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Chartwells Higher Education Dining ServicesBalanced U Platform2013 Supplement to Manager’s Guide for Units“Chartwells’ all-encompassing national award winning health, wellness and sustainability platform.”3314700788670000Confidential Internal Communication/ResourceTable of Contents..........................................................................1Balanced U Overview...........................................................................2-3Implementation...........................................................................3Results/Benefits...........................................................................3Technology...........................................................................3Gluten Sensitivity...........................................................................4Student Promotions...........................................................................4Peformance Foods...........................................................................4-5Ethical Eating...........................................................................5Green Construction/Renovations.....................................................5Carbon Foodprint Toolkit................................................................5Trim Trax......................................................................................5Challenges and Opportunities Balanced U Addresses ......................6Student Food Allergies/Sensitivities ...............................................6U.S. Federal Nutrition/Allergen Labeling ........................................7-8Food Sensitivity and Allergy Preparedness …..................................8-9Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits …...........................................10Unique Components …..……………………………………......................10Technology ....................................................................................10-11Component Snapshots ………………............................................11-12Balanced U Sustainability Component …….……………......................12-14Contacts/Resources …….……...............................................................14Overall Summary“Balanced U” is Chartwells’ all-encompassing national award winning health, wellness and sustainability platform. In 2012, Balanced U was awarded the first Operator Innovations Award in the Health and Nutrition category by the National Restaurant Association.Over the last few years, Chartwells Higher Education Dining Services made the decision to incorporate all health & nutrition programs, foodservice related sustainability initiatives, technology components and menu development into one national health and wellness program. The result was an all encompassing program named “Balanced U” which addresses and supports all health and nutrition concerns for students dining on campus at colleges and universities managed by Chartwells. The Balanced U program is embraced by 20,000 associates in diverse campus foodservice dining operations.Balanced U was designed to provide healthy meals through enhanced menu development and educational wellness tools to engage students and faculty about healthier lifestyle dining options. Chartwells wanted to help students make the connection that their diet can affect how they feel, look and perform. Chartwells engages students through various social media outlets and campus specific technologies providing students with instant access to various nutrition information. Using an iconic identification system, Chartwells dining services teams help guide guests to healthier food alternatives and options. Whether students are in need of certain foods for athletic or fitness reasons, counting calories, or looking for vegetarian, vegan or gluten free meals, the Balanced U program caters to those needs. Balanced U promotes healthy whole foods and helps identify those foods that assist with boosting immunity, increase or restore energy, reduce stress, or foods that enhance study sessions. The program encourages the use of reduced sodium products, lower fat products and portion control. Increased whole grain intake, fresh fruits and vegetables and lean proteins from animal and plant sources are also promoted. Balanced U provides resources to help students maintain a healthy weight, manage a healthy diet and assists students in adjusting to a new campus lifestyle. To meet the needs and expectations of students with gluten sensitivity, Chartwells developed a full set of recipes for all meal time periods that focus primarily on foods that naturally do not contain gluten. Chartwells also accommodates students with various other food sensitivities as part of the Balanced U program.Through focus group research, findings indicate that students correlate "what is good for the earth is good for them." With increased culinary team interaction and communications with customers, Balanced U enlightens diners about ethical eating. From rBGH-free milk to sustainably sourced seafood, produce and local products, to green dining environments and operations, Balanced U is part of Chartwells’ commitment to providing the best choices that are not only good for students but good for the earth and community. With this valuable information in hand, Chartwells decided to incorporate all health & nutrition programs, foodservice related sustainability initiatives, technology components and menu development under the Balanced U health and wellness umbrella. Implementation of Balanced UThe Chartwells health and nutrition program has been in existence since 1997 with the inception of Chartwells Higher Education Dining Services. The program has evolved to encompass much more than health and nutrition under the Balanced U banner. The Balanced U name was introduced to the field