Apple Pancakes

Makes 6 pancakes. Serving sizes – Adults: 2 pancakes, Toddlers: 1 pancake

Preparation Time: 20 minutes


□ 1 cup flour

□ ¼ teaspoon salt

□ 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder

□ 1 tablespoon butter, melted

□ ½ cup milk

□ 1 egg, beaten

□ ½ teaspoon vanilla

□ 1 ¼ cups unsweetened applesauce


1. Sift flour, salt and baking powder into a medium sized mixing bowl.

2. Combine butter, milk, and egg. Stir into dry ingredients.

3. Add vanilla and applesauce; beat well.

4. Spray pan with non-stick cooking spray and turn to medium heat.

5. Pour about ¼ cup of mixture into pan, let cook until edges appear bubbly, or for about 2 minutes.

6. Flip pancake and cook another 2 minutes.

7. Repeat for the rest of the mixture.

For babies 8 months and older:

Cut pancake into small, bite-sized pieces. Let baby dip in applesauce to moisten.

Apple Pancakes

Per 1 pancake

Calories per serving: 140

Total Fat: 3g

Carbohydrate: 25g

Sugar: 6g

Protein: 4.5g

Sodium: 542mg

Breakfast Layers

Makes 4 cups. Serving size – Adults: 1 cup, Toddlers: ½ cup

Preparation Time: 5 minutes


□ 2 cups plain low-fat yogurt

□ 2 cups fresh strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries

□ 1 cup granola


1. In two glass cups or bowls, alternate layers of yogurt, berries, and granola so that you have 3 to 4 layers of each.

For babies 6 months and older:

Purée a small amount of strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries for baby.

For babies 8 months and older:

Cut strawberries into bite sized pieces. Smash blueberries or raspberries with a fork. Serve with 2 to 4 tablespoons of yogurt.

Breakfast Layers

Per ½ cup serving

Calories per serving: 95

Total Fat: 1.5g

Carbohydrate: 16g

Sugar: 7g

Protein: 4.5g

Sodium: 44mg

Breakfast Soup with Toast Fingers

Makes 2 cups. Serving sizes: Adults – 1 cup, Toddlers – ½ cup

Preparation Time: 5 minutes


□ 8 oz low-fat vanilla yogurt

□ ½ cup cubed banana

□ ½ cup fresh, frozen, or canned peaches, peeled

□ ½ cup wheat germ (optional)

□ 1 piece whole grain bread, toasted and cut into strips.


1. Blend ingredients together, add wheat germ if desired.

2. Serve with whole grain toast.

For Babies 8 months and older:

Blend together.

Breakfast Soup with Toast Fingers

Per ½ cup serving

Calories per serving: 130

Total Fat: 2.5g

Carbohydrate: 19g

Sugar: 10g

Protein: 7.5g

Sodium: 69mg

Cheery Cheerio Parfaits

Makes 2 ½ cups. Serving sizes: Adults – 1 cup, Toddlers – ½ cup

Preparation Time: 10 minutes


□ 2 pieces of fruit of your choice (fresh or frozen), sliced

□ 1 cup light yogurt of any flavor

□ ½ cup Cheerio’s

□ 1 teaspoon flax seed (optional)


1. Using 2 clear glasses or parfait cups, alternate layers of fruit and yogurt. Add Cheerio’s just before serving.

2. Sprinkle flax seed on top of parfait, if desired, and serve!

For babies 8 months and older:

This can be served as is, however separate fruit, cheerios, and yogurt for easy finger grabbing and munching. Do not include flax seed.

Cheery Cheerio Parfaits

Per ½ cup serving

Calories per serving: 90

Total Fat: 1g

Carbohydrate: 20g

Sugar: 13g

Protein: 3g

Sodium: 45mg

Farmer’s Breakfast

Makes 4 ½ cups. Servings sizes: Adults – 1 cup, Toddlers – ½ cup

Preparation Time: 20 minutes


□ 2 medium potatoes

□ 1 teaspoon butter

□ 2 tablespoons milk

□ 1 cup rinsed spinach, fresh or frozen

□ 1 large fresh tomato, chopped

□ 1 medium zucchini, chopped into ¼ inch cubes

□ 4 eggs

□ ½ cup grated cheese (if desired)


3. Peel and grate potatoes.

4. Place butter in frying pan and let melt.

5. Add grated potatoes. Cook for 8 to 10 minutes.

6. In a small mixing bowl, mix the milk and eggs together.

7. Once the potatoes are cooked, add spinach, tomatoes, and zucchini, cook for an additional 3 minutes, stirring often.

8. Add eggs and stir until eggs are cooked. Sprinkle with cheese then serve.

For babies 6 months and older:

Boil ½ a potato until soft. Puree in blender with a small amount of water or breast milk. Cool before serving.

