| | | | | | |

|SINGLE HERBAL CHURNA (POWDER) M/S World Wide Enterprise, mob:91 9903785437, Email: |

|1 |0001 |Adusa Patti churna |Adusa patti (Adhatoda vasica) |In respiratory disorder; It is |1/2 tsf twice a day with Honey|

| | | | |effectively used in cold, cough as well | |

| | | | |as advanced cases of | |

| | | | |bronchitis. | |

|2 |0002 |Anantmool churna |Anantmool Root (Hemidesmus indicus) |It clears obstruction in trachea, |1 -2 tsf with honey or milk |

| | | | |increases digestive power, a remedy for |twice a day |

| | | | |dyspepsia, inflammation. | |

|3 |0003 |Aonla churna |Aonla Fruit (Emblica officinalis) |Aonla rebuilds new tissues and increases |1/2 table spoonful (tsf) twice|

| | | | |the red blood cell count, strengthens the|a day with water |

| | | | |teeth, stops bleeding of gums and | |

| | | | |improves eye sight. It nourishes bones | |

| | | | |and promotes growth of healthy, lustrous | |

| | | | |hair and strong nails. | |

|4 |0004 |Apamarg churna |Apamarg whole plant (Achyranthes aspera)|Toothache, Scabies, Piles, Skin diseases.|1/2 tsf with lukewarm water |

| | | | | |twice a day |

|5 |0005 |Arjun Chhal churna |Arjun Chhal (Terminalia arjuna) |Ideal for cardiac diseases, hypertension,|1/2-1 tsf twice a day with |

| | | | |heaviness in the cheast, a cardio |milk or water |

| | | | |protective and cardio-tonic. | |

|6 |0006 |Ashok Chhal churna |Ashok chhal (Saraca asoca) |Leucorrhoea, UterineTonic, Menorrhagia. |1/2 tsf twice a day |

|7 |0007 |Ashwagandha churna |Ashwagandha Root (Withania somnifera) |It counteracts the effects of stress and |1/2 tsf twice a day with Milk |

| | | | |generally promotes wellness. It has also | |

| | | | |been | |

| | | | |shown to inhibit inflammation | |

| | | | |and improve memory.Good for general | |

| | | | |weakness, seminal debility and arthritis.| |

|8 |0008 |Babool Chhal churna |Chhal babool (Acacia arabica) |Skin diseases, stomatitis, dry cough. |5 -7 gm with water or |

| | | | | |decoction to be taken |

|9 |0009 |Bael Chhal churna |Chhal bael (Aegle marmelos) |Arthiritis, cough, Jaundice, Piles, |2 -6 gm with water or |

| | | | |Inflammation. |decoction twice a day |

|10 |0010 |Bavchi churna |Bavchi seed (Psoralea corylifolia) |Skin disease, leprosy, hair fall, |1/2 - 1 tsf twice a day with |

| | | | |antihelminthic property |water |

|11 |0011 |Bhringraj churna |Bhringraj whole plant |Hair fall, dandruff, liver disorders, eye| |

| | | | |diseases. | |

| | | |(Eclipta alba) | | |

|12 |0012 |Bael guda churna |Bael Fruit pulp (Aegle marmelos) |A valuable preparation for chronic |1/2 -1 tsf twice a day with |

| | | | |constipation, chronic dysentery and |water |

| | | | |dyspepsia. | |

|13 |0013 |Baheda churna |Baheda Fruit (Terminalia belerica) |It is purgative, laxative, analgesic, |1/2 -1 tsf twice a day with |

| | | | |anti-inflammatory, nutritive, |Honey or water |

| | | | |anti-pyretic, expectorant and in thyriod | |

| | | | |disease. | |

|14 |0014 |Bhuin Aonla churna |Bhuin Aonla whole plant (Phyllanthus |It is an efficient liver tonic, which |Before meals 1/2 -1 tsf twice |

| | | |amarus) |improves the functioning of liver and the|a day with water |

| | | | |spleen. | |

|15 |0015 |Chandrashoor Beej chruna |Chandrashoor seed (Lepidium sativum) |Diarrhoea, Chronic Spleen disorders & |1/2 -1 tsf mixed with sugar |

| | | | |Hepatomegally, Lambago and increasing |candy and coconut kernel, |

| | | | |height in early age. |given to ladies in post natal |

| | | | | |care for sufficient |

| | | | | |lactation |

|16 |0016 |Chitrak mool churna |Devdaru Stem (Cedrus deodara) |Gynecological disorder, bleeding piles, |3 - 5 gm with water twice a |

| | | | |metrorrhagea |day |

|17 |0017 |Daru Haldi churna |Chitrakmool roots (Plumbago zeylanica) |Digestive, Arthiritis. |1/2 gm to 2 gm with water or |

| | | | | |honey twice a day |

|18 |0018 |Devdaru churna |Daru Haldi Churn (Berberis aristata) |Leucorrhea, Metrorrhagea, Cough, Liver |3 -5 gm with water twice a day|

| | | | |and fever. | |

|19 |0019 |Giloe churna |Giloe Stem (Tinospora cordifolia) |It is rejuvenator and increases body |1/2 tsf twice a day with Honey|

| | | | |immunity against diseases. It is the best|or Water |

| | | | |herb to cure fevers | |

| | | | |in all type of diseases, including | |

| | | | |malaria, typhoid, jaundice and | |

| | | | |tuberculosis. | |

|20 |0020 |Gokharu churna |Gokharu fruit |Urinary tract diseases, Vat- |1/2 tsf twice a day |

| | | | | | |

| | | |(Tribulus terrestris) |Vyadhi, diuretic, appetizer. | |

|21 |0021 |Gorakhmundi churna |Gorakhmundi fruit (Sphaeranthus indicus)|Blood purifier, rheumatism and boils. |1/2 tsf with water twice a day|

|22 |0022 |Gudmar Patti churna |Gudmar patti (Gymnema sylvestre) |It is used for healing diabeties |1/2 table spoonful (tsf) twice|

| | | | |mellitus. restores pancreatic function; |a day with water |

| | | | |stimulate the | |

| | | | |circulatory system, increases urine | |

| | | | |secretion. | |

|23 |0023 |Gulab phool churna |Rose flower petals (Rosa centifolia) |Heart tonic, Digestive. |2 -3 gm with milk or water |

| | | | | |twice a day |

|24 |0024 |Gular Chhal churna |Gular chhal (Ficus glomerata) |Leucorrhoea, Metrorrahagia. |6 -10 gm with water or |

| | | | | |decoction to be taken |

|25 |0025 |Harad churna |Harad Fruit (Terminalia chebula) |A safe and effective purgative, |1/2 -1 tsf twice a day |

| | | | |astringent and alterative. | |

|26 |0026 |Harsingar Patti churna |Haarsingar patti (Nyctanthes |Sciatica, eliminates cough congestion. |1/4 -1/2 gm with water or |

| | | |arbortristis) | |honey twice a day |

|27 |0027 |Indrajau churna |Indrajau fruit (Wrightia tinctoria) |Diarrhoea and chronic dysentery. |1/2 tsf with water twice a day|

|28 |0028 |Jamun guthli churna |Jamun seeds (Syzygium cumini |Diabeties. |1/2 tsf with water twice a day|

|29 |0029 |Jatamansi churna |Jatamansi Rhizome (Nardostachys |It is useful as memory enhancer and |To be taken under medicin |

| | | |jatamansi ) |various types of nervous disorders |supervision |

| | | | |insominia. | |

|30 |0030 |Kababchini churna |Kababchini Fruit(Piper cubeba ) |Loss of appetite, retention of urine, |3 - 5 gm with water twice a |

| | | | |cough expectorant |day |

|31 |0031 |Kaifal churna |Kaifal fruit (Myrica nagi) |Reduces swelling, Arthiritis. |3 -5 gm with honey or milk |

|32 |0032 |Kali Mirch churna |Kali Mirch fruits (Piper nigrum) |Loss of Appetite, Cough and Cold. |1/2 -1 gm with water twice a |

| | | | | |day |

|33 |0033 |Kali musali churna |Kali musali tubers (Curculigo |Genital Tonic and Good for general |1 tsf with milk twice a day |

| | | |orchioides) |weakness. | |

|34 |0034 |Kalmegh churna |Kalmegh whole plant (Andrographis |It is an hepatic stimulant cholagogoue |Decoction of 1/2 -1 tsf to be |

| | | |paniculata) |and blood purifier; useful in the cure of|taken after meals with honey |

| | | | |turbid liver, jaundice, Maleria and other|or jaggery |

| | | | |critical fever. | |

|35 |0035 |Katsariya churna |Katsariya chhal (Barleria prionitis) |Arthiritis, reducing fat in the body. |1/2 tsf twice a day |

|36 |0036 |Keoti Chhal churna |Keoti Chhal (Ventilago denticulata) |Diabeties, Kidney disorders. All types of|1/2 tsf twice a day |

| | | | |prameha | |

|37 |0037 |Khareti churna |Khareti whole plant (Sida acuta) |Leucorrhoea, Urinary diseases & Vata |1/2 tsf twice a day |

| | | | |Vyadhi | |

|38 |0038 |Kiwach Beej churna (Shodhit) |Kiwach seeds (Mucuna prurita) |Inspermatosshoea, paralysis and Good for |3 -5 gm with milk twice a day |

| | | | |general weakness | |

|39 |0039 |Kuda Chhal churna |Kuda chhal (Holarrhena antidysenterica) |Bleeding dysentry, digestive, Diarrhoea |3 -5 gm decoction with water |

|40 |0040 |Kutki churna |Kutki chhal (Picrorhiza kurroa) |Liver tonic, Jaundice, Hepatic |5 -8 gm with water twice a day|

| | | | |derrangement, Dyspepsia, Chronic | |

| | | | |dysentry, Heart diseases | |

|41 |0041 |Mahaneem chhal churna |Mahaneem bark (Ailanthus excels |It is useful for all type of Leucorrhoea |1/2-1 tsf twice in a day with |

| | | | |and Rheumetoid arthritis |milk. |

|42 |0042 |Majuphal |Maju Fruit (Quercus infectoria) |It is used in the treatment of piles, |1/4 -1/2 tsf twice a day with |

