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What You See is What You Get!Grade 7 – Media and Advertising UnitMarch 11 – April 23, 2013 Rita-Marie LeaskChamberlain School – Grassy Lake, AlbertaTopic: Media and Advertising Grade: ELA 7Timeline: 25 classes (60 minutes each)Central Emphasis: Students will view and respond to print and video advertising and create their own print and video advertisements. After this unit, students will have a better understanding of advertising techniques and therefore become aware and cognizant consumers. Table of ContentsOverviewRationaleResources / MaterialsObjectives / GoalsLearning Activities / Instructional StrategiesActivities Connections to OutcomesUnit CalendarAssessment PlanReflectionAppendix A – Lesson PlansAppendix B – Student HandoutsOverviewThroughout this unit, students will gain understanding of the affects of media in their lives. Students will explore both print and video advertisements and be able to identify the key techniques used within. Students will create their own print and video advertisements using these learned techniques. Students will write to an advertising company to convince them that their advertisement will promote the company’s product most effectively. The first activity, “Advertising Me!” will allow students to show their current knowledge about advertising and will be able to demonstrate what they know as the key elements of print advertisements. In the “Attention – Deconstruction Ahead” activity students will first learn the key elements of print advertisements through a teacher led deconstruction of a print ad. The Scholastic resource walks students through the key elements, which will then be summarized. Students will take notes on the key elements and then reference them as they deconstruct and ad of their own choosing. The “Pick Me! Pick Me!” activity will build upon the knowledge of the previous assignment. Students will choose a product they use or like and construct a print ad to demonstrate the importance of including multiple elements. By researching this product, students can decide for themselves what the most important information / features are and then present that information in a way that would encourage them to purchase the product. The “Lights, Camera, Action” activity will allow students to gain a basis of knowledge before starting their large assessment task. This activity will build upon the previous print ad knowledge and allow students to understand the additional techniques used in video advertising, so that they can use them later. The “Re-inventing the Wheel” activity will use all of the learned knowledge and assess the students’ application of this knowledge. The reflection will demonstrate the thought processes and reasons for the choices they made in the production of their video advertisements. The quiz will reflect the general knowledge and application of print ad knowledge. The final assignment will be a re-visit of the “Advertising Me!” Students will reflect upon the choices they made initially and comment on changes they would make to their advertisements. This unit should comprehensibly build throughout the activities and by revisiting the first activity at the end, students will have the opportunity to witness their own growth in a concrete manner. RationaleStudents will work with advertisements that directly affect them and their peers. In creating their commercial, they are encouraged to sell their product to their classmates. This unit will be a chance for students to understand how they are affected by media in their daily lives. Advertising is seen many times every day, on TV, in magazines, on the internet, and even on our mobile devices. Students will be able to use the knowledge gained in this unit to become smart and thoughtful consumers. Students will hopefully consider the information learned in this unit as they watch commercials and read advertisements in their daily lives and see the real-world application. If some students are very interested in the marketing of a product this unit may encourage them to further explore these ideas, and perhaps choose print or video marketing as a career. This makes this unit a benefit to the students and important for more than marks in English Language Arts. Resources/MaterialsPrint Ads – these ads will be used as examples after the deconstruction activity. The class can work together to list the techniques used in each. There will be an example of all nine major techniquesCoca-cola BandwagonAtabrine transferAjax Magic ingredientsWeasel wordsHeinz Snob appealVerizon ’s appealMagic ingredientsWeasel wordsPositive transferBandwagon Maxwell House transferMagic ingredientsMilk Positive transferWeasel wordsMagic ingredientsSnob appealBandwagonClark College folksiPhone gardeChevrolet Maybelline Handout about advertising techniques This handout will be given to students and reviewed after the deconstruction activity so that students can cement the main techniques to look for as they deconstruct and construct their own print ads.MagazinesVideo AdsDove Evolution VideoVideo camerasVideo editing programComputersObjectives/GoalsGeneral Outcome 1 – students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences1.1 – Express ideas and develop understanding Express personal understandings of ideas and information based on prior knowledge, experiences with others and a variety of oral, print and other media textsStudents will interpret advertisements based on the knowledge that pre-exists and is gained throughout the unitStudents will demonstrate their learning and knowledge as the construct both a print and video advertisementReflect on own observations and experiences to understand and develop oral, print and other media textsStudents will reflect on their learning at the end of the unit, making notes of what pre-existing notions they had that were right, and the areas they have grown in throughout the unit1.1- Experiment with language and formsDiscuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understandingStudents will be able to identify the specific strategies used to get the consumers attention and money in advertisements.Students will be able to implement these strategies into their own print and video advertisements1.2 – Consider the ideas of othersListen and respond constructively to alternative ideas