Mandatory Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Reporting

The road to good health

Nutrition and fitness


Month 1: Why tackle nutrition and fitness at the same time?

Month 2: Making better food choices

Month 3: Ready to change your exercise and fitness habits?

Month 4: The secret to losing weight (It’s not really a secret!)

Month 5: Don’t give up! We’re in this together.

Month 6: We’ve only just begun

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Month 1:

Why tackle nutrition and exercise at the same time?

Dear Employee,

You might feel that trying to change both your diet and fitness habits at the same time is too much. After all, you probably have a busy schedule – both at work and at home.

When you’re on the go, it’s not easy to always eat healthy meals. You might grab a quick meal at the local drive-through restaurant on your way home. And, who has time for the gym after shopping, eating dinner and doing the dishes?

However, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine found that those who started changing their diet and exercise habits at the same time were most likely to:

• Meet national guidelines for exercise – 150 minutes per week – and nutrition: five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

• Keep calories from saturated fats at 10% or less of their total intake.1

According to the study, it can take time to meet these goals, but it’s possible.1 That’s why we’re here to help you take some easy, simple steps that can make a big difference in your health. By starting today, you can improve your eating habits and exercise routine.

Think of these first steps as part of your journey to good health. We’ll give you the tools and information you need to succeed.

New program to help you eat better and exercise

Over the next six months, we’ll help you learn how you can eat better and start exercising.

Just make small changes, a few at a time and you’ll be surprised at what a difference it can make in your life.

Here’s how it will work

For the next six months, we’ll give you information and resources that you can use to learn about nutrition and fitness. The Stanford study found that getting regular advice and support for diet and exercise was a key factor in success.1

For this first month, you’ll learn about obesity and how it affects people. Did you know that a third of American adults are obese and another third are overweight?2 Childhood obesity is also a growing epidemic. You can make this program a family affair – so everyone benefits.

Watch this important video about obesity

To start, you can learn more about the effects of obesity and why it’s such a serious concern. Click here to watch the video: Why weight matters: obesity and your health.

Ready to start?

We’ll be sending you more information about obesity, including the true cost of this serious condition.

1 Stanford School of Medicine website: Change diet, exercise habits at the same time for best results, study says (April 2013):

2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Obesity and Overweight (May 2013): nchs/fastats/overwt.htm.

Month 2:

Making better food choices

Dear Employee,

This month we’re focusing on your food choices. Let’s start by seeing how you can eat a balanced diet. We’ll be sending you some information on:

• How to get the right balance of food types

• Why food is medicine

• Avoid super-sizing

Test your knowledge about nutrition by watching this video

Is a salad always the healthiest item on a menu? Can you only get protein from meat? To get the answers (which may surprise you!), watch the video: Test your nutrition intuition.

Have a healthy potluck at work

Who says eating healthy isn’t fun? Plan to have a potluck at work, bring a healthy dish and spend some time together during lunch.

To get you started, here’s a healthy recipe for smoky mustard-maple salmon.

Count the true cost at the grocery store

As you wander the aisles at the grocery store, you might be tempted to buy what’s on sale to save money. While that box of mac and cheese might be less expensive when checking out, it can cost you more in the long run. How so?

If a diet is high in processed food, but low in fruits and veggies, it’s going to cost more money in health care and prescription drug costs. Poor nutrition habits can also lead to a shorter life.

For example, heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes are four of the six leading causes of death in the U.S. All of these conditions are linked to eating too much saturated fat, sodium and sugar – but not enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fiber.1

Food for thought

Eating healthy may be cheaper than you think.

• A 2006 study found that people who switched from an average American diet to one high in fruits and vegetables spent only $10 more in food each month.2

• A study in 2008 concluded there was no difference in costs when changing to a healthier diet. However, those who ate a balanced diet had fewer health problems and were less likely to die compared to those who continued to eat a high-sugar, high-fat diet.3

1 Center for Science in the Public Interest, Why good nutrition is important (accessed January 2012): .

2 Dalziel, K., Segal, S., de Lorgeril, M. 2006. A Mediterranean diet is cost-effective in patients with previous myocardial infarction. Journal of Nutrition, 136: 1879-1885.

3 Goulet, J., Lamarche, B., Lemieux, S. 2008. A nutritional intervention promoting a Mediterranean food pattern does not affect total dietary cost in North American women in free-living conditions, Journal of Nutrition, 138:54-59.