| | | | |dysentery, diarrhoea. |water |

|43 |0043 |Makoi Churna |Makoy whole plant (Solanum nigrum) |for Swalon desease, heart problem, piles |3 - 5 gm with warm water or |

| | | | |and fever. |twice a day |

|44 |0044 |Mulaithi churna |Mulaithi Root powder (Glycyrrhiza |Sweet, Cold, Aphrodisiac, Diuretic, |1 table spoonful (tsf) twice a|

| | | |glabra) |Intellect promoting. |day with water or honey |

|45 |0045 |Manjishth churna |Manjishth root (Rubia cordifolia |Blood purifier, digestive, skin disease, |3 - 5 gm with water twice a |

| | | | |acne pimple |day |

|46 |0046 |Nagarmotha churna |Nagarmotha roots (Cyperus scariosus) |Hair cleanser, Colic pain, Diarrhoea, |1/2 tsf twice a day |

| | | | |Dysentry, Urinary diseases, Cough, Heart | |

| | | | |diseases. | |

|47 |0047 |Nagkeshar Churna |Nagkeshar Flower bud (Mesua ferrea) |Analgesic, Antipyretic, Anti |1-3 gm. Twice a day with |

| | | | |inflammatory, Stop Bleeding, Dysentery. |butter milk. |

|48 |0048 |Neempatra churna |Margosa Patti (Azadirachta indica) |It is antibacterial and antiseptic and it|1/2 -1 tsf twice a day |

| | | | |is use for all sorts of skin disorders | |

| | | | |like eczema, | |

| | | | |ringworm. It is an excellent blood | |

| | | | |purifier. | |

|49 |0049 |Nirgundi churna |Nirgundi patti (Vitex negundo) |In strengthening hair, reduce swelling |1/2 tsf twice a day |

| | | | |and nausea, Helps curing swollen joints | |

| | | | |and its pain. | |

| | | | | | |

|50 |0050 |Pashan Bhed churna |Pashan-bhed roots (Bergenia ligulata) |Calculii, Kidney pain |1/2 -1 gm with water twice a |

| | | | | |day |

|51 |0051 |Pathani Lodhra churna |Pathani Lodhra chhal (Symplocos |Leucorrhoea, Menorrhagia |1/2 tsf twice a day |

| | | |racemosa) | | |

|52 |0052 |Pippera mool churna |Pipperamool Churn (Piper longum) |Digestive, Collic disease |1 -3 gm with water and honey |

| | | | | |twice a day |

|53 |0053 |Pippli churna (Long Piper) |Pippli fruits (Piper longum) |Colic pain, Cough and Cold |1/2 -1 gm with water or honey |

| | | | | |twice a day |

|54 |0054 |Poaad beej (Chakrarmard) churna|Poaad seeds (Cassia tora) |Ring worm, Scabies, Skin disease |1 -3 gm with water or milk & |

| | | | | |oily paste to be applied |

| | | | | |locally |

|55 |0055 |Punarnava mool churna |Punarnava mool (Boerhavia diffusa) |Colic disease, Gonorrhoea, Oedema, |1 table spoonful (tsf) twice a|

| | | | |Anaemia, Jaundice, Abdominal diseases. |day with water |

|56 |0056 |Rasna patti churna |Rasna patti (Pluchea lanceolata) |Fever, Rheumetide, Cough, Reduce |3 -6 gm with water twice a day|

| | | | |inflammation of trachea. | |

|57 |0057 |Safed Musli churna |Safed Musli Root (Chlorophytum |It is cooling, aphrodisiac and nervine |1/2 tsf twice a day with Milk |

| | | |borivilianum) |tonic. Ideal for development of body | |

| | | | |muscles and resistance power. | |

|58 |0058 |Sanai Patti churna |Senna patti (Cassia angustifolia) |Laxative and Purgative |After meals 1/2 -1 tsf with |

| | | | | |Munakka |

|59 |0059 |Sarpagandha churna |Sarpgandha roots (Rauvolfia serpentina) |Hypertension, Heart diseases, Insomnia, |1/2 gm twice a day |

| | | | |Epilepsy. | |

|60 |0060 |Sarponkha churna |Sarponkha Churn (Tephrosia purpurea) |Cough, Lever, Spleen and Piles. |3 -5 gm with water twice a day|

|61 |0061 |Saunth churna |Saunth roots (Gingibar officinale) |Colic pain, Rheumatic pain |1/2 -1 gm with water twice a |

| | | | | |day |

|62 |0062 |Shatawar churna |Shatawar Root (Asparagus racemosus) |An excellent rejuvenator and health |After meals 1/2 -1 tsf twice a|

| | | | |tonic.It is aphrodisiac, increases breast|day with Milk |

| | | | |milk & | |

| | | | |appetite.It helps in heeling peptic | |

| | | | |ulcer. | |

|63 |0063 |Shilajeet churna |Shilajeet |Diabetes, T.B., Stone, Anaemia, |250-500 mg. with milk or twice|

| | | | |aphrodisiae, Urine diseases |a day |

|64 |0064 |Tulsi Patti churna |Tulsi patti (Ocimum sanctum) |It is well known stimulant, carminative |1/2 -1 tsf twice a day with |

| | | | |and expectorant. It has good |Honey |

| | | | |anti-bacterial quality. | |

|65 |0065 |Vach churna |Root (Acorus calamus) |It is good for dyspepsia, colic, |1/2 -1 tsf twice a day |

| | | | |remittent fever, epilepsy, bronchitis and| |

| | | | |throat disorder. It | |

| | | | |is an expectorant, anthelminthic, | |

| | | | |antipyretic & carminative | |

|66 |0066 |Vaividang churna |Vaividang seed (Embelia tsjerium cottam)|Anti worm, Digestive, blood purification |1 -2 tsf twice a day with |

| | | | | |honey or butter milk after |

| | | | | |meals |

|67 |0067 |Vidarikand churna |Vidarikand roots (Pueraria tuberosa) |Spermepoeitic Tonic, Good for general |1/2 tsf with milk twice a day |

| | | | |weakness & clear sweet voice. | |

|68 |0068 |Vidhara mool churna |Vidhara Root (Argyreia speciosa) |General Debility, Diuretic, Aphrodisiac |3 -6 gm twice a day |


|60 |0060 |Ajmodadi churna |Ajmod, Vaividang, Sendha Namak, Deodaru,|Best Pain killer for stomach and Joints |1/2 -1 tsf with water twice a |

| | | |Chitrak, Pippera mool, saunf, Pippali, |pain, Aamvat. |day |

| | | |Kalimirch, Saunth, Vidhara, | | |

| | | |Haritiki | | |

|61 |0061 |Amlakayadi churna |Aonla, Sendha Namak, Pippli, Haritiki, |Useful in loss of appetite and |1/2 -1 tsf with water twice a |

| | | |Chitrak |indigestion. |day |

|62 |0062 |Amritadi churna |Giloe, Saunth, Gokhru, Gorakhmundi, |It is useful in renal calculi and |1/2 -1 tsf with water twice a |

| | | |Varun chhal |rheumatic pain. |day |

|63 |0063 |Ashwagandhadi churna |Ashwagandha, Saunth, Pippali, Kalimirch,|General tonic for all, tridosh nashak. |1/2 -1 tsf with milk twice a |

| | | |Dalchini, Tejpatra, Nagkesher, Laung, |Rasayana & Vajikaran |day after meals |

| | | |Jatamansi, Nagarmotha, Sugar & other. | | |

| | | | | | |

|64 |0064 |Avipattikar churna |Saunth, Kalimirch, PippAli, Bal Harad, |It improves the digestion and useful in |1/2 -1 tsf with water twice a |

| | | |Bahera, Aonla Bid Namak, Elaichi, |several digestive disorders like hyper |day before meals |

| | | |Tejpatra, Laung, Sugar, Nisoth, |acidity and colic pain. | |

| | | |Vaividang & Others. | | |

|65 |0065 |Dadimashtak churna |Vanshlochan, Elaichi, Dalchini , |It is good appetizer and rectifies the |1/2 -1 tsf with water twice a |

| | | |Pippali, Piparamul, Tejpatra, Nagkeshar,|assimilation system. |day |

| | | |Safed jeera, Anardana, Mishri & others | | |

|66 |0066 |Dashang Lep |Sirish Chhal, Mulethi, Tagar, Lal |It is used externally for swellings, |Topical application with 1/5 |

| | | |Chandan, Elaichi, Jatamansi, Haldi, |boils, Erysepelas and Oedema. |part of ghee |

| | | |Daruhaldi, | | |

| | | |Kutha, Ghee & Others. | | |

|67 |0067 |Dashansanskar churna (Tooth |Harad, Saunth, Nagarmotha, Khair, |It is beneficial for all tooth and mouth |2 -3 gm using as a paste with |

| | |Powder) |kapoor, Supari, Kalimirch, Laung, |diseases & keeps gum healthier and |soft brush or finger after |

| | | |Dalchini, Khadiya mitti. |prevents bad smell. |meals |

|68 |0068 |Dashmool Kwath |Bel chhal, Gambhari Chhal, |Arthiritis, Heart, Inflammation, |To be taken as |

| | |churna |Arlu Chhal, Padhal Chhal, Arni Chhal, |Uterus disorder, in all types of pain. |decoction of 1 -2 tsf powder |

| | | |Gokhuru, Choti Kateli, Badi Kateli, | |mixed with pippli or ghee |

| | | |Prashtaparni and shalparni | | |

|69 |0069 |Elladi churna |Elaichi, Laung, Nagkeshar, Kolmajja, |Suitable for cough and other respiratory |1/2 -1 tsf with honey |

| | | |Lajwanti, Safed Chandan, Priyangu, |diseases | |

| | | |Nagarmotha, Pippali & Others. | | |

|70 |0070 |Erandbrasht Haritiki churna |Bal harad fried in Arand Tail |It is excellent remedy for hyperacidity, |1/2 -1 tsf with lukewarm water|

| | | | |constipation and piles. |twice a day after meals |

|71 |0071 |Gokshuradi Kwath Churna |Gokharu, Arandmool, Vach, Rasna, |All type of body pain, Aamvat, |To be taken as decoction of 1 |

