Student Writing Intensive Level B A Video Seminar for ...

Student Writing Intensive Level B

A Video Seminar for Middle School Students

ple Easy Start Instructions m 1. Set up the Student Notebook. (See the back side of this page for

detailed instructions.) 2. Read the Teacher's Instructions.

Sa 3. Turn to Lesson 1 and start the course.

SWI Level B - 10-4P

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Student Notebook Set-Up

Each student will need to have a writing notebook and plain, lined paper. Please observe our copyright policies.

Using the 3-ring binder with 5-tab inserts provided, prepare the Student Writing Notebook. The tabs are labeled as follows:

Models/Sources Checklists

Outlines/Compositions Structural Models

Style Charts

"Banned" Words

The next seven pages of this packet should be placed in the notebook as follows so it is all ready for your student:

1. Place the white "Key Ideas" page right in the front of the binder (before the tabs). 2. The "Models/Sources; Checklists" tab is left empty. 3. Put some lined paper behind the "Outlines/Compositions" tab. 4. Leave the "Structural Models" tab empty.

le 5. Behind the "Style Charts" tab, place the yellow "Stylistic Techniques" page, the pink "-ly Adverb List" and "Adverbs for Essays" pages, and the beige "Prepositions and Clausal Starters" page. 6. Use the "Banned Words" tab for the two sheets entitled "Banned Words List?Verbs"

(white) and "Banned Words List?Adjectives" (beige).

The rest of the pages in this packet should be stored in a separate folder or notebook. The

p teacher's notes tell the teacher/parent what to do each week. The student handouts in the rest of

this packet should only be given to the student as they are presented in the course.

Now you are all set to start the course!

Be sure to read through the "Teacher's Instructions," and then follow the directions on the "Teacher's Notes--Lesson 1" page to know what to watch on the DVD and to discover what

m you and your student are expected to do.

The Teacher's Notes pages describe exactly how to pace the course. Generally, you can plan to complete one lesson every one to two weeks.

Sa If you have any questions, check out swi-help.

SWI Level B - 10-4P

These are Sample Pages for preview only. Copyrighted Material.

Student Writing Intensive Level B

Teacher's Notes and Student Handouts

le by p Andrew Pudewa Samand Jill Pike

Copyright ? 2010 Institute for Excellence in Writing, L.L.C.

These are Sample Pages for preview only. Copyrighted Material.

Also by Andrew Pudewa:

Also by Jill Pike:

Advanced Communication Series

Phonetic Zoo Teacher's Notes

Advanced Spelling and Vocabulary

Primary Arts of Language: Writing Program

Bible-Based Writing Lessons

Primary Arts of Language: Reading Program

High School Essay Intensive

Printing with Letter Stories

Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization

Student Writing Intensive Handouts (Levels A and C)

Phonetic Zoo Spelling Program (Levels A, B, and C)

SWI Continuation Course Handouts (Levels A, B, and C)

The Profound Effects of Music on Life

A Syllabus for Introduction to Literary Analysis

Speech Boot Camp

Student Writing Intensives (Levels A and C)

SWI Continuation Courses (Levels A, B, and C)

Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

The Two Andrews: On Writing and Teaching Writing

Copyright Policy

Student Writing Intensive Level B Teacher's Notes and Student Handouts Fourth Printing, January 2015 Copyright ? 2001 Andrew Pudewa Copyright ? 2010 Jill Pike

le ISBN: 978-1-62341-081-0

Our duplicating/copying policy for this Student Book: All rights reserved. No part of this book or the accompanying DVDs may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,

p without the prior written permission of the author, except as provided by U.S.A. copyright law and the

specific policy below: Home use: You may copy this Student Book for use by multiple children within your immediate family. Small group or co-op classes: Each teacher and participating student or family is required to purchase a Student Book (hard copy or e-book). Classroom teachers: A Student Book (hard copy or e-book) must be purchased for each teacher and participating student.

m Library use: Printed materials and DVDs may be checked out of a lending library provided patrons agree

not to make copies.

Additional Student Books may be purchased from:

a SIM-B (hard copy) or

SIM-BE (e-book)

SIB (binder with tabs)

Institute for Excellence in Writing

8799 N. 387 Road

Locust Grove, OK 74352



Printed in the United States of America

IEW? is a registered trademark of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, L.L.C.

