FINANCE COMMITTEE October 8 th , 2019 8:30 a.m.

8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.

8:45 a.m. 8:55 a.m.

9:10 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:25 a.m.

FINANCE COMMITTEE October 8th, 2019 8:30 a.m.

Members: Pagano, Miller, Crane, Deming, Groat

Approval of previous meeting minutes

Resolutions Referred to Committee

Treasurer, Patrick Schmitt

REPORT: TRE October Monthly Report.docx

TRANSMITTALS: Authorization to Enter into an Agreement with Government Payment Services, Inc. for County Credit Card Processing TRE10RES1.doc Authorization for County Treasurer to Proceed with the Relevy of Unpaid Village and School Taxes TRE10RES2.docx

Information Technology, Matt Ury

REPORT: IT Monthly Report October 2019.docx

Auditor, Kristen Scott

TRANSMITTAL: Accept Proposal and Authorize Execution of Contract for Independent Audit Services for Wayne County AUDIT 10 Res1 Accept Proposal and Authorize Execution of Contract for Independent Audit Services for Wayne County.doc

Real Property Tax, Karen Ambroz

REPORT: RPT 09_19_Monthly Report.doc

WC Land Bank, Mark Humbert


Fiscal Assistant, Ken Blake

Budget Update

TRANSMITTALS: Authorization to Amend the 2019 Budget for Supplemental Medicaid Upper Payment Limit (UPL) Payments and Affirm Payment COTB 10 RES1 Authorization to Amend budget for Medicaid Upper Payment Limit (UPL) Inter Governmental Payment (IGT).docx Establishing a Date for Public Hearing on the 2020 Wayne County Tentative Budget COTB 10 RES1 Set Date for Public Hearing of 2020 Tentative Budget.docx Setting Date for Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law Overriding the Tax Levy Limit for Wayne County for 2020 and Authorizing the Adoption of a Budget for 2020 That Requires a Tax Levy Greater than the Tax Levy Limit for the 2020 Fiscal Year COTB 10 RES2 Public Hearing to Override the Property Tax Cap.docx

County of Wayne

Office of the County Treasurer

Post Office Box 8 Lyons, New York 14489-0008


----------------------315-946-7441 WWW.CO.WAYNE.NY.US

? Attended NYSAC Fall Conference

? Resolution 144-19 (2/19/19 Board meeting) authorized the refunding of the Public

Improvement Bonds issued in 2009 for turning the Old Nursing home into the Public Safety

building. I received the final analysis of the refunding to determine if it was in the best interest

of the County. The present value savings is projected at $1,215,059 over the remaining life of

the bonds. I have decided to go ahead with the refunding. I entered into a pool with other NY

municipalities that were part of the original pool issuance that these bonds were part of, which

will reduce out closing cost.

? Worked on Continuity of Operations Plan

? Reviewed Investments, strategies, and goals with new investment advisors Community Bank

Trust Division

? Property referenced in Resolution 377-19 filed a legal challenge to the Court of Appeals on

7/18/19 the very last day that it could be filed. No action will be taken on Resolution 377-19 at

this time.

? 493 Parcels were advertised on for Foreclosure starting on 10/2/19, due to outstanding taxes

on 9/10/19

? 436 Parcels received the required Petition of Foreclosure on 10/2/19 by certified mail

o 1,874 owners and interested parties received this mailing

? 79 new contracts were started with owner that have delinquent taxes to help them avoid tax

foreclosure during the month of August.

? 2018 tax foreclosure:


Parcels Facing Foreclosure











Committee No.



