
Leadership & Organizing for Change

IHI Open School Change Agent Network

Your Organizing Sentence

“I am organizing (WHO — leadership & constituency) to do (WHAT — measurable aim) by (HOW — tactics) because (WHY — motivating vision) by (WHEN—timeline).”

Lesson 6: Diagnostic Checklist for Leadership Teams

Step 1: Identify Your Leadership Team

Begin by identifying your leadership team. A leadership team is a group of individuals who are responsible for leading some part of the team’s purpose, and who are interdependent in providing overall leadership to the project. For this exercise, consider the leadership team you have formed or joined as part of your work in this course.

Answer the following questions:

|What is the name of the team? |

|List the names and primary organizational affiliations of the team’s core members: |

Step 2: Diagnose the Effectiveness of Your Leadership Team

Use the diagnostic checklist to assess the strength of your leadership team and devise solutions for improving its design. Although you can complete the checklist individually, it’s best if leadership teams work together to complete the Diagnostic Checklist for Leadership Teams.

Complete the checklist at the beginning of the life of the group — to help it get off to a good start by addressing any missing key components — and at various points throughout the group’s life cycle to assess and improve performance.

The checklist is organized into three sections:

1. A Real Team With The Right People

2. A Compelling Purpose

3. Enabling Structure

Section 1 asks you to look at team members involved and evaluate how they work together as a team.

Section 2 assesses the degree to which the team’s purpose engages members’ motivations and orients them in a common direction.

Section 3 evaluates the effectiveness of how the group works interdependently and adheres to team norms.

Complete these three steps:

Assess the leadership team’s design. Progress through the checklist by starting in the middle column of each section. For each statement in a section, assign a grade (A, B, C, D, or F). For example, you might assign an “A” to the first statement, “The team has a shared purpose that is clear to all members.” The grade you assign to some statements might be obvious; the assigned grade for others might require more discussion.

You can start with whichever section you choose. Feel free to jump from section to section; you do not have to complete this in an orderly fashion.

Assign an overall grade. Calculate your team’s score for each section by averaging assessment responses for each statement.

Identify and write out steps for improvement. Once you have calculated an overall grade for each section, discuss with your team members. In which areas is your team strongest? What are the areas where you may need to improve? Write down the solutions and next steps that your team can take to improve your design.

As your leadership team grows and evolves, make sure to return to this checklist every so often to ensure that your team remains effective and stays on a positive trajectory over time.

| |How is the leadership team’s design? |How might we improve our design? |

| |A B C D F | |

|A Real Team With The |____ The team is bounded | |

|Right People |____ The team is stable | |

| |____ The team is interdependent | |

| |____ Members have the diversity of roles and perspectives | |

|Grade Overall |____ Members have collaborative skills such as empathy and integrity | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Why did you give your team this grade? |

| |

|What are the barriers to changing this condition? |

|What do you need to do next to put this condition in place? |

| |How is the leadership team’s design? |How might we improve our design? |

| |A B C D F | |

|Compelling Purpose |____ The team has a shared purpose that is clear to all members | |

| |____ The shared purpose is consequential | |

| |____ The shared purpose poses a significant challenge that will demand people’s | |

|Grade Overall |best efforts | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Why did you give your team this grade? |

| |

|What are the barriers to changing this condition? |

|What do you need to do next to put this condition in place? |

| |How is the leadership team’s design? |How might we improve our design? |

| |A B C D F | |

|Enabling Structure |____ We have clear roles and responsibilities | |

| |____ The tasks we do are real leadership work involving important joint decisions | |

| |____ The group has explicit norms of conduct that specify acceptable and | |

|Grade Overall |unacceptable behavior | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Why did you give your team this grade? |

|What are the barriers to changing this condition? |

|What do you need to do next to put this condition in place? |

© Ruth Wageman, 2013. Leadership Team Diagnostic Checklist

Step 3: Design Your Team’s (Re)Launch Agenda

The agenda is a resource you can use to launch a leadership team or re-launch a team that is not working effectively. You can also apply its principles to ongoing team meeting agendas. Incorporate components of this template to enable your team to work together more effectively.

Team (Re)Launch Goals

1) Build relationships and shared aspirations among members.

2) Identify shared values that can be the underpinning of a compelling, shared purpose.

3) Clarify the team’s purpose; establish a compelling direction.

4) Explore definitions and measures of success.

5) Decide how or whether to expand, reduce, or alter the composition of the team.

6) Review lessons from experience about conditions for success.

7) Develop initial norms and work practices.

8) Surface key strategic questions to guide the work in upcoming meetings.

Sample Agenda

|AGENDA ITEM |TIME |Have we done this already? |

|Review agenda; recruit note-taker and timekeeper |3 minutes | |

|Share personal stories: |3 minutes per person | |

|Tell a story from your own history that will teach us something about you: | | |

|Why you aspire to participate on this team | | |

|What this team’s work means for you given your personal values and commitment | | |

|Establish team’s shared purpose |15 minutes | |

|Conduct Before-Action Review (BAR) |10 minutes | |

|What have we learned from prior efforts? | | |

|Review the key relationships and capabilities members bring |10 minutes | |

|Consider who is not at the table who may be needed | | |

|Discuss key strategic priorities |As much time as needed | |

|Establish roles and responsibilities to support the work of the group |10 minutes | |

|Establish norms of conduct |15 minutes | |

|Make sure to establish a norm for decision-making and a way to hold the team accountable | | |

|Clarify upcoming priorities and immediate next steps |5 minutes | |

|Evaluate the meeting: |5 minutes | |

|Key insights | | |

|What went well | | |

|What we will improve | | |


Lesson 6 Exercise

Lesson 6 Exercise


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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