Auburn School District

Auburn School District #408

Program Evaluation Form Summary

|Title of In-service: |9. WGIT/WONDERS GUIDANCE & IMPLEMENTATION TEAM |Date(s): |9/23/19, 12/2/19, 2/10/20, |

| | | |6/22/20, 6/23/20 |

|Location: |AHS COMMONS/VIRTUAL | | |

Type of In-service: Building-Determined 21 Hours Optional Day

LID Waiver Day


Your Position: Teacher (check one): Central Administrator

Elementary Building Administrator

Middle School

High School Specialist


|Total Number of Responses: |40 |

Indicate your agreement with each of the following statements by circling the appropriate number.

| |Strongly Agree |Somewhat Agree |Undecided |Somewhat |Strongly |Not Applicable |

| | | | |Disagree |Disagree | |

|1. The course met the stated objectives. |25 |12 |2 | | |1 |

|2. The activities related to and supported the stated |65 |12 |1 | | |1 |

|objectives. | | | | | | |

|3. The instructor(s) skillfully presented the material and |30 |8 |1 | | |1 |

|was responsive to the audience. | | | | | | |

|4. The instructor(s) was well prepared. |32 |6 |1 | | |1 |

|5. The instructor(s) was well qualified and knowledgeable. |32 |6 |1 | | |1 |

|6. The materials provided were useful for improving |27 |9 |3 | | |1 |

|instruction. | | | | | | |

|7. The written and/or electronic materials were relevant and |26 |9 |2 | | |3 |

|of high quality. | | | | | | |

|8. The information was applicable and relevant to improving |28 |8 |3 | | |1 |

|student learning. | | | | | | |

|9. The information presented is easily applied to the |27 |9 |3 | | |1 |

|classroom. | | | | | | |

|10. The presentation included strategies that met the needs |26 |10 |3 | | |1 |

|of diverse learners. | | | | | | |

|11. The overall program was excellent. |29 |7 |3 | | |1 |

What specific information was of greatest value to you?

Learning about how kids brains connect to become "readers". Reading does not come naturally and must be taught.

Being able to collaborate with my grade level colleagues

I loved the individual time to read and reflect on new strategies and research.

The conversation about structured literacy. We have heard it before, but it’s important to recognize that literacy does not come naturally and needs to be explicitly taught.

The information that I am really taking away from this retreat is the reminder that learning to read really has to be learned, it is not something we are born with. I also took away the reminder that when you look at the rope model for learning to read, we often tend to over-focus on a few areas of becoming a good reader and need to make sure they we intentionally and strategically focus on all parts of the rope or our kids will not be strong readers when they leave us.

just how important that strong reading comprehension is

Collaborating with grade level to determine scope sequence and build a wish list of supplies. LOVED structure of learning videos and reflecting on my own practice


The Science of Reading and Structured Literacy

Jen Classen's instruction and review of tools/apps on blended learning!

Working collaboratively with my K team. I also REALLY liked being virtual! The quiet of my home was much less distracting than a s hook commons/gathering space.

Review of the instructional routines for phonics.

Using the syllaboards

I think it is really important that we discussed distance learning in the Fall as that is a real possibility and starting the year with distance learning is going look a lot different than ending the year with routines, expectations and relationships established.

Getting to meet with my colleagues.

Having a deeper understanding of the basic foundational skills of reading and the importance of attaining these skills to be successful for upcoming years.

It really helped to split out into groups and discuss what we would teach virtually or face to face. I got to hear what other people were doing and get new ideas. The articles were more of a review for me, but that is because I have participated in so many of the ELA trainings already. They would be of great value to our newer teachers in the district.

work around Structured Literacy

The videos that showed how to teach breaking words into chunks.

Reviewing the Science of Reading, as well as going through the Really Great Reading site.


Grade level time to share ideas

6 syllable types

The articles were very valuable and should be shared with all teachers. The time to collaborate in our grade levels was important as well.

All of the articles about the Science of Reading were so relevant and the tech tools were so helpful.

science of reading

Time to investigate tech tools

I liked the 4-part videos that talked about how to break apart words to help students read big words

I enjoyed the time we spent as a team in deep, meaningful discussion about pacing and how we can help our students acquire the most knowledge under difficult circumstances.

Watching Shanahan and other experts explain new research was deeply beneficial.