These are Sample Pages for preview only. Copyrighted Material.

Student Writing Intensive Level B


Teacher's Instructions for Using the Student Writing Intensive Level B

Lesson Plans and Handouts

Page Number

Scope and Sequence ...................................................................................................................................... 1

DVD Scene Listings...................................................................................................................................... 2

Suggested SWI B Course Schedule .............................................................................................................. 3

Teacher's Notes: Lesson 1 ............................................................................................................................ 7

"The Sea Wasp" and Composition Checklist................................................................................................ 9 "Introducing Cephalopods" and Composition Checklist ............................................................................ 11 "Cephalopod Abilities" and Composition Checklist................................................................................... 13 Teacher's Notes: Lesson 2 .......................................................................................................................... 15 "The Farmer and His Sons" and Composition Checklist ............................................................................ 17 "The Donkey and His Driver" and Composition Checklist ........................................................................ 19 Teacher' Notes: Lesson 3 ............................................................................................................................ 21 Farmer and Sons Rewrite Checklist ............................................................................................................ 23 "Alice Sees the White Rabbit" and Composition Checklist ....................................................................... 25 "Dorothy and the Cyclone" and Composition Checklist ............................................................................ 27

le Teacher's Notes: Lesson 4 .......................................................................................................................... 29

"The Gordian Knot" and Composition Checklist ....................................................................................... 31 "Carthage" and Composition Checklist ...................................................................................................... 33 Teacher's Notes: Lesson 5 .......................................................................................................................... 35 "False Teeth" and Composition Checklist .................................................................................................. 37 "Anesthetics" and Composition Checklists................................................................................................. 39 Teacher's Notes: Lesson 6 .......................................................................................................................... 41

p "Blood Transfusions" and Composition Checklist .................................................................................... 43

"Antiseptic" and Composition Checklist .................................................................................................... 45 Teacher's Notes: Lesson 7 .......................................................................................................................... 47 Story Sequence Chart .................................................................................................................................. 49 "The Lion and the Shepherd" and Composition Checklist ......................................................................... 51 Teacher's Notes: Lesson 8 .......................................................................................................................... 53 "The Salt Merchant and His Ass" and Composition Checklist................................................................... 55 Teacher's Notes: Lesson 9 .......................................................................................................................... 57 "The Serpent and the Eagle" and Composition Checklist........................................................................... 59

m Teacher's Notes: Lesson 10 ........................................................................................................................ 61

Composition Checklist ................................................................................................................................ 63 Teacher's Notes: Lesson 11 ........................................................................................................................ 65 "Humpback Whales" Mini Books (three of them--no physical page numbers) ........................................ 67 Composition Checklist ................................................................................................................................ 73

a Teacher's Notes: Lesson 12 ........................................................................................................................ 75

Composition Checklist ................................................................................................................................ 77 Teacher's Notes: Lesson 13 ........................................................................................................................ 79 Composition Checklist ................................................................................................................................ 81 Teacher's Notes: Lesson 14 ........................................................................................................................ 83

SBrain Questions and Composition Checklist .............................................................................................. 85

Teacher's Notes: Lesson 15 ........................................................................................................................ 87

Composition Checklist ................................................................................................................................ 89

What Next? ................................................................................................................................................. 91

These are Sample Pages for preview only. Copyrighted Material.

Teacher's Instructions for Using the Student Writing Intensive Level B


The Student Writing Intensive (SWI) was produced to give parents and teachers a jump-start for teaching writing to their students by providing direct instruction for students or model lessons for teachers. Although the SWI DVDs were taped in four consecutive afternoons, your students can enjoy the same teaching but at a more leisurely pace and with added practice to help them develop writing skills that will last.

The SWI provides all the handouts and supplementary materials you will need to teach your upper elementary and middle school students to write paragraphs, stories, reports, and inventive writing all with added style. Simply follow the instructions on each Teacher's Notes page, and provide your students with the appropriate source texts and checklists as directed.

Generally, you will conduct a writing class once a week where you will watch the SWI DVD with your student. Then the rest of the week will be spent practicing what was learned on the DVD.

Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS)

The SWI is based on our teacher's seminar, Teaching Writing: Structure and Style. Although you can successfully use the SWI without the teacher's course, watching the teacher's program before watching the student lesson will provide you with many of the reasons behind the instruction on the

le SWI as well as other teaching tips to aid you in your teaching. The SWI Teacher's Notes will tell

you when to watch a portion of the TWSS to prepare yourself for the SWI teaching.

The TWSS shows you how to teach all nine structural units as well as the full style list. The SWI will cover about half of what is taught in the TWSS. This will give your student a strong foundation for all his writing without overwhelming him or doing too much too fast. The rest of the units and style can be covered later. The last page of this packet (What Next?) will explain how.

If you do not have the teacher's course, you can still use the SWI successfully. Watch the Structure and Style

p Overview DVD (included with the student DVDs). It will give you an overview of our writing methods. Moreover,

read the archived blog and forum posts on the Institute for Excellence in Writing website and explore our Help and Support section for additional help in using our programs. Visit for more information.

Lesson Planning

The Scope and Sequence page gives you an overview of everything taught in the SWI Level B. The Required Sources are the ones that are used with the DVD teaching. The Optional Sources are the ones used in the reinforcement exercises (the homework) and can be omitted or substituted if you desire.

m The Lesson (once a week) generally requires an hour of your time. After that, your student may be able to complete

the Reinforcement Exercises on his own; however, be available to help him as much as needed. There is a Suggested Course Schedule located after the Scope and Sequence page, which you can use to plan your daily lessons. This schedule is just a suggestion. You may do writing daily, or combine the days to do writing just a few days a week.

Multiple Ages

a The SWI Level B is suitable for teaching a wide range of students. When teaching elementary students, have them

watch the SWI B DVD and complete the writing assignment given on the DVD. However, for the extra practice use the Level A Reinforcement Paragraphs available at swi-help. The document available there includes instructions and checklists to make the SWI B suitable for a younger student.

If you have high school level students, have them do the SWI Level B as written. They may move more rapidly

Sthrough the material than younger students. If you have our teacher's course (Teaching Writing: Structure and

Style), you can easily teach what was presented in the SWI Level C. Instructions to do so are on the "What Next?" page at the end of this packet.

Teacher's Notes

Each lessons begins with a page of Teacher's Notes. This page includes a chart indicating exactly what is to be watched on the DVD, the viewing time, the handouts for the lesson, and handouts for the practice assignments. The notes also contain all the whiteboard notes displayed on the DVD with additional teaching helps on the back.

If you still have questions about a lesson, many answers can be found at swi-help.

? Institute for Excellence in Writing, L.L.C.

These are Sample Pages for preview only. Copyrighted Material.

SWI Level B

Viewing Instructions

Remember that the SWI was originally taught in four consecutive classes that were 2.5 hours each. This packet takes that intensive course and divides it into bite-sized chunks. Therefore, the DVD will not always tell you when to stop viewing. The Teacher's Notes will make it very clear when to start and when to stop, but you will have to watch with your student and stop the DVD, or you will likely watch too far.

Setting Up Your Student Notebook

The first page of this packet explained how to organize your Student Materials in the student notebook. Below is a suggestion for how to use them as you teach the course. Some of the documents (bolded below) should have been placed in the notebook before you begin. Others will be added as you move through the lessons.

The "Key Ideas Page" goes in the front of the notebook before the tabs.

Models/Sources Checklists

Students should use this area for current assignments: the source texts with the checklist printed on the back.


Place a few sheets of plain, lined paper in this section. Students can keep their outlines, first drafts, and final drafts here. You may want to teach them to keep the current work in the front of this section and place completed compositions in the back of this section.

le Structural Models

This is a new tab for the course. It gives your student a place to keep the Structural Model posters that will be provided beginning in lesson 7. There is nothing behind this tab to start.

Style Charts

Find the Stylistic Techniques page here along with all the style lists (-ly Adverbs, Adverbs for Essays, and Prepositions).

Banned Words

The blank Banned Words sheets are kept behind this tab. They will be filled in during the DVD viewing to become a mini-thesaurus.

The rest of the teacher's notes and handouts should be retained by the teacher (in a folder or binder) and only given

p to your students as they are needed.