in 2010 to over 200 college and university clients. Balanced U is ongoing and part of the Chartwells Higher Education Dining Services business strategy throughout the company. All programs that fall under Balanced U are included in all Requests for Foodservice Proposals and shared with potential clients.Results and clear benefits to the operators and guests:The Balanced U program was built on the common belief that maintaining a balanced lifestyle is truly at the heart of staying healthy. Chartwells identified key motivating trends and interests from today's students and developed educational tools to engage and influence the most finicky eaters about making healthier selections. With a focus on the immediate benefits of eating healthier foods, students make the connection that how they feel, look and perform is a result of what they eat. Success for Balanced U components is measured by tracking product inventory usage, responses to event surveys, student inquiries, social media tracking, meeting program compliance standards and financial performance. Benefits of Balanced U components:Technology: Balanced U utilizes multiple and various educational tools to provide health and nutritional information to students, including technology. Since introducing nutritional information via Chartwells proprietary Dine on Campus client specific websites, page views increased 50%+ and time spent on one particular Dine on Campus Web site increased 57%+ year-on-year after online nutrition information was added to the site.Gluten Sensitivity: Food allergies and sensitivities are taken very seriously within all Chartwells foodservice operations. The safety of our guests is always our highest priority and ensuring that each student has a positive dining experience is a reflection on how Chartwells contributes to the well being of every guest on each diverse campus we serve. With the Chartwells made without gluten program, guests with gluten sensitivity can enjoy just as many healthy, flavorful options within resident and retail dining locations, including catered events on campus. Chartwells culinary teams and nutrition experts have developed recipes that naturally do not contain gluten as well as proprietary “made without gluten” batch recipes. Associate training on proper preparation and serving techniques are a critical component of our program. Chartwells understands the importance of having each student truly feel that they are part of their campus community. Providing more options for our guests with gluten sensitivity while dining on campus shows our commitment to each student and campus we serve. Chartwells Proprietary Recipes Minus Gluten: A variety of Chartwells recipes from classic favorites to familiar fare with a modern twist have been introduced to resident dining and catering operations on campuses specifically for gluten sensitive guests. A solid recipe set was also developed from foods that naturally do not contain gluten. Chartwells nutrition experts and regional chefs from the Chartwells Culinary Network have also created a training program around the recipes about proper preparation and serving techniques when feeding guests with gluten sensitivity. Some recipes include cinnamon French toast, vegetable pakoras, tikka fish skewers with yogurt and pappadams, korma chicken curry and spicy Middle Eastern meatloaf just to name a few.Many commercially pre-packaged, pre-manufactured products have a high price tag and are not affordable for many students. By providing made without gluten batch cooking, students with gluten sensitivity now have many more meal options and are no longer destined to eat at the salad bar every day. Special meals are clearly identified for students and Chartwells' on-site culinary teams are available to assist guests with any questions.Monthly educational promotions benefit students: Balanced U was designed to integrate various aspects of health and wellness into the collegiate dining experience as a way to help students achieve optimal nutritional health. Through monthly educational promotions held in the servery, Balanced U educates diners on the spot during meal times about nutritional values and the menu items and foods being served. Making the right food decision at each meal time is promoted regularly and often. This is evident by the amount of interest students take and their participation in each event. Nutrient rich foods choices made for performance: Whether an athlete is in training or recovering from an intense workout, the proper selection and delivery time of certain nutrients can be beneficial to help achieve optimal performance or rejuvenation. Balanced U offers a meal time concept to help athletes and students take the guess work out of choosing nutrient rich balanced foods. Consisting of nutritionally analyzed snacks, small meals and smoothies, each selection is identified as a pre or post performance food for nutrient-conscious student athletes in grab-n-go customizable display cases. The concept is used in resident dining operations and focuses on the importance of a high quality carbohydrate, nutrient rich diet that supports a solid training program so students can eat to compete. Ethical Eating: Chartwells provides many food choices that are produced by means of higher ethical standards and identified as ethically produced foods that are safe for the environment, healthier to eat, high-quality, locally grown or humanely raised and sustainably cultivated.Green construction and renovations: The drive for green construction and renovations on college campuses has dramatically increased. Chartwells, through its own design and build team, The Novus Group, coordinates new build out and renovations for client colleges and universities. One recent green LEED certified dining environment is The Oaks