Month 3:

Ready to change your exercise and fitness habits?

Dear Employee,

With your busy schedule, does exercise seem to fall to the bottom of your to-do list? When you get home from work, is working out the last thing you want to do?

It’s natural to feel that way. After all, you have a busy life. You might think you don’t have much time to exercise. However, you can work in exercise throughout your day. With just a little thought, you can get in “mini-workouts.”

This month, we’ll send you information on:

• How to find time for daily exercise

• Reminders about losing weight and exercising

Learn about the benefits of exercise

Exercise is key to staying healthy, especially as you get older. Watch this video to see how exercising can affect your immune system and overall health. Here’s the link to see: Staying young: The role of physical activity in aging.

SpecialOffers: discounts on fitness clubs

Do you believe that going to a gym is too expensive and you can’t afford to join? Did you know that Anthem has discounts on fitness clubs through its SpecialOffers program?

To learn more, just follow these steps:

1. Log in to .

2. If you’re not registered to use the site, follow the instructions to register.

3. Click Discounts.

4. Select Fitness & Health to see the offers for gym discounts.

How to make a fitness plan

Here are some tips and suggestions on how to make a fitness plan that works for you. You may want to write down your answers and keep track of your progress in meeting your goals.

• Why: What are your goals? Lose weight, get in shape, feel better? By knowing your goals, you’ll stay motivated to reach them.

• When: By setting a time to exercise each day, you’re more likely to stick with your exercise plan. Pick a time when you have enough time to work out, walk or whatever activity you choose.

• Where: You can go to a local gym, exercise at home or do an outdoor workout (walking, running, cycling, etc.).

• Who: If you’re going to a gym, consider working with a personal trainer or someone on the gym staff. They can help you develop a fitness plan. Many gyms offer nutritional services or give you access to a nutritionist or registered dietitian.

Remember to talk with your doctor before starting a fitness routine. Once your doctor says it’s okay, you can start your plan and get moving!

Month 4:

The secret to losing weight (It's not really a secret!) 

Dear Employee,

Losing weight and keeping it off is one of the biggest challenges many people face today.

It’s important to remember that managing your weight is a long-term, lifestyle change – not a quick, fad diet. But you can do it! And, if you have kids, get them involved so everyone benefits and learns good eating habits.

To help you get started, we’ll send you information on:

• How to lose weight – the healthy way

• Eating better on a budget

• Where calories hide

Video: learn how to eat right

If you could use some good advice on your diet, seeing a registered dietitian may help – whether you want to lose weight or learn some healthy eating habits.

Watch this video to learn more: Want to learn to eat right? Work with a dietitian.

SpecialOffers: discounts on weight-loss programs

Do you want help to lose weight? If so, you can take advantage of discounts from Anthem for weight-loss programs.

To learn more, follow these steps:

1. Log in to .

2. If you’re not registered to use the site, follow the instructions to register.

3. Click Discounts.

3. Select Fitness & Health to see the discounts on weight-loss programs like Jenny Craig, LivingLean and Lindora Online.

Three myths about losing weight

Many people want to lose weight, but may not succeed. One problem is that some ideas on how to lose weight come from myths. In fact, some commonly held ideas about weight loss can actually make you gain weight.

Myth #1: You gotta try this diet! Eat as much as you want and still lose weight!

Fact: If a diet sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Some “fad diets” promise quick weight loss and you can eat whatever you want – as long as you take a pill. While you might lose some weight with a fad diet, many people put the weight back on. Also, fad diets may be unhealthy. You may not get all the nutrients you need.

Research shows that a safer way to lose weight is by combining a reduced-calorie diet with exercise. Have small portions and make healthy food choices.

Myth #2: If you skip a meal, you can lose weight.

Fact: In fact, the opposite is often true. If you skip a meal, you’ll feel hungrier and may end up eating more than if you had a meal. Studies show a connection between skipping breakfast and obesity. Those who don’t have breakfast are usually heavier than those who eat a healthy breakfast.

Myth #3: If you’re trying to lose weight, avoid carbs.

Fact: Your body needs carbohydrates (carbs) as its main source of fuel for energy. You can still have some carbs – and lose weight. The key is eating the right type of carbs:

• Complex carbs (starches and fiber): Food that is high in complex carbs, such as fruits, veggies and whole grains, give you a healthy dose of fiber, minerals and vitamins.