| | | |Punarnava |Arthiritis, Dysuria |-2 tsf powder twice a day |

| | | | | |after meals |

|72 |0072 |Haridra khand |Haldi, Sugar, Saunth, Kalimirch, |It is useful in Urticaria, Ringworm, |1-2 tsf with water after meals|

| | | |Pippali, Vaividang, Trifala, Nagkeshar, |Scabies, Chronic Fever, Worms, Sheet | |

| | | |Shuddha Lauh bhasm, Nishoth & Others. |pitta etc. | |

|73 |0073 |Haritikiyadi churna |Harad, Pohkarmool, Kachur, Saunth, Vach,|It is ideal for all kind of |1/2 -1 tsf with water twice a |

| | | |pippali, Rasna |heart-diseases. |day |

|74 |0074 |Hingwadi churna |Shuddha Hing, Pipparamool, Dhania, |Colic pain, Chronic dysentery, |1 -2 tsf with after meals |

| | | |Jeera, Vach, Chavya, Chitrak, Patha, and|Gastropathy, Constipation, in Cardiac and| |

| | | |others |stomach diseases. | |

|75 |0075 |Hingwashtak churna |Saunth, Pippali, Sendha Namak, Hing, |It is useful in gastric trouble, colic |1/2 -1 tsf with water twice a |

| | | |Ajmoda, Jeera, Krishna Jeera, Kali mirch|pain and indigestion. It keeps liver |day during meals |

| | | | |healthier. | |

|76 |0076 |Hystiria-nashak churna |Hing, Vach, Jatamansi, Kuth, Kala Namak,|Abdominal pain, Hysteria, Worms, |1 -2 tsf with water twice a |

| | | |Vaividang & Others. |Sleeplessnes & It is useful for mental |day |

| | | | |diseases | |

|77 |0077 |Lawanbhaskar churna |Panch-lavana, Dhania, Pippali, |Stimulates appetite and improves the |1/2 -1 tsf with water twice a |

| | | |Pipparamool, Syah Jeera, Tejpatra, |digestion, useful in loss of appetite, |day after meals |

| | | |Nagkeshar, Saunth, Talispatra, Dalchini,|flatulence, constipation and other | |

| | | |Anardana, Amla veta, Kalimirch & others.|digestive discomforts. | |

|78 |0078 |Maharasnadi Quath |Rasna, Dhamasa, Khareti, |It is useful in rheumatic, Arthritis |To be taken as |

| | |Churna |Arand mool, Deodaru, Kachur, Vach, |& Vat Vyadhi |decoction of 1 -2 tsf powder |

| | | |Adusa, Saunth, Harad, Nagarmotha, | |twice a day after meals |

| | | |Punarnava, Giloe & Others. | | |

|79 |0079 |Mahasudarshan Churna |Triphala, Haldi, Daruhaldi, Chhoti |It is an ideal remedy for chronic fevers |1/2 -1 tsf with milk twice a |

| | | |Kateli, Kachur, Pippali, Pipparamool, |and malaria. |day |

| | | |Giloe, Kutki, Kalmegh and others. | | |

|80 |0080 |Manjishthadi churna |Manjishtha, Mishri, Bal Harad, Gulab |It is one of the main anti-pitta |1/2 -1 tsf with water twice a |

| | | |Phool, Nishoth, Sanai Patti |remedies. An excellent remedy for skin |day |

| | | | |diseases. | |

|No. |Code |Name of Product |Constituent parts |Therapeutic Uses |How to use |

|81 |0081 |Mutra Virechan churna |Sheetal Chini, Rewand Chini, |Urinary tract diseases, Oedema |1/2 - 1 tsf with water or |

| | | |Elaichi, Jeera, Mishri, | |butter milk |

| | | |Kalamisora | | |

|82 |0082 |Nimbadi churna |Neem chhal, Giloe, Haritiki, |An excellent blood purifier, best |1/2 - 1 tsf with water |

| | | |Aonla, Bawchi, Saunth, |for all types of skin diseases, |twice a day after meals |

| | | |Vaividang, Chakramard, |dandruff, joint pains and | |

| | | |Pippali , Ajwain, Vach, Jeera, |pyorrhoea | |

| | | |Kutki, Khair, Daru haldi, Deo | | |

| | | |Daru, Nagarmotha & others. | | |

|83 |0083 |Panchaskar churna |Saunth, Saunf, Sanai Patti, Bal |It is specially formulated for |1/2 - 1 tsf with |

| | | |harad, Sendha namak |chronic constipation and piles |lukewarm water twice |

| | | | | |a day after meals |

|84 |0084 |Panchkol churna |Pippali, chavya, Saunth, |Indigestion and abdominal |1/2 - 1 tsf with water |

| | | |Piparamool, Chitrak |disorders, Lever disorder, |twice a day |

| | | | |Gulms (Abdominal lump), Aruchi | |

| | | | |(Testlessness). | |

|85 |0085 |Panchnimba churna |Neem Panchang, Triphala, |Blood purifier, Leprosy, |1 - 2 tsf with milk or |

| | | |Trikatu, Bramhi, Gokharu, |Leucoderma, Ring worm, |water twice a day |

| | | |Chitrakmul, Vaividang, Lauh |Eczema and all kind of skin | |

| | | |Bhasma & Others. |diseases | |

|86 |0086 |Pashanbhedadi Kwath |Pashanbhed, Mulethi, Adusa, |Chronic polyurea, cronic |1/2 tsf with honey or |

| | |Churna |Gokharu, Arand mool, Amaltas, |dysentry |cristal sugar twice a |

| | | |Pippali, Elaichi & Others. | |day |

|87 |0087 |Punarnavadi churna |Punarnava, Giloe, Saunth, |It is useful in stomach disorder, |1/2 - 1 tsf with |

| | | |Saunf, Vidharamool, Kachur, |Vaat Roga and Swellon (Shoth). |lukewarm water or |

| | | |Gorakhmundi | |kanji water |

|88 |0088 |Pushyanug churna |Patha, Jamun, Aam Giri, |Useful in leucorrhoea, menstrual |1/2 - 1 tsf with rice |

| | | |Rasanjan, Mochras, Attis, |and urino-genital disorders. |water twice a day |

| | | |Nagarmotha, Lodhra, Kaiphal, | | |

| | | |Saunth, Kalimirch, Draksha, Lal | | |

| | | |Chandan, Kutaj, Dhawaiphool, | | |

| | | |Arjun, Nagkeshar & Others. | | |

|89 |0089 |Rasnasaptak Kwath |Rasna, Giloe, Amaltas, |All kind of post pains and |To be taken as |

| | |churna |Deodaru, Gokharu, Arandmool, |Arthiritis |decoction of 1 - 2 tsf |

| | | |Punarnava | |powder twice a day |

| | | | | |after meals |

|90 |0090 |Saraswat churna |Meetha kuth, Ajwain, Jeera, |Nervine tonic, Memory enhancer |1/2 - 1 tsf with ghee, 4 |

| | | |Saunth, Ashwagndha, | |tsf honey to be used |

| | | |Shankhpushpi, Vach & Others. | |for 7 days |

|91 |0091 |Shivakshar churna |Hingvashtak, Sajjikhar, Shodhit |Gastric trouble and constipation. |1/2 - 1 tsf with |

| | | |Bal harad | |lukewarm water twice |

| | | | | |a day after meals |

|92 |0092 |Sitopaladi churna |Kalpi Mishri, Vanshlochan, |Safe and effective preparation |1/2 - 1 tsf with honey |

| | | |Pippali, Elaichi, Dalchini. |for cough, respiratory infections, |or milk twice a day |

| | | | |mild fever and cold. | |

|93 |0093 |Sudarshan churna |Deodaru, Harad, Vach, |It is an ideal remedy for all types |1/2 - 1 tsf with milk or |

| | | |Nagarmotha, Kalmegh and |of chronic fevers and malaria, a |honey twice a day after |

| | | |Other herbs |good remedy for spleenomegaly |meals |

| | | | |and liver diseases. | |

|94 |0094 |Swadisht Virechan |Mulethi, Saunf, Sanai Patti, |It gives relief in constipation, |1/2 - 1 tsf with |

| | |Churna |Shuddha Gandhak. |with skin diseases and piles. |lukewarm water twice |

| | | | | |a day after meals |

|95 |0095 |Talisadi churna |Talispatra, Shakkar, Kalimirch, |It is very effective in fighting |1/2 - 1 tsf with milk or |

| | | |Dalchini, Saunth, Pippali, |common colds, dry cough, |honey twice a day after |

| | | |Vanshlochan, Elaichi. |asthma, bronchitis and helps to |meals |

| | | | |liquify phlegum. | |

|96 |0096 |Trikatu churna |Saunth, Kalimirch, Pippali. |It is useful in cough, cold, loss of |1/2 - 1 tsf twice a day |

| | | | |appetite, dyspepsia, and |with water |

| | | | |obesity. | |

|97 |0097 |Triphala churna |Aonla, Harad, Baheda. All Seed |A balanced energetic formula |1/2 - 1 tsf with water |

| | | |Less (Ratio 1:1:1) |gently helps in elimination and |twice a day |

| | | | |purification of unwanted | |

| | | | |substances from the body. On | |

| | | | |account of its excellent nutritive, | |

| | | | |anti-oxidant and laxative properties it | |

| | | | |is used for blood and liver or gall | |

| | | | |bladder cleansing. | |


|98 |0098 |Vaishwanar Churna |Sendha Namak, Ajwain, Ajmoda, Saunth, |In diseases pertaining to rectum, |1 tsf with worm water or |

| | | |Haritiki |constipation, cardiac dysfunctions, |butter milk / kanji/ Ghee |

| | | | |Stomach disorder |twice a day |

|99 |0099 |Vidangadi churna |Viavidang, Sendha namak, Yavakshar, |Wormicide |1 -2 tsf with butter milk |

| | | |Kabila, Harad | |after meals |

|100 |0100 |Vijay churna |Triphala, Trikatoo, Trijat, Vach, Hing, |It is useful in Piles, jaundice, anaemia,|1/2 -1 tsf with water twice a |

