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Grace tossed and turned in her bed. She plumped up her pillow over and over. She was exhausted, but she knew she would not get much sleep tonight. Tomorrow, Grace would start a new school, and she was very nervous. Grace had not wanted to move across town in the first place. She liked her old neighborhood, her old school, and her old friends. Grace had already gotten lost in the new neighborhood twice, her new school was bigger than the old one, and she did not know a single person there. Grace was not looking forward to tomorrow. The only good thing about not being able to sleep was that it made tomorrow come much slower. Grace rolled over again and tried to forget about tomorrow. It was coming whether she was ready or not. She would just have to make the best of it. 1. This story is intended for which audience? who have moved from their homesB.teachers who do not like studentsC.people who write short storiesD.parents who want a new pet2. What is the author's purpose for writing this story? explain?????There will be no summer school in July at Hawkford Elementary. After a year of fundraising, including a huge bake sale in April, the school can finally pay to repaint the halls and classrooms. The school will be closed to all teachers while the painting takes place. The painting will start on July 1 and should be completed by July 26. If a teacher needs to get into his or her classroom, please speak to Principal Veering. 3. This passage is intended for which audience? A.students who enjoy paintingB.people who want to help paintC.teachers at Hawkford ElementaryD.parents who need summer school4. What is the author's purpose for writing this story? inform5. Sally Snell?????Sally Snell?????had a secret to tell.?????She covered her mouth?????so it would not come out.???????????She held her mouth shut?????'til she busted a gut.?????Then she blurted the story?????to her best friend Corrie.What was the author's main purpose in writing this selection? instruct readers in how to keep a discuss the importance of keeping entertain readers with a humorous explain why Sally and Corrie are friends6. Dear Javier,?????How is everything at college? Everything is going pretty well here.?????Last week, Mrs. Bartholomew gave our class a vocabulary test. It was really difficult, but I aced it! Mom and Dad put it up on the refrigerator and took me out for ice cream to celebrate.?????Also, I got a small part in the school musical. I was really hoping to get the lead, but being in the chorus will be fun, too. My friend Lindsay got in as well, so we will be learning tons of songs and dances together over the next few months.?????The best thing is that the entire fifth grade went on a field trip to Oakdale Farms in Canaan Heights. We got to feed and groom the animals, help milk the cows, and really experience how a farm works.?????Well, that is all for now, I suppose. I hope you are having fun at college, but I cannot wait to see you over summer vacation.Love,Maria (your favorite—and only—sister)The purpose of Maria's letter is entertain Javier with stories about Oakdale inform Javier about what is happening in her persuade Javier to come home for summer describe what it is like being in the school musical.7. Miss Callie's Boat?????Miss Callie's boat is long?????and green.?????When she rows by,?????she makes a scene.???????????It has a horn?????and headlights, too.?????She sails the lake?????with her big dog, Blue.???????????Miss Callie always?????waves and smiles,?????then rows and rows?????for several miles.???????????She honks her horn,?????dances and shakes.?????I hope she does not?????fall in the lake!What is the purpose of this selection? persuade readers to purchase a row discuss Miss Callie's love for her row entertain readers with a humorous explain why Miss Callie dances and shakes8. ?????Every night before she goes to bed, Erica reads the weather report in her local newspaper. The report can be found in section B, right behind the comics. This week, the weather report says it is going to be very sunny.What is the purpose of a weather report? share some funny stories with persuade the reader to buy sun tell readers what weather to inform the reader about local events9. ?????Weekend freeze warnings were issued Friday. The warnings were for most of the state. Vegetable growers were advised to make plans to protect their crops. Community shelters were prepared for a rush of people looking for a warm place to stay.The purpose of the selection above is to A.entertain the reader with an imaginary story.rm the reader about the freeze an opinion about the cold weather.D.persuade the reader to leave the state.10. Jack Sprat could eat no fat, His wife could eat no lean; And so between the two of them, They licked the platter clean! The purpose of a nursery rhyme like the one above is to A.entertain the reader with a simple poem.B.persuade the reader to like rhyming poems.rm the reader on how to eat healthy.D.teach the reader about a married couple.11. Mr. O'Malley is the art teacher at Anderson Elementary School. He hung this sign over the painting station in his classroom.Before you leave the painting station, please remember to:Rinse out your brushes and return them to the brush bin on the