or opinionsStudents will work in groups and be respectful of others’ ideas and opinions and offer constructive suggestions of their own to better the group1.2 – Combine ideasUse talk, writing and representing to examine, clarify and assess understanding of ideas, information and experiencesStudents will make and advertisement using representing and talking o demonstrate understanding of subject materialStudents will write an explanation for their group’s choices, showing their combined ideas and reasons for implementing different advertising techniques1.2 –Extend understandingTalk with others to elaborate ideas, and ask specific questions to seek helpful feedbackStudents will communicate with their peers and the teacher to better their own work, and to further investigate the subject materialStudents will have the opportunity to ask questions about the material anonymously at the end of each dayGeneral Outcome 2 – students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media text2.1 – Use textual cuesIdentify and use visual and textual cues that signal organizational patterns in print and other media texts, to enhance understanding of ideas and informationStudents will learn, understand, and be able to identify the techniques used in effective advertising2.2 - Construct meaning from textsDevelop, clarify and defend own interpretation, based on evidence from the text with support from own experiencesStudents will discuss the inferences they find in print and video advertisements2.2 – Appreciate the artistry of textsDiscuss how techniques, such as colour, shape, composition, suspense, foreshadowing and flashback are used to communicate meaning and enhance effects in oral, print and other media textsStudents will identify the importance of colour, shape, and composition in print and video advertisementsReflect on, revise and elaborate on initial impressions of oral, print and other media texts, through subsequent reading, listening and viewing activitiesStudents will gain knowledge about advertising through viewing, reading and listening activitiesStudents will reflect on initial knowledge about advertising at the end of the unit2.3 – Understand techniques and elementsExplain how sound and image work together to create effects in media textsStudents will defend and give reasons for their sound and image choices for their video advertisementsGeneral Outcome 3 – students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information3.1 – Focus attentionConsider audience, purpose, point of view and form when focussing topics for investigationStudents will understand the idea of a target audience and be able to tailor and advertisement to suit different audiences3.3 – Organize informationProduce oral, print and other media texts with well-developed and well-linked ideas and sectionsStudents will create a print advertisement that follows a logical train of thought, and has well-developed techniquesStudents will work with their groups to develop logical and effective video advertisements that have well-developed ideas and techniques3.4 – Share ideas and informationCommunicate ideas and information in a variety of oral, print and other media texts, such as reports, autobiographies, brochures and video presentationsStudents will use a variety of mediums (print – posters, video, formal writing, and reflective writing) to demonstrate knowledge and understandingUse appropriate visual, print and/or other media effectively to inform and engage the audienceStudents will make engaging and informative advertisements in both print and video formatsGeneral Outcome 4 – students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication4.1 – Appraise own and others’ workIncorporate particular content features of effective texts into own, oral, print and other media textsStudents will incorporate specific advertising techniques into their print and video advertisements4.1 – Enhance legibilityIdentify how the format of documents enhances the presentation of contentStudents will defend the format of their video advertisements and state how it enhances the project4.1 – Enhance artistryExperiment with figurative language, illustrations and video effects to create visual images, provide emphasis or express emotionStudents will use advertising techniques, figurative language, illustrations and video effects to enhance their print and video advertisements4.3 – Use effective oral and visual communicationIdentify and use explicit techniques to arouse and maintain interest and to convince the audienceStudents will defend how their video advertisement will capture the attention of their peers in their final write-upGeneral Outcome 5 – students will listen, speak, read, write, view and respond to respect, support and collaborate with others5.2 – Cooperate with othersContribute collaboratively in group situations, by asking questions and building in the ideas of othersStudents will work in groups and build upon each others’ ideas in the creation of their video advertisements Take responsibility for assuming a variety of roles in a group, depending on changing contexts and needsStudents will work together and share the workload, so no one group member is doing the majority or the minority of the work5.2 – Work in groupsContribute ideas, knowledge and questions to establish an information base for research or investigationsStudents will brainstorm ideas together and agree on an action plan before filming their video advertisments5.2 – Evaluate group processEvaluate group process and personal contributions according to pre-established criteria to determine strengths and areas for improvementStudents will evaluate themselves and their peers through a rubric-based and written evaluation formLearning Activities and Instructional StrategiesScene 1, Take 1 (? class)This activity will allow me to properly introduce the unit and let the students know where we are headed. Students will be provided with a unit outline, and basic description of the activities. This will show the students the expectations and the activities that are to come so they can be more invested in their learning. Students can ask questions and offer input if there are specific things they want out of the unit in an exit slip activity. I will do my best to adapt the unit if multiple students want to learn (or do) something that I haven’t planned. Advertising Me! (1-2 classes)This activity will act as a pre-assessment. Students will look through magazine ads and make notes about what they think the most important aspects of advertising are. They can collect examples of these. Then, they will create an ad that promotes their best qualities. This ad will be revisited at the end of the unit for students to reflect on their learning. Attention – Deconstruction Ahead (2-3 classes)This activity will take students through the deconstruction of print ads. The Scholastic resource of comparing vintage and modern versions the same product will act as a basis. Students will participate in a discussion of the main parts of print ads and how companies use techniques to ‘get’ the consumer. Students will compare the two versions, and notice what is important for advertising ‘now.’ Students choose an ad they find interesting from a magazine and explore 4 major techniques found within. Students will write an explanation for why the company chose these techniques and support it with direct examples from the advertisement. Pick Me! Pick Me! (4-5 classes)Students will choose one of their favourite consumer products (one they have or like). They will make a poster print ad that uses a specific number of advertising techniques to sell this product to the class. They must research this product’s pre-existing advertisements to ensure they are making one that is unique. Students will print off two or three pre-existing advertisements to show that their ideas are their own. Lights, Camera, Action (1-2 classes)These classes will be spent looking at video advertising and noting the differences between video and print ads. At least one class will be used, but 2 if needed. There is a really great Scholastic resource (but it seems not to be working), but I will find something else if it isn’t useable. There are many ads on YouTube that will also work for this (but I am unsure of all of the school’s safety settings for the internet). Students will compare print to video advertisements and notice the similar and different techniques. They will use these newfound techniques create their own video advertisements. Re-Inventing the Wheel (8-9 classes)Students will work in groups. Their task is to find a new use for a wheel and sell it to their peers in a video advertisement that is between 30 and 60 seconds. They will use techniques learned over the past 3 weeks to plan, film, and edit their commercials. Each student is responsible for a write-up to the corporation to convince them why their advertisement is the most effective for their product. This write up should be about 1 page typed, 12 point font, double spaced.Class 1: The project will be presented to the students fully. Students can clarify any major questions they have and start to think about what they want their final product to look like. Students will meet with their groups and brainstorm ideas for what they want to sell the wheel asClasses 2 and 3: Students will make a detailed plan of their video advertisement and the teacher will work as closely as possible with all groups to ensure that their plan is realistic and attainable.Classes 4, 5 and 6: Students will film their advertisements. The amount of time needed will depend on how many ‘takes’ there are, the number of locations, the number of cameras, etc. Students who are not filming can be working on their write up to the corporation. This can be done in class, on paper, and typed laterClasses 7 and 8: Groups will edit their video advertisements and finalize their write-ups.Quiz (1 class)This quiz will have students answer questions about specific print ads that exemplify techniques discussed in classActivity Connection to OutcomesActivityOutcomesRWLSVRepAdvertising Me!1.1 - Express personal understandings of ideas and information based on prior knowledge, experiences with others and a variety of oral, print and other media texts; Discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding2.2 - Develop, clarify and defend own interpretation, based on evidence from the text with support from own experiences; Discuss how techniques, such as colour, shape, composition, suspense, foreshadowing and flashback are used to communicate meaning and enhance effects in oral, print and other media textXXXAttention – Deconstruction Ahead1.1 - Express personal understandings of ideas and information based on prior knowledge, experiences with others and a variety of oral, print and other media texts; Discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding1.2 - Talk with others to elaborate ideas, and ask specific questions to seek helpful feedback2.1 - Identify and use visual and textual cues that signal organizational patterns in print and other media texts, to enhance understanding of ideas and information2.2 - Discuss how techniques, such as colour, shape, composition, suspense, foreshadowing and flashback are used to communicate meaning and enhance effects in oral, print and other media texts 3.1 - Consider audience, purpose, point of view and form when focussing topics for investigation4.1 - Identify how the format of documents enhances the presentation of contentXXXPick Me! Pick Me!1.1 - Discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding1.2 - Use talk, writing and representing to examine, clarify and assess understanding of ideas, information and experiences2.2 - Discuss how techniques, such as colour, shape, composition, suspense, foreshadowing and flashback are used to communicate meaning and enhance effects in oral, print and other media texts 3.1 - Consider audience, purpose, point of view and form when focussing topics for investigation3.3 - Produce oral, print and other media texts with well-developed and well-linked ideas and sections3.4 - Communicate ideas and information in a variety of oral, print and other media texts, such as reports, autobiographies, brochures and video presentations; Use appropriate visual, print and/or other media effectively to inform and engage the audience4.1 - Incorporate particular content features of effective texts into own, oral, print and other media texts; Experiment with figurative language, illustrations and video effects to create visual images, provide emphasis or express emotion4.3 - Identify and use explicit techniques to arouse and maintain interest and