Unit 7: Exploring Brickwork and Blockwork Principles and ...

Scheme of work

Guided learning hours (GLH): 30

Number of lessons: 30

Duration of lessons: 1 hour

Learners should spend lesson time and non-supervised time working on assignments.

|Lesson |Unit content* |Activities |Links to other units |

|1 |Unit introduction |Teacher/tutor presentation: outline the nature of the learning aims and the | |

| | |number of assignments that learners will be expected to complete. | |

| | |Learner activity: Quick icebreaker activity to let learners get to know one | |

| | |another and debate the relative merits of roles in construction (e.g. bricklayer,| |

| | |architect). Divide group into pairs to debate job roles. | |

|Learning aim A: Understand tools, materials and equipment used for brickwork and blockwork |

|2 |Topic A.1: Tools and equipment used to construct brickwork and blockwork |Teacher/tutor demonstration of the use of setting-out tools (corner blocks, gauge|Unit 17: Brickwork and |

| |Purpose and use of tools and equipment for quality brickwork and blockwork. |rod, tingle plate and profiles). |Blockwork Operations |

| | |Learner activity: mark out and cut their own gauge rod; also set up pins, line | |

| |Setting-out tools and equipment including: |and tingle. | |

| |measuring tape |Teacher/tutor demonstration of the use of corner profiles and how they speed up | |

| |gauge rod |bricklaying. | |

| |spirit level | | |

| |builder’s line and pins | | |

| |corner blocks | | |

| |tingle plate | | |

| |building profiles. | | |

|3 |Purpose and use of tools and equipment for quality brickwork and blockwork. |Teacher/tutor input: give learners either a selection of bricklaying tools or, if| |

| | |learners have not completed a health and safety induction, images of bricklaying | |

| |Hand tools and equipment including: |tools. | |

| |walling trowel |Learner activity: learners should discuss the uses of the tools they have been | |

| |pointing trowel |given. | |

| |jointing iron |Differentiated learner activity: use recess jointer. | |

| |wheeled recessed jointer |Teacher/tutor demonstration using wheeled recessed jointer. | |

| |brick hammer |Learner activity: examine all the hand tools available for brickwork and | |

| |club hammer |blockwork. Research the uses, prices and availability of the different types. | |

| |bolster chisel. | | |

|4 |Topic A.2: Materials used for constructing brickwork and blockwork |Learner activity: discuss two different examples of brickwork in the local area | |

| |Types of materials used for brickwork and blockwork and their properties. |to start thinking about brickwork in context. List the different types of brick | |

| | |and their uses. Learners could debate the uses of facing bricks and then conduct | |

| |Bricks including facing bricks, common bricks and engineering bricks. |independent research into the uses of the others. | |

| |Locations where the different types of bricks are used: |Teacher/tutor input: observe and direct discussion; observe and direct question | |

| |– external skins of cavity walls, external walls, manholes, structural work |and answer against each type of brick and its uses. | |

| |internal | | |

| |feature walls, unseen work. | | |

| |The properties that make them fit for purpose within that location: | | |

| |– structural strength, durability, aesthetics, porosity. | | |

|5 |Blocks including solid blocks, insulation blocks, fairfaced blocks. |Teacher/tutor-led discussions on properties of brickwork and blockwork. | |

| |Locations where the different types of blocks are used: i.e. internal skins |Discussions might include: | |

| |of cavity walls, internal plastered walls, internal unplastered walls, |What are material properties? | |

| |sub-structures. |Why do different types of materials have different properties? | |

| |The properties that make them fit for purpose within that location: i.e. |Examination of a standard brick and debate upon its properties. | |

| |structural strength, insulation, aesthetics, porosity. |Learner activity: complete a matching task to match each type of brick or block | |

| | |to one of its key features (e.g. engineering brick would match moisture | |

| | |resistance). | |

|6 |Materials used for the preparation of mortar including building sand, cement,|Teacher/tutor-led discussions on the following: What is mortar? What is it made | |

| |lime and water. |from? How is it mixed? What are the different proportions of a mix? Why does this| |

| |Typical mortar mixes and proportions, their properties and uses: |vary? | |

| |– 1:3 cement/sand and 1:1:6 cement/lime/ sand. |Learner activity: independent research into wall ties: | |

| |Materials used for the forming of cavities. |What are they? | |

| |Wall ties: wire, double triangular, butterfly, fishtail, polypropylene. |Why are they used? | |