at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. Carbon Foodprint component: Chartwells also incorporate and promotes parent company, Compass Group programs including web-based programs called Carbon Foodprint designed to engage our managers and clients to work as partners and build an extensive strategy to minimize the carbon impact of their food service operation. Trim Trax kitchen waste component: Chartwells also utilizes a sustainable solution implemented by parent company Compass Group known as Trim Trax to reduce food waste by tracking, measuring and reducing food waste in our kitchens, in three key categories: production waste, over production and unused/out-of-date inventory. Pre and post production kitchen waste is taken out of the waste stream, tracked and collected. Less food is wasted through proper training which includes how to properly cut produce so the best part is not thrown away. Special receptacles allow associates to dispose of food waste through an organized and measurable process that helps reduce the burden of waste in landfills while noticeably cutting operating costs. The program can be used with other product cost-containment initiatives, but Trim Trax is uniquely designed for frontline associates.Catering Trim Trax waste component: Following all the existing rules of Trim Trax, Trim Trax Catering targets “post” consumer waste or “overproduction,” calculates the food left over in specific categories and targets those areas with profit improvement. Catering overproduction is measured in five categories: baked goods, chaffer items, composed salads, sandwiches and more.Success was measured by tracking product inventory usage, responses to event surveys, student inquiries, and social media tracking. Challenges and opportunities that Balanced U addresses:Student food allergies/sensitivities: Chartwells Higher Education Dining Services piloted a Made Without Gluten Ingredients menu and recipe plan with Bready to the Balanced U program menu cycles in February 2011. The addition of a Made Without Gluten program was a natural extension of the wellness based menu.Over the past four years, requests for gluten free menu options have increased on Chartwells managed college campuses nationwide. The majority of students that are fed are resident students living on or close to campus, and therefore purchase a meal plan. Development and identification of meal options that do not contain gluten helps keep those students on their meal plan. Current estimations of known students with Celiac Disease or gluten sensitivity on Chartwells managed campuses nationwide are less than 3% of the total population. However, with national estimates for the incidence of Celiac Disease or gluten sensitivity as high as 1 in 133 people, there may be a much higher population on each campus that will benefit from meal options that do not contain gluten.To meet this student need and expectation, Chartwells developed a full set of recipes for all meal time periods that focus primarily on foods that naturally do not contain gluten. Using this recipe set, a 21 day menu cycle for all three meal periods was created. There are several reasons to focus on foods that naturally do not contain gluten. First, the majority of foods that naturally do not contain gluten are the basis of an overall healthy diet. This includes fruits and vegetables, lean meats and low fat dairy products. Second, minimizing reliance on specialty manufactured gluten free products helps operators build more impact with the specialty products we do use in our recipes. Lastly, by using familiar or commonly recognized foods or popular foods that naturally do not contain gluten, more students will utilize the made without gluten meal option that can contribute to healthy eating on each campus. It is a useful meal component for all students.To meet the bread needs of gluten sensitive individuals, Chartwells partnered with Bready North America to offer customers fresh baked breads, cakes, buns and pizza crust that don’t contain gluten. The Bready system is an enclosed baking system/robotic machine that mixes and bakes whole loaves of gluten free mixes. The enclosed machine reduces the risk of contamination from gluten that may be in the air in kitchens where different foods of all kind are prepared. Chartwells Higher Education Dining Services is the only organization within the higher education market to utilize this unique system approach to gluten free breads, buns and pizza crust. The system also generates dough mixes for preparation of hamburger and hot dog buns, pizza crust, muffins, or brownies. The fresh baked, never frozen products have much higher customer appeal and value. In addition, the utilization of prepared gluten free mixes in conjunction with the Bready mixing and baking system allows Chartwells to provide a consistent product to students in terms of flavor and texture in gluten free baked goods.Federal Nutrition and Allergen Labeling: Chartwells has been monitoring federal laws regarding food nutrition and allergen labeling requirements. Although these laws may not yet specifically apply to campus dining operations, Chartwells has reviewed labeling requirements for ready-to-eat / fresh packaged to-go foods served on campus due to increased client interest. The safety and well being of students and all guests dining on campus is a top priority for Chartwells Higher Education Dining Services. The current federal laws for nutrition and allergen labeling for packaged ready-to-eat food includes comprehensive regulations that require an all-or-nothing approach without compromise. The law points out that all ingredients, all sub-ingredients, product weight and allergen statements for all eight major allergens must be included on labeling. The eight allergens include milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soybeans. One