Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions

Gray highlighted panes indicate complete, published ICISSUETITLEPUB NUMBER OR BASELINENOTESIP Interconnection ProfileIP NNI ProfileATIS-1000063RoutingIP Interconnection RoutingATIS-1000062????IP-NNI Phase 2VoIP Transition Security White Paper IPNNI-2016-00006R000WithdrawnPoint to point video callingNo baselineWithdrawn????Anti-Spoofing Caller Validation Mitigation TechniquesSignature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN)ATIS-1000074SHAKEN ErrataATIS-1000074-EVerification Token Use CasesIPNNI-2017-00020R000Living DocumentDisplay FrameworkATIS-1000081Governance Model and Certificate Management (v002)IPNNI-2019-00035R011Edits to ATIS-1000080Governance Model ErrataATIS-1000080-ESHAKEN API for a Centralized Signing and Signature Validation ServerATIS-1000082ATIS Technical Report on a Framework for SHAKEN Attestation and Origination IdentifierIPNNI-2019-00003R005Technical Report on Operational and Management Considerations for SHAKEN STI Certification AuthoritiesATIS-1000084Technical Report on Operational and Management Considerations for SHAKEN STI Certification Authorities ErrataATIS-1000084-ESignature-Based Handling of Asserted Information Using Tokens (SHAKEN):Proof-of-Possession of Telephone Numbers (TN-PoP)IPNNI-2018-00018R008Robo-MetricsIPNNI-2018-00083R001SHAKEN RoadmapIPNNI-2018-00038R003SHAKEN Support of "div" PASSporT TokenATIS-1000085SHAKEN data exchange between service providers and enterprisesIPNNI-2018-00065R001SHAKEN Delegate CertificatesIPNNI-2019-00021R001SHAKEN Calling Name and Rich Call Data Handling ProceduresIPNNI-2019-00024R001Best Current Practices on the protection of STIR/SHAKEN data between service providers and from service providers to enterprisesIPNNI-2019-00055R000Considerations for Cross-Border Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN)IPNNI-2019-00056R010Study of Full Attestation Alternatives for Enterprises and Business Entities with Multi-Homing and Other ArrangementsIPNNI-2019-00096R000Methods to Determine SHAKEN Attestation Levels Using Enterprise-Level Credentials and Telephone Number Letter of Authorization ExchangeIPNNI-2019-00102R000?????OtherS0148Use of Vertical Service Codes (VSC) for Reporting Unwanted CallsPTSC-2016-00234R001WithdrawnS0150ATIS Standard on Signature-based Handling of SIP RPH Assertion using TokensIPNNI-2018-00084R001PTSC Issue S0150Revision of ATIS-1000063 (Joint ATIS / SIP Forum TR - IP NNI Profile) to include profiles for PASSPorT “shaken” and “rph” tokensNo baseline ................

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