| | | |Patha, Yavakshar, Haldi, Daru haldi, |worms and other colic disorders. |day after meals |

| | | |Chavya, Kutki, Indrajau, Chitrakmool, | | |

| | | |Panch lawan, Pipramool, and others. | | |

|101 |0101 |Vilwadi churna |Bel, Nagarmotha, Elaichi, Safed Chandan,|In Nerval and Mental disorders |1/2 -1 tsf with milk or kanji |

| | | |Lal Chandan, Nishoth, Pippali, | |water twice a day |

| | | |Chitrakmool, Ashwagandha, Vanshlochan, | | |

| | | |Shuddha Shilajit & Others. | | |


|102 |0102 |Anti Amoebia churna |Saunf, Bal harad, Saunth, Belguda, |Amoebiasis, diarrhoea. |1/2 -1 tsf with lukewarm water|

| | | |kutki, Isabagol, Kuda chhal, Viavidang, | |after meals |

| | | |Gulab Phool & Others. | | |

|103 |0103 |Arjun Herbal Tea (Churna) |Arjun chhal, Dalchini, Laung, Elaichi. |Ideal cardiac tonic, useful in |Decoction of 1/2 -1 tsf with |

| | | | |hypertension, heaviness in the chest, a |milk and sugar according to |

| | | | |cardio-protective tonic. |taste |

|104 |0104 |Vaathar Kwath churna |Rasnasaptak, Punarnavamool, |In Vaat vikar, rheumatic arithritis, |To be taken as decoction of 1 |

| | | |Ashvagandhamool, Nirgundi. |body-pain etc. |-2 tsf powder twice a day |

| | | | | |after meals with vaat |

| | | | | |capsule. |

|105 |0105 | Pachak Aonla Supari |Aonla, Sendha Namak, Jeera, Ajwain, |Mouth Freshner, Digestive, a rich source |Excellent mouth freshner as |

| | | |Saunth, Mishri, Nimbu Ras, Saunf, |of Vitamin C. |and when feel like chewing |

| | | |Pippali, Kalimirch, Anardana, Pudina | |something |

| | | |patti, Adrak. | | |

|106 |0106 |Paushtik churna |Ashwagandha,Safed Musli |Ideal tonic for body weakness for all age|1 -2 tsf with lukewarm milk |

| | | |Shatavar,Anantmool, Kiwanch, Mulethi |groups. |twice a day |

| | | |Elaichi, Shakkar. | | |

|107 |0107 |Satavari Kalp |Shatavar, Ashwagandha, Safed musli, |For vitality, strong bones in children |Two-three tsf twice daily with|

| | | |Arjun chhal, Elaichi, Mishri. |and old-age; especially for lactating |milk after meals. |

| | | | |mothers, in post natal care as an | |

| | | | |aphrodisiac, uterine tonic and general | |

| | | | |tonic. | |

|108 |0108 |Slim Quath Churna |Trifala, Saunth, Giloe, Kutki, |To reduce extra fat, obesity, Checks |To be taken as decoction of 1 |

| | | |Vaividang, Punarnava |imbalanced cessation of fats in the body.|-2 tsf powder twice a day |

| | | | | |after meals with Slim |

| | | | | |Capsule |


|109 |0109 | Foot Crack Cream |Ghee, Kapur, Arand tel, Kattha, Suhaga, |Foot cracs remover |Before sleep wash with |

| | | |Mom, Kokam. | |lukewarm water and then apply |

| | | | | |locally |

|110 |0110 |Herbal Balm |Kapur, Gandhpura tel, Pudina Satwa |Cough and Cold, Headache, useful in |Gentle massage with local |

| | | |(Menthol), White Petrolium Jally, |sprains and tissue-ruptures. |application 2-3 times a day on|

| | | |Neelgiri Tel & Mom. | |the affected part. |

|111 |0111 |Peedahari tel |Nirgundi tel, Mahanarayan Tel, |Pain in joints, muscular stress, headache|Gentle massage with local |

| | | |Mahavishgarbha tel, Chandan balalakshadi|etc. |application 2-3 times a day on|

| | | |tel, Pipermint, Kapur, Nilgiri tel, | |the affected part. |

| | | |Mahamash tel, Gandhpura tel. | | |

|112 |0112 |Skin Ointment |Chakramard, Kapur, Suhaga, Mainseal, |Eczema, Ringworm & Skin diseases |Wash the affected part with |

| | | |Ghee,. Fitkari, Mom, | |lukewarm water |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Kamila, Neela thotha, Neem Tel, Karnj | |and then apply locally 2-3 |

| | | |tel | |times |


|113 |0113 |Antacid-500 Capsule |Extracts of Avippatikar churn, Aonla, |Abdominal disorder & Acidity |1-2 capsules with 1/2 hour |

| | | |Mulethi, Nishoth, | |before meals with |

| | | |Shiddhamrut Bhasma, Shoukti | |water |

| | | |Bhasma and Yashad Bhasma, | | |

| | | |Praval Bhasma, Kamdudha ras. | | |

|114 |0114 |Anti worm capsule |Extracts of :-Palash beej, Vaividang, |Effective on all kind of Abdominal worms |2 capsule after meals with |

| | | |Kutaj chhal | |water |

|115 |0115 |Antidyral-500 Capsule |Extracts of Daru haldi, Nagarmotha, Kuda|Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Dysentery and |1-2 capsules after meals with |

| | | |chhal, Atis, Jaiphal, Dhania, Adarak, |Amoebiosis |water |

| | | |Bael, Maror pahli, Saunf, Anar, White | | |

| | | |indrajau, Dhawaiphool, Pathani Lodh and | | |

| | | |Moch ras. | | |

|116 |0116 |Aonla Capsule |Extracts of Aonla (Emblica officinalis) |Strengthens the teeth, stops bleeding of |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | | |gums and improves eyesight. It nourishes |water |

| | | | |the bones and promotes the growth of | |

| | | | |healthy, lustrous hair and strong nails. | |

| | | | |It is also mild laxative | |

|117 |0117 |Arjun Capsule |Extracts of Arjun Chhal (Terminalia |Ideal tonic for Heart patient. It reduces|1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |arjuna) Extracts of Giloe (Tinospora |cholesterol and tri-glycerides and |milk |

| | | |cordifolia) |maintains blood pressure | |

|118 |0118 |Ashwagandha Capsule |Extracts of Ashwagandha (Withania |Good for general weakness, seminal |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |somnifera) |debility, helps putting on weight. It is |milk |

| | | | |the best tonic for all age group and | |

| | | | |useful in arithritis. | |

|119 |0119 |Bhui-Aonla Capsule |Extracts of Bhui-Aonla (Phyllanthus |It is an efficient liver tonic, which |1 capsule before meals with |

| | | |niruri) |improves the functioning of liver and the|water |

| | | | |spleen, useful in jaundice | |

|120 |0120 |Brahmi Capsule |Extracts of Brahmi; Giloe; Mulethi; |Excellent memory booster. It stimulates |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |Shankh Pushpi |the power of self-expression and |milk |

| | | | |intelligence. It rejuvenates brain and | |

| | | | |nervous | |

| | | | |system | |

|121 |0121 |Chyavan forte Capsule |Extracts of Aonla, Pippali Kakarasingi, |Strong rejuvenating formula useful to |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |Haritaki, Bhuiaonla, Adusa, Jivanti, |control respiratory disorders like |milk |

| | | |Kamalgatta, Elaichi, Chandan, Kachur, |chronic cough, lung congestion & general | |

| | | |Nagarmotha, Pushkarmool, Kauatodi, |weakness-body immunity. (Act as sugar | |

| | | |Mashparni, Vidarikand, Sathi, Agar, |free Chyawanprash) | |

| | | |Mugdparni, Giloe, Dalchini, Nagkeshar, | | |

| | | |Dashmool, Ashtbarg and Vanshlochan | | |

|122 |0122 |Cough-6 Capsule |Extracts of Adusa; Haldi, Tulsi, |It is an effective expectorant, helps to |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |Mulethi, Kanthkaari, Bhuiaonla. |liquify mucous and facilitate its |water |

| | | | |discharge from the body. Useful in the | |

| | | | |treatment of colds, coughs. | |

|123 |0123 |Dashmool Capsule |Extracts of Dashmool. |Rheumatic pain reliever, uterine tonic in|1 capsule after meals with |

| | | | |post natalcare. |water or milk |

|124 |0124 |Diabo-plus 500 Capsule |Extracts of Giloe, Chirayta, methi, |Diabeties, control blood sugar |1-2 Capsule before meal with |

| | | |Gudmar, Jamun guthali, Karela, Bijasar, | |water and for better result |

| | | |Tulsi patti, Ashwagandha, Shatawar, | |with 1capsule of hipeto |

| | | |Triphala, Trikatu, Neem, Bel patti, | |capsule after meal |

| | | |Swarn makshhik bhasm & Shilajit. (Bhawna| | |

| | | |with | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Gaumutra) | | |

|125 |0125 |Giloe Capsule |Extracts of Giloe |It is an excellent rejuvenator, |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | | |antipyretic, blood purifier and tonic. It|milk or water |

| | | | |increases the | |

| | | | |effectiveness of protective white blood | |

| | | | |cells and builds up body's immune system | |

|126 |0126 |Gold Power-500 Capsule |Extracts of Ashwagandha, Kiwanch beej, |Aphrodisiac, increases vitality and body |1-2 capsules with milk |

| | | |Vidhara, safed Musli, Giloe, Gokharu, |strength. It Also useful in paraletic and| |

| | | |Jaiphal, Kababchini, Chopchini, Trikatu,|nervine problem (Perkinsan disease). | |

| | | |Akarkara, Shatawar, Triphala, | | |

| | | |Gorakhmundi, Salab Mishri & | | |

| | | |others. | | |

|127 |0127 |Gyno-8 Capsule |Extracts of Ashok, Ashwagandha, Aonla, |It has a marked effect on the female |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |Manjuphal, Pathani Lodhra, Giloe, |reproductive system and is useful in |water |

| | | |Punarnava and Praval Pishti. |treating various gynaecological problems | |

