7 Principles of Transformational Leadership

[Pages:256]Praise for 7 Principles of Transformational Leadership:

"Effective leadership sets a vision and strategy for an organization, rallies others around that vision, and ensures the right culture and talent are present to execute. But, before you can be what Hugh calls "a transformational leader," you must have a compelling strategy and vision for yourself. Hugh Blane helped me craft and articulate a strategy and vision for my own life, and now the 7 Principles of Transformational Leadership will help you do the same."

--Dr. Timothy Chester, vice president for Information Technology at The University of Georgia

"Hugh Blane offers practical leadership advice based on his years of executive coaching. Starting at the beginning with who you are and where you want to go, his examples, stories and principles offer valuable guidance for the journey to effective, transformational leadership."

--Jack Mudd, retired senior vice president, Mission Leadership, Providence Health & Services

"Hugh Blane shares decades of experience working within businesses and with clients in a deeply personal manner, bringing the reader to a shared conclusion that technical skills absent clarity, purpose and love are inadequate to allow a person to become a truly transformational leader."

--Bryce Seidl, retired president and CEO at Pacific Science Center

"If you haven't read this book you are more lost than you realize! Far too many of us spend far too much time stuck on the hamster wheel of the day to day. Stuck with no direction and too much to do. But in this insightful book Hugh Blane gives us a clear road map of how to get off the hamster wheel and out of the fog by latching onto and then maintaining laser focus on our PURPOSE!!! Only apply these principals if you want a life far more fulfilling and if you want to close the gap between where you are today and where you aspire to be tomorrow!"

--John Felkins, director of coaching, Dave Ramsey

"Leadership is a choice we make, it's not just a role or a title. Being a transformational leader is both a privilege and a responsibility. Hugh Blane's 7 Principles of Transformational Leadership outlines a paradigm and a framework on how anyone can be a transformational leader by choice."

--Deepak Goindwani, vice president, product development at CDK Global







Copyright ? 2017 by Hugh Blaine

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The acknowledgment section of a book is not written for the reader. It is for the author to thank the people who helped him or her on the journey of writing a book. Indulge me as I thank a group of very special people.

First and foremost I want to say thank you to my parents. Both were courageous souls who chose to immigrate with two small children from Scotland to Canada and then Birmingham, Alabama, in 1968. Were it not for their desire for a better life, for themselves and primarily for their children, this book would not be in your hands. Both would be exceptionally proud of this accomplishment, as I am of theirs.

I want to thank my mentor and business advisor Alan Weiss. Alan has stretched my thinking and, by doing so, enriched my life in ways I never imagined possible. Thank you, Alan, for showing me how to live boldly, confidently, and generously. And yes, the second book is on its way.

To the clients who partnered with me to convert their human potential into accelerated results I cannot thank you enough. You gave me the opportunity to bring the insights of transformational leadership into your all-toooften overwhelmed, overscheduled, and overbooked workplace and to make a difference in your performance while also enabling human flourishing. I am enriched by your partnership and thank you.

I want to thank the business colleagues who positively shaped my thinking with the book. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Roberta Matuson, Linda Popky, Mark Rodgers, Judy Chan, and Richard Citrin. Each of you inspired me to become an author and to get out of my own way with my writing. I am honored to join you as published authors and indebted to you for your support and encouragement.

Thank you to my sister, Elise, who sees the very best in me and knew I had a book to write even when I didn't. Your belief in me is without question a gift that I cherish and relied heavily upon while writing the book. To my best man, Robert, your wisdom, faith, and discernment have shaped me in powerful ways. Your thoughts and perspectives are on many pages of this book, and no, you cannot have a portion of the royalties. To my brother from another mother, John Felkins. We became fast friends and your friendship and encouragement have been ballast when I've felt as though I was sinking amidst the responsibilities of work and business. You are

a fabulous father and amazing advisor and I am blessed to call you my friend.

Thank you to Adonis McNeal. You've been on the receiving end of far too many calls during which I thought out loud about each of the seven principles and ended up on my soapbox. You were always gracious and generous with your attention and encouragement. You too are my brother from another mother. It's too bad I didn't get your dashing good looks though.

And last, but certainly not least, to the love of my life, Alyson Sharron. Without question, in front of every good man stands a strong, powerful, and loving woman pulling him into the future. You are that for me. I thank you for your swift kick in the pants, your swift voice of encouragement, and the unquestioning admonition of greater possibility. Were it not for you this book would never have happened. Thank you for your patience, love, and support.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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