concern that affects foodservice operators is that the ingredient lists for domestically manufactured and imported processed food products do not accurately identify new ingredients or sub-ingredients in their products (which can also potentially be an allergen). Many foodservice providers and restaurants use some processed products with fresh made or batch recipes. This leaves foodservice providers and restaurants susceptible to liability due to inaccurate ingredient labeling by the manufacturers. In addition, operators may not be notified of ingredient changes or sub ingredients unless the government or manufacturer initiates a product recall or alert. There are currently no laws enforcing timely updates for ingredient label changes for manufacturers or suppliers, subsequently leaving companies that purchase and use products with unlisted allergens or ingredients liable. Chartwells and parent company Compass Group leverage resources and efficiently navigate the legal and regulatory issues crucial to understanding and being responsive to the food nutrition and allergen labeling law requirements that pertain to the food we serve. We are working with outside general counsel experienced in the food and nutrition sector regarding the interpretation and requirements of government laws for nutrition labeling for ready-to-eat / fresh, packaged foods to meet this challenge. Chartwells will continue to seek innovative solutions to help individuals learn how to recognize the ingredients or allergens they must avoid while providing requested nutrition information. Currently Chartwells offers the following resources for allergen sensitive guests dining on campus:Prominently placed or adjacent signage near food including posters, menu boards and brochures that contain nutrition information for packaged, ready-to-eat foods prepared in-house.Allergen information and warnings posted in back-of-house for all associates and culinary team members. Management and culinary teams are prepared to communicate and work with students and parents directly when contacted about nutrition needs or allergen sensitive guest. Product names shall reflect major allergens whenever possible.Campus dining may implement the Under 3/Under 1 fresh, grab-and-go program that is compliant with all Federal labeling regulations. The Under 3/Under 1 program consists primarily of fresh, non processed ingredients or ingredients that do not contain sub-ingredients (potential hidden allergens) as a safety precaution.Food Sensitivity and Allergy PreparednessAs the leading U.S. college and university foodservice provider, we are expected to assist clients with their obligations to provide appropriate food offerings to students with food allergies and sensitivities. The safety of our guests is always our highest priority and ensuring that each student has a positive dining experience is a reflection on how Chartwells contributes to the well being of every guest on each diverse campus we serve. Chartwells understands the importance of having each student truly feel that they are part of their campus community. Providing more options for our guests with gluten sensitivity while dining on campus shows our commitment to each student and campus we serve.Following our Balanced U platform, your team should have already completed the following program components. Units may be asked to provide evidence at any given moment that your account has all of the assurances listed below in place or provide a timeline when action will be taken. Click here for Food Allergy Support on MyCompass. Click here for Balanced U Support on MyCompass. Click here for the Compass Group Training and Development website.Required Objective:√ CompletedEvidence of Completion Provided:Assisted clients in working with food-allergic (e.g. Celiac disease) students by developing individualized meals or meal plans. Discussed with clients any extra costs associated with meeting these requirements.Units must document all requests made by students or guests with food allergies or celiac disease for custom made food due to the allergy or disease.Units must identify and train at least one “Resident Food Allergy Expert” (RFAE) for each of your operations, and every shift the operation is open.Unit must post our food allergen signage in conspicuous locations in all operations.Units must train all associates on food allergies, the 8 major food allergens, and their responsibilities utilizing the CHAT session. Document all training and keep those records on file.Unit must train all of your managers, chefs, supervisors, and RFAEs utilizing the online “Food Allergy and Celiac Disease" training and certification course.Enhance menu item names for “unexpected” or “hidden” 8 major allergens, including for our in-house packaged grab-and-go offerings.Assist the client in working with food-allergic and celiac students to develop individualized meal plans. If you do not have an onsite Registered Dietitian available to meet with the client and students and families, contact the Chartwells Higher Education Division Director of Nutrition, Laura.Lapp@compass- for guidance. Additional culinary support will be provided by Chartwells’ Vice President of Culinary Innovations, Christian.Fischer@compass-. Be prepared to explain our allergens, and made without gluten program elements to your client, with confidence, based on your understanding of these best practices, as well as your full implementation of all elements. Ensure your team understands the processes in place at your dining services account regarding how to manage a guest who has a reaction to a food sensitivity or allergy including contacting Emergency Medical Services or other critical care doctor. Getting students to actually eat healthier: It can be a challenge to encourage students to eat healthier. Even though we