• Simple carbs (sugars): Food like cake, cookies and candy have a lot of simple carbs and calories, but few nutrients.

Remember to talk with your doctor before you try losing weight. Your doctor can make sure you protect your health and succeed!

Source: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Weight-loss and Nutrition Myths (March 2013): win.niddk.publications/myths.htm.

Month 5:

Don’t give up! We’re in this together.

Dear Employee,

As you’ve been learning about eating right and exercising, one of the biggest issues you may have to deal with are your emotions.

For some of us, eating is an emotional activity tied to our mood and what’s happening in our life. Some turn to food for comfort, especially when they’re facing a tough time in their life. However, “emotional eating” can lead to eating too much, including high-calorie, fatty foods.1

So, you may need a helping hand to cope with stress – and keeping your eating habits healthy. It’s okay to reach out for help when you need it, and don’t forget, eating right and staying active can actually help to improve your mood and outlook.

This month, we’ll be sharing this information to help you deal with stress:

• Six ways to deal with stress

• Getting help to cope with stress and emotional issues

• Stress awareness

Video: Staying healthy by reducing stress

In addition to feeling anxious, stress can also affect your health. It can weaken your immune system and increase your risk of cancer and stroke.

That’s why it’s so important to get a handle on stress. Watch this video to learn more: Staying healthy through stress reduction.

How to manage stress

Stress is a normal part of life. You can’t avoid it. But if you don’t manage it well, too much stress can lead to serious health issues.

Here are some quick tips on how you can manage your stress:

• Exercise can trigger your brain to make more endorphins – those feel-good chemicals. This can improve your mood and self-confidence.

• Eat healthy: When you’re stressed, you may crave sugary foods. However, eating too much junk food can weaken your immune system, so you’re more prone to get sick. Instead, try to stick to lots of fruits and veggies.

• Get enough sleep: Getting the right amount of sleep can reduce the stress hormones that cause heart damage and raise blood pressure.2

1 Mayo Clinic, Weight loss: Gain control of emotional eating (December 2012): .

2 National Institutes of Health, Wake up to the Risks of Shortened Slumber (April 2007): newsinhealth.2007/april/docs/01features_01.htm.

Month 6:

We’ve only just begun

Dear Employee,

Can you believe that six months have already passed since we started the “Road to good health” nutrition and fitness program? We hope that you’ve learned some important information about eating right and exercising and made some small steps to health.

We want you to continue on your road to health. This is just a start. We’ve also included another article for you to read: Getting fit may be easier than you think

As a refresher, try your hand at this quick quiz.

[OPTIONAL COPY] If you are the first person to answer all of the questions correctly, you’ll win a prize.

Nutrition and fitness quiz

(Note: Questions are based on the emails, fliers, posters and videos; however, different questions can be used. Answers are highlighted for your reference, but the highlighting should be removed before sending the quiz to employees.)

1. You’re more likely to succeed if you try to change your diet and exercise habits at the same time.

a. True

b. False

2. When you eat out, the best way to eat healthier is by:

a. Ordering water or unsweetened drinks.

b. Starting your meal with a salad.

c. Ordering steamed, grilled or broiled foods instead of fried or sautéed dishes.

d. None of the above

e. All of the above

3. The only way to lower your cholesterol is by taking medication.

a. True

b. False

4. The best way to exercise is by:

a. Joining a local gym.

b. Doing yard work and chores around the house.

c. Going for a walk or run.

d. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

e. Playing with your kids.

f. All of the above

5. Fresh vegetables always have more vitamins and minerals than canned or frozen veggies

a. True

b. False

6. If you skip a meal, you can lose weight.

a. True

b. False

7. What’s the best way to manage stress?

a. Exercise

b. Eating healthy

c. Getting enough sleep

d. None of the above

e. All of the above

SpecialOffers: discounts on FitOrbit and Jenny Craig

Even though we’re at the end of our six-month program, you can still get help losing weight and getting exercise with our SpecialOffers program.

You can get discounts on:

• FitOrbit: For less than $2 a day, get online access to a personal trainer.

• Jenny Craig®: Join Jenny Craig and get a 30-day trial at no extra cost, and 25% off the Jenny Rewards Premium Program.

To learn more, follow these steps:

1. Log in to .

2. If you’re not registered to use the site, follow the instructions to register.

3. Click Discounts

4. Select Fitness & Health to see the offers for FitOrbit and Jenny Craig.


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