to convince the audienceXXXXXLights, Camera, Action1.1 - Discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding; Discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding1.2 - Use talk, writing and representing to examine, clarify and assess understanding of ideas, information and experiences; Talk with others to elaborate ideas, and ask specific questions to seek helpful feedback2.1 - Identify and use visual and textual cues that signal organizational patterns in print and other media texts, to enhance understanding of ideas and information2.2 - Discuss how techniques, such as colour, shape, composition, suspense, foreshadowing and flashback are used to communicate meaning and enhance effects in oral, print and other media texts 2.3 - Explain how sound and image work together to create effects in media texts4.1 - Identify how the format of documents enhances the presentation of content4.3 - Identify and use explicit techniques to arouse and maintain interest and to convince the audienceXXRe-inventing the Wheel1.1 - Reflect on own observations and experiences to understand and develop oral, print and other media texts; Discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding1.2 - Listen and respond constructively to alternative ideas or opinions; Use talk, writing and representing to examine, clarify and assess understanding of ideas, information and experiences; Talk with others to elaborate ideas, and ask specific questions to seek helpful feedback2.2 - Discuss how techniques, such as colour, shape, composition, suspense, foreshadowing and flashback are used to communicate meaning and enhance effects in oral, print and other media texts 2.3 - Explain how sound and image work together to create effects in media texts3.1 - Consider audience, purpose, point of view and form when focussing topics for investigation3.3 - Produce oral, print and other media texts with well-developed and well-linked ideas and sections3.4 - Communicate ideas and information in a variety of oral, print and other media texts, such as reports, autobiographies, brochures and video presentations; Use appropriate visual, print and/or other media effectively to inform and engage the audience4.1 - Incorporate particular content features of effective texts into own, oral, print and other media texts; Experiment with figurative language, illustrations and video effects to create visual images, provide emphasis or express emotion4.3 - Identify and use explicit techniques to arouse and maintain interest and to convince the audience5.2 - Contribute collaboratively in group situations, by asking questions and building in the ideas of others; Take responsibility for assuming a variety of roles in a group, depending on changing contexts and needs; Contribute ideas, knowledge and questions to establish an information base for research or investigations; Evaluate group process and personal contributions according to pre-established criteria to determine strengths and areas for improvementXXXXXQuiz1.1 - Reflect on own observations and experiences to understand and develop oral, print and other media texts; Discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding2.1 - Identify and use visual and textual cues that signal organizational patterns in print and other media texts, to enhance understanding of ideas and information2.2 - Develop, clarify and defend own interpretation, based on evidence from the text with support from own experiences; Discuss how techniques, such as colour, shape, composition, suspense, foreshadowing and flashback are used to communicate meaning and enhance effects in oral, print and other media text3.1 - Consider audience, purpose, point of view and form when focussing topics for investigation4.1 - Identify how the format of documents enhances the presentation of contentXXXRevisit – Advertising Me!1.1 - Reflect on own observations and experiences to understand and develop oral, print and other media textsXUnit CalendarGrade 7 – What You See Is What You Get?March 2013 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday45678FIRST DAYEPOP1112131415Scene 1, Take 1-students will be introduced to the unit and the expectations, activities and assessments will be outlinedBegin: Advertising Me!-students will brainstorm with peers in small groups about what they think the important aspects of advertisements are and what techniques they think are used in creating advertisementsAdvertising Me!-students will make an advertisement that showcases their strengths-students will use magazines and use images and texts they find within advertisements to create their representation-students will make notes about why they included certain elements and turn this in at the end of the class-a formative assessment, will be revisited at the end of the unit*STUDENTS NEED SCISSORS AND GLUE*Finish up: Advertising Me!-students will finish this assignment if time is neededBegin: Attention –Deconstruction Ahead-students will be introduced to the elements of advertisements through the Scholastic resource: Deconstruct a Print Ad-this activity will be teacher-lead*STUDENTS NEED SCISSORS AND GLUE*Attention – Deconstruction Ahead-the class will be introduced to techniques used by advertising companies to convince consumers to purchase their products/support their viewpoint-the class will practice identifying these techniques together-students will choose and interesting print ad from a magazine and identify the techniques used within. 4 techniques should be exemplified, so more than one advertisement may be necessaryNO SCHOOL1819202122Finish up: Attention – Deconstruction Ahead-students will finish this activity and hand this assignment in-this is a summative assessment of the students application of information gained in classBegin: Pick Me! Pick Me!-students will choose a product they want to advertise. It should be one that is interesting to them-students will research and print at least 3 pre-existing advertisements for this project*BOOK THE COMPUTER LAB*Pick Me! Pick Me!-students will make a plan/ sketch of their proposed advertisement and consult with the teacher to make sure it demonstrates at least 4 important advertising elements-students will begin making their posters*STUDENTS NEED MARKERS, PENCIL CRAYONS, ETC**BOOK THE COMPUTER LAB*Pick Me! Pick Me!