provide truly healthy foods, it does not necessarily mean all students will gravitate toward the better choice. Since 1997 Chartwells has been dedicated to the health and nutrition of students. Our programs have evolved to meet the needs and nutrition requirements desired by students. Chartwells is sure the Balanced U program is working based on student feedback and satisfaction scores. Unique Components:Technology:Chartwells launched iPad kiosk technology at various colleges and universities making nutritional information available for students at their fingertips. This technology gives students immediate access to nutrition information for resident dining menu items. Kiosks are located in dining hall locations and use the Kiosk Pro iPad app. Balanced U also uses technology associated with proprietary Dine on Campus – DOC - websites. (Dine on Campus technology won a Nation’s Restaurant News’ Technology Innovator Award.) DOC websites give students and the public access to campus specific dining facilities, hours, and health & wellness education resources. Balanced U on Dine on Campus websites provide students with the ability to create a personal nutrition journal. Balanced U launched “App on Campus” which allows students to access nutritional information for their campus specific menus, view specials of the day and dining related events. Students can share specific recipe nutrition information and content from App on Campus via Facebook, Twitter and email.Chartwells utilizes a YouTube channel and posted a five minute video about Balanced U as a general guide to understanding the current components of the combined health, wellness and sustainability program for all audiences.Webtrition Balanced U utilizes Webtrition which as a production management system which calculates batch recipe nutritional values. Your unit must be trained using Webtrition and its components as well as actively using it at your account. Webtrition is our web-based proprietary ingredient, recipe and menu management solution that helps Compass provide: Accurate and reliable nutrition information; quality menu items; improved production, yield and waste management New! Webtrition UpdatesOver 3,600 active users in 1,400 accounts across Compass are realizing the benefits of Webtrition. The Webtrition Team is committed to deliver a best-in-class recipe database developed by our culinary leaders, a menu management tool that maintains standards and controls food costs and accurate nutrition information that meets client and customer demands. We are dedicated to continual enhancements to the system, based on your input. So it is with special pleasure that we announce the latest developments.A new Costing Feature - users will be able to view unit-specific ingredient pricing, updated weekly and build menus that lower food cost. Ingredients are linked to preferred products and sector-specific specifications.The new Ingredient Usage Report - users will be able to search recipes for specific ingredients and plan more cost-effective ponent Snapshots:Balanced U provides extensive training for all associates, from culinarians to hourly associates, so teams can properly implement all components of the program.Balanced U Manager’s Guides with separate, constantly updated supplemental guides allow foodservice managers to train associates about the program to help explain the importance of health and nutrition messaging to students and parents. Chartwells promotes the fact that student health and nutrition is an important part of campus dining. Balanced U supplemental unit Green Guide separates sustainability initiatives for easy access for implementation and conversations with clients. Balanced U Student Orientation is an introduction to a healthier way of eating designed specifically for the 18-24 year old demographic and their eating habits. Balanced U orientation is meant to give an overview of what new students could expect while dining on campus. Balanced U Classes consists of educational “classes” or promotions held in the server by staff. Different topics are presented to serve the changing needs of students and their lifestyles from special event healthy cooking demonstrations to National Nutrition Month promotions and food sensitivity awareness. Themes focus on meeting student expectations with regards to physical, social and educational performance.Balanced U Events are offered during dining hours or at various campus venues so Chartwells associates, dieticians, vendors, campus organizations, and guest speakers can address nutritional needs and other student concerns. Special events draw large crowds and students enjoy the samples and taste testing. Balanced U Choices: Chartwells provides and identifies “student friendly food” since students expect healthy, flavorful food to be there without having to ask for it. This includes reduced calorie, fat, sodium, & cholesterol selections, vegan entrees, vegetarian entrees, made without gluten, sustainable food choices.Trayless dining: Going trayless encourages students to take only what they can eat and helps them control their food portions. Balanced U Stealth Health Menu Standards: The culinary team ensures that healthy options are made available for all students at every meal time. Stealth Health is a commitment to minimum menu standards and recommends certain foods be served in resident dining with identifiable health and nutrition advantages. For example, a whole grain should be served whenever a refined grain is served (bread, pasta, rice). The nutritional kickback: whole grains provide higher amounts of fiber, protein and antioxidants in the diet. At least one fresh roasted meat should be available daily at the deli station. The nutritional kickback: freshly cooked appropriately seasoned meats do not typically contain the high amounts of sodium as packaged