Gracepoint Activities test site

|Question: | |Question: |

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|My intellect is now the ultimate power in the universe, isn’t it, NAME? | |I could crush you with my pinky finger, couldn’t I, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

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|Yes, your intellect is now the ultimate power in the universe, isn’t it, NAME. | |Yes, you could crush me with your pinky finger, couldn’t you, NAME. |

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|Question: | |Question: |

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|My breath smells like cheese, doesn’t it, NAME? | |I am most handsome/prettiest person in the universe, aren’t I, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

| | | |

|Yes, your breath smells like cheese, doesn’t it, NAME. | |Yes, you are the most handsome/prettiest person in the universe, aren’t you, |

| | |NAME. |

|Question: | |Question: |

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|My armpit smells like strawberries, doesn’t it, NAME? | |I saw you picking your nose, didn’t I, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

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|Yes, your armpit smells like strawberries, doesn’t it, NAME. | |Yes, you saw me picking my nose, didn’t you, NAME. |

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|Question: | |Question: |

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|My muscles are very great, aren’t they, NAME? | |I am the most humble person who has ever lived, aren’t I, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

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|Yes, your muscles are very great, aren’t they, NAME. | |Yes, you are the most humble person who has ever lived, aren’t you, NAME. |

|Question: | |Question: |

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|My chicken is bigger than your chicken, isn’t it, NAME? | |I am the best-looking person at this table, aren’t I, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

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|Yes, your chicken is bigger than my chicken, isn’t it, NAME. | |Yes, you are the best-looking person at this table, aren’t you, NAME. |

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|Question: | |Question: |

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|You are a space alien from the planet Zurg, aren’t your, NAME? | |I ate your PhD thesis for breakfast, didn’t I, NAME. |

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|Response: | |Response: |

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|Yes, I am a space alien from the planet Zurg, aren’t I, NAME. | |Yes, you ate my PhD thesis for breakfast, didn’t you, NAME. |

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|Question: | |Question: |

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|I am the most famous person you have ever met, aren’t I, NAME? | |I know something you don’t know, don’t I, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

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|Yes, you are the most famous person I have ever met, aren’t you, NAME. | |Yes, you know something I don’t know, don’t you, NAME. |

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|Question: | |Question: |

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|My computer is more powerful than your computer, isn’t it, NAME? | |My brain is more beautiful than your chicken, isn’t it, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

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|Yes, your computer is more powerful than my computer, isn’t it, NAME. | |Yes, your brain is more beautiful than my chicken, isn’t it, NAME. |

|Question: | |Question: |

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|I like to eat ice-cream for breakfast, don’t I, NAME? | |I forgot to brush my teeth this morning, didn’t I, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

| | | |

|Yes, you like to eat ice-cream for breakfast, don’t you, NAME. | |Yes, you forgot to brush your teeth, didn’t you, NAME. |

|Question: | |Question: |

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|I am on a mission to save you from evil monsters, aren’t I, NAME? | |My kung fu is greater than your kung fu, isn’t it, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

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|Yes, you are on a mission to save me from evil monsters, aren’t you, NAME. | |Yes, your kung fu is greater than my kung fu, isn’t it, NAME. |

|Question: | |Question: |

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|I have the strength of 100 men in my pinky finger, don’t I, NAME? | |I am the supreme world commander of planet Earth, aren’t I, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

| | | |

|Yes, you have the strength of 100 men in your pinky finger, don’t you, NAME. | |Yes, you are the supreme world commander of planet Earth, aren’t you, NAME. |

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|Question: | |Question: |

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|My elbow is more intelligent than your elbow, isn’t it, NAME? | |There are many silly people at this table, aren’t there, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

| | | |

|Yes, your elbow is more intelligent than my elbow, isn’t it, NAME. | |Yes, there are many silly people at this table, aren’t there, NAME. |

|Question: | |Question: |

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|I have the most magnificent eyebrows in this room, don’t I, NAME? | |I like myself a lot, don’t I, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

| | | |

|Yes, you have the most magnificent eyebrows in this room, don’t you, NAME. | |Yes, you like yourself a lot, don’t you, NAME. |

| | | |

|Question: | |Question: |

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|The people at this table are very attractive, aren’t they, NAME? | |I am clearly the smartest person at this table, aren’t I, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

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|Yes, the people at this table are very attractive, aren’t they, NAME. | |Yes, you are clearly the smartest person at this table, aren’t you, NAME. |

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|Question: | |Question: |

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|There is a polar bear hiding in my socks, isn’t there, NAME? | |I really, really want to laugh very hard right now, don’t I, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

| | | |

|Yes, there is a polar bear hiding in your socks, isn’t there, NAME. | |Yes, you really, really want to laugh right now, don’t you, NAME. |

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|Question: | |Question: |

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|I have the most beautiful smile, don’t I, NAME? | |This isn’t funny, is it, NAME? |

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|Response: | |Response: |

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|Yes, you have the most beautiful smile, don’t you, NAME. | |No, this isn’t funny, is it, NAME. |


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