Lesson plan: English Class: XII

Lesson plan: English Class: XIICycle IV Dates: 20 May -4 June 2021Topics:The EnemyKeeping Quiet(poem)Classified Advertisements ( contd )The Enemy –By Peal S BuckPoints to RememberWhat is more important - loyalty to your country or saving a person's?life no matter to?which country they belong?-?Story?is set during?World War II- Japan is fighting America- It is a story?of conflict between fellow-feeling and loyalty- Shown through the situation between?Tom, the?American prisoner?and the?Japanese couple, Dr. Sadao and Hana.Character of Sadao- A?dedicated?surgeon and doctor- A nice human being- Full of fellow, feeling,?kindness?for people in distress- Sadao undergoes a conflict due to the prisoner's identity – Tom is an American- Sadao is afraid of being called a?traitor- He is also?prejudiced?against the white man- His goodness wins in the end as he removes the bullet-?Risked his own life by sheltering an enemy.- He is?loyal?to his country as well - informs the General- The General agrees to have the prisoner killed by private assassins- Undergoes conflict again-spends three restless nights-?Overcomes conflict- decides to help the white man escape- Helps the soldier escape- Couldn't understand why he saved the prisonerCharacter Sketch of Hana- A?balanced?woman-?Affectionate-?Responsible?- she washes the prisoner and treats him?respectfully-?Dignified?and?graceful?about servants leaving the house-?Kind and sympathetic?towards the soldier-?Obeyed?Sadao?and helped him in carrying out the operation-?Maintains her calm, though she is extremely tense and fearful- Becomes an anesthetist when the need arises- Is a true human beingThe American Soldier- Tom- Flung out of the ocean- A prisoner of war-hardly 17- Escaped but was shot at the back-?Suffered torture and hunger-?Wounded, bleeding, was in great pain, lay unconscious- Needed medical aid-?Had strong will power- At first he is afraid - later feels secure in the house of Japanese couple- Full of?gratitude?towards Dr.?SadaoHow?Sadao?and Hana help the soldier?-?Sadao?packed the wound with sea moss to stop bleeding- Together both lifted the prisoner and laid him on a deeply matted floor of their father's bedroom- Hana washed his wounds with steaming hot water-?Sadao?operated on his body, pulled the bullet out- Hana helped?Sadao?with anesthesia- Both took care of his weak body- Hana fed him with her own hands- Later towards the end of the story help the prisoner to escapeReaction of servants- The servants?did not like the idea of helping an enemy-?Yumi?refused to wash a white man- The?gardener?felt that?Sadao?should have?allowed the soldier to die.- He said the?sea and the gun would take revenge if?Sadao?saved the soldier presenting his superstitious nature.- The?cook?said that?Sadao?was?proud?of his skill and used it?irresponsibly- They left the house when the American prisoner was treated and nursed by?Sadao?and Hana.The General-?Selfish- thought of his own treatment- Did not think of anyone else except himself- A ruthless general-has private assassins- Promised to send his assassins to kill and remove the body of the soldier-?Doesn't want the doctor to be arrested because he needs him- Had?faith?in Sadao's skills as a doctor- Careless - forgot to send assassinsHow?Sadao?helps the American soldier escape?-?Sadao?put?his boat with food and extra clothing- Asked the soldier to?row to an uninhabited island nearby- Asked him to?wait?for?a Korean fishing boat on the island- Told him that he?could catch fish but eat it raw- Gave him?his flashlight.- Asked the soldier to?signal him two flashes if his food ran out?and?one flash if he was alright-?Sadao?gave him?Japanese?clothes?and?covered his hair with a black clothWhat did Dr.?Sadao’s?father?tell?him showing the islands visible from seashore?. What was his father’s chief concern?Why was Sadao?not sent?abroad with the troops?.Why didn’t Dr. Sadao?show?his interest in Hanna before knowing that she was a Japanese?Why did Dr. Sadao?hesitate?to go to the American professor’s house?What did they think would be the best & the kindest thing to do for the injured man? Why? Why did they think of handing over the man to the police?How did the gardener react when Dr. Sadao told him about the wounded American soldier? What did general decide to do with?enemy?Long Answer type Questions?:Give an account of the efforts made by Dr. Sadao and Hana to save the life of the injured man.Describe the difficulties faced by Dr.?Sadao?when he decided to help the enemy soldier.(2009)Discuss the reaction of the servants to the efforts made by Sadao and Hana to save American’s life. Give the Character sketch of Dr. sadao highlighting his qualities as a doctor?Do you think the doctor's final solution to the problem was the best possible one in the circumstances?How did Dr. Sadao rise above narrow prejudices of race and country to help a human being in need.OR Describe how Pearl Buck's story "The Enemy" shows the basic human goodness overpower all other factors2. Keeping Quiet (Poem) BY: Pablo NerudaThe poet talks about the need of silence and quiet introspection and the importance ofquietude and calmness. He also talks about creating a feeling of mutual understandingamong human beings.The poet asks us to keep still and count up to twelve. He also asks us to sit still. For a moment we should not speak any language. We should not move our arms so much.It will be a moment of complete silence without rush or worry. This would be an exotic moment.Then a sudden strangeness will prevail which we will all enjoy. It will be bliss.The fisherman would not harm the whales on the cold sea. Even the man gathering salt would stop working and look at his hurt hands and reflect at the pain and harm his strenuous task has caused him.All kinds of wars must be stopped at