
Theatrical Trailer and Movie PosterUniversal Studios is producing an action, adventure movie about a team of physicists who are trying to prove to the world how the universe came to be in the Big Bang Theory. It is a typical Hollywood blockbuster starring leading male and female actors. Now that you have learned about the Big Bang Theory, design a movie poster for this upcoming film AND write the dialogue for the movie trailer. Sketch the movie poster advertising this movie. Include the names of the actor/actress who will star in the film.Include “tag line” captions for each frame drawn on the poster for each concept shown. Be sure to include some relevant facts and evidence that supports the Big Bang theory.Paragraph describing how the poster illustrates the concepts included in the big bang theory using relevant vocabulary correctly. Concepts that may be included:Big BangEnergySuperforceGravity split off first. Then rest of forces split off.InflationMatter/Anti-Matter battleDark Energy/Dark MatterNuclei & Atoms form (H, He, Li were first)StarsGalaxies ................

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