SI of East Contra Costa Installation of Officers

SI of Pittsburg Installation of Officers - July 14, 2015

President Timi, thank you for inviting me to serve as your installing officer this evening.

Soroptimist International of Pittsburg had another successful year; once again children benefited from Kids on Target; the club hosted another profitable Festa Italiana fundraiser; participated in our District II Identifying project “Get Real Academy”, performed at conference, demonstrated increased collective impact by partnering with Soroptimist International of Antioch for the 2nd Annual Golfing for a Cause tournament and supported Region (Fellowship) and Federation (giving to Club Giving) projects. You have much to be proud of.

As your club ends the year, it is an excellent time to thank the 2014-2015 board for a productive year. Outgoing President Margie’s theme was “Women Strong”, and as a club you were – supporting President Margie throughout the club year. Will the outgoing officers please stand (or give a wave). Let’s give them a round of applause for their dedication, leadership and hard work. Thank you, you may sit down.

President Timi’s theme for the 2015-2016 club year is “Super S-hero Power” – as an installing officer you tailor an installation to the theme of the president. When Timi shared her theme, I immediately thought of super heroes and Marvel Comics.

Marvel Comics started in 1939 under the name of Timely Comics – 18 years after the beginning of Soroptimist. Today Marvel Entertainment (Marvel Comics) parent company is The Walt Disney Company. Nice coincidence – Walt Disney believing in dreams, just like Soroptimist. In fact, Walt Disney opened Disneyland July 17, 1955 dedicating it to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America ... with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world. As Soroptimist we bring hope and inspiration to the women and girls we serve.

Yes, indeed, we are superheroes! Super Sheroes! We are Soroptimist S-Women (like Marvel X-Men), and what better way to reflect superheroes than by their actions…or by the sound of their actions.

Delegates and officers, please come forward when I call your name.

Delegates –Timi Tumbaga, Lynn Haven & Denise Cappucini-Jones (Alternate Delegate – Dion Weaver)

Timi, Lynn and Denise (Alternate Dion), you will serve as club delegates. While DELEGATES are not voting members of the board, they do represent the club at district meetings, region conferences and federation conventions (1 delegate). To you is given the responsibility of voting on behalf of all your members, speaking for their concerns and, most importantly, bringing back complete information concerning all Soroptimist matters that affect your club and its members. It is therefore your duty to be informed about matters on which a vote is to be taken and to know how your club members feel about it, informed, not instructed.

I present you with this comic book cover and a button with the exclamation: ZAP! – after your club members have informed you of their thoughts, I know you will make your decisions just like ZAP, I mean that (corny – I know).

Do you accept the responsibilities of this position? Thank you, Margie, Timi, and Denise (alternate Dion) you may go back to your seats.

Directors – Jackie Buccellato and Margie Rognlien

Jackie and Margie you are the Directors of your club. Your duties are to serve with the officers on the board and, as a group administer control over the affairs, funds and the property of the club. You are the important conduit between the members and the board always available to make sure every voice is heard.

I present you with this comic book cover and a button with the exclamation: SOCK! – yes, sock – Soroptimist Offering Constructive Knowledge.

Do you accept the responsibilities of your position?

Please remain here. Thank you

Treasurer Rose Mary Tumbaga & Assistant Treasurer Wendy Anderson

Rose Mary and Wendy the club has given you their vote as treasurer and assistant treasurer. Good records are a must. You both will receive the funds of the club. Rose Mary you will deposit them in the financial institution as authorized by the board. You will sign all checks, make remittances as required by federation bylaws and region and club procedures and pay authorized bills. You shall keep your board and membership informed through monthly financial reports. Wendy, you will assist Rose Mary in making sure everything is taken care of in a timely manner. You both will serve as ex-officio members of the finance committee and make sure that the club books are reviewed on a yearly basis to ensure that everything adds up. Remember, the time and talent represented by the dollars you care for and the personal involvement of members, are the most precious of assets.

I present you with this comic book cover and a button with the exclamation: THUNK! – yes, THUNK, because that is the sound you will make when you remind everyone to pay for this or that – and I think I heard that sound last Thursday when Treasurer Rose Mary told those who had put IOU’s in the Happy Dollar treasury that they would need to pay double next week…THUNK!

Do you accept the responsibilities of your position? Thank you

Secretary Sharon Sobel Idul

Sharon, you were elected secretary of the club. You are responsible for the club’s success through communication. As such you will send out notices and handle all the club correspondence. A willing secretary can take much of the load from the president, build good will and understanding and enhance the club image. Additionally, you are the custodian of the club’s permanent records. You will take the minutes at business and board meetings, and keep track of the recommendations of the board. You must write your records with clarity and facts. Your words will carry your club’s achievements throughout history.

I present you with this comic book cover and a button with the exclamation: ARRRGH! – yes, arrrgh! – the sound I have heard many a secretary exclaim as they try to capture the important business of the club when they miss a comment or action due to side conversations (did I say that?). May there be few arrrgh moments in your future!

Do you accept the responsibilities of your position? Thank you.

Vice President Lynn Havens

Lynn, you were elected vice-president of your club. Yours is the second highest office. You must be readily available to serve in the absence of the president during club meetings and at Presidents Round Tables. Additionally, you are responsible for program planning, which is very important since forward-looking, interesting programs will have a great bearing on the success of your club for this year. Your knowledge of region and federation projects will be most helpful in this respect. Most importantly you must assist President Timi by acting as a sounding board and confidante.

I present you with this comic book cover and two buttons, one with the exclamation: SWISH! – and the other with a picture of Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel is Monica Rambeau, a police lieutenant from New Orleans who possesses the power to transform herself into any form of energy (energy – just what a vice-president needs.) She is a member of the Avengers, and at one point served as their leader. SWISH! – the sound you will make when you step in for President Timi with ease.

Do you accept the responsibilities of your position? Thank you.

President – Timi

Timi you were elected by your club to serve as President. Your duties shall be those as implied by the title. You shall preside at all meetings, carry out the policy of the club and represent to the community the spirit and character of Soroptimist. As important as the club bylaws are, and as meticulous as they are in setting forth your duties, they constitute only a partial list. Worthy of note are the leadership qualities that your club knows you possess – wisdom, patience and understanding. As the presiding officer, you must be fair, tactful, just, and above all gentle and kind. Additionally, you must be alert to the changing needs in your community and knowledgeable about region, federation and international aims.

I present you with this comic book cover and three buttons, one that say’s Official Member – Wonder Woman – Super Hero Club; the second one with Wonder Woman saying “Never under-estimate the power of a woman!” and the last for you to exclaim before beginning every meeting: “AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!”

Do you accept these responsibilities?

Officers, I ask each of you to pledge to do your best to carry out the requirements of your respective offices. I challenge you to be tolerant, give praise and encouragement, listen, understand, share yourself – most of all have vision for your clubs future.

As the steering force of your club, your duties are as numerous and diverse as you. By being individuals who serve together and compliment each other, you bring your own special talents to your club.

I now declare these officers duly installed in the offices to which they were elected for the 2015-2016 club year.

Club members, I know you will pledge to do your very best in supporting your new officers as together you:

Power the Vision: Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams

Power the Mission: Soroptimist improves the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.

And Power the Dream, because dreams inspire amazing possibilities.

Congratulations and thank you.


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