| | | | |such as excessive, too little or painful | |

| | | | |bleeding during menstruation. | |

|128 |0128 |Herbo Card-4 Capsule |Extracts of Arjun, Ashwagandha, Giloe, |It is an excellent cardio-tonic; improves|1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |Trifla |cardiac function and helps in minimizing |water |

| | | | |cardiac problems. | |

|129 |0129 |Hipato-500 Capsule |Extracts of Punarnava, Arjun, Bhringraj,|Liver disorders, Jaundice, Anaemia, an |1-2 capsules with water |

| | | |Giloe, Vaividang, Pippali, Sarponkha, |excellent remedy for hepatitis. | |

| | | |Pittapapada, Kadu chirayta, Bhui aonla, | | |

| | | |Makoi, Kutki and | | |

| | | |aloe Vera (Bhawna with Bhringraj) | | |

|130 |0130 |Jatamansi Capsule |Extracts of Jatamansi (Nardostachys |It is useful in indigestion, Insomnia, |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |jatamansi) |hysteria, regularization of heart |milk or water |

| | | | |palpitation, in menopause and various | |

| | | | |types of nervous diseases. | |

|131 |0131 |Kaalmegh Capsule |Extracts of Kalmegh (Andrographis |It is a hepatic stimulant cholagogoue and|1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |paniculata) |blood purifier. It is used in chronic |milk |

| | | | |malaria, | |

| | | | |fever, jaundice and liver & spleen | |

| | | | |disorders | |

|132 |0132 |L-5 Capsule |Extracts of Bhuiaonla, Kutki, Chiraita, |It is considered useful for stimulating |1 capsule with water |

| | | |Giloe, Punarnava. |liver functions, and is specific for | |

| | | | |jaundice & liver disorders. | |

|133 |0133 |Lauh Capsule |Extracts of Trifla, Giloe, Swarna |Ideal for patients with low haemoglobin, |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |Makshik & Others. |tiredness due to ageing, mental fatigue |milk |

| | | | |and general weakness. It increases the | |

| | | | |haemoglobin and useful in the treatment | |

| | | | |of anemia | |

|134 |0134 |Lax Capsule |Extracts of Amaltas fruit. |Mild laxative. |2 capsule after meals with |

| | | | | |water or milk |

|135 |0135 |Leucoril-500 Capsule |Extracts of Pushyanug, shatawar, |Leucorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Uterine tonic, |1-2 capsules twice a day after|

| | | |Nagkesar, Ashwagandha, Majuphal, |Metropathy, Menstrual disorder. |meals with water |

| | | |Triphala, Pathani lodh, Ashok and | | |

| | | |Dashmool. | | |

|136 |0136 |Mahasudarshan Capsule |Extracts of Mahasudarshan churna. |It is an ideal remedy for all type of |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | | |fevers and malaria. It is also used for |milk |

| | | | |diseases of liver & | |

| | | | |spleen. | |

|137 |0137 |Medha-500 Capsule |Extracts of Malkangni, brahmi, |Memory booster |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |shankhpushpi, pipramool, | |milk |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Vach, saunth, shatawar, | | |

| | | |ashwagandha, giloe, trikatu, arjun, | | |

| | | |jatamansi, Bhraingraj, Mukta pishti. | | |

|138 |0138 |Nimbadi Capsule |Extracts of Nimbadi churna |An excellent blood purifier, best for all|1 capsule after meals with |

| | | | |types of skin diseases -dandruff, acne |water |

| | | | |and pyorrhoea | |

|139 |0139 |Slim-500 Capsule |Extracts of Triphala, kalimirch, |Reduces fat, harmless medicine for |1-2 capsules with water for |

| | | |Pippali, Adrak, Chitrak mool, Kala jira,|obesity (very slowly result but no side |better result use with slim |

| | | |Kutaki, Neem, Nagarmotha, Apamarg, |effects) |kuath churna |

| | | |Chavya, methi, Haldi, Punarnava, | | |

| | | |Bijasar, Nishoth, Vaividang, Aloe vera | | |

| | | |and Swarn makshhik bhasm, | | |

| | | |medohar guggul, Shilajit. | | |

|140 |0140 |Stress-5 Capsule |Extracts of Bramhi, Jatamansi, |Brain-nervine tonic & Memory booster |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |Malkangni, Sarpgandha, Giloe. | |milk |

|141 |0141 |Trifala Capsule |Extracts of Trifala. (Harad, Baheda, |Stomach disorders, constipation, annemia,|1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |Aonla 1:1:1) |abnormal cholesterol controller and skin |water |

| | | | |diseases. | |

|142 |0142 |Vaat Capsule |Extracts of Maharasnaadi Kwath; |An excellent remedy for Arthritis, joint |1 capsule after meals with |

| | | |Nirgundi; Ashwagandha; Tagar; Haldi; |pains & swellings. |milk (Best result with vaathar|

| | | |Ajmoda & Pravaal Pisti, Godanti Bhasm. | |kwath churna) |


|143 |0143 |Ashwagandha tel |Ashwagandha Root, Shodhit Til Tel, Kamal|Strengthens the nerves, effective on |Gentle massage twice a day |

| | | |Keshar, Kamal mool, Mulethi, Kamal phul,|spermatic and vaginal diseases. | |

| | | |Nagkeshar and other herbs. | | |

|144 |0144 |Bhrangraj tel |Shodhit Til tel, Bhringraj Swaras, |Hair tonic, Hair falling, Dandruff |Scalp application daily or on |

| | | |Manjistha, Rakt Chandan, Bala, Haridra, | |alternate days with a gentle |

| | | |Mulethi & other herbs. | |massage |

|145 |0145 |Chakramard tel |Poad beej, Chandrasur, Rai, Sarson, |Arthiritis, Reduce joint pains. |Local application on the |

| | | |Malkangni, Narialgiri, and Til. | |affected part 2-3 times a day |

|146 |0146 |Chandan bala-lakshadi tel |Shodhit Til Tel, Raktachandan, Bala |Effective on Kas (Cough), Asthama, |Gentle massage twice a day as |

| | | |mool, Lakh, chandan, khas and other |Kshyarog, Light fever, Pitt rog, anti |advised by the medical |

| | | |herbs. |inflemetury and useful in burning |practitioner |

| | | | |sunsetion all over the body. | |

|147 |0147 |Chandnadi tel |Chandan, Haldi, Mulethi, Padmaka, |All shorts of chronic fevers, |Local application or Gentle |

| | | |Manjistha, Sarala, Deodaru, Narkachur, |Neurological disorders, Hysteria. |massage twice a day |

| | | |Shodhit Til Tel & Others. | | |

|148 |0148 |Dashmool tel |Shodhit Sarson Tel, Dashmool, Nirgundi. |In orthopaedic & neurological disorders |Gentle massage twice a day as |

| | | | |for good growth of body. |advise by the medical |

| | | | | |practicenor |

|149 |0149 |Jatyadi tel |Chameli patti, Neem patti, Patol patra, |Effective for healing of wounds, sores, |Local application on the |

| | | |Karanj patti, Till tel and other herbs. |erruptions in piles, fistula etc. |affected part 2-3 times a day |

|150 |0150 |Karanj tel |Karanj beej tel. |Skin diseases. |Local application on the |

| | | | | |affected part 2-3 times a day |

|151 |0151 |Kasisadi tel |Shodhit Til Tel, Kasis, Pippali, Saunth,|Effective on piles and fistula |Local application on the |

| | | |Kooth, Kalihari, Pashanbhed, Kaner, | |affected part 2-3 times a day |

| | | |Danti, Vaividang and other herbs. | | |

|152 |0152 |Mahamarichyadi tel |Shodhit Sarson tel, Kuchla, Mainseal, |Leucoderma, reduces Swellings, Skin |Local application on the |

| | | |Nishoth, Haldi, Daruhaldi, Jatamansi, |diseases |affected part 2-3 times a day |

| | | |safed Chandan and Others. | | |

| | | | | | |

|153 |0153 |Mahamash tel |Shodhit Til Tel, Dashmool, Ashwgandha, |Paralysis, Arthiritis. |Local application on the |

| | | |Kachur, Urad, Bala mool, Ashtwarg & | |affected part 2-3 times a day |

| | | |Others. | | |

|154 |0154 |Mahanarayan tel |Shodhit Til Tel, Bel, Ashwagandha, |Effective on muscular pain, arthritis, |Gentle massage twice a day |

| | | |Kateli, Gokharu, Syonak, Bala, Neem |paralysis. artho-arthritis | |

| | | |chhal, Neem mool, Manjistha, Shatawar | | |

| | | |Swaras and Others. | | |

|155 |0155 |Mahavishgarbha tel |Shodhit Til tel, Dhatura, Nirgundi, |Effective on sciatica, joints pain, |Gentle massage twice a day |

| | | |Kaner, Manjishtha, Aak, Kuchla, Meetha |arthritis. | |

| | | |Vish, | | |

| | | |Tootiya, Kapur, Ashwagandha, Chitrak, | | |

| | | |Chakramard, and other | | |

| | | |herbs. | | |

|156 |0156 |Neem tel |Neem beej tel. |Effective on eczema, ring-worm and |Gentle massage twice a day |

| | | | |scabies. | |

|157 |0157 |Nimbadi tel |Neem tel, Hartal, Mainsil, Mulethi, |Effective on Skin diseases, fistula. |To be applied externaly with a|

| | | |Bhilawa, Agar, Chandan powder, Shodhit | |cotton wad |

| | | |Til Tel & Others. | | |

|158 |0158 |Nirgundi tel |Nirgundi Swaras, Shodhit Til tel |Good for healing of wounds and rheumatic |Local application twice a day |

| | | | |pain reliever. | |

|159 |0159 |Panchgun tel |Haritiki, Bahera, Aonla, Shodhit Til |In joint pains, earache, sores, Burns and|Local application on the |

| | | |tel, Wax, Neem patti, Guggul, Neelgiri |in tissue rupture and dislocation of |affected part 2-3 times a day |

| | | |tel & Others. |joints, it is an Excellent pain reliever | |

|160 |0160 |Prasharani tel |Prasharani, Shodhit Til tel, Gai ka |It is used in Bone facture, Hysteria, |Local application on the |

