Involve parents and the community in the development and ...
PARENTAL/COMMUNITY INVOLVMENT PLANKRAUS MIDDLE SCHOOLKraus Middle School understands the importance of involving parents and the community as a whole in promoting higher student achievement and general good will between the school and those it serves. Therefore, we shall strive to develop and maintain the capacity for meaningful and productive parental and community involvement that will result in partnerships that are mutually beneficial to the school, students, parents, and the community. To achieve such ends, the school shall work to Involve parents and the community in the development and improvement of Title I programs for the school;Have a coordinated involvement program where the involvement activities of the school enhance the involvement strategies of other programs;Explain to parents and the community the State’s content and achievement standards, State and local student assessments and how the school’s curriculum is aligned with the assessments and how parents can work with the school to improve their child’s academic achievement;Provide parents with the materials and training they need to be better able to help their child achieve. The school may use parents resource centers and other community based organizations to foster parental involvement and provide literacy and technology training to parents;Educate school staff, with the assistance of parents, in ways to work and communicate with parents and to know how to implement parent involvement programs that will promote positive partnerships between the school and parents; Keep parents informed about parental involvement programs, meetings, and other activities they could be involved in. Such communication shall be, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand; Find ways to eliminate barriers that work to keep parents from being involved in their child’s education. This may include providing transportation and child care to enable parents to participate, arranging meetings at a variety of times, and being creative with parent/teacher conferences;Find and modify other successful parent and community involvement programs to suit the needs of our school;Train parents to enhance and promote the involvement of other parents;Provide reasonable support for other parental involvement activities as parents may reasonable request.To help promote an understanding of each party’s role in improving students learning, a parent compact that outlines the responsibilities of parents, students and the school staff in raising student academic achievement and in building partnerships that will enable students to meet the State’s academic standards. Administrators shall convene an annual meeting, or several meetings at varying times if necessary to adequately reach parents of participating students, to inform parents of the school’s participation in title I, its requirements regarding parental involvement, and the parents’ right to be involved in the education of their child.Administrators shall, at least annually, involve parents in reviewing the school’s Title I program and parental involvement policy in order to help ensure their continued improvement.This policy shall be part of the school’s title I plan and shall be distributed to parents of the district’s students and provided, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand. Kraus Middle SchoolHome/School Learning CompactStudent Name: ______________________________________________ Grade: ________ Date: _______________Parent/Student/Teacher/Principal CompactThe administration, teachers, support staff, and parents of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) agree that this compact outlines how we will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards. This school-parent compact is in effect during school 2014-2015 school year.School ResponsibilitiesWe, the administration, teachers, and support staff will support our children’s learning in the following ways:Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables our students to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards through proven programs such as Accelerated Reader, Everyday Math, and Literacy Lab. Teachers and support staff will receive professional development related to these programs and other best instructional practices annually.Hold parent-teacher conferences (at least annually in elementary schools) during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement. Specifically, those conferences will be held at the mid-point of the first and third nine weeks.Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress. The school will provide progress reports at the mid-point of the second and fourth nine weeks. Additionally, a principal’s newsletter will be sent home with each student monthly. Information and activities that parents can utilize at home to help improve student achievement will be included. Information will also be printed in Spanish. The staff will encourage two-way communication with families, homes, and community through personal contacts, phone calls, e-mails, and letters parents sign and return to the teachers. Provide parents reasonable access to staff. The staff will encourage two-way communication with families, homes, and community through personal contacts, scheduled conferences requests by either the parents or the teacher, phone calls, e-mails, and letters parents sign and return to the teachers. Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities through the volunteer program.Teacher AgreementIt is important that students achieve. Therefore I shall strive to do the following:____Provide appropriate and meaningful homework assignments for students.____Provide necessary assistance to parents so that they can help with the assignments.____Encourage students and parents by providing information about student progress.____Use special activities in the classroom to make learning enjoyable.Signature ____________________________Principal AgreementI support this form of parent involvement. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:____Provide an environment that allows for positive communication between the teachers, parents and students.____Encourage teachers to regularly provide homework assignments that will reinforce classroom instruction.Signature ________________________________Parent ResponsibilitiesWe, as parents, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:Monitoring attendance.Making sure that homework is completed.Monitoring amount of television their children watch.Volunteering in my child’s classroom.Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my children’s education.Promoting positive use of my child’s extracurricular time.Provide information to parents of participating students in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon the request of parents with disabilities, and, to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand. Provide to parents of participating children information in a timely manner about Title I, Part A programs that includes a description and explanation of the school’s curriculum, the forms of academic assessment used to measure children’s progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.On the request of parents, provide opportunities for regular meetings for parents to formulate suggestions, and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their children. The school will respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible. Provide to each parent an individual student report about the performance of their child on the State assessment in at least math, language arts and reading. Provide each parent timely notice when their child has been assigned or has been taught for four (4) or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified within the meaning of the term in section 200.56 of the Title I Final Regulations (67 Fed. Reg. 71710, December 2, 2002).Parent/Guardian Agreement(Any person who is interested in helping this student may sign in lieu of the parent.) I want my child to succeed. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following:____ See that my child is punctual and attends school regularly.____ Support the school discipline policy.____ Establish a time for homework and review homework regularly.____ Provide a quiet, well lighted place for study.____ Encourage my child’s efforts and be available for questions.____ Stay aware of what my child is learning.____ Provide a library card for my child.____ Read with my child and let my child see me read.Signature _____________________________Student AgreementIt is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:____Attend school regularly.____Come to school each day with pens, pencils, paper and other necessary tools for learning.____Complete and return homework assignments.____Observe regular study hours.____Conform to rules of student conduct.Signature ____________________________REVISED 7/2014Escuela Segundaria KrausCasa/Escolar Compacto de AprendizajeNombre del Estudiante: ______________________________ Grado: _________ Fecha:______________Compacto de Padre/Estudiante/Profesor/PrincipalLa administración, profesores, apoya personal, y padres de los estudiantes que participan en actividades, servicios, y programas financiados por el Título I, Parte A del Acto de Educación Elemental y Secundario (ESEA) está de acuerdo que este compacto contornos como compartiremos la responsabilidad del rendimiento mejorado académico de estudiante y los medios por los cuales la escuela y los padres construirán y desarrollarán una sociedad que ayudará a ni?os a conseguir los estándares altos del Estado. Este compacto escolar / padre es en efecto durante la escuela 2014-2015.Responsabilidades del EscuelaNosotros, la administración, profesores, y apoyo personal soportamos el aprendizaje de nuestros ni?os en la manera siguente:Proporcionan el plan de estudios de alta calidad y