| | |What are the different types? | |

|7 |Topic A.3: Safe use and storage of tools, materials and equipment for |Teacher/tutor input: run through the PPE Regulations and the relevant sections of| |

| |brickwork and blockwork |the HASAWA 1974 regarding the supply of PPE to operatives. | |

| |Appropriate practices when working with brickwork and blockwork: |Outline the COSHH Regulations and the use of PPE. Demonstrate the various | |

| |use of general personal protective equipment (PPE) needed in the workplace, |different types of PPE and their correct use. | |

| |e.g. safety boots, hard hat, high-visibility jacket |Learner activity: given a list of hazards, work out for each hazard the related | |

| |use of task-specific PPE when cutting and laying bricks, e.g. barrier cream, |risk, the necessary PPE/control measure and reason for PPE/control measure. | |

| |gloves, | | |

| |eye protection | | |

| |the need for appropriate behaviour and a positive attitude towards health and| | |

| |safety | | |

| |maintaining a clean and tidy work area. | | |

|8 |Appropriate practices when working with brickwork and blockwork: |Teacher/tutor demonstration: safe manual handling of materials and equipment; | |

| |safe manual handling when lifting, moving and stacking materials |observation of learners as they move materials and stack in preparation for | |

| |correct use of tools and equipment |bricklaying activities. | |

| |cleaning tools immediately after use to prevent the build-up of mortar |Teacher/tutor input: demonstrate mortar rolling and pick up off the spot boards. | |

| |deposits |Learner activity: practise calculating quantities required for the wall. Also | |

| |returning tools to appropriate storage upon completion of practical work |create a scheme of best practice for the practical activity. | |

| |appropriate storage methods for bricks, blocks, sand, cement. | | |

|9 |Assignment 1 |Teacher/tutor input: give an overview of assignment requirements, the nature of | |

| | |the assessment and the timeline for completion and submission. | |

| | |Learner activity: work on assignment. | |

|Learning aim B: Develop practical skills and safe techniques to construct brickwork and blockwork |

|10 |Topic B.1: Health and safety |Teacher/tutor input: describe the five steps of risk assessment. Run through the | |

| |Risk assessment prior to starting the activities and procedures during the |steps and Q+A with the group. | |

| |practical activity. Hazard identification and risks associated with the |Note: this session links to the next session, 11, where learners will be required| |

| |practical activity: |to carry out their own risk assessment prior to practical work. | |

| |slips, trips and falls |Learner activity: write down the five steps of risk assessment; then do the | |

| |cuts and injuries caused by tools and equipment |hazard identification exercise using photograph of a construction site. Spot | |

| |abrasive materials |hazards and identify the harm that could occur from the hazard. | |

| |lime | | |

| |cement | | |

| |falling objects | | |

| |untidy work area | | |

| |musculoskeletal injuries resulting from lifting and moving heavy loads | | |

| |flying particles from cutting operations. | | |

|11 |Risk assessment prior to starting the activities and procedures during the |Teacher/tutor input: workshop area identified for risk assessment. | |

| |practical activity. |Learner activity: complete risk assessment. | |

| |Identification of people at risk. | | |

| |Use of control measures to remove or minimise the risk. | | |

|12 |Risk assessment prior to starting the activities and procedures during the |Teacher/tutor input: Safe Systems of Work (SSW) discussed with learners, using | |

| |practical activity. |photographs of brickwork and blockwork operations. Consequences of not following | |

| |Adoption of safe working practices, including using personal protective |SSW – penalties under HSWA 1974. | |

| |equipment (PPE). |Issue case studies and read Q+A session. | |

|13 |Topic B.2: Cavity walls |Teacher/tutor input: setting out of a cavity wall using gauge rods and | |

| |Setting out and constructing cavity walls using brickwork and blockwork. |demonstration of using corner profiles, the use of string lines and corner | |

| |Preparing and setting up the work area. |blocks, and the use of pins and string line. | |

| |Setting out the work, including the use of a gauge rod or corner profiles for|Learner activity: set up the work area, including spot boards, materials and | |

| |brickwork and blockwork. |setting out dimensions. Practise laying the first bed joint and course of bricks.| |

|14 |Setting out and constructing cavity walls using brickwork and blockwork. |Teacher/tutor input: practise half brick wall in stretcher bond brick facework | |

| |Trowel skills including: |pointed with bucket handle joint. | |

| |rolling mortar |Learner activity: set out wall, lay first bed joint, continue courses; check | |