I really enjoyed the conversations we had around the instructional calendar, as well as the videos that gave some great tips on teaching students to decode using the vowels and syllables.

Wow, this day.... Tim Shanahan's video and article are transforming my brain. I read it before and was not ready accept it because we have lead our people in this district to be so skill focused with an over-reliance of testing the skills to a point that we read to teach the skill instead of using the skill as a means to comprehend a text further. I really am processing right now and trying to make this simple and clear for the staff at my building so we can shift our teaching. This was a powerful, but challenging morning for me.

I love the breaking apart words with the activity of pulling down the syllables

Tech time- to play and research., I was more focused then I probably would be in whole group.


The discussion with the 2nd grade team regarding the Scope and Sequence of Wonders for the 2019-2020 School year. Then, the beginning of the discussion of what needs to be streamlined for the upcoming school year 2020-2021.

The mini series of videos was very relevant to instruction! I could take those strategies and use them in the classroom the next day.

The afternoon time to explore Google and other apps!!!

Time to work in grade level teams.

Specific examples of how you can help students access rich text

The team work, working together to share ideas

Getting to meet with district kinder teachers.

Collaborating on what looking into complex texts look like. In addition, the opportunity to discuss what learning may look like for us next year and how we can adjust and focus on content that will be more valuable to our students for their success and achievements.

The technology piece especially around the area of assessments. I knew about Kahoot and even bought Kahoot Pro for myself. However, I did not know about the others and I am excited about the module on Google Forms so that I can create my own new assessments for virtual teaching or even for face to face. It can apply to both.

Shanahan components

The Tim Shanahan videos and articles.

Stephanie's video on how to access complex text.

I really enjoyed the technology piece that Jen presented. It gave a better perspective on what tools were available to teachers and staff.

New resources

Time to explore and think about things for next year

looking at what remote learning could look like and what programs can be most helpful. Also digging into complex text with students.

Working together as a grade level was important.

The articles and videos about ACT were very helpful as well as the overview of tech tools.

the articles and working in grade levels

(Tim Shanahan: Teaching Students to Read Complex Text) and (Tim Shanahan: Eight Ways to Help Kids to Read Complex Text

Going over the scope and sequences to update priorities for the year.

Please provide any necessary feedback that would improve this in-service offering if repeated

Thank you for making that time really meaningful for our practice


I love being a part of the team and having a voice for the ELA pacing and information that is presented to the buildings


These two retreat days were the best "summer work" days we have had. There is no better work than educating our leaders so they can move forward in spreading that education to others in the district. We have to continue along these lines in WGIT. Take our learning this summer and start steps to educate and empower the people in our buildings with this knowledge and understanding and then start digging into our materials to build the places where these materials are too weak to help us build these skills in our students.

Wonders needs to be better aligned with the Report Card.


The assignments assigned during the morning was a little overwhelming; I'm a slower reader and the workload in the amount of time provided wasn't enough for me personally. It was also a large amount of work to do independently. It would have been nice to "jigsaw" the work and have time to "meet virtually" in groups to share back instead of every single person doing all the work. Just a suggestion! It was a long two days after remote learning was over. Appreciated Jen Classen's instruction on blended learning though! That was very relevant and helpful!

Thank you everyone, for being so great at this virtual thing!! I was impressed by the team effort and the ease in which you made it seem! I was thrilled to enjoy my patio or ability and sunshine: my happiest place! I loved not having to drive or sit on uncomfy chairs! I felt our team worked well and accomplished much.

I would like to share that this is one of the most well put together and organized trainings I have attended in a while. It was balanced really well between online time and independent time as well. I also really enjoyed having an IS, myself as resource and general ed teachers in our break out rooms because it brought out mutilple points of view and ideas.

Would like more information on how to teach accessing complex text through online learning.

I actually think the online format was so well done it might have been more effective than many of our face to face meetings. "Great job" and hats off to all the organizers.

Thank you for making this time so well spent. I loved increasing my knowledge on all areas that were covered. Everything was just perfect!

In the future, it would be nice to have an agenda for the mtgs beforehand.

Improve Facilities Modify activities for greater interaction Enhance presentation skills

Increase pacing X Provide greater time for Questioning/Applicable practice Information needs greater depth of knowledge

Align better with District or Building strategic plan Other _______________________________________________________

Thank you for your feedback!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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