-students will continue working on this assignment-this assignment will be graded on the integration of 4 advertising techniques (are they integrated effectively, does the ad have a theme?)*STUDENTS NEED MARKERS, PENCIL CRAYONS, ETC*Finish up: Pick Me! Pick Me!-students will put the final touches on their assignment-if time allows, students can show their advertisements to the class and state what advertising techniques they have incorporated *STUDENTS NEED MARKERS, PENCIL CRAYONS, ETC*2526272829~FLEX~DAY~-this day is provided in case the class gets behind, or has to miss a day due to inclement weather-if the class is ready to move on, the Lights, Camera, Action section of the unit will begin todayBegin: Lights, Camera, Action-students will be introduced to the techniques used in video advertisements-students will compare and contrast print and video ads through a teacher-led discussionFinish up: Lights, Camera, Action-students will look at a print ad and a video ad for same product and list all of the techniques in a venn diagram to see what is the same and different with the two mediums*BOOK THE COMPUTER LAB*NO STUDENTSNO SCHOOLGrade 7 – What You See Is What You Get?April 2013 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday12345NO SCHOOLNO SCHOOLNO SCHOOLNO SCHOOLNO SCHOOL89101112Begin: Re-inventing the Wheel-students will get a full outline of the assignment-students will ask questions to clarify the expectations-students will meet their pre-arranged groups and begin brainstorming ideas for what the purpose of the wheel will beRe-inventing the Wheel-students will work with their groups to plan their video advertisements-the teacher will work with each group to ensure that the plan is realistic and attainableRe-inventing the Wheel-students will finish their planning for their video advertisements-the group submit a list of techniques that will be used in their video advertisements-students can begin filming if they are ready and have been approved by the teacher*NEED CAMERAS*Re-inventing the Wheel-students will film their video advertisements-if there are not enough cameras some groups will work individually to write their pitch to the corporation to convince them that their advertisement will sell their product the best*NEED CAMERAS*Re-inventing the Wheel-students will finish their filming -students will begin editing their video advertisements-students who do not have access to cameras or computers can work on their pitch to the corporation*NEED CAMERAS**BOOK THE COMPUTER LAB AND COMPUTERS WITH EDITING SOFTWARE*1516171819Re-inventing the Wheel-students will finish editing their video advertisements-students who finish early can begin typing their pitch. It should be about 1 page, double spaced, 12 pt font*BOOK THE COMPUTER LAB AND COMPUTERS WITH EDITING SOFTWARE*Re-inventing the Wheel-students will finish typing their pitches-pitches are to be printed and submitted to the teacher by the end of the class-pitches will be marked in conjunction of the video advertisements to ensure that the same ideas and themes are expressed in both texts*BOOK THE COMPUTER LAB*~FLEX~DAY~-this day is for wrapping up loose ends -if groups et behind in filming, editing this time can be used for tweaking their video advertisements-if individuals need more time to revise their pitches, this time can be used to accommodate that-if students are finished everything Peer and Self Evaluations can be completed at this time*BOOK THE COMPUTER LAB*Watch: Re-inventing the Wheel-this day is for celebrating student work!-the teacher should make popcorn to treat the students for their hard work-the class will watch each others’ video advertisements-the assignments should be marked out of class time, as this day is to enjoy, not critique*BRING POPCORN AND OTHER GOODIES*Wrap up: Peer and Self Evaluations-students will do peer and self- evaluations, forms for this will be provided to direct the necessary feedback-this should take about 20 minutes and be completed individuallyReview: for the quiz-students will be provided with a summary of the techniques used in print advertising-this session will act as a reminder for students, as it has been a few weeks since these topics were introduced-the quiz format will be discussed and sample questions shown 2223242526Quiz-students will write a multiple choice, matching, T/F and short answer quiz that shows their knowledge and understanding of advertising techniques-students will be given the entire class-students that finish early can read silentlyRevisit: Advertising Me!-students will be handed back their Advertising Me! assignment from the beginning of the unit-students will note 3 or 4 changes they would make to their ad now that they have a better understanding of advertising techniques-this assignment will be submitted to the teacher at the end of the class and graded on the development ideas and proof of student growth~FLEX~DAY~-this day will be used to tie up any loose ends of the unit-if more time is needed to finish Revisit: Advertising Me! students can have this time-if everything is finished, the next unit can be introduced!LAST DAYNO SCHOOLAssessment PlanTitleDescriptionTentative Due Date% of Unit GradingForAsOfScene 1, Take 1Students will use exit slips to ask questions about the upcoming unit and to note two stars (2 things they’re excited for) and a wish (for something they want to do or learn) they have for the unit.March 11, 2013FormativeXAdvertising Me!This activity will act as a pre-assessment for the unit. Students will identify what they think are the important aspects of print advertisements. Students will use magazines to compile an advertisement that sells their strengths. This will show what pre-conceived notions students already have about print advertisements.March 13, 2013FormativeXAttention – Deconstruction AheadThis assignment will show what students are grasping as important techniques in print advertising. Students will identify 4 techniques used in an advertisement of their choice. This will be a short informal written assignment. March 18, 201310%XPick Me! Pick Me!Students will create a print advertisement about a consumer product they are familiar with. They need to research this product (and show proof in the form of pre-existing advertisements for this product) and then create a unique advertisement using at least 4 advertising techniques discussed