Teacher’s Guide

 Teacher's Guide

Bouncy the People Trainer's

You Can Learn Program

Alice Ray With material by Heidi RayKeil Illustrations by Susannah Bettag

Copyright 2014 Ripple Effects, Inc. All rights reserved.


Our work at Ripple Effects is on behalf of the children from whom the world will require not-yet-imagined greatness but for whom too often it has offered unfathomable sorrow.


As with all Ripple Effects projects, this one has been a team effort. Thanks to all here who helped directly (Heidi RayKeil, Stefan Cl?ver, Bernadette Torres) and those who helped indirectly (Lew Brentano, JB Tellez, Kerry Crespo, Scott Nisbet) by freeing us up from other obligations that were also pressing. And to Susannah Bettag for the great art work that powers the Bouncy program. Thanks also to the teachers, parents, researchers and most of all, the children, who gave us their input. Finally, thanks to the community of researchers and practitioners who have identified, tested and refined the broad and deep evidence-base upon which this program is built.


Table of Contents

System Overview Scope and Sequence Technology Requirements and Instructions Pretest ? Sureometer Setting the stage ? Born for Greatness You Can Learn app ? The Learning platform Lesson Plans

Level 1: You can learn, Level 2: If you care, you can Level 3: If you believe, you can Level 4: If you try, you can Level 5: If you keep trying, you can do anything Technology "Gotchas"- And how to deal with them Research Background

1 2 3 4-6 7-8 9-12

13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 23 24-27



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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