Astrology and Occupations - Russell Rowe

Astrology and Occupations

Aries/Mars/1st House Occupations

(strong for: Aries rising or Aries in the 10th house, Mars in 1st or 10th house)

? Acupuncturist ? Athlete ? Chemist ? Designer ? Director in theater or film ? Engineer ? Fireman/woman ? Fitness trainer

? Hairstylist ? Leader ? Martial artist ? Masseuse ? Mechanic ? Mechanical engineer ? Planner ? Policeman/woman

? Project foreman ? Salesperson ? Soldier ? Surgeon ? Technician ? Warrior ? Worker in a manufacturing

facility or factory

Taurus/Venus/2nd House Occupations

(strong for: Taurus rising or Taurus in the 10th house, Venus in 1st or 10th house)

? Art patron or collector ? Designer ? Fine artist ? Floral designer ? Flower arranger ? Food or restaurant business ? Interior decorator ? Job in the film industry

? Money manager ? Musician ? Painter ? Photographer ? Printmaker ? Procurement specialist ? Sewer ? Singer

? Someone involved with luxury goods (such as gems, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics, fine clothes, housing, and cars etc.)

? Wealth builder ? Worker with tapestry and


Gemini/Mercury/3rd House Occupations

(strong for: Gemini rising or Gemini in the 10th house, Mercury in 1st or 10th house)

? Administrative assistant ? Advertiser ? Any job in the sciences ? Editor ? Instructor of any kind ? Job requiring good

persuasion skills ? Job requiring good reading

and spelling skills

? Librarian ? Marketer ? Mathematician ? Motivational speaker ? Reporter ? Researcher ? Salesperson ? Secretary ? Seminar leader

? Someone who is dexterous ? Work involving computers ? Teacher ? Work involved with making

detailed or miniature items ? Work involving fabrication,

assembly or manufacturing ? Work involving management

of documentation

Cancer/Moon/4th House Occupations

(strong for: Cancer rising or Cancer in the 10th house, Moon in 1st or 10th house)

? Adjudicator ? Creative work ? Health work ? Humanitarian work ? Import/export business ? Minister

? Nutritionist ? Photography ? Public service work ? Social worker ? Teacher/educator ? Visual work


? Work in family like setting ? Work in the food business ? Work involving fluids, water ? Work that meets others'

spiritual/emotional needs ? Working from home

Astrology and Occupations

Leo/Sun/5th House Occupations

(strong for: Leo rising or Leo in the 10th house, Sun in 1st or 10th house)

? Actor/actress ? Administrator ? Commander ? Dealer in high cost items ? Director ? Executive ? Famous sports figure ? Host or greeter

? King ? Leader ? Leader in government or

large corporations ? Manager ? Military leader ? Promoter (especially self-


? Someone able to attract notice for advertising and marketing purposes

? Someone drawn to luxury oriented sales and services

? Someone who inspires others to achieve greatness

Virgo/Mercury/6th House Occupations

(strong for: Virgo rising or Virgo in the 10th house, Mercury in 1st or 10th house)

? Accountant ? Any job in the sciences ? Auditor ? Designer ? Documenter ? Drafter

? Engineer ? Instructor ? Lecturer ? Librarian ? Medical professions ? Monk

? Nun ? Recorder ? Researcher ? Statistician ? Technical writer ? Writer

Libra/Venus/7th House Occupations

(strong for: Libra rising or Libra in the 10th house, Venus in 1st or 10th house)

? Advertiser ? Arbitrator ? Artists ? Broker or any kind of

business intermediary ? Businessman/woman

? Creative writer ? Designers ? Head of a spiritual, political,

or humanitarian group ? Judge ? Marketer

? Mediator ? Salesman/woman ? Seminar leader ? Worker in the legal field

Scorpio/Mars/8th House Occupations

(strong for: Scorpio rising or Scorpio in the 10th house, Mars in 1st or 10th house)

? Acupuncturist ? Any job in the healing field ? Any job in the medical field ? Any job involving cutting ? Any job involving security,

control or defense ? Any job involving shaping or

heating ? Any job with chemicals,

herbs or medicines

? Artist ? Computer worker ? Detective ? Diagnostician ? Dictator ? Film director ? Life insurance agent ? Masseuse ? Mechanical aptitude ? Military or home security

? Musician ? Photographer ? Policeman/woman ? Printmaker ? Researcher ? Surgeon ? Technician


Astrology and Occupations

Sagittarius/Jupiter/9th House Occupations

(strong for: Sagittarius rising or Sagittarius in the 10th house, Jupiter in 1st or 10th house)

? Adjudicator ? Any job in the `wisdom

business' ? Any kind of activist

(environmental, women's rights, undeveloped nations or cultures, animal rights, the poor, etc.) ? Any kind of go-between

? Broker ? Coach ? Counselor ? Educator ? Financial or money worker ? Judge ? Lawyer ? Mediator ? Political proponent

? Politician ? Priest or minister ? Referee ? Seminar speaker ? Worker in a charitable,

humanitarian or spiritual organization

Capricorn/Saturn/10th House Occupations

(strong for: Capricorn rising or Capricorn in the 10th house, Saturn in 1st or 10th house)

? Business orientation ? Earth and mechanical

sciences (like engineering, geology, etc.)

? Old and traditional jobs ? Work in an established business

or in the government ? Work involving land, real

estate and things that come out of the land (like agriculture, oil, minerals, forestation, etc.)

Aquarius/Uranus/11th House Occupations

(strong for: Aquarius rising or Aquarius in the 10th house, Uranus in 1st or 10th house)

? Administrator in large companies

? Astrologer ? Bookkeeper ? Counselor ? Engineer ? Financial manager ? Humanitarian

? Inventor ? Medical researcher ? Psychologist ? Public or private investigator ? Researcher ? Scientist ? Social scientist ? Speaker or lecturer

? Technician ? Work involving the dead or

dying ? Worker for spiritual,

educational or selfimprovement organizations

Pisces/Neptune/12th House Occupations

(strong for: Pisces rising or Pisces in the 10th house, Neptune in 1st or 10th house)

? Actor/actress ? Any work providing knowledge ? Consultant ? Counselor ? Doctor ? Healer ? Import/export work

? Judge ? Minister ? Musician ? Priest ? Psychologist ? Shipping ? Work in the "wisdom" business

? Work that is secretive or "behind the scenes"

? Work involving water or liquids (Navy, beverages, fluids, ocean products, or things that come out of water, etc.)



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