la instrucción en un ambiente de aprendizaje soportante y eficaz que permite a nuestros estudiantes encontrar los estándares de rendimiento académico de estudiante del Estado por programas probados como Lector Acelerado, Matemáticas Aceleradas, Matemáticas Diarias, y Alfabetismo Eficaz. Los profesores y el personal de apoyo recibirán el desarrollo profesional relacionado con estos programas y otras mejores prácticas educacionales anualmente.Sostenga conferencias de profesor - padre (al menos anualmente en escuelas primarias) durante que este comprime será hablado cuando esto está relacionado con el logro del ni?o individual. Especificamente, aquellas conferencias serán sostenidas en el punto mediano de la primera y tercera nueve semanas.Provea a padres con informes frecuentes del progreso de su ni?o. La escuela proporcionará informes en la mediapunto de la sugunda y cuarta nueve semanas. Además, el boletín de noticias del principal será enviado a casa con cada estudiante mensualmente. La información y las actividades que los padres pueden utilizar en casa para ayudar a mejorar el logro de estudiante serán incluidas. La información también será imprimida en espa?ol. El personal animará la comunicación con familias, casas, y comunidad por contactos personales, llamadas telefonicas, correos electrónicos, y cartas que padres firman y regresan a los profesores.Proporcione a padres acceso razonable al personal. El personal animará la comunicación con familias, casas, y comunidad por contactos personales, peticiones de conferencias programadas por los padres o por el profesor, llamadas telefonicas, correos electrónicos, y cartas que padres firman y regresan a los profesores.Proporcione oportunidades a padres de ofrecerse y participar en la clase de su ni?o, y observar actividades de aula por el programa de voluntario.Acuerdo de ProfesorEs importante que los estudiantes consigan. Por lo tanto me esforzaré por hacer lo siguiente:____ Proporcione asignaciones de tarea apropiadas y significativas para estudiantes.____ Proporcionar la ayuda necesaria a padres de modo que ellos puedan ayudar con las asignaciones.____ Animar a estudiantes y padres proporcionando la información sobre el progreso de estudiante.____ Usar actividades especiales en el aula para hacer el aprendizaje agradable.Firma______________________________Acuerdo de PrincipalYo apoyo esta forma de la participación paternal. Por lo tanto, me esforzaré por hacer lo siguiente:____ Proporcionar un ambiente que tiene la comunicación positiva en cuenta entre los profesores, padres y estudiantes.____ Animar a profesores a proporcionar con regularidad asignaciones de tarea que reforzarán la instrucción de aula.Firma _____________________________Responsabilidades del PadreNosotros, como padres, soportamos el aprendizaje de nuestros ni?os el la manera siguente:Monitas la asistencia.Asegurándose que la tarea es completada.Monitar la cantidad de televisión que mire los ni?os.Ofreciéndose en el aula de mi ni?o.Participación, como apropiado, en decisiones acerca del educación de mis ni?os.Promoción de uso positivo del tiempo extraescolar de mi ni?o.Proporcione la información a padres de estudiantes participantes en un formato comprensible y uniforme, incluso formatos alternativos sobre la petición de padres con discapacidades, y, al grado practicable, en una lengua que los padres pueden entender. Proporcione a padres de la información de ni?os participante en una manera oportuna sobre el Título I, Parte A unos programas que incluye una descripción y la explicación del plan de estudios de la escuela, las formas de la evaluación académica usado para medir el progreso de ni?os, y niveles de proficiencia habilidad se espera que los estudiantes se encuentren.Por la petición de padres, proporcione oportunidades de juntas regulares para padres para formular sugerencias, y participar, como apropiado, en decisiones sobre la educación de sus ni?os. La escuela responderá a cualquier tal sugerencia tan pronto como practicable posible. Proporcione a cada padre un informe de estudiante individual sobre la interpretación de su ni?o en la evaluación Estatal en al menos matemáticas, artes de lengua y lectura. Proporcione cada padre aviso oportuna cuando su ni?o ha sido adjudicado o ha sido ense?ado durante cuatro (4) o más semanas consecutivas por un profesor que no es muy calificado dentro del sentido del término en la sección 200.56 del Título I Reglamento (67 Fed. Reg 71710, el 2 de diciembre de 2002).Acuerdo de Padre/Guarda(Cualquier persona que está interesada en la ayuda de este estudiante puede firmar en lugar del padre.) Quiero que mi ni?o tenga éxito. Por lo tanto, animaré él/ella por hacer lo siguiente:____ Ver que mi ni?o es puntual y asiste a la escuela con regularidad.____ Apoyar la política de disciplina escolar.____ Establecer un tiempo para la tarea y examinar la tarea con regularidad.____ Proporcionar un lugar bien encendido y tranquilo, para el estudio.