| |spreading and preparation of the bed joint |plumb, dimensions and height against gauge rod; practise cutting bricks | |

| |application of mortar to vertical joints |accurately into halves for outer leaf of cavity wall. | |

| |simple tooled ‘bucket handle’ jointing. | | |

|15 |Setting out and constructing cavity walls using brickwork and blockwork. |Teacher/tutor input: practise half brick wall in stretcher bond brick facework | |

| |Trowel skills including: |pointed with bucket handle joint. | |

| |rolling mortar |Learner activity: set out wall, lay first bed joint, continue courses; check | |

| |spreading and preparation of the bed joint |plumb, dimensions and height against gauge rod. Apply pointing. | |

| |application of mortar to vertical joints | | |

| |simple tooled ‘bucket handle’ jointing. | | |

|16 |Setting out and constructing cavity walls using brickwork and blockwork. |Teacher/tutor input: practise block wall in stretcher bond pointed with flush | |

| |Bonding method: stretcher bond. |joint. | |

| |Laying and bedding bricks and blocks to line. |Learner activity: set out wall, lay first bed joint, continue courses; check | |

| |Half brick wall to line in stretcher bond. |plumb, dimensions and height against gauge rod. Apply flush pointing. | |

|17 |Setting out and constructing cavity walls using brickwork and blockwork. |Teacher/tutor input: practise block wall in stretcher bond pointed with flush | |

| |Bonding method: stretcher bond. |joint. | |

| |Laying and bedding bricks and blocks to line. |Learner activity: set out wall, lay first bed joint, continue courses; check | |

| |Half brick wall to line in stretcher bond. |plumb, dimensions and height against gauge rod. Apply flush pointing. Learners | |

| | |should self-assess own work against tolerances given in the specification. | |

|18 |Setting out and constructing cavity walls using brickwork and blockwork. |Teacher/tutor demonstration: practise building a straight wall in block walling. | |

| |Block walling to straight lengths in stretcher bond. |Learner activity: set out and build a corner in half brick walling. | |

|21 |Setting out and constructing cavity walls using brickwork and blockwork. |Teacher/tutor demonstration: practise building a corner in block walling. | |

| |Block walling to straight lengths in stretcher bond. |Learner activity: set out and build a corner in half brick walling. | |

|22 |Setting out and constructing cavity walls using brickwork and blockwork. |Teacher/tutor demonstration: practise building a corner in block walling. | |

| |Block walling to straight lengths in stretcher bond. |Learner activity: set out and build a corner in half brick walling. | |

|23 |Setting out and constructing cavity walls using brickwork and blockwork. |Teacher/tutor demonstration: issue drawing of practice cavity wall model. | |

| |Forming cavities and methods of maintaining a clean cavity. |Learner activity: start practice cavity wall. | |

| |Correct placement and spacing of wall ties. | | |

|24 |Setting out and constructing cavity walls using brickwork and blockwork. |Learner activity: continue practice cavity wall. | |

| |Forming cavities and methods of maintaining a clean cavity. |Teacher/tutor input: observe and guide learners. | |

| |Correct placement and spacing of wall ties. | | |

|25 |Setting out and constructing cavity walls using brickwork and blockwork. |Learner activity: complete practice cavity wall. | |

| |Forming cavities and methods of maintaining a clean cavity. |Teacher/tutor input: observe and guide learners. | |

| |Correct placement and spacing of wall ties. | | |

|26 |Assignment 2 |Teacher/tutor input: give an overview of assignment requirements, the nature of | |

| | |the assessment and the timeline for completion and submission. | |

| | |Learner activity: work on assignment. | |

| | |Teacher/tutor input: observe learners’ progress. | |

|27–29 |Assignment 2 |Learner activity: work on assignment. Learners should self-assess own work | |

| | |against tolerances given in the specification. | |

| | |Teacher/tutor input: observe learners’ progress. | |

|30 |Assignment 2 |Teacher/tutor input: Mark the completed model against tolerances. | |

| | |Teacher/tutor input: give final grades and feedback for Assignments 1 and 2. | |

|TOTAL: 30 hours |

*See the specification for full details of unit content.


BTEC Level 3 National Children's Play, Learning and Development

Teaching and Assessment Pack

Unit X [TITLE]

BTEC First Construction and the Built Environment

Unit 7: Exploring Brickwork and Blockwork Principles and Techniques



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