counter.Hang your smock in the closet by the window.Cover your paints and return them to the cabinet next to the sink.Thank you very much for keeping our classroom a neat and tidy place!The purpose of Mr. O'Malley's sign is instruct students in how to mix paint colors for their art persuade students to return their clean brushes to the brush inform students why they must keep the classroom neat and explain what students must do before leaving the painting station.12. Jade is a professional newspaper journalist and writes for a local newspaper. What is Jade's purpose when writing a news story? persuade the reader to write for the express an opinion about life and the inform the reader about real events and narrate a story about superheroes in the world13. Louis is writing his grandfather a thank you note for his birthday present, a football. Which sentence should Louis use in his letter? A.Your present was more awesome than my friend's was.B.Dude, I am the best football player out of all my pals!C.I have had a lot of fun playing with my new football.D.You should have come to my party, but thanks for the gift.14. ?????Do you want to buy a new home without all the hard work? Shop for your new home in the Real Estate Journal. We're here to make your house hunting easier.The author's purpose in writing this selection is to A.give directions to the reader for finding a new home.B.describe to the reader the joy of owning a home.C.persuade the reader to buy the Real Estate Journal.D.teach the reader the value of working hard in life.15. Which best describes the purpose of the sign above? describe the way elections happen in the persuade the reader to vote for a certain entertain the reader with a story about express a certain person's views about the U.S.16. Dear Principal Stein:I have an idea that I think will improve Dale Elementary School. I think our school should start an after-school art club. It is something that many Dale students would really enjoy.Students in the art club could work on advanced projects that we do not get to do in our regular art classes. For example, we could learn how to paint with watercolors. Also, we could work with clay or papier-m?ché. We could even learn about subjects we do not usually get to study. It might be fun to study different artists throughout history or learn about old paintings. I think students would learn a lot by joining an art club.Thank you for considering my idea. I hope you agree that an art club would be a great addition to the clubs at Dale Elementary School.Sincerely,Teresa GazzoWhat is the purpose of Teresa's letter? entertain Principal Stein with stories about different persuade Principal Stein to start an after-school art inform Principal Stein about the way to paint with explain to Principal Stein why she likes studying paintings17. Marianne is writing a letter to her uncle about her tennis match. Which sentence should Marianne use in her letter? A.After playing for almost an hour, I finally scored the last point!B.You are so mean for not coming to watch me play tennis.C.Everyone said my last serve was the sweetest serve ever.D.The girl I played against was so lame. She could not hit the ball.18. Joan said to her parents, "Everyone in my class is going to the party. I'm the only one who can't go." Joan may have been trying to rm her parents about her friends' hobbies.B.entertain her parents with a story about a party.C.persuade her parents to let her go to the party.D.describe to her parents the kids in her school.19. ?????Paul Bunyan was a giant from the very beginning. As an infant, it took five storks to carry him! (Normally, one stork could carry several babies at one time.) When baby Bunyan clapped and laughed, the vibration broke every window in the house. Seven-month-old Bunyan liked to saw the legs off of his parents' bed.What was the author's purpose for writing the above passage? entertain the reader with a story about a teach the reader about the early life of a inform the reader about storks and giant persuade the reader to learn more about giants20. What was J. K. Rowling's purpose for writing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, a book about a boy with magic powers? teach the science behind a sorcerer's inform the reader about the power of entertain the reader with a made-up convince the reader that the story is true21. ?????Carly was studying her spelling words when she got the call. It was Mayor McDougal, and he was in a panic.?????"Carly, a tiger just escaped from the Jasper County Zoo," he said. "I need you to save the day."?????"Yes, sir!"?????"It took Carly only a second to soar out her bedroom window and hover over Jasper County. She used her super vision to scan the forests, parks, and neighborhoods. It took a whole 30 seconds, but Carly finally spotted the enormous tiger roaming through Miller Court.?????Not a single person was on the street. Everyone had raced inside and locked their doors as soon as they saw the creature parading through their neighborhood. As the terrified residents peeked out their windows, Carly swooped down and landed right in front of the escaped tiger!?????"Here, kitty, kitty," Carly called gently, "come to Carly."