Date: 10/8/19

Committee Chair: Supervisor Pagano Department Head: Treasurer Schmitt


WHEREAS, Resolution 638-13 authorized the County of Wayne to accept Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and EChecks as forms of payments; and

WHEREAS, the County had been using Fidelity Information Services through an agreement with JP Morgan Chase Bank; and

WHEREAS, a Convenience fee is charged to the payer by the card processor to ensure the County receive payment in full and no processing fees are paid by the County; and

WHEREAS, the County Treasurer determined it would be in the best interest for the County to do an RFP to determine if Fidelity Information Services is providing the best service to the County and the Taxpayers of Wayne County; and

WHEREAS, an RFP was issued and responses were received from the following Companies:

Priority Payments Systems Holdings LLC PayGov.US Systems East, Inc. Value Payment Systems LLC GovPayNet (Government Payment Services, Inc) MSB Payment Processing ;and

WHEREAS, after evaluation of the responses GovPayNet was selected; and WHEREAS, GovPayNet is already providing these services to the County Probation Department (Res 239-17) and County Sheriff's Office (Res 641-14); now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is authorized to enter into an agreement with Government Payment Services, Inc for the processing of Credit Card, Debit Card, and E-Check payments, at no cost to the County.

Budgeted: yes no__ Proposed Cost: _ Reimbursed Amount $0.00 _ County cost _ Departmental transfer $_________________ from Account No. __________________ to Account No. _______________ County Administrator's Review: ________________________________________________Date: __________________ Human Resources Office Review: yes ___ no ___ N/A ___Signature: ________________________________________ County Attorney Review: yes___ no___ N/A____ Signature: ________________________________________________ Standing Committee: Ayes _____ Nays _____ Date: __________ Signature: ___________________________________ Signature/Date Rec'd: ________________________________________________________Clerk, Board of Supervisors Referred to: Committee: _____ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Date: __________ Signature: _____________________________________ Committee: _____Ayes _____ Nays ______ Date: __________Signature: _____________________________________


Committee No. 1

Date: 10/08/2019

Committee Chair: Sandy Pagano Prepared by: Patrick Schmitt


WHEREAS, Local Law No. 4(1978) authorizes the relevy of School and Village; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, Pursuant to Section 1442 of the Real Property Tax Law and Wayne County Local Law No. 4(1978) that the amount of delinquent 2019-2020 Village and School taxes remaining unpaid as reported by the Wayne County Treasurer, together with 7% of the amount of principle and interest, is hereby re-levied upon the real property on which the same was originally imposed and when collected such re-levied amount shall be returned to the Wayne County Treasurer to reimburse Wayne County of the amounts advanced to the respective Villages and Schools in payment of such taxes.

Budgeted: No

Proposed Cost: $0

Reimbursed Amount $0

County Cost $0

Departmental transfer $____________ from Account No. to Account No. ______________

County Administrator's Review: ________________________________________________Date: __________________

Human Resources Office Review: yes ___ no ___ N/A ___Signature: _______________________________________

County Attorney Review: yes___ no___ N/A____ Signature: ________________________________________________

Standing Committee: Ayes _____ Nays _____ Date: __________ Signature: __________________________________

Signature/Date Rec'd: ________________________________________________________Clerk, Board of Supervisors

Referred to: Committee: _____ Ayes _____ Nays _____ Date: __________ Signature: _____________________________________

Committee: _____Ayes _____ Nays ______ Date: __________Signature: _____________________________________

Wayne County Information Technology Monthly Report Prepared by Matt Ury October 3, 2019


? 353 service requests were submitted to the help desk in the month of September. ? 8 new computers were installed. ? Migration to the new email platform continues. ? 27 windows upgrades were completed. ? Work continued on the WBHN software migration. ? Work continued on the new phone system. ? Wiring project in DSS is nearing completion. ? Work continues on the new NH software.

Current projects:

? 911, Office of the Sheriff- CAD, RMS and Mobile software. ? Disaster recovery planning. ? Create county wide training curriculum for the Munis financial system. ? Expansion of security platform. ? Develop a cyber security training curriculum for employees. ? Install security management application for mobile phones. ? Updating of Information Technology policy and procedures. ? Document imaging- shared services project. ? Phone system upgrade. ? Replacement for County TXMI property history application. ? Sheriff/E911 Shift Scheduling roll out PossWeb as primary software to Supervisors. ? Mental Health ? Convert Anasazi to Tene11. ? Convert Arrest and Warrants off AS400 to SallyPortNY. ? County Clerk ? convert Records Management database to Laserfische.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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