Anna Zielinska-Elliott - Boston University

CURRICULUM VITAEAnna Zielinska-ElliottDepartment of Modern Languages and Comparative LiteratureBoston University745 Commonwealth AvenueBoston, MA 22015617 358 6898aelliott@bu.eduEducationPhD Modern Japanese Literature, University of Warsaw, 2010MA Japanese Linguistics, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1991MA Japanese Studies, University of Warsaw, 1987Current faculty appointmentSenior Lecturer and Head, Japanese Language Program and Second-Year Japanese Coordinator PublicationsBooksHaruki Murakami i aktorzy jego teatru wybra?ni (Haruki Murakami and the Actors in HisTheater of Imagination), Warsaw: Japonica, 2016.Haruki Murakami i jego Tokio (村上春樹と彼の東京). Warsaw: Muza, 2012.Editor, Haruki Murakami i muzyka s?ów (Polish translation of Jay Rubin, Haruki Murakami and the Music of Words). Warsaw: Muza S.A., 2008.Book chapter“Haruki Murakami – japoński postmodernista?” (Haruki Murakami – a Japanese post-modernist?). In Iwona Merklejn, ed., Oblicza wspó?czesnej japońsko?ci: Literatura-film-teatr (Faces of modern Japaneseness: Literature-film-theater). Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Polsko-Japońskiej Wy?szej Szko?y Technik Komputerowych. 2013.“Exorcizing the Exotic: Murakami Haruki in Poland.” In Agnieszka Kozyra et al., eds., BeyondBorders: In Celebration of the Foundation of the Polish Association for Japanese Studies. Warsaw: Warsaw University Press, 2007. Selected articles“Murakami International: The Translation of a Literary Phenomenon.” Japanese Language and Literature. Vol. 49, No. 1 (April 2015). “Two Moons over Europe: Translating Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84” (co-authored with Mette Holm). The AALITRA Review (). No 7 (2013).“Yōroppa no honyakushatachi wa kō miru”. In Tashinami 18, Spring 2013. “Europa czyta najnowszego Murakamiego” (Europe reads the newest Murakami). In (Polish literary weekly e-magazine), 22 November 2011. Online at (accessed October 27, 2012).“Murakami Haruki wa Pōrando de dono yō ni yomarete iru no ka.” In Shibata Motoyuki at al., eds. A Wild Haruki Chase /Sekai wa Murakami Haruki o dō yonde iry ka?. Tokyo: Bungei shunjū, 2006. Edited magazine issuesBeyond English: Translators Talk about Haruki Murakami. Special Section of Japanese Language and Literature, Vol. 49, No. 1 (April 2015). Book reviewsMatthew Carl Strecher, The Forbidden Worlds of Haruki Murakami (Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2014). Japanese Studies 2015, 35 (2). pp. 255-57.Tomiko Yoda, Gender and National Literature: Heian Texts in the Constructions of Japanese Modernity (Durham: Duke University Press, 2004). Intertexts 12.2, 2008. InterviewsA True Collaboration on A True Novel. An interview with Juliet Carpenter with Lynne Riggs. SWET Society of Writers, Editors and Translators Journal. September 23, 2014. . Literary translationsM??czy?ni bez kobiet. Translation of Murakami Haruki, 女のいない男たち and 恋するザムザ. Warsaw, Muza, 2015. S?uchaj pie?ni wiatru and Flipper roku 1973. Translation of Murakami Haruki, 風邪の歌を聴けand 1973年のピンボール. Warsaw: Muza, 2014. Bezbarwny Tsukuru Tazaki i lata jego pielgrzymstwa. Translation of Murakami Haruki, 色彩を持たない多崎つくると、彼の巡礼の年. Warsaw: Muza, 2013.Znikni?cie s?onia. Translation of Murakami Haruki, 像の消滅. Warsaw: Muza, 2012. Historia pewnego ma??eństwa. Translation of Helena Wayne, ed. The Story of a Marriage: The Letters of Bronislaw Malinowski and Elsie Masson. Warsaw: Muza, 2012. 1Q84, Book 1-3. Translation of Murakami Haruki, 1Q84. Warsaw: Muza, 2010-11. ?lepa wierzba i ?pi?ca kobieta. Translation of Murakami Haruki, めくら柳と、眠る女. Warsaw: Muza, 2008. Po zmierzchu. Translation of Murakami Haruki, アフターダーク. Warsaw: Muza, 2007. Kafka nad morzem. Translation of Murakami Haruki, 海辺のカフカ. Warsaw: Muza, 2007. Wszystkie bo?e dzieci tańcz?. Translation of Murakami Haruki, 神の子どもたちはみんな踊る. Warsaw: Muza, 2006. Norwegian Wood. Translation of Murakami Haruki, ノルウェイの森 with Dorota Marczewska.Warsaw: Muza, 2006.Kronika ptaka nakr?cacza. Translation of Murakami Haruki, ねじ巻き鳥クロニクル. Warsaw: Muza, 2005. Tańcz, tańcz, tańcz. Translation of Murakami Haruki , ダンス、ダンス、ダンス. Warsaw: Muza, 2004. Kuchnia. Translation of Yoshimoto Banana, キッチン. Warsaw: PIW. 2004. Przygoda z owc?. Translation of Murakami Haruki, 羊をめぐる冒険. Warsaw: Muza, 2003. Revised edition of original 1995 translation. Zag?ada. Translation of Yoshimura Akira, 破船. Warsaw: Prószynski i S-ka, 1999. Z?ota Pagoda. Translation of Mishima Yukio, 金閣寺. Warsaw: Wilga, 1996. Nowoczesne sztuki Nō. Translation of three plays (斑女、道成寺、綾の鼓) from Mishima Yukio, 近代能楽集. Produced by the Stary Teatr, Cracow, under the direction of Andrzej Wajda. 