?????The tiger pranced over to Carly and laid down at her feet, smiling and purring. Carly took the tiger in her arms and flew back to the Jasper County Zoo. The entire town cheered.?????When Carly was finished, she flew back through her bedroom window and landed in her desk chair. She was happy that she saved the day again, but she really needed to get an A on her spelling test.The purpose of this passage is to A.persuade readers to be kind and helpful to zoo animals.B.entertain readers with a story about a superhero.C.explain to readers how Carly got her superhero powers.rm readers how they can become a hero like Carly.22. ?????Many people think that alligators and crocodiles are the same animal. Actually, this is not true. Some of their differences can be seen, but others cannot.?????For example, alligators have round snouts. Their snouts are shaped like the letter "U." However, crocodiles have much pointier snouts. Their snouts are shaped like the letter "V." This is one of the best ways to tell these two animals apart.?????Also, alligators and crocodiles cannot live in the same kinds of water. Alligators have a hard time living in saltwater. As a result, they live in lakes, swamps, marshes, and rivers because these bodies of water do not contain salt. Crocodiles, on the other hand, can easily live in saltwater, like the ocean.?????Lastly, alligators have a shorter lifespan than crocodiles. Alligators usually live for 30 to 60 years, but crocodiles can live for 50 to 75 years.What is the purpose of this selection? entertain readers with a story about alligators and describe the differences between alligators and persuade readers to learn about alligators and explain why rivers contain so many alligators and crocodiles23. ?????Edith Roosevelt was the First Lady at the turn of the last century. She was married to Theodore Roosevelt. She managed the White House while raising six children. She had known Theodore Roosevelt since she was a baby. She was a playmate of his younger sister.The purpose of the selection above is to A.persuade the reader to be active in politics.rm the reader about a former first lady.C.entertain the reader with a children's an opinion about raising children.24. Henry wants his neighborhood to host a Fourth of July picnic in the park. He is writing a letter to the park commissioner to ask permission to use the park. What is the best sentence to use in his letter? A.The park is awesome, and you are not nice if you do not let us use it.B.You would be the coolest person ever if you let us use the park!C.We gotta play on the slides and feed the ducks at the park, man.D.The park is the biggest place to hold a picnic for the neighborhood.25. ?????The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster is a story about a boy named Milo who travels to the Kingdom of Wisdom using his magic tollbooth. He is accompanied on his journey by his watchdog, Tock.What was the author's purpose in writing The Phantom Tollbooth? persuade readers to buy a magic inform the Kingdom of Wisdom about demonstrate how to travel with entertain the reader with a made-up story26. Bruce wants to start a new organization for fifth graders to tutor second graders. He needs a teacher to help him start the organization. He wants to write a letter to his favorite teacher, Mrs. Petty. Which is the best sentence to use in this letter? A.So, will you help me start this super-cool organization with my buddies?B.Will you please help me start this new school organization?C.It will be awesome, but we need an old person to help us out.D.If you don't help me, then you won't be my favorite teacher anymore.27. ?????The annual membership lunch and fashion show will be held on Saturday, March 15. The lunch will be at the Maryville Community Center. Lunch tickets are $20. They may be purchased at the center. The guest speaker will speak at noon.The author's purpose for writing the paragraph above is to A.instruct the reader how to organize an event.B.convince the reader to be more fashionable.C.persuade the reader to go to the fashion show.rm the reader about an upcoming event.28. An activity schedule posted on the bulletin board in Julie's classroom is meant to an opinion about her work.rm her about the day's activities.C.entertain her with a joke of the day.D.persuade her to work harder in class.29. Emily is trying to organize a neighborhood clean-up team. She wants to write a letter to the businesses in the neighborhood and ask them to help keep the sidewalks clean. What is the best sentence to use in her letter? A.Only really crazy businesses won't clean up their own messes.B.If we all work together, our neighborhood will be beautiful!C.Don't be a slob and leave your trash for me to clean up.D.You should totally help because it is the cool thing to do.30. Parker wants to write a letter to his friend who moved to another state. Which is the best sentence to use in the letter? A.Please allow me to express my feelings of sadness on account of your departure.B.I miss playing basketball with you, buddy, and I hope to see you again soon.C.I would like to state that I miss you and would prefer to see you again in the future.D.I think it is stupid that you had to move away because your mother got a new job.31. You have to write a letter to your principal. You want to share your opinion on the school uniform requirements. Which