Farmer’s Breakfast

Per ½ cup serving

Calories per serving: 80

Total Fat: 3g

Carbohydrate: 12g

Sugar: .5g

Protein: 6g

Sodium: 95mg

Healthy Grain Pancakes

Makes 8 pancakes. Serving sizes: Adults – 2, Toddlers - 1

Preparation Time: 20 minutes


□ 1 egg

□ 1 cup whole wheat pancake mix

□ 1 cup milk

□ ¼ cup wheat germ (optional)

□ ½ cup uncooked oatmeal

□ ½ cup applesauce

□ ¾ cup blueberries, strawberries, peaches, or bananas, chopped into small pieces, fresh or frozen


9. Whisk egg in a medium mixing bowl. Add all other ingredients and mix well.

10. Spray pan with non-stick cooking spray and turn to medium heat.

11. Pour about ¼ cup of mixture into pan, let cook until edges appear bubbly, or for about 2 minutes.

12. Flip pancake and cook another 2 minutes.

13. Repeat for the rest of the mixture.

14. Top with additional fruit, if desired.

For babies 8 months and older:

Cut pancake into small, bite-sized pieces. Let baby dip in applesauce to moisten.

Healthy Grain Pancakes

Per 1 pancake

Calories per serving: 130

Total Fat: 3g

Carbohydrate: 23g

Sugar: 6g

Protein: 6g

Sodium: 330mg

Mini Spinach Quiches

Makes 12 quiches. Servings sizes: Adult – 2, Toddler - 1

Preparation Time: 30 minutes


□ 12 slices whole wheat bread

□ 1 tablespoon butter or olive oil

□ 1 onion, chopped finely

□ 2 cups fresh or frozen baby spinach

□ 1/2 cup reduced fat cheddar cheese

□ 1 cup milk

□ 4 eggs


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Lightly grease 12 muffin tins.

2. Cut bread into circles. Place circles in bottom of muffin tins.

3. In a saucepan, add the butter/oil and onion and cook on medium for 4-5 minutes, or until the onion is soft. Add the spinach and cook until wilted, about 1 minute.

4. Sprinkle the onion, spinach, and shredded cheese evenly between the muffin tins.

5. In a medium bowl, combine milk and eggs. Add black pepper if desired.

6. Pour egg mixture evenly between the muffin tins.

7. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a quiche comes out clean.

For babies 8 months and older:

Egg whites are inappropriate for babies under 1 year of age. Boil an egg and serve smashed egg yolk to baby.

Mini Spinach Quiches

Per 1 quiche

Calories per serving: 125

Total Fat: 4g

Carbohydrate: 17g

Sugar: 4g

Protein: 7g

Sodium: 217mg



An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

Apples contain high amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant. This protects against free radical damage. Protection against free radical damage can prevent you from getting sick!



Start Your Day Off Right!

Eating breakfast every morning starts your body with some energy to greet the day! This is important for kids because breakfast eaters are shown to have less of a risk of becoming overweight later. The body needs a steady supply of fuel, so always get your kiddo off to a great start with a balanced breakfast.



Bacteria can be good for you??

Yogurt contains “good” bacteria. Good bacteria are called probiotics. Probiotics can help treat diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and reduce the severity of colds and flu.



Kids Need Calcium!

An important factor in your child’s growth is their bone strength. Kids need plenty of calcium for healthy bones and teeth. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are great sources of calcium. Try to provide at least 3 servings of dairy in your child’s day.


The Power of Potato!

Potatoes are good for you when they are not fried or covered in butter or cheese! Potatoes are a good source of vitamin B6, copper, potassium, manganese, and fiber!




Whole Grains and Fiber

Using whole grains to replace refined white flour makes a big difference in your health! Whole grain pancakes, waffles, muffins, breads, and cereals are rich in fiber. This can help digestion, lower cholesterol, and are packed with many B vitamins that help the body burn the energy you eat.



Being a Great Role Model

Your child is watching you and learning from your every move. If you want your child to eat healthy foods with a lot of fruits and vegetables, you must set an example by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables! Eating meals together helps your child learn what good eating behavior is. Offer lots of variety at each meal so that your baby becomes curious and will want to try new food!



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