1995. Przygoda z owc?. Translation of Murakami Haruki, 羊をめぐる冒険. Warsaw: Wilga, 1995. “Hanjō.” Translation of Mishima Yukio, 班女, from Mishima Yukio, 近代能楽集. Japonica 3. 1994. “Jej ma?y zakopany piesek.” Translation of Murakami Haruki, 土の中のかの地の小さな犬.Japonica 1. 1993. Other translations Andy Warhol: Works from the Private Collection of José Mugrabi. Translation of Dorota Folga-Januszewska and Jacob Baal-Teshuva, Andy Warhol: Wystawa z kolekcji José Mugrabiego. Warsaw: National Museum, 1993.Recent invited lectures and presentations“Should a Translator Work Alone?” Invited lecture given at the University of Washington, Japanese Studies Program Colloquium. University of Washington, Seattle, October 14, 2014.“Rado?ci i smutki t?umaczenia Harukiego Murakamiego” (The joys and woes of translating Haruki Murakami). Invited lecture, Information and Culture Center of the Embassy of Japan, Warsaw, Poland, June 26, 2014.“Haruki Murakami Translated: The Globalization of Modern Japanese Fiction.” Literary Translation Seminar, Boston University, February 21, 2014.Short presentation at the Workshop on Media, Literature, and Japanese Pedagogy, EALC, Harvard University, July 15, 2013.“Murakami Haruki and Globalization of the Publishing Market.” Presentation followed by discussion on Skype, with Mette Holm and Ika Kaminka, graduate seminar “Translation and Globalization” taught by Professor Aron Aji, University of Iowa, March 6, 2013. “Two Moons Over Europe: Translating Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84.” Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, February 28, 2013.“Challenging the Hegemony of English: Translating Haruki Murakami in Europe.” Panel presentation with Mette Holm and Ika Kaminka, Japan Forum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, October 2, 2012. “Two Moons Over Europe: Translating Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84.” Japanese Studies Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Sydney, May 10, 2012 and at Australian National University, Canberra, May 25, 2012.“Twórczo?? Harukiego Murakamiego i praca t?umacza” (The writings of Murakami Haruki and the translator's role). Invited lecture, Information and Culture Center of the Embassy of Japan, Warsaw, Poland, July 19, 2011.“Translating Murakami Haruki.” Polish—Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw, Poland, May 22, 2010. Interviews given“Murakami: zbyt cool by by? sumieniem narodu. Rozmowa z polsk? t?umaczk? s?ynnego pisarza.” [Murakami; too cool to be the voice of national conscience. A conversation with the Polish translator of the famous writer]. 2-page interview in Gazeta Wyborcza [the biggest Polish daily], conducted by Milena Rachid Chehab. August 1, 2014.“Murakami, tej! - czyli dlaczego Japończyk mówi poznańsk? gwar?”. Interview in Gazeta Wyborcza [the biggest Polish daily], conducted by Violetta Szostak. November 11, 2015.Recent conference papers and presentations“Beyond Classroom Walls: Acquiring Language and Culture Through Technology.” American Council on the Teaching of the Foreign Languages, San Diego, CA, November 20, 2015.“Interpreting Culture: Teaching Japanese Through Interpreting,” with Miraiam Angris. The 26th Conference of the Central Association of Teachers of Japanese University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, October 31-November 1.“Translating together: Collaboration between European translators of Haruki Murakami,” Transfiction 3: Fictions of Translation Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, May 27-29, 2015.“Beyond Classroom Time and Space: The Power of Online Homework Time.” Presentation with Mira Angrist at MAFLA, Stockbridge, MA, October 24, 2014.“All Together Now: Collaboration Between European Translators of Murakami Haruki.” IATIS Conference on Collaborative Translation, Paris, June 5-7, 2014. (with Ika Kaminka)“Interpreting Between Cultures.” Annual Conference of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, NCOLCTL, Chicago, April 25-27, 2014.“Interpreting Across the Cultural Gap.” Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Philadelphia, March 28-30, 2014. “Teaching Culture in Context: Group Collaboration with Native speakers.” Presentation to be delivered as part of a 60-minute joint session with Emi Yamanaka and Mariko Henstock. ACTFL, Orlando, November 21-24, 2013.“Haruki Murakami and the Hegemony of English.” Paper co-authored with Ika Kaminka and presented by her at the conference. “Did Anyone say Power? Rethinking Domination and Hegemony in Translation.” Bangor University, Wales, UK, September 5-6, 2013. “The Eurokami Effect: Translating Haruki Murakami in Europe.” Nordic Association of Japanese and Korean Studies (NAJAKS), Bergen, Norway, August 21-23, 2013. (with Ika Kaminka) “With and Without the Lens of English: Translating Haruki Murakami in Europe." ULICES Conference on Translation Studies, “Voice in Indirect Translation,” University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters, Lisbon, Portugal, July 10-11, 2013.“Translating Haruki Murakami in Europe.” Annual Conference of American Literary Translators Association, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, October 4, 2012. (with Mette Holm and Ika Kaminka)“Translating Cultures: Teaching Interpreting Techniques between Japanese and English.” American Council on the Teaching of the Foreign Languages, Denver, Colorado, November 19, 2011.“Norwegian Cherry: Murakami and the Subversion of the Modern Literary Canon.” Annual meeting of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia, Sydney, July 16, 2009.Other public presentations"Different Modalities to Assess Students Performance," a panel discussion with Giselle Khoury and Davina Porter. Brown Bag Lunch workshop for MLCL and Romance Studies Lecturers, Boston University, November 9, 2015.Moderated a “Reading and Conversation” event with Yoko Tawada, BU Center for the Study of Europe, BU Center for the Study of Asia, April 15, 2014."What Did He Say?!": ?Improving Listening Comprehension and Cultural Awareness through Classroom Interpreting.” Brown Bag Lunch workshop for MLCL and Romance Studies Lecturers, Boston University, November 11, 2013.Moderated a “Reading and Conversation” event with Grazyna Plebanek, BU Center for the Study of Europe, November 6, 2013.Classes taught and courses developed at Boston UniversityLJ 111/112, 211/212, First- and second-year Japanese, taught regularlyLJ 403, Fourth-year level reading class, taught annually 2007-2010XL 540 (HU540), Theory and Practice of Literary Translation, taught in 2009 and 2015 LJ 386, Japanese Translation and Interpretation Workshop (offered annually)LJ 350, Reading Japanese Fiction (in Japanese) taught biannually since 2011LJ 451, Topics in Japanese Literature (Haruki Murakami and His Sources), taught in 2013 and2013LJ 450, Japanese Culture Through Food (in Japanese) to be offered in Fall 2016LJ 491/492, Directed study 1. Intertextual elements in Haruki Murakami’s A Wild Sheep Chase, Fall 20102. Psychological Theory in the writing of Haruki Murakami, Fall 20113. Translating Cultures (accompanying the interpreting portion of LJ386), Spring 20114. Haruki Murakami and Magical Realism, Fall 20135. Structure of Japanese Family through Literature, Fall 2013Licenses and trainingCertified teacher of Ikebana, Sōgetsu School (4th-level shihan)OPI familiarization workshop, Boston University, February 6-7, 2014. North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources Workshop: New Applications for Non-Print Media Throughout the Japanese Studies Curriculum, January 23, 2014Awards, Scholarships and GrantsCEIT GUTS grant to develop a kanji site for first-year Japanese classes. 2012, 2014.Gazeta Wyborcza best-seller list, foreign fiction category, March-April (for translation of Murakami, 1Q84). 2011. Gazeta Wyborcza best-seller list, foreign fiction category, February-December (for translation of Murakami, Blind Willow Sleeping Woman). 2008. Grant from Boston University Humanities Foundation to invite professor Motoyuki Shibata from the University of Tokyo as a special speaker at the Literary Translation Seminar. 2008. Gazeta Wyborcza best-seller list, foreign fiction category, May-Sept (for translation of Murakami, Norwegian Wood). 2006. Honorable Mention, Best Fiction Translation of the Year, Polish Association of Translators (for translation of Murakami, A Wild Sheep Chase). 1996. Monbushō Scholarship, Japanese Ministry of Education. 1987-1991. ................

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