once. The green wars against the environment, wars with poisonous gases, firearms, must be stopped at once.People who are all the time preparing for wars leaving no survivors behind ought to find time to wear clothes and walk around with their brothers strengthening the message of peace and brotherhood.At the same time the poet cautions not to confuse stillness with total inactivity. Life is an ongoing process and should not be associated with death. It is to be lived with positive attitude.He does not want us to ruminate over death.But he feels that if for once we do not focus ourselves single-mindedly to keep our lives moving but do some introspection or spend some time in silence doing nothing, we can understand ourselves better and escape from the threatening calls of death.The earth can teach us a lesson how everything comes to a dead end and comes to life again.In the same manner a quiet introspection can bring all evil thoughts to an end and bring in a new life of peace and tranquility.Now the poet will count up to twelve and they should keep quiet and he will go.SOLVED QUESTIONS:Read the extracts given below and answer the following questions:“Perhaps the Earth can teach usAs when everything seems deadAnd later proves to be aliveNow I will count upto twelveAnd you keep quiet and I will go.”What does the Earth teach us?What does the poet mean to achieve by counting upto twelve?What is the significance of “keeping quiet”? Ans. a) The earth teaches us how new life springs from dead remains and how there is life under apparent stillness. b) The poet wants to achieve peace by counting upto twelve. He wants us to introspect in a moment of silence.c) Keeping quiet doesn’t mean being idle. It means that we should avoid all such activities, which are hurting the nature and, in turn, us.2. “ It would be an exotic moment, Without rush, without engines, We would all be together In a sudden strangeness.”What will happen if there is no rush or running of engines?Why would it be called an exotic moment?How would we feel at that moment?Ans. a) It is an ecstatic moment of tranquility without rush or running of engines. b) It would be an exotic moment because it will be an instance of universal peace and brotherhood. In that moment, all of us would initiate introspection through meditation and the whole world will be enveloped in quietness. c) We would feel very strange at the moment, because at that time everyone will be feeling oneness with their fellow human beings in it. It will be a new feeling altogether.SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSWhy does the poet want us to keep quiet?Ans. The poet wants us to keep quiet to feel the strangeness of being quiet. When we all will keep quiet it will be an exotic moment which will allow us to establish communion with our fellow beings and all other living beings at spiritual level. Does the poet advocate total inactivity and death by suggesting to be quiet?Ans. No, the poet does not advocate it. He wants no truck with death. In fact he wants to live life full bloodedly. But by advocating quietness he wants mixing of physical and spiritual aspect of life.Why does not the poet want us to speak in any language?Ans. The poet wants us not to speak in any language to introspect and know what we are about- know the meaning of our existence. He wants everybody to know his spirit and have spiritual contact with others for some time for which no language is required.UNSOLVED QUESTIONSHow does the poet differentiate inactivity from death?What is the sadness that we can overcome by keeping silent and still?According to the poet, “silence is profound”. JustifyClassified Advertisements( Contd)EducationalName of the institution/its past record.Courses offered and durationEligibility conditionFacilities available and fee structureLast date for registrationEnd with contact address and phone no.Que: You are the Director of a coaching centre located in Pan Bazar,Guwahati.Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words for publication in the classified columns of a local daily giving details of the various courses being provided in your institute.2.Missing person/pet animalsBegin with ‘Missing’Brief physical description;For person- name, age, height complexion, built, clothes and other identifying featuresFor pet-name, age, colour of fur and other identifying featureSince when/ from where missingRewardContact address and phone no.Que: a)You nephew has been missing since yesterday evening. Draft an advertisement for the Missing Person column of a local daily.b) You pet dog has been missing since yesterday. Draft an adv. giving essential details.3. Lost and FoundBegin with ‘Lost’ or ‘Found’Specify the itemGive brief physical descriptionMention from where lost or foundReward offeredEnd with contact address and phone no.Que: You have lost a bag containing some imp documents while commuting in an ASTC bus. Draft an adv giving necessary details.4. Travels and TourBegin with ‘Package Available’ etcName of travel agencyDestination and durationDetails of package-food/ boarding/lodging/sightseeing etcCost and discount if any.Contact address and phone no.Que: Venus Travels offers a package tour for 4 nights and 3 days to the Andaman Islands for rupees ten thousand per person. Draft an adv in not more than 50 words for publication in the classifted columns of a local daily giving necessary details.5.MatrimonialsBegin with ‘Wanted Alliance’ or ‘Proposal invited’State boy or girlEducational/Professional qualificationService/Profession-IncomeAge, Height, Complexion, BuildCaste, ReligionQualities sought in a partnerEnd with Box no of the dailyQue: Draft a matrimonial for a highly qualified and well placed young man inventing relevant particulars. ................

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