sentence would be the best sentence to use? A.School uniforms make students upset and don't help them learn.B.If we have to wear school uniforms, I am going to be so angry.C.School uniforms stink, and anyone who thinks they are good stink, too.D.I will not wear a school uniform, and you cannot make me wear one.32. ?????In 1947, Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers. He was the first black player on a Major League Baseball team. He could hit, run, steal bases, and play second base. What was the author's purpose in writing the passage above? express strong feelings about entertain the reader with a funny inform the reader about a baseball persuade the reader to learn baseball33. Lindsay wants to write a letter to her grandma to tell her about winning the swimming championship. Which is the best sentence to use in this letter? A.I won the coolest award for my awesome swimming, and my friends were like, "Congrats!"B.Everyone congratulated me when I came in first at the swim meet. I won the championship!C.I hope you will share in my feelings of excitement to you as I retell the events of the swim meet.D.You should have come to see me beat all the losers at the swim meet, but you couldn't make it.34. Tropical ParfaitsCut up 1 orange slice and arrange the pieces along the bottom of a glass.Scoop 1 spoonful of vanilla yogurt on top of the orange slices.Slice 1 strawberry and lay the pieces on top of the yogurt. Repeat steps 1 through 3 until the glass is almost filled with oranges, yogurt, and strawberries.Slice 5 or 6 pieces from a banana and arrange the slices on top to form the final layer.Now you have a delicious tropical parfait to enjoy!What is the author's purpose for writing this selection? explain why tropical parfaits make a delicious give information on why tropical parfaits are persuade readers to try to make tropical instruct readers on how to make tropical parfaits35. Which of the following most likely has the purpose of entertaining? instruction booklet on gardeningB.a comic book about a superheroC.a TV commercial about a law firmD.a highway billboard about a sale36. Juan is an after-school library helper at Lincoln Elementary School. Mrs. Bailey, the librarian, left Juan the following note.Hello Juan,It would be a great help if you could start on the following tasks:Collect all of the books students have left out on the tables.Put the books on the cart in alphabetical order.Make sure there are at least 10 chairs in the study section.Thank you,Mrs. BaileyThe author wrote this selection mainly for what purpose? persuade Juan to get someone to help him finish his describe to Juan how the study section should explain to Juan how to put books in alphabetical inform Juan of the tasks he must do that afternoon37. Paul wants his town to have a Fourth of July parade. He will write a letter to the mayor to share his idea. Which sentence is the best to use in this letter? A.If you don’t let us have a parade, then you are lame.B.Our town deserves a special parade for our citizens.C.We would be the baddest town around, man.D.We need a parade because they are cool and fun.38. ?????Jonathan Harper's picture is on the cover of the newspaper. The 7th grader was chosen as Public School 121's Student of the Year. He has the highest GPA in his class and is the captain of the baseball team. Jonathan also volunteers at a senior center on weekends.The central purpose of this selection is to provide A.persuasion to join the baseball team.B.instruction on maintaining a good opinion on the student volunteers.rmation about Jonathan Harper.39. Dear Editor:I'm writing to comment on your coverage of news events. Your newspaper is one of the best I've ever read. It covers the national and state news, but I think that you also should keep readers informed about what's happening in our town. Please report the local news as well!Mr. Thomas SimpsonThe author's purpose in writing the letter to the editor was to A.persuade the newspaper to cover local news.rm the newspaper about his anger.C.thank the newspaper for good news coverage.D.entertain the readers of the newspaper.40. Which of these is most likely written to entertain? A.a cookbook of vegetarian recipesB.a textbook of English literatureC.a short story about a little boyD.a notebook of a sixth grader41. ?????Are you tired of keeping track of your business' money? Let me help you streamline your record-keeping and get tax filings and other government paperwork under control. Then, you can concentrate on running your business. Call me today. I can help.James Ellis, CPAThe paragraph above most likely came from a/an A.angry letter to the editor.B.old book of nursery rhymes.C.newspaper advertisement.ic section of a newspaper.42. ?????My friend and I like to walk on the Seaside Beach, but we don't like seeing people walk their dogs there. Walking dogs on this beach is against the law. I don't see why some people can't go by the rules. Just because they've lived here all their lives doesn't mean they can do anything they want. The paragraph above most likely comes from a A.letter to the editor.B.famous fairy tale.C.child's biography.D.textbook for kids.43. ?????Students should buy their lunches from the school lunch line more often. Too many students buy their lunches from the