| | | |doodh, Mulethi, Piparamool, Chitrakmool,|Neurological disorders, Sinus, it gives |affected part 2-3 times a day |

| | | |Sendha Namak, Deodaru, Rasna, Gajpipal, |strength to weak body parts | |

| | | |Bhilawa, Vach, Jatamasi & | | |

| | | |Others. | | |

|161 |0161 |Pshadbindu tel |Arand mool, Tagar, Jiwanti, Rasna, |In Sinus, neurological diseases, swelling|4-6 drops as nasal drops |

| | | |Vaividang, Mulheti, saunth, Shodhit Til |in nasal tract, Myopic eyesight as nasal |through nose so that it may |

| | | |tel, Milk, Bhringraj Swaras & Others. |drops. |reach the brain. |

|162 |0162 |Shriparani tel |Gambhari chhal (Kwath), Shodhit Til tel.|For strengthening of breast-muscles. |Local application on the |

| | | | | |affected part 2-3 times a day |

|163 |0163 |Somraji tel |Shodhit Sarson tel, Bakuchi, Haldi, |Effective on leprosy, leucoderma, scabies|Local application on the |

| | | |Daruhaldi, Kooth, Karanj beej and other | |affected part 2-3 times a day |

| | | |herbs. | | |


|164 |0164 |Abhyarishta |Harad, Draksha, Vaividang, Dhawai Phool,|Piles, Constipation, Colic diseases |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Dhania, Saunth, chavya, saunf, dantimool| |equal water after meals |

| | | |& Others. | | |

|165 |0165 |Amratarishta |Giloe, Dashmul, Jeera, Pittpapra, |Chronic Fever, Urinary tract diseases, |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Saunth, Dhawai Phool, Kalimirch, |Skin diseases, Jaundice, spleen |equal water after meals |

| | | |Pippali, Nagarmotha, Kutki, Atis, |enlargement | |

| | | |Indrajau, & Others. | | |

|166 |0166 |Arjunarishta |Arjun chhal, Draksha, Dhawai phool, |Excellent for heart and Liver diseases, |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Shahad & Others. |significantly effective on |equal water after meals |

| | | | |cardio-vascular system. | |

|167 |0167 |Arvindasava |Safed kamal phul, Khus mool, Gambhari |All type of Child diseases & body |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |chhal, Neel kamal, nagarmotha |immunity |equal water after meals |

| | | |manjishtha, Dhawai Phool & Others. | | |

|168 |0168 |Ashokarishta |Ashoka chhal, Dhawai phool, Nagarmotha, |Leocorrhea, Uterus tonic |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Saunth, daruhaldi, baheda & Others. | |equal water after meals |

|169 |0169 |Aswagandharishta |Ashwagandha, Safed musli, Manjishtha, |Piles, Brain-tonic, Arthiritis & general |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Harad, Dhawai Phool, Daruhaldi, Mulethi |tonic for all age groups |equal water after meals |

| | | |& | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Others. | | |

|170 |0170 |Balarishta |Balamool, Dhawai phool, Rasna, |All type of Bodyache, General Tonic |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Kshirkankoli, Gokhru & Others. | |equal water after meals |

|171 |0171 |Bhringrajasava |Bhringraj ras, Harad, Pippali, jaiphal, |Chronic Fever, Liver tonic and General |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Laung, Tejpatra, Dalchini & Others. |Tonic |equal water after meals |

|172 |0172 |Chandnasava |Safed chandan, Nagarmotha, Gambhari, |It is used for spermatorrhoea, seminal |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Neelkamal, Priangu, Padmakh, Lodhra, |debility, general debility, Stone, |water after meals |

| | | |Manjisth, Patha, Bargad chhal, Moch ras,|urinary troubles disorder, Burning in | |

| | | |Lal chandan, Dhawai phool, Draksha & |urine | |

| | | |Others. | | |

|173 |0173 |Chavikasava |Chvya, Chitrakmool, Dikamali, |Intestinal and stomach diseases |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Pushkarmool, Vach, Kachur, Haritiki, | |equal quantity of water after |

| | | |Bahera, Aonla, Ajwain, Dhania, | |meals |

| | | |Dantimool, Vaividang, Nagarmotha, | | |

| | | |Manjith, Nagkesar, Pippali, kalimirch, | | |

| | | |Dalchini, Nagkeshar, Tejpatra, Dhawai | | |

| | | |phool & Others. | | |

|174 |0174 |Chitchandrivasava |Nagarmotha, Kalimirch, Chavya, |In chronic old asthma, cough congestion, |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Chitrakmool, Haldi, Vaividang, Aonla, |chronic constipation, Tuberculosis, |equal quantity of water after |

| | | |Lodhra, Kutki, Safed chandan, Jatamansi,|Urinary troubles, an excellent general |meals |

| | | |Dalchini, Laung, Nagkesar, Dhawai phool,|tonic. | |

| | | |Draksha & Others. | | |

|175 |0175 |Dashmoolarishta |Dashmool, Chitrakmool, Pushkarmool, |Diarrhoea, General tonic for ladies and |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Prishthaparni, Shalparni, Giloe, Dhawai |all age group & best results in post |equal water after meals |

| | | |Phool & Others. |natal-care | |

|176 |0176 |Draksharishta |Draksha, Dhawai phool, Priyangu, |Stomach disorder, loss of appetite, |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Dalchini, Pippali, Kalimirch, Vaividang,|General Tonic, Laxative, in Piles, |equal water |

| | | |Laung & Others. | | |

|177 |0177 |Drakshasava |Draksha, Dhawai phool, kankoli, Laung, |Anaemia, Jaundice, Colic disease, General|12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Dalchini, Elaichi, Tejpatra, & Others. |Tonic, Laxative, Piles |equal water after meals |

|178 |0178 |Kalmeghasava |Kalmegh, Giloe, Kutaki, Karanj panchang,|All sorts of fevers, chronic malaria, |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Kutaj, Dhawai phool, Saunth, Kalimirch, |typhoid; in jaundice, dropsy; improves |equal quantity of water after |

| | | |Dalchini, Babool chhal, Sharpunkhamool, |new blood formation and sperms |meals |

| | | |Aloe vera & others | | |

|179 |0179 |Kankasava |Dhatura panchang, Adusa, Mulethi, |In breathing trobles, asthama, dry |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Saunth, Bharangi, Talispatra, Laung, |chronic cough, Chronic fevers, |equal quantity of water after |

| | | |Pippali, Kateli, Nagkesar, Dhawai phool,|Rakta-pitta disorders |meals or as advised by the |

| | | |Draksha & Others. | |Medical practitioner. |

|180 |0180 |Khadararishta |Khair chhal, deodaru, Daruhaldi, |Blood purifier, in worms, Anaemia |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Triphala, Bakuchi, Nagkeshar, Dalchini, | |equal water after meals |

| | | |Dhawai Phool & Others. | | |

|181 |0181 |Kumariasava-B |Gwarpatha (Aloe vera), Harad, Dhawai |Colic disease, Digestive tonic, oedema, |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |phool, jaiphal, baheda, kababchini, |Carminative, Gastric disease, Liver tonic|equal water after meals |

| | | |Chitrakmool & | | |

| | | |Others. | | |

|182 |0182 |Kutjarishta |Kuda chhal, Draksha, Dhawai phool, |Diarrhoea dysentery, Colic pain, bleeding|12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |gambhari chhal & Others. |dysentery |equal water after meals |

|183 |0183 |Lohasava |Lauh bhasm, Saunth, Kalimirch, harad, |Jaundice, Anaemia, oedema, Colic disease,|12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |pippali, baheda, Aonla, Dhawai Phool & |Debility |equal water after meals |

| | | |Others. | | |

|184 |0184 |Punarnavasav |Punarnava mool, Trikatu, Triphala, |Oedema, Colic disease, Cardiac Tonic, In |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Dhawai phool, Daru- |acidity, stomach |equal water after |

| | | | | | |

| | | |haldi, Gokharu, Kutaki, Giloe, Draksha &|disorders, urinary disorders. |meals |

| | | |Others. | | |

|185 |0185 |Saraswatarishta |Brahmi, Shatavar, Vidarikand, Saunth, |Brain Tonic |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Pippali, Vach, Baheda, Harad, Dalchini, | |equal water after meals |

| | | |Dhawai Phool | | |

| | | |Ashwagandha & Others. | | |

|186 |0186 |Trifalarishta |Aonla, Harad, Baheda, pippali, chitrak, |Piles, Anaemia, Jaundice, Oedema |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |ajwain, Vaividang, Dhawaiphool & Others.| |equal water after meals |

|187 |0187 |Varunasava |Varun chhal, Shisham chhal, Pokharmool, |It is used for spermatorrhoea, seminal |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |Chitrakmool, Dashmool, Deodaru, Kateli, |debility, general debility, strengthens |equal quantity of water after |

| | | |Shatavar, Arjun chhal, Gaj peepal, |the nervine system; in Stone, in chronic |meals |

| | | |Khareti, Kakadasinghi, Dhawai Phool, |swellings, urinary troubles; in asthma, | |

| | | |Kachoor & others. |chronic cough; piles, fistula, leprosy; | |

| | | | |in vaginal & gynccological disorders. | |

|188 |0188 |Vidangarishta |Vaividang, pippali, rasna, kuda chhal, |Anti-worms, Digestive |12-24 ml twice a day with |

| | | |dhawai phool, Indrajau, patha, aonla, | |equal water after meals |

| | | |Dalchini & Others. | | |


|189 |0189 |Aarogyavardhini vati |Shuddh para, Shuddh Gandhak, Lauh bhasm,|Kustha, Vaat, Skin Disease, Chronic |2-4 tablets with water or |

| | | | |fevers, It is useful in |milk. |

| | | |Shuddha Abhrak Bhasma, Shuddha Tamra |colic pain and indigestion. It keeps | |

| | | |bhasama, Triphala, Shuddh shilajit, |liver healthier and acts a heart tonic. | |