____ Animar los esfuerzos de mi ni?o y estar disponibles para preguntas.____ La permanencia consciente de lo que mi ni?o aprende.____ Proporcionar una tarjeta de biblioteca para mi ni?o.____ Leer con mi ni?o y dejar a mi ni?o verme leído.Firma_______________________________Acuerdo del EstudianteEs importante que yo trabaje a la mejor de mi capacidad. Por lo tanto, me esforzaré por hacer lo siguiente:____ Asistir a la escuela con regularidad.____ Venir a la escuela cada día con plumas, lápices, papel y otros instrumentos necesarios para el aprendizaje.____ Completo y regresar asignaciones de tarea.____ Observar horas de estudio regulares.____ Conformar a reglas de la conducta de estudiante.Firma_____________________________Parental Involvement Committee MembersKim Pledger – Parent FacilitatorPTO Officers:Patricia Melton – PresidentDelta Jacobs – Vice – PresidentBarbara Lovell – Treasurer,Anne Nelson and Anice Tedford – Events PlannerKraus Grievance ProcedureKMS Handbook page 38:GRIEVANCES AND COMPLAINTS If a parent/guardian has a complaint or grievance concerning a policy of Kraus Middle School, the following procedure should be followed:STEP 1: A parent/guardian who feels that he/she has a grievance should present the matter orally or in writing to the individual staff member. A conference should be scheduled between the two parties.STEP 2: If the parent/guardian feels the complaint or grievance is unresolved after the first step, the parent/guardian may request a meeting with the building principal.STEP 3: IF the parent/guardian feels the complaint or grievance is unresolved after the second step, the parent/guardian may request a meeting with the Superintendent.STEP 4: IF the parent/guardian feels the complaint or grievance is unresolved after the third step, the parent/guardian may request a meeting with the Board of Education. This request must be made in writing to the Superintendent a minimum of one (1) week prior to the scheduled Board meeting. The request must state the reason(s) for the meeting. The request to meet with the School Board shall be considered by the Superintendent and the president of the School Board. The president of the School Board shall make the decision as to whether or not the matter is placed on the School Board agenda. The president is under no obligation to place the matter on the School Board agenda. The decision of the Board of Education shall be final.Citizen complaints involving school personnel may not be presented to the School Board, due to the fact that presentations to the Board concerning personnel are closely governed by state and constitutional law.Any patron who has a complaint about an employee should first attempt to resolve any such issues with the employee. If no satisfactory result is obtained, or if the nature of the complaint would render such an approach to the employee futile, the patron may present the complaint to the employee’s immediate supervisor (usually the Principal).If no satisfactory result is obtained from the immediate supervisor, the patron may then present the complaint to the next level of supervision (usually the Superintendent). The Superintendent is the final authority in such matters, unless some employment action is justified which would require action by the School Board on the recommendation of the Superintendent. In such a circumstance, the Superintendent has the sole discretion in deciding whether to make such a recommendation.The disciplinary action, if any, taken against the employee may not be revealed to the patron bringing the complaint, since to do so could violate statutory and constitutional prohibitions.Facebook Page log-in HOME CONNECT to access class homeworkClick on AcademicsClick on Grade LevelsClick your child’s teamClick your child’s teacher(s)Click on Homework/Lesson Plans (in red box)SCHOOL INFO APP09080500-28575-25146000Kraus Middle School… There’s an app for that!That’s right, you can now keep up with all of the who, what, when and where for Kraus Middle School through the Kraus Middle School app by SchoolInfoApp available on all mobile devices!Click here or scan the QR code below to download the Kraus Middle School app by SchoolInfoApp on your iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry or Windows device. With our new app, you can:Keep up with all of our latest news, information and announcementsFind out about events and activitiesContact teachers, staff and administrationAccess school menus, our online gradebook system and moreGet important documents, picture galleries & other mediaTrack homework, tests and projects through a virtual assignment bookHelp promote school safety through the TipLineThrough the support of education-friendly businesses, apps by SchoolInfoApp are 100% sponsor funded for many schools & districts. To learn more about becoming a sponsor and advertising your business in the Kraus Middle School app by SchoolInfoApp, visit or call (318) 202-3713.? ................
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