in class.March 22, 201320%XLights, Camera, ActionStudents will complete a Venn Diagram contrasting a print and video advertisement for the same product. The will note the strategies used in each medium and see how they compare to each other.March 27, 2013FormativeXRe-inventing the Wheel – Video AdvertisementStudents will work in groups to create a 30-60 second video advertisement for a re-purposed wheel. They must include many different techniques to exemplify their learning over the last few weeks. They will be graded on planning, execution, development of ideas, and implementation of advertising techniques.April 16, 201330%XRe-inventing the Wheel – Corporation PitchStudents will work individually to sell their video advertisement to the corporation selling the product. Students must explain the video advertisement they have made and the techniques used throughout the video. Students will state why these techniques are important in advertising this product. This assignment should be approximately 1 double-spaced, typed page in 12 pt font.April 16, 201315%XPeer and Self EvaluationsStudents will fill out a rubric for each of their group members and for themselves stating the roles and responsibilities of each member and their ability to work well with the rest of the group.April 19, 20135%XQuizStudents will write a multiple choice, matching, true/false and short answer quiz at the end of the unit. This quiz will test on the knowledge of advertising techniques. April 22, 201315%XRevisit: Advertising Me!Students will revisit the first assignment and write a reflection on how their perceptions of advertising have changed. Students will state what they would change or include if they were to complete the same assignment at the end of the unit. April 23, 20135%XReflectionDraftMy students are predominantly Low German Mennonite, so one concern I have is not knowing how much media these students interact with every day. I will have to tailor my activities to suit what they see and be sure that I am my activities are not controversial religiously. My TA planned a similar unit last year, so I have been able to reference the kinds of advertisements she used, and stuck to similar topics/productsI have planned this unit to be student based, with minimal teacher instruction time. Once I get to know my students better I will have to re-evaluate this, depending on their ability to work together and without direct instruction. The “Re-Inventing the Wheel” activity is structured around students making choices and following through. I will learn in the first few classes what they are capable of or whether I should really chunk the activities. My TA has told me we have video cameras, but group planning will depend on how many cameras and editing programs we haveThe quiz will be developed as the unit proceeds as I see what we cover and end up focussing on.Appendix A – Lesson PlansLesson Title/FocusScene 1, Take 1Advertising Me! (1)DateMarch 11, 2013Subject/Grade LevelGrade 7 English Language ArtsTime Duration65 minutesUnitWhat You See Is What You Get?TeacherMiss Rita-Marie LeaskOUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES General and Specific Learning Outcomes:1.1 - Express personal understandings of ideas and information based on prior knowledge, experiences with others and a variety of oral, print and other media texts; Discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding2.2 - Develop, clarify and defend own interpretation, based on evidence from the text with support from own experiences; Discuss how techniques, such as colour, shape, composition, suspense, foreshadowing and flashback are used to communicate meaning and enhance effects in oral, print and other media textLEARNING OBJECTIVESStudents will:Become familiar with the upcoming unitBe presented with a descriptive list of the unit’s activitiesBrainstorm with peers about what the important aspects of advertising areASSESSMENTSObservations:Teacher will watch and listen to see which students are engaged and excited about the activities to comeTeacher will watch and listen to see how students work in discussion groupsTeacher will watch and listen to see how much and the quality of individuals while brainstormingKey Questions:What is media?What is important in print advertising?Products/Performances:n/a LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTEDMATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTWhat You See Is What You Get? – Student Unit Plan PackageMagazines PROCEDUREIntroductionTimeAttention GrabberStudents will be asked to identify the different medias in their lifeStudents will be asked to share ways they interact with the media every dayStudents will be asked how they think they are influenced by media, specifically advertisements5-10 minutesAssessment of Prior Knowledge*this will be attained by asking the above questions*Expectations for Learning and BehaviourExpectations for the entire unit will be addressed as the Student Unit Plan is outlinedIn the second half of the class students are expected to work with their peers to look at print advertisements and brainstorm the important elements and techniques they see usedAdvance Organizer/AgendaStudents will be given an overview of the day:Introduction of the unitBegin: Advertising Me!1 minuteTransition to BodyStudents will receive their copy of the Student Unit Plan1 minuteBodyTimeLearning Activity #1Introduction to What You See Is What You Get?The teacher will explain the intention of the unit and the importance of students knowing about how advertising and media influences themThe teacher will outline each activity and the basic expectationsThe teacher will address any resulting questions, but keeping in mind that students should get important information only (too many details will overwhelm everyone)20 minutesAssessments/ Differentiation:Learning Activity #2Advertising Me! – BrainstormingStudents will work with 2-3 other students to peruse magazines and identify the strategies and techniques they see in print advertisementsStudents each compile a list so they can refer back to it over the next few classes20-25 minutesAssessments/ DifferentiationLearning Activity #3Assessments/ DifferentiationClosureTimeAssessment of Learning:*no formal assessement*Feedback From Students:Students will be asked to provide an exit slip with the