| | | |Shuddh guggul, Chitrak chhal, Kutki, | | |

| | | |Neem patti swars & Others. | | |

|190 |0190 |Agnikumar ras Tablet |Kalimirch, Vach, Kutaj, Nagar motha, |A loss of appetite, acidity, burning |1 tablets with water twice a |

| | | |Shuddh Para, shuddha Gandhak, Shuddh |sensation, headache, stomach disorders |day |

| | | |Vatsnabh, | | |

| | | |Saunth, Ajmod, Shuddh Tankan, | | |

| | | |Chitrakmool, & Others. | | |

|191 |0191 |Agnitundi Vati |Shuddh Para, Shuddh Gandhak,Shuddh |It is an excellent remedy for anorexia, |1-2 tablets daily after meals.|

| | | |Vatsnabh, Trifla, Sajjikhar, Yavkshar, |loss of appetite etc. | |

| | | |Chitrakmul, Shuddha Suhaga, Shuddha | | |

| | | |Kuchla & Others. | | |

|192 |0192 |Aladi Gutika |Elaichi, Mulethi, Tejpatra, Dalchini, |Useful in Dry cough, Cough due to |1-1 Tablets with water/ milk |

| | | |Chhuara, Mishri, Draksha, Honey & |tuberculosis, stops bleeding from mouth, |or chew 3-4 tablets daily. |

| | | |Others. |fever, vomit, thirst & unconsciousness | |

|193 |0193 |Arshkuthar ras Tablet |Shuddh Para, Shuddh Gandhak, Shodhit |It is useful in bleeding piles & |1 tablets twice a day with |

| | | |Lauh bhasm, Shuddha Abhrak Bhasma, |constipation. |water. |

| | | |Haritiki, Danti mool, Suhaga, Yavkshar, | | |

| | | |Thuhar milk & | | |

| | | |Others. | | |

|194 |0194 |Chandraprabha vati |Kapur, Vach, Nagarmotha, Giloe, Atis, |Urinary tract infections, stones, uterus |2-4 tablets twice daily |

| | | |Deodaru, Daruhaldi, |disorders, male seminal | |

| | | |Pipramool, Chitrak, Triphla, Saunth, |disorders. All type of prameh. | |

| | | |Swarnmakshik | | |

| | | |Bhasma, Nishoth, Tejpatra, Dalchini, | | |

| | | |Mishri, Shuddha | | |

| | | |shilajit, Shuddha guggul & Others. | | |

|195 |0195 |Chitrakadi vati |Chitrak, Pippera mool, Trikatu, Ajmod, |It is useful in gastric trouble, colic |2-4 tablets with water three |

| | | |Chavya, Shuddha Hingh, Nimbu Ras & |pain, dysentry and indigestion. |times daily. |

| | | |Others. | | |

|196 |0196 |Gandhak rasayan Tablet |Shuddh Gandhak, Milk, Saunth, Laung, |It is used to check anorexia & diarrhoea,|1 tablet with warm water once |

| | | |Kalimirch, Sendha Namak, Nimbu ras |Skin diseases, Chronic fevers & Ehecks |a day |

| | | |Bhangra Swaras, Adrak Ras & Others. |graying of hair | |

|197 |0197 |Hingvadi vati |Shuddha Hing, Saunth, |Regulates digestive system and |2-4 tablets with water |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Kalimirch, Pippali, Ajwain, Sendha |other gastric disorders. |2-3 times daily. |

| | | |Namak, Kala Namak & | | |

| | | |Others. | | |

|198 |0198 |Jahar mohra pishti |Shuddha Jahar mohra. |In Heart, Liver and Brain problems, |As Advised by medical |

| | | | |Acidity, |practitioner |

|199 |0199 |Kankayan vati (Arsh) |Haritiki, Kalimirch, Jeera, Pippra mool,|It is useful in bleeding piles, Chronic |2-4 tablets with butter milk |

| | | |Chavya, Chitrakmool, Saunth, Shuddha |constipation; anorexia, Jaundice, |twice a day |

| | | |Bhilava, Jimikand & others. |abdominal pain. | |

|200 |0200 |Kankayan vati (Gulm) |Kachur, Pohkar mool, Danti, Chitrakmool,|It is excellent remedy for all sports of |2-3 tablets with warm water/ |

| | | |Saunth, Vach, Hing, Kalimirch, Dhania, |ulcer, swellings piles etc. It is also |Ghee or milk three times a day|

| | | |Kalaunji, Ajmod & Others. |useful in wormicide |or as advise by a medical |

| | | | | |practicenor |

|201 |0201 |Khadiradi vati |Kattha, Javitri, Kapur, Kankol, |In Mouth ulcers chew this tablets slowly.|Chew 1-1 tablet. |

| | | |Manjishtha, Nagarmotha, Mulethi, |It is useful for voice disorder and also | |

| | | |Triphala, Dalchini & others. |reduces cough. | |

|202 |0202 |Kutajghan vati |Kuda chhal, Atis & Others. |It is useful in blood dysentry, |2-4 tablets with cold water |

| | | | |diarrhoea, Amaeobisis, |three to four |

| | | | |losemotion, in fever, Piles, Fistula |times a day |

|203 |0203 |Lahshunadi vati |Lahsun, Jeera, Shuddha Hing, Saunth, |Best medicine for gastric troubles. |2-4 tablets three times daily |

| | | |Pippali, Kali mirch, Sendha Namak, Nimbu| |with water or buttermilk. |

| | | |ras & | | |

| | | |Others. | | |

|204 |0204 |Laxmivilas ras (Nardiya) |Shuddha Abharak, Gandhak, and Para, |Swas, Kasa, Fever In stomach and |1 tablet with honey/ milk or |

| | | |Kapur, Dhatura, Vidarikand, Shatavar, |urological disorder, spermetoria, |betel leave ras or Zinger & |

| | | |Nagbala, Atibala, Gokharu & Others. |Leprosy, Btels, Rectal diseases, |Tulsi ras as advise by a |

| | | | |Fishtula, Intestinal disorders, Ear, nose|medical practicenor |

| | | | |& facial diseases, Sinus, Piles etc. | |

|205 |0205 |Nagarjunabhra ras |Shuddha abhrak, Arjun chhal & Others. |Cardiac trouble, Piles, Fistula, Chronic |1 Capsule once a day with |

| | | | |fever, Loss of appetite, Stomach disorder|water & Arjun Kwath |

|206 |0206 |Nawayas lauh Tablet |Trikatu, Triphala, Vaividang, Chitrak |Jaundice, Leprosy, Piles, Dropsy, Cardiac|1-2 tablets with honey, sugar |

| | | |mool, Shuddha Lauh Bhasma, Nagarmotha & |dysfunctions. anaemia, Heart desease, |& ghee. |

| | | |Others. |Stomach desease | |

|207 |0207 |Prabhakar vati |Shuddha Swarn makshik bhasm, Shuddha |Strengthens the heart and lungs. |1tablet twice a day with honey|

| | | |Lauh bhasm, Shuddh Shilajit, Shuddha |Regulates heartbeat, respiration. |& Arjun Kwath |

| | | |Abhrak, Vanshlochan, Arjun chhal & | | |

| | | |Others. | | |

|208 |0208 |Pradarantak lauh Tablet |Shuddh Lauh bhasm, Shuddh Tamra bhasm, |Gynaecological problems, jaundice, |1-2 tablets with honey, sugar |

| | | |Shuddh Hartal, Vangbhasm, Koudi bhasm, |asthma, breathing trouble, loss of |& ghee. |

| | | |Triphala, Trikatu, Chitrak, Vaividang, |appetite, urological disorders, Shwet | |

| | | |Chavya, Pippali, Vach, Kachur, Patha & |Pradar, Rakta Pradar | |

| | | |Others. | | |

|209 |0209 |Punarnavadi Mandoor |Punarnava, Nishoth, Trikatu, Vaividang, |Strengthening the intestines, |1-2 tablets twice a day in |

| | | |chitrak, Daruhaldi, Dantimool, Triphla, |wormicide,abdominal & Liver disorders, |swelling(Shoth) with |

| | | |Indrajau, Kutki, Pipramool, Nagarmotha, |anaemia etc. |cow-urine, In jaundice with |

| | | |Shodhit mandoor bhasma. & | |punarnava swa-ras and in |

| | | | | |abdominal |

| | | |Others. | |disorders with triphla kwath. |

|210 |0210 |Sanjeevani Vati (Special) |Vaividang, saunth, pippali, Triphla, |Fever, Indigestion, worm, abdominal pain,|1-3 tablets twice a day with |

| | | |Vach, Giloe, Shuddha Bhilawa, Shuddha |cough, early stage of typhoid and |Saunth swa-ras or water. |

| | | |Vatsanabh & Others. |sannipaataj Jwar. | |

|211 |0211 |Saptamarat lauh Tablet |Mulethi, Haritaki, Baheda, Aonla, |Eye diseases, anaemia Stomach disorder, |1-2 tablet twice a day after |

| | | |Shodhit lauh bhasma & Others. |obesity fever, amlapitta |meals with honey, ghee and |

| | | | | |milk |

|212 |0212 |Shankh Vati |Imli Chhar, Panch lavana, |Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, |1-2 tablet twice a day |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Nimbu ras, shodhit shankh bhasma, |Dysentery, sangrihani, spleen related |after meals with honey or |

| | | |shuddha para, Shuddha gandhak, Pippali &|troubles. |water or buttar milk |

| | | |Others. | | |

|213 |0213 |Shilajityadi lauh Vati. |Shuddha shilajit, pippali, Saunth, |Rajyakshama, Raktapitta, kasa, blood |1-3 tablet twice a day with |

| | | |Kalimirch, Shuddha swarnmakshik bhasma, |defficiency & as Rasayana |honey or milk. |

| | | |Shuddha lauh bhasma & | | |

| | | |Others. | | |

|214 |0214 |Shilajatu vati |Shuddha Shilajit, Shuddha Guggul, |It is considered useful for diabeties, |2-4 tablets with milk, water |

| | | |Shuddha Lauh bhasm, Shuddha Vang Bhasma,|general debility and oedema. Excessive |or honey. Twice a day. |

