |

| | |Chimneys | | |

| | |Window styles (specify) | | |

| |Interior Trim Style: |Modern | | |

| |Traditional/Colonial |Other | | |

| |Interior Layout: |Traditional | | |

| | |Open style | | |

| |Ceiling styles: | | | |

| |Standard |Tray | | |

| |High |Vaulted | | |

| |Other Interior: | | | |

| |Lots of windows/light |Fireplace | | |

| |Skylights |Ceiling fans | | |

|Room|Number of Bedrooms | | | |

|s | | | | |

| |Number of Baths | | | |

| |Master Suite |( Yes ( No| | |

| |Guest/In-Law Suite |( Yes ( No| | |

| |Living Room | | |

| |Family Room | | |

| |Great Room | | |

| |Media Room/Home Theatre | | |

| |Bonus Room | | |

| |Play Room | | |

| |Kitchen |Layout | | |

| | |Appliances: | | |

| | |Cooktop (( Gas ( Electric) | | |

| | |Oven (( Gas ( Electric) | | |

| | |Vent (( Hood ( Popup) | | |

| | |Refrigerator/freezer | | |

| | |Dishwasher | | |

| | |Trash compactor | | |

| | |Cabinet style/color | | |

| | |Countertops/Island | | |

| | |Eat-in space | | |

| |Dining Room | | |

| |Laundry Room | | |

| |Basement | | |

| |Home Office | | |

| |Shop | | |

| |Category/Options |Comments |Priority |

|Util|Heating Fuel: |Electric | | |

|itie| |Natural Gas | | |

|s | |Propane | | |

| | |Oil | | |

| |Heating system: |Forced air | | |

| | |Floor furnace | | |

| | |Room units | | |

| | |Radiant in-floor | | |

| |Water: |Municipal | | |

| | |Well | | |

| |Sewer: |Municipal | | |

| | |Septic | | |

|Tech|Entertainment: |Media room/Home theater | | |

|Home| |Whole-house audio/video | | |

|Feat| | | | |

|ures| | | | |

| |Information: |Wired network | | |

| | |Wireless network | | |

| | |Broadband Internet | | |

| |Communications: |Multiple phone lines | | |

| | |PBX | | |

| | |Intercom | | |

| |Convenience: |Lighting control | | |

| | |Automation | | |

| |Security: |Alarmed | | |

| | |Monitored | | |

| |Infrastructure: |Structured Wiring | | |

| | |Standby/Backup Power | | |

| |Additional | | |

| |Features: | | |

| | | | |

Home Buyer Interview - Neighborhood Requirements Form

|Topics/Options |Comments |Priority |

|Location: |Suburban | | |

|Urban |Rural | | |

|Age: |Established | | |

|New |Historic | | |

|Amenities: |Golf | | |

|Club |Parks | | |

|Pool |Recreation Center | | |

|Tennis |Other | | |

|Security: |Patrolled | | |

|Gated |Neighborhood Watch | | |

|Schools: |Pre-Kindergarten | | |

| |Kindergarten | | |

| |Elementary | | |

| |Middle/Jr. High | | |

| |Senior High | | |

| |Walk to school | | |

| |Distance (miles) | | |

| |Ratings/scores | | |

| | | | |

|Shopping: | | | |

|Groceries |Mall | | |

|Gas station |Other | | |

|Commute |Travel distance, one-way | | |

|Covenants | | |

| | | |

|Specific Neighborhoods | |

|by Name | |

Home Buyer Interview - These are the subjects we will discuss when we meet!

❑ “How much can I qualify for?” Let’s arrange for your “pre-qualification letter” now!

❑ The Law of Agency and how all real estate agents work

❑ Earnest money, or "binder"

❑ Full price, lower offers, counter proposals, and market value

❑ How I do the home search (MLS areas and search criteria on input sheet)

❑ How many homes will we see? How long will it take?

❑ The buying process from home search to closing – the timeline

❑ “Free money”, “free closing costs”, and other gimmicks

❑ Personal Property vs. Real estate

❑ Review of Offer to Purchase and Addenda

❑ Inspections and repairs, and those negotiations

❑ Do I need a survey?

❑ What about the appraisal?

❑ What about insurance?

❑ New construction (pros and cons)

❑ What to do, what NOT to do when we look at homes


Service Provided by Your Real Estate Professional

Polly Brewer - Realtor® NC & SC Licensed

Keller Williams Realty - University




Initial Interview


Loan Commitment

Credit Report





Show Homes







Offer Written






Escrow Opened



Title Search

Earnest Money














In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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