restaurants like Taco Bell and Pizza Hut. The fact that the school has these restaurants in the school cafeteria is great, but students shouldn't eat fast food every day. The school lunch line offers many fruits, vegetables, and other healthful foods. The students should go through the lunch line for well-balanced meals.Why did the author most likely write this paragraph? tell the reader what students eat for persuade students to eat healthful entertain the reader with jokes about show anger toward fast food restaurants44. ?????Hiking is a fun activity to do with your family. It is great exercise and gets you out in the fresh air. However, there are certain things you should do to stay safe when going on a hike. First of all, bring a bottle of water. Hiking takes a lot of energy, so people should make sure their bodies are hydrated. In addition, it is important to wear long pants, even if it is a hot day. This can help prevent bites from ticks, which can make you sick. It is also a good idea to go hiking with an adult. It is very easy to get lost in the woods, so it is always better to have an adult with you so you can stay safe and find your way back.The purpose of this passage is instruct readers on how to stay safe while going describe the best places to go for a hike by entertain readers with a story about hiking in the persuade readers to get exercise by going for a hike.Go Away, Rainy Dayby Tiesha HendersonI'm stuck inside, and it's not fair.I can't go out to play.Mom says it's too wet out there.Go away, rainy day!I'm so bored that I could cry.Oh please, Mr. Sun, come on out,So the yard can get dry.I'm so bored that I could shout!I've already played with all my toys.There's nothing good on TV.I want to play with the other boys,But inside my house, there's only me.What good is summer vacation if I'm stuck inside?I may as well be at school if I can't go out to play,Reading along, with my teacher as a guide,Go away, rainy day!45. What was the author's purpose for writing this poem? inform people about fun rainy day explain the importance of summer persuade the other kids to play outside, narrate a tale of one boy's boring rainy day?????The rain poured down outside her window, and Tiona hid under the covers in her bed. She was afraid of thunderstorms and could not sleep. Tiona decided to keep herself busy by using her flashlight to read her favorite mystery novel. Suddenly, a crack of thunder made Tiona's window rattle. She jumped out of her bed and ran down the hall to her parents' room.?????"We knew you were coming, Sweet Pea," her dad said as he moved over to make room for her under the cover. 46. The central purpose of this selection is to A.instruct the reader how to hide from the rain.B.persuade the reader to read with flashlights.rm the reader of the upcoming weather.D.entertain the reader with a story about a girl.2910 Vandervort Lane Hampton, VA 23668July 16, 2009Dear Aoki Lee, ?????I am so glad you are going to be my pen pal. Let me tell you about myself. My name is Andrew Wayne Johnson. I am 10 years old. I attend Amelia Earhart Elementary School here in Hampton, Virginia.?????My only sister is two years younger than me. Her name is Calea. My mom is a doctor, and my dad is a lawyer. We have a big dog named Siberian. He is white with black spots, and he barks really loud.?????I guess that's all for now. When you write back, tell me about what it's like living there in Japan.Your friend,47. What is the purpose of Andrew's letter? describe what his elementary school looks entertain Aoki Lee with a story about persuade Aoki Lee to get a dog like inform Aoki Lee about himself and his family?????Check out the all new Rollerblade X500s! These are the fastest skates in the world! Zoom past your friends on their old skates. Fly down hills and across parks in the X500s. They come in all of your favorite colors. Ask your parents for a pair of X500s today! 48. This passage is intended for which audience? A.adults who have no who like to who play inside a lotD.parents who have no money49. What is the author's purpose for writing this passage? explain how to use rollerblades describe to readers what X500s look entertain readers with a skating persuade readers to buy a pair of X500s?????Ian has trouble playing outside without getting grass stains and dirt on his clothes. His favorite shirts have stains from his favorite foods, and he often falls into puddles.?????Do Ian's problems sound familiar? We have the perfect solution—Dirt Away laundry detergent! It's perfect for getting the stains out. 50. What is the main purpose of this paragraph? narrate a day in the life of a messy young explain why grass stains often set into instruct the reader to eat food without persuade the reader to buy Dirt Away detergentTurning into a Teenby A. GautamI can eat a mountain top—swallow the ocean whole.My stomach is an empty cave.I must be growing up!My shirts are shrinking fast.The trousers show my calves.I'm stretching like a tree.I must be shooting up!There's a sound box in my throat;it makes me sound so coarse.Zits are crawling on my skin.Could growing up be worse?51. The poem is intended for which audience? A.adults who have an eating problemB.people who love to climb treesC.people who like to hike mountainsD.children who are growing fast52. What is the purpose of the passage? inform the reader about the process of growing describe to the reader the problems of growing persuade the reader that growing up can be entertain the reader with a poem about growing up?????Have an announcement you want to have printed in next Sunday's program? Please send it to me by Wednesday afternoon. We print information about baby showers, birthdays, and weddings. 