deli meats, and do not contain preservatives or fillers. An icon identification system helps guide students to healthier alternatives or sustainably sourced meal choices. (Focus group research indicates students correlate "what is good for the earth is good for them.")Increased culinary team interaction and communication with students aimed to enlighten students about what they’ll see on their plates and food's relation to the importance of Balanced U, healthy options, locally sourced products and ethical eating.Balanced U and Sustainability Balanced U is not a single initiative, policy, or sign on a wall; it’s a mindset and part our company legacy. Chartwells has historically been at the forefront of the green movement and has combined our many sustainability initiatives within our Balanced U health and wellness program. Chartwells feels that every aspect of our foodservice operation is related to the health and nutrition of our customers. Chartwells is a foodservice industry leader in sustainability initiatives. Our socially responsible programs provide cost effective solutions following green expectations. Eat GreenChartwells supports ethical eating through partnerships with organizations that provide sustainability sourced products. Chartwells and parent company Compass Group became the first large foodservice company to sign an agreement supporting the Coalition of Immokalee Workers regarding human rights issues, wages and the plight of today’s tomato harvesters.Providing only sustainably-sourced seafood on campus following guidelines from the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch.Using only cage-free shell eggs.Serving only anti-biotic free poultry and pork, and milk free from artificial growth hormones.Providing ethically and locally produced high quality food products and produce including organics.Offering Fair Trade Certified coffee and tea. Eliminating the use of trans-fat oils in our dining services.Project: Clean Plate – While Chartwells provides all-you-care-to-eat food service, we also understand the importance of educating students about portion control and unnecessary food waste. Unnecessary food waste is truly an ethical dilemma which also affects operating costs. Project: Clean Plate is a campaign that helps students to set food waste reduction goals in the dining hall on campus and provides proven cause-and-effect solutions. Communications materials in the dining hall speak to students about portion control, and their part in addressing the problem of food waste. Food waste from students is collected in the dining hall, weighed on a scale, and is assigned a value. When reduction goals are achieved, a donation is made to local hunger charities. “Eat Local” Support: Eat Local is a campaign that kicks off in September. The goal of this campaign is to support the viability of the mid-sized American family farmer and local communities by promoting local produce and creating awareness of its many benefits.Local food sourcing: Balanced U identifies Chartwells’ relationship with food sourcing. By sourcing food and products locally or regionally from family farms and minority vendors and women owned businesses, Chartwells is able to provide the freshest, highest quality food and products that fiscally support the local community. In addition, Chartwells also provides many food choices that are produced by means of higher ethical standards as a responsible brand. Be a Flexitarian: Balanced U incorporated parent company Compass Groups’ Be A Flexitarian program. A flexitarian is someone who actively incorporates meatless meals into his/her diet but isn’t necessarily a vegetarian.Build Green Build Green refers to green construction and renovations. The drive for green construction and renovations on college campuses has dramatically increased. Chartwells, through its own design and build team, The Novus Group, coordinates new build out and renovations for client colleges and universities. One recent green LEED certified dining environment is The Oaks at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. Run GreenRun green refers to Chartwells’ programs that ensure all daily operations are managed according to our green standards to help reduce all forms of waste and increase efficiency. Chartwells follows socially responsible business practices by running environmentally friendly programs that manage food waste to donating used kitchen oil to recycling programs. Chartwells provides eco-friendly biodegradable greenware and reusable containers.Return GreenThis component of Balanced U sustainability teaches associates and students about Chartwells’ initiatives relating to recycling, re-using and composting. Practicing What We Preach: Chartwells engages our associates at corporate offices to adopt healthy lifestyles and behaviors following the standards used at our accounts nationwide. Chartwells encourages electronic communications and company intranet to access training and program materials. Green Associations and Groups Many Chartwells and client dining facilities are certified, rated or affiliated with the following associations or groups.Green Restaurant Association Princeton Review Green Honor RollThe College Sustainability Report Card / (Green Report Card) (The report card rating ceased in March 2012.) Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)AASHE STARS (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System)ACUPCC (American College & University President's Climate Commitment)Climate Neutral Campus ReportIndividual campus and community green associationsChartwells’ and Compass Group ResourcesMyCompass company intranet websiteBalanced U platform lead/contact: Laura Lapp, Director of Nutrition, laura.lapp@compass- Balanced U video ~Ending Page~ ................

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