| | | |Shuddha Swaranmakshik bhasm & Others. |Urination, Vajikaran | |

|215 |0215 |Shirashuladivajra ras Tablet |Shuddha para, Shuddha gandhak, Shuddha |Headache, migrain, cough & cold. |1-2 tablet twice a day with |

| | | |lauh bhasma, shuddha guggul, triphla, | |water or milk |

| | | |Kuth, mulethi, saunth, pippali, gokshur,| | |

| | | |Vaividang, dashmool & Others. | | |

|216 |0216 |Sutshekhar ras Tablet without |Shuddha para, shuddha gandhak, trikatu, |Urological disorders, Acidity(Amlapitta),|1-2 tablet twice a day after |

| | |swarna |shuddha dhatura, shuddha tankan bhasma, |giddiness. Sutika Jwar, Headache, |meals with honey. |

| | | |shuddha tamra |Stomatitis | |

| | | |bhasma, nagkesar, shankh bhasma & | | |

| | | |Others. | | |

|217 |0217 |Swashkuthar ras Tablet |Shuddha para, Shuddha gandhak, Shuddha |Asthma, cough, sannipaat-Jwar, Swas, Kasa|1-2 tablet twice a day after |

| | | |vatsnabh, shuddha mainsil, Kalimirch, | |meals with Saunth swaras |

| | | |saunth, pippali & Others. | | |


|218 |0218 |Gokshuradi Guggulu |Gokharu, Shuddha Guggul, Trikatu, |Urinary tract infections, stones, uterus |1-2 Tablets with water/milk |

| | | |Triphala, Nagarmotha & Others. |disorders, male seminal disorders. |2-3 times daily. |

|219 |0219 |Kaishore Guggulu |Shuddh guggul, Triphala, Giloe, Saunth, |Chronic Cough and cold, Anemia, Jaundice,|1-4 tablets twice daily or |

| | | |Kalimirch, Pippali, Vaividang, Nishoth, |Colic disease, General Tonic, laxative, |according to disorder |

| | | |Dantimool, Giloe & others. |Piles. Its continued use | |

| | | | |purifies blood and eliminates gastric | |

| | | | |disorders. | |

|220 |0220 |Kanchnar Guggulu |Kanchnar chhal, Saunth, pippali, |It is useful in hyperthyroid, tumors of |1-1 tablet with water/milk. |

| | | |kalimirch, Triphala, Varun chhal, |neck and nose, leprosy. | |

| | | |Tejpatra, Dalchini, Shuddh Guggulu & | | |

| | | |others. | | |

|221 |0221 |Lakshadi Guggulu |Lakh, Harsinghar, Arjun chhal, |Useful in bone related disorders, heart |1-2 Tablets with water/milk |

| | | |Ashwagandha, Shuddha Guggul & others. |troubles, male seminal disorders. |2-3 times daily. |

|222 |0222 |Mahayograj Guggulu |Shuddha Guggul, Saunth, Pippali, ChAvya,|It is useful in rheumatism, Arthritis, |1-1 tablet twice daily |

| | | |Pipparamool, Chitrakmool, Hing, Ajwain, |Hernia, cough and cold. All types of |acording to symptoms |

| | | |Jeera, Indrajau, Patha, Vaividang, |Arthritis | |

| | | |Kutki, Atis, Vach. Triphala, Giloe, | | |

| | | |Dashmool & others. | | |

|223 |0223 |Panchtiktghrit Guggulu |Giloe, Adusa, Neem, Shuddh Guggul, |Anti-venom, gastric troubles, leprosy, |2-4 tablets 2-3 times with |

| | | |Patha, Vaividang, Chavya, Kutaj, |neural disorder, thyroid, heart disease, |water. |

| | | |Chitrak, Pipparamool, Triphala, Ajwaian |It purifies and increases blood & Skin | |

| | | |& others. |diseases | |

|224 |0224 |Punanarva Guggulu |Punnarnava mool, Eranadmool, Shuddha |Sciatica, removes cough congestion, blood|2-3 tablets twice daily with |

| | | |Guggul, Nishoth, Giloe, Triphala, |purifier, respiratory tract disorders. |luke warm water or with |

| | | |Vaividang & others. | |punarnawadi Kwath. |

|225 |0225 |Rasnadi Guggulu |Rasna, Giloe, Arand mool. Deodaru, |Sciatica, Earache, neurological |1-1 tablet twice daily with |

| | | |Saunth, Shuddha |disorders, arthritis |warm water or |

|M/S World Wide Enterprise, mob:91 9903785437, Email: |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Guggulu & others. | |with Dashmool quath |

|226 |0226 |Singhnad Guggulu |Triphala, Shuddha |It is useful in Cough, |1-4 tablets twice daily |

| | | |Guggul, |leprosy, | |

| | | |Shuddha Gandhak, Arand|gastric disorders and |with water |

| | | |tel & |other | |

| | | |others. |blood related problems | |

|227 |0227 |Triphala Guggulu |Harad, Bahera, Aonla, |Colic disease, Piles, |2-2 tablets twice daily |

| | | |Pippali, |Abdominal | |

| | | |Shuddha guggul & |disease |with milk |

| | | |others. | | |

|228 |0228 |Yograj Guggulu |Saunth, Pippali, |Leprosy, Piles, Sprue, |2-2 tablet twice daily |

| | | |Chvya, |Gout, | |

| | | |Pipparamool, Chitrak, |Fistula |acording to symptoms |

| | | |Indrajau, | | |

| | | |Patha, Kutki, Atis, | | |

| | | |Bharngi, | | |

| | | |Vach, Murva, Triphala,| | |

| | | |Guggulu | | |

| | | |& others | | |


|229 |0229 |Godanti Bhasma |Shodhit Godanti. |Fever, headache, dry |2 to 8 ratti bhasm with |

| | | | |cough, | |

| | | | |gynaecological disorders |Mishri or Honey. |

|230 |0230 |Lauh Bhasma |Shuddha lauh Bhasma. |Anaemia, Fever, General |1 to 2 ratti bhasm with |

| | | | |weakness, liver disease. |Milk or Honey. |

|231 |0231 |Mandur Bhasma |Shuddh Mandur. |Shoth, Jaundice, anaemic |1 to 3 ratti bhasm with |

| | | | |conditions |Honey two times in a day. |

|232 |0232 |Swarnamakshik |Shuddha Swarnamakshik |Jaundice, pitta-vikaar, |1 to 3 ratti bhasm with |

| | | | |chronic | |

| | |Bhasma |Bhasma. |fever, Kshya roga |Honey or Giloe extract. |


|233 |0233 |Honey |Wild Rock-bee honey |It is an antioxidant, |2-3 tsf with lukewarm/ |

| | | |(Multiple |antibacterial, | |

| | | |flora wild) |anti ageing and |hot/cold/lime water as |

| | | | |antibiotic. Each | |

| | | | |gm of honey contains 3 |advised twice a day |

| | | | |calories, | |

| | | | |as food supplement and a | |

| | | | |complete food. | |

|OTHER PRODUCTS | | | | | |

|234 |0234 |Saubhagya Shunthi Paak |Saunth,Ghee, Satawa, |Grahani to prevent post |10-20gm. With milk after meals. |

| | | |Vidarikand Safed |delivery problems of | |

| | | |Musli, Gokharu & |impaired lactation, body | |

| | | |Others. |pains, sutika roga, | |

| | | | |arthritis, fever, oedema | |

| | | | |and kasa. Ideal tonic for | |

| | | | |ladies and Gents. | |

|235 |0335 |Supari Paak |ChikaniSupari, kapoor,|General tonic for Ladies &|5-10gm. With milk after meals. |

| | | |nagarmotha |Gents, Rasayana, Vajikarak| |

| | | |ajwain,singara, | | |

| | | |satawar, dry | | |

| | | |fruits,chandan and | | |

| | | |others. | | |

| market rates of medicinal plants |

| |

|Avarage Rate (Rs./Kg.) | |

|S.N. |Medicine Name |

| |

|Avarage Rate (Rs./Kg.) Rates of non wood forest Products |

| |


|  |

|S.No. |Name of the OIL drug |Package form / |

| | |50ML |100ML |450ML |

|1. |-Nirgundi Tel | | | |

|2. |-Ashvagandha Tel | | | |

|3. |-Neem Tel | | | |

|4. |-Shreeparni Tel | | | |

|5. |-Mahanarayan Tel | | | |

|6. |-Mahavishgarbh Tel | | | |

|7. |-Jatyadi Tel | | | |

|8. |-Kasisadi Tel | | | |

|9. |-Somraji Tel | | | |

|10. |-Nimbadi Tel | | | |

|11. |-Malkangni Tel | | | |

|12. |-Chandanbalalachadi Tel | | | |

|13. |-Bhringraj Tel | | | |

|14. |-Arand Tel | | | |

|15. |-Karanj Tel | | | |

|16. |-Chakramard Tel | | | |

|17. |-Chandnadi Tel | | | |

|18. |-Mahamarichyadi Tel | | | |

|19. |-Mahamash Tel | | | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |



|S.No. |Name of the drug |Package form | Rate in |

|1 | Abhyarist |450 ml | |

|2 | Amritarisht |450 ml | |

|3 | Arjunarisht |450 ml | |

|4. | Ashwagandharisht |450 ml | |

|5 | Ashokarisht |450 ml. | |

|6 | Balarisht |450 ml | |

|7 | Dashmoolarisht |450 ml | |

|8 | Khadirarisht |450 ml | |

|9 | Kutjarisht |450 ml | |

|10 | Saraswatarisht |450 ml | |

|11 | Vidangarisht |450 ml | |

|12 | Draksharisht |450 ml | |

|13 | Triphalarisht |450 ml | |

|14. | Arvindasav |450 ml | |

|15. | Drakshasav |450 ml | |

|16. | Lohasav |450 ml | |

|17. | Punnarvasav |450 ml | |

|18. | Bhiringrajsav |450 ml | |

|19. | Kumariaasav |450 ml | |



|1. |Honey |1 kg |-------- |

|2. |Honey |500g | |

|3. |Honey |250g | |

|4. |Honey |100g | |

|5. |Honey |50g | |

|6. |Honey |25g | |

|7. |Honey |Loose per kg | |

| |[pic] |


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