following information:2 things I am excited for in this unit1 thing I want to learn/do by the end of this unit1 thing I want to know about Miss Leask5 minutesFeedback To StudentsTransition To Next LessonTomorrow students will use the lists made in this class as a reference as they begin making their Advertising Me! posters. Students will be creating and advertisement showcasing their strengths by cutting and pasting from print advertisements and text in magazines1 minuteReflections from the lessonLesson Title/FocusAdvertising Me! (2)DateMarch 12, 2013Subject/Grade LevelGrade 7 English Language ArtsTime Duration65 minutesUnitWhat You See Is What You Get?TeacherMiss Rita-Marie LeaskOUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES General and Specific Learning Outcomes:LEARNING OBJECTIVESStudents will:Create an advertisement that showcases their strengthsUse notes made in the previous class to identify the techniques they use in the creation of their advertisementASSESSMENTSObservations:Teacher will watch and listen as students make their print advertisements to formatively assess Key Questions:What are the main techniques you found in advertisementsProducts/Performances:Advertisement that showcases their strengths A list of the techniques they used (and why they are important)LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTEDMATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTTeacher: magazines, 8? x 11 paperStudents: glue, scissors, looseleaf paper, pens/pencils, PROCEDUREIntroductionTimeAttention GrabberStudents will be asked to share ideas they found in magazines yesterday2 minutesAssessment of Prior KnowledgeExpectations for Learning and BehaviourStudents will work individually to create their advertisementsAdvance Organizer/AgendaStudents will be given an overview of the day:Work on Advertising Me!1 minuteTransition to BodyHave students help to pass out paper and magazines3 minutesBodyTimeLearning Activity #1Advertising Me! – Tooting My HornStudents will construct advertisements using print ad they find in magazinesThese ads should show what the student see as their personal strengthsStudents must submit a short written (point form) document showing what important advertising techniques they found and used in their ads and a very short explanation for why each technique is important45 minutesAssessments/ Differentiation:Learning Activity #2Assessments/ DifferentiationLearning Activity #3Assessments/ DifferentiationClosureTimeAssessment of Learning:*no formal assessment* *students may submit advertisements if they are finished*Feedback From Students:At the end of class, take a few minutes to wrap up the activity, put away supplies, and find out how much more time, if any, will be needed to complete the advertisements10 minutesFeedback To StudentsTransition To Next LessonTomorrow students will be finishing up their ads showcasing their strengths if time is needed. This should only take 30 minutes (including set up and clean up) to ensure we stay on track.Students will be introduced to the Attention – Deconstruction Ahead activities2 minutesReflections from the lessonLesson Title/FocusAdvertising Me! (3)Attention – Deconstruction Ahead (1)DateMarch 13, 2013Subject/Grade LevelGrade 7 English Language ArtsTime Duration65 minutesUnitWhat You See Is What You Get?TeacherMiss Rita-Marie LeaskOUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES General and Specific Learning Outcomes:Advertising Me!1.1 - Express personal understandings of ideas and information based on prior knowledge, experiences with others and a variety of oral, print and other media texts; Discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding2.2 - Develop, clarify and defend own interpretation, based on evidence from the text with support from own experiences; Discuss how techniques, such as colour, shape, composition, suspense, foreshadowing and flashback are used to communicate meaning and enhance effects in oral, print and other media textAttention – Deconstruction Ahead1.1 - Express personal understandings of ideas and information based on prior knowledge, experiences with others and a variety of oral, print and other media texts; Discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding1.2 - Talk with others to elaborate ideas, and ask specific questions to seek helpful feedback2.1 - Identify and use visual and textual cues that signal organizational patterns in print and other media texts, to enhance understanding of ideas and information2.2 - Discuss how techniques, such as colour, shape, composition, suspense, foreshadowing and flashback are used to communicate meaning and enhance effects in oral, print and other media texts 3.1 - Consider audience, purpose, point of view and form when focussing topics for investigation4.1 - Identify how the format of documents enhances the presentation of contentLEARNING OBJECTIVESStudents will:Finish the Advertising Me! activity in the first 30 minutes of classBe introduced to the elements or print advertisements (through the Scholastic resource) in a teacher-lead activityASSESSMENTSObservations:Teacher will observe students preparedness as they finish up their adsTeacher will observe student engagement throughout the Deconstruct a Print Ad activity to gain a better understanding of students comfort levelKey Questions:What are the main design techniques advertisers use?How have these techniques changed from the vintage ad to the modern ad?Products/Performances:LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTEDMATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTTeacher: magazines, 8? x 11 paper, Deconstruct a Print Ad CD, computer, projectorStudents: paper, pencilPROCEDUREIntroductionTimeAttention GrabberAssessment of Prior KnowledgeExpectations for Learning and BehaviourStudents will work individually for the first part of class and will finish their ads efficiently Students will listen and view the teacher as they walk students through the deconstruction of a print advertisementStudents will offer input where applicable in the discussionAdvance Organizer/AgendaStudents will be given and overview of the day:Finish Advertising me!Begin Attention – Deconstruction Ahead (teacher-lead activity)3 minutesTransition to BodyHave students distribute magazines and paper2 minutesBodyTimeLearning Activity #1Advertising