53. The purpose of the paragraph above is to A.amuse the reader with a funny wedding story.rm the reader about the Sunday program.C.entertain the reader with a baby shower tale.D.provide instruction on how to write a program.?????One day, Brittiany was reading in the library not far from her house. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something run past the row of books directly across from her. Hmm, I must have imagined that, she thought as she returned to her book. A couple of pages later, something ran by again, and Brittiany decided to go check things out.?????As she walked down the path the mysterious thing had taken, the library seemed to get darker. Ahead of her, Brittiany could see an old door covered in cobwebs. As she got closer, she heard a faint pounding sound. Wait a second, Brittiany thought. Is that my heart??????Before she even realized it, Brittiany was standing right in front of the strange door. With a deep breath, she reached out and turned the knob. 54. What is the purpose of this selection? explain to readers why Brittiany is persuade readers to read more inform readers about the library entertain readers with a mystery story?????All students should be in class on time. Many students like to talk to their friends in the hallway before school starts. They lose track of time, and when the bell rings, they are not in class. Remember that class time is important. Teachers need to have plenty of time to teach the lesson. Starting next week, students found in the hallway during class will be punished. If a student has a real reason to be in the hall, such as going to the nurse’s office or bathroom, he or she must have a hall pass. Students breaking the rules will get detention. 55. The passage is intended for which audience? A.teachers who need more time in classB.the principal of a large schoolC.nurses who work at schoolsD.students who are often late to class56. What is the purpose of this passage? convince students to get to class on entertain students with a story about instruct students on how to get a hall persuade students to go to detentionBroomhildaby Audge Podge?????Broomhilda sat at the kitchen table in her cottage petting her cat, Magic. Sadly, she said, “I’m 100 years old, and I just don’t have the energy that I used to, Magic. I’m thinking about retiring.”?????Magic's eyes grew wide, and he said, “That would be a shame because nobody casts spells, reads crystal balls, and brews potions as well as you do! Hey . . . why don’t you perfect that get-up-and-go potion you were working on? That could give you the energy you need to keep working.”?????“Witches normally retire at my age, but I must admit that I love to work,” she responded. “I would be so bored if I quit. You know, I think I will brew up that potion. I don’t want to quit!”?????A few weeks later, the potion was ready, and Broomhilda tested the bubbling brew. Suddenly, she felt as young as ever.?????“Magic, look!” she shouted, “This potion worked wonders. My green skin is as glowing as it has ever been, and most importantly, I feel so young! In fact, I feel so good that I’m going to try some new tricks on my broom.”?????Broomhilda patted Magic on the head, grabbed her broom, and flew off. Magic strained his furry neck to see her standing on her broom and surfing on the wind through the clouds as she shrieked with glee. 57. What is the author's purpose for writing the passage above? warn the reader about dangerous entertain the reader with a made-up inform the reader about retirement teach the reader how to write a scary story?????Ashley and Tosha decided to open a clothing store together. "Let's start out selling basic items like jeans and T-shirts," Ashley said.?????"Good idea," Tosha replied. "If we sell a lot of those things, we can always sell more stuff later."?????More than 200 people attended the store's grand opening. After the store was open a year, Ashley came up with this chart:58. The purpose of the chart is to A.persuade customers to shop at Tosha and Ashley's store.B.narrate a true story about selling jeans, shirts, and socks.C.demonstrate one year of sales in Tosha and Ashley's store.D.entertain the reader by making the story more interesting.Sam's teacher asks him to write an essay on why recess should be longer. 59. What is Sam's purpose in writing this essay? tell the reader about his favorite recess entertain the reader with jokes about persuade the reader to agree with his impress his teacher by using a lot of big wordsAnswers1. A 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. B 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. B 36. D 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. C 41. C 42. A 43. B 44. A 45. D 46. D 47. D 48. B 49. D 50. D 51. D 52. D 53. B 54. D 55. D 56. A 57. B 58. C 59. C ................

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