Final Recommendations

] Watch the DVD with your students. Knowing what they have learned and the way they learned it will

help you help them as they practice. This course is not meant to be completed by students independently. It should be used to facilitate the teacher/student relationship as the process of writing is modeled for the student.

] Spell words as needed. Be your child's human dictionary. Keep spelling lessons separate from writing

m practice.

] Provide help as your students ask. If your student is struggling to choose key words or insert a dress-up, brainstorm together. Your modeling will help your student become more independent next time.

] Edit instead of correct. When your students hand you their written work, do what an editor does. Go through the piece making minimal spelling and grammatical corrections, and then hand it back with a

a smile, telling them to write it up. Use their mistakes to dictate what you will teach in your next

writing/grammar lesson.

] Adjust the pacing according to the ability of the student. Each lesson will usually take at least one to two weeks to complete. Provide whatever helps students need to achieve success on each page. The practice pages are optional. If your student has mastered the material, feel free to skip the extra practice and

Smove on to the next lesson.

Thank you for purchasing this program. We truly appreciate the opportunity to be of service. Our hope is that it will give you and your students a huge boost in enthusiasm for writing and powerful tools to help them be more successful in whatever writing challenges they may face in the coming years. Please let us know if there is any way we can assist you toward that goal.

Andrew Pudewa and Jill Pike

? Institute for Excellence in Writing, L.L.C.

These are Sample Pages for preview only. Copyrighted Material.

SWI Level B

Student Writing Intensive Level B Scope and Sequence

Lesson Lesson 1 Disc 1

Lesson 2 Disc 1 Lesson 3 Disc 1

Lesson 4 Disc 1 Lesson 5 (No disc)

Lesson 6 Disc 2

Lesson 7 Disc 2 Lesson 8 Disc 2

Lesson 9 Disc 3

Lesson 10 Disc 3 Lesson 11 Disc 3 Lesson 12 Disc 4 Lesson 13 Disc 4

Lesson 14 Disc 4

Lesson 15 Disc 4

DVD Lesson (Necessary)

Reinforcement Lesson (Optional)

Required Sources

Optional Sources*

Unit 1: Note Making

The Sea Wasp

Introducing Cephalopods

and Outlines

Cephalopod Abilities

Unit 2: Writing from


Combining Ideas with


Unit 1 and 2 Review

The Farmer and His The Donkey and His Driver

Introduce Style -ly Adverbs More Style: Who-Which, Strong Verbs Banned Words: said, thought, go/went Because Clause Choosing a Title Finishing Guidelines

le Review Style

Ban see/saw Quality Adjectives Ban good, bad Clausal (asia) Unit 3: Retelling

p Narrative Stories

Acting Exercise Title review

Dress-Up Review Review Dress-Ups More Banned Words: eat, big

m Hidden Quality Adj.

Sentence Openers: Subject, Prepositional, -ly Adverb, VSS Unit 6: Summarizing Multiple References

aConclusion of Summ.

Mult. References Dress-Up Review Ban like, fun Sentence Openers:

SClausal, -ing

Reinforce style learned thus far Teacher reinforces Outlines and Summarizing and style learned thus far

You may discuss prepositions Teacher reinforces Story Writing Teacher reinforces Story Writing

Teacher reinforces Summ. Mult. Ref.


The Lion and the Shepherd

Humpback Whale Mini-Books (3 of them)

Alice Sees the White Rabbit

Dorothy and the Cyclone

The Gordian Knot Carthage False Teeth Anesthetics

Blood Transfusions Antiseptic

The Salt Merchant and His Ass

The Serpent and the Eagle

(Story of your choice)

(Library books on one subject)

Paragraphs from lessons 1?3 for re-writing with added style

Unit 7: Inventive

(Your student's brain)


Brain Inventory,

Choosing Topics,

Asking Questions

Conclusion to

Teacher reinforces

(Your student's brain)

Unit 7

Inventive Writing

* If your student needs more practice, or if you need source texts that are appropriate for different levels, go to swi-help for additional reinforcement materials.

? Institute for Excellence in Writing, L.L.C.


These are Sample Pages for preview only. Copyrighted Material.

SWI Level B


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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