Me! – Tooting My HornStudents will construct advertisements using print ad they find in magazinesThese ads should show what the student see as their personal strengthsStudents must submit a short written (point form) document showing what important advertising techniques they found and used in their ads and a very short explanation for why each technique is importantThis must be handed in, even if incomplete (students will reflect on their knowledge gained using this piece at the end of the unit)25 minutesAssessments/ Differentiation:Learning Activity #2Attention – Deconstruction Ahead – Deconstruct a Print AdThis activity will be teacher leadThe resource Deconstruct a Print Ad will be used to highlight key features of print ads and their importanceThis resource also showcasing how ads have changed and explains why (the consumer has changed)Students should be active participants entering into the conversation where appropriate30 minutesAssessments/ DifferentiationLearning Activity #3Assessments/ DifferentiationClosureTimeAssessment of Learning:*no formal assessment**Advertising Me! ads must be handed in this class*2 minutesFeedback From Students:Post-It Note: What is the first thing YOU notice when looking at a print ad?Feedback To StudentsTransition To Next LessonTomorrow we will be looking at the tricks advertising companies use to convince you to buy the product.Tomorrow we will take a closer look at examples of effective print adsTomorrow we will start practicing deconstructing print ads3 minutesReflections from the lessonAppendix B – Student Hand-outsAttention Students – Ad Deconstruction Ahead!You work for a major advertising firm: Grassy Lake Advertising and Marketing, and have been selected as advertising guru of the month. Your corporation has noticed that other companies are getting a lot of attention for their advertising and have enlisted you to help.Your job is to select one of these advertisements and discover why it is so effective. This information will help to make Grassy Lake Advertising and Marketing (and you) a hotter commodity in the advertising world. Here is your task:Choose an advertisement (and get it approved by the CEO, Miss Leask)Identify at least 4 advertising techniques used in this advertisementFor each of the techniques explain why the technique is effective for selling this productType your findings and deliver the valuable information to Miss Leask by March 18th, 2013This assignment represents 10% of your employee evaluation. Pick Me! Pick Me!Your research findings were magnificent, and now Miss Leask thinks you are up for an even more important challenge!Your job is to select a product that Grassy Lake Advertising and Marketing already represents and create a fresh, new print advertisement to wow the product producers and consumers. Here is your task:Choose a product that is relevant to you (the more invested you are in the product, the better you’ll promote it!)Check with Miss Leask to be sure that this product is an important one to researchResearch the existing print advertisements for this productPrint out three or four interesting print ads you findDraw and colour a print advertisement for this product using at least 4 advertising techniques that are different than the ones you found in your researchInclude a brief description of the techniques you have chosen to include and your reasons for choosing themSubmit your advertisement to Miss Leask by March 22nd, 2013 *The product images do not have to be perfect. If Miss Leask decides to use your ad you will have access to top-of the line editing software**The techniques should be the main focus of this task, as they are what will ‘sell’ the product* This assignment represents 20% of your employee evaluation. Re-inventing the Wheel – Team Video AdvertisementTaber Tires had a catastrophe! An employee thought he was supposed to make 1 000 000 (a million) bike tires, when he was supposed to only make 1000. Now there are a lot of tires left and every bike in town has a brand new set.Taber Tires has enlisted the help of Grassy Lake Advertising and Marketing to help them sell the leftovers. Miss Leask has put together the 6 best teams or creative employees and you are among them. You will work with your team, not only to sell the product, but to repurpose it (because, let’s face it – EVERYONE already has brand-new bike tires).Here is your task:Brainstorm with your team to think up a new use for the tire (and be creative – Taber Tires could turn your innovation into a nifty profit and you might get a chunk of it)Plan out your video marketing techniques and check with Miss Leask to make sure that these are realistic possibilitiesFilm and edit at 30-60 second advertisement and present it to the other teams and Miss LeaskSubmit your video advertisement to Miss Leask (who will deliver it to Taber Tires) by April 16th, 2013 *Each step of the process is important – planning, development of ideas and techniques and overall execution*This assignment represents 30% of your employee evaluation. Re-inventing the Wheel – Individual Advertising PitchTaber Tires had a catastrophe! An employee thought he was supposed to make 1 000 000 (a million) bike tires, when he was supposed to only make 1000. Now there are a lot of tires left and every bike in town has a brand new set.Taber Tires has enlisted the help of Grassy Lake Advertising and Marketing to help them sell the leftovers. Miss Leask has put together the 6 best teams or creative employees and you are among them. You will work with your team, not only to sell the product, but to repurpose it (because, let’s face it – EVERYONE already has brand-new bike tires). In addition to this, one person off of the chosen advertising team will have the opportunity to act as the creative director for the actual filming at Taber Tires. You want this opportunity!Here is your task:Sell your advertisement to Taber Tires.In one page (double spaced, 12 point font), tell Taber tires why they should choose your advertisement.Include reasoning for why your team chose specific techniques and why this video advertisement will sell the new product.Submit your advertising pitch to Miss Leask (who will deliver it to Taber Tires) by April 16th, 2013.This assignment represents 15% of your employee evaluation. ................

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