Short & Easy Readings for Qatari Boys

 Short & Easy Readings for Qatari BoysTeacher Information PageTitleChapter 1: The Last Day of SchoolStory SummaryThis is the first chapter in a series of stories about a fictional 14-year-old Qatari boy named Hamad. In this segment, Hamad goes to school on the last day of Grade 8 to pick up his report card, see his two best friends Hussain & Abdulla and say good-bye to his favorite teacher, Mr. Amr. He and his friends get shouted at by his least favorite teacher, Ms. Jennifer. Hamad’s friend Hussain asks if Hamad will come to London. Hamad isn’t sure and says his dad has a “surprise” for him. The boys go to the parking lot and say good-bye. DifficultyWord Count: 456 WordsLexile Score: 410-600 (Calculated with Lexile Analyzer)Readability Index: Grade 3 (Calculated with Readability Analyzer)Target student: Grades 6-9 Qaari boys with low reading abilityOptions for ModificationTeachers can download the Microsoft Word version and modify it as desired.Chapter 1: The Last Day of Grade 8 It was finally the last day of Grade 8. Hamad went to school to pick up his report card. He met his friends Hussain and Abdulla in the hallway. The three boys went together to say “good-bye” to their favorite teacher, Mr. Amr. Mr. Amr was going home to Egypt to get married. He was going to stay in Egypt. The boys were sad.“We will really miss you, Sir,” said Hussain.“I’ll miss you boys too” smiled Mr. Amr. “Here’s my e-mail address in case you ever need any help, OK?” “Thank-you Sir.”They walked out into the hall. They were sad to say “good-bye” to Mr. Amr, but happy that the holiday was starting.Suddenly they heard a loud voice shouting the words “RIDICULOUS” and “STUDENTS” and a lot of other English words that they did not understand. It was their terrifying English teacher, Ms. Jennifer, shouting and waving her hands at another teacher. They stopped, turned, and ran as fast as they could towards the other end of the hallway.“HEEEYYYYY!!!” they heard Ms. Jennifer’s booming voice. “NO RUNNING IN THE HALL!!” This made them run even faster. They didn’t stop until they were at the front door of the school and could see their drivers waiting outside in the parking lot. “Whew! That was close!” laughed Hamad. “I am definitely not going to miss her this Summer!”“Speaking of this Summer, are you coming to London or not?” asked Abdulla.“We know you don’t like English Hamad” laughed Hussain. “We will do all the talking for you OK?”Hussain and Abdulla were both going with their families to London. Hamad really wanted to go too. He begged his father to spend the Summer in London. English was his worst subject and he hated it. Maybe a few weeks in England would make English easier for him. Hussain was really good at English and he would help him.“I actually don’t know what we will do,” said Hamad. “My Dad says he has a surprise for us.”“Ohh… I hope it’s a good surprise and that you will be in London with us” said Hussain. “I’ll let you guys know” answered Hamad. “I hope so too.” “YOU!” They heard Ms. Jennifer’s loud footsteps coming around the corner and ran as fast as they could to their cars. “See you guys!” Hamad shouted as he jumped from the blazing hot sun into his Dad’s cool, cold Lexus. “I’ll text you later…” shouted Hussain, slamming his car door as his driver rolled out of the parking lot. As they drove off, they could see Ms. Jennifer’s angry face looking out the window of the school. “Whew!” thought Hamad. “I am so happy the Summer has started!”Comprehension Check:In a nutshell: Read the following summary and fill in the missing lettersHamad, H__ __ sain, and Abdulla met at sch__ __ l on the l__ __ t day of G__ __ d ___ 8. The thr__ __ boys s__ __d “g__ __d-bye” to th__ __r favorite t__ __ ch__r, Mr. Amr. The three b__ __s saw Ms. Jennifer in the ha__ __way and w__r__ scar__ __. Hamad hoped to s__ __ nd the Su__ __ er in Lo__ __ on with his best fr__ __nds, Hussain and Ab__ __lla.Score0-12-345Oops! Finish this!Good Start!Almost perfect! This is PERFECT!Multiple Choice: Read the question and choose the best answer.How old is Hamad?Hamad is probably around 8 years old because he is young. Hamad is probably around 14 years old because he just finished Grade 8.Hamad is probably in his 20s because he is going to Egypt to get married.We cannot guess how old Hamad is.Who are Hamad’s best friends? Hamad does not have any friends at this school.Hamad is friends with Mr. Amr and Ms. Jennifer.Hamad is friends with Hussain and Abdulla.All of the above statements are true.Who is Hamad’s favorite teacher? Mr. AmrMs. JenniferHussainAbdullaHow does Hamad feel about studying English? He loves English.He hates English.English is his favorite subject.He does not know how he feels about English.What does Hamad hope to do this Summer?He hopes to go to Egypt and get married.He hopes to go to London and spend time with Hussain and Abdulla.He hopes to go to Summer School with Ms.Jennifer and study English.None of the above are true.Why do the boys jump quickly into their cars?They are late for their flights to London.They are tired of hanging out with each other.Ms. Jennifer scared them by coming around the corner.Their drivers complained about waiting in the parking lot for them. Vocabulary: Use words in the vocabulary box to complete the sentences.Report CardRidiculousLaughedBeggedWorstBlazingIn Qatar, the Summer weather is very hot. It is sometimes 45 or even 50 degrees celsius. Qatar has a ________________ hot Summer.At the end of each term, students receive their grades on a special paper called a ____________________.I was so tired in the morning that I put my shirt on backwards and inside-out. When I walked into class, all my friends started laughing at me. I looked _____________.I really did not want to go to school today because we have a big English test. I _____________ my Mom to let me stay home, but she said “no.”We watched a funny movie last night and we _______________ for hours.It was hard at school this year. I got bad marks in Math and Science, but my _________ mark was in English. I will study harder next term!D. Scrambled Sentences: Rearrange the words to make sentences from the story. Don’t forget spelling and punctuation!Thetheirwentboystogetherteacher,say“good-bye”threefavoritetotoMr. Amr.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________“Whew!wasHamad.laughedThatclose!”______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________weeks makeMaybeawouldforEnglandEnglishfewineasierhim.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Score0-12-345Oops! Finish this!Good Start but you are making spelling, capitalization, and punctuation mistakes.Almost perfect! You may have one or two spelling, capitalization, and punctuation mistakes.This is PERFECT!E. Short answer: Answer each question in 1 or 2 complete sentences. These are easy questions, so make sure you use excellent grammar & punctuation! Hamad’s best friends at school are Hussain and Abdulla. Who are your good friends at school?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hamad’s favorite teacher is Mr. Amr. Who is your favorite teacher? What subject does your favorite teacher teach?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hamad is scared of Ms. Jennifer. Are you scared of anyone or anything? What is it?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hamad begged his father to take him to London in the Summer. What do you beg your parents for? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hamad says his father has a surprise for him. What do you think the surprise is? (guess!)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hints: Sentence startersMy best friends at school are___________and _______. I don’t really have any good friends at school.My favorite teacher is______. She/he teaches________.I am scared of ____________.I begged my parents to get me a ___________. I begged my parents to take me to____.I think Hamad’s Dad’s surprise is________________Score0-12-345Oops! Finish this!Good Start but you need to make full sentences OK? Almost perfect! You may have one or two spelling, capitalization, and punctuation mistakes.This is PERFECT! ................

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