APEC Self-Funded Project Proposal Coversheet

APEC Self-Funded Project Proposal CoversheetProject Title:Building a Digital Ready SocietyProject Number (Assigned by Secretariat):TEL 01 2020SCommittee / WG / Sub-fora / Task-force:Development Steering Group (DSG) /APEC TELProposing APEC economy:SingaporeCo-sponsoring economies (if any):AustraliaHong Kong, ChinaMalaysiaChinese TaipeiDate approved by fora: Expected start date:June 2020Expected completion date:March 2021Project summary:(Describe the project in under 150 words. Your summary should include the project topic, goals, planned activities, timing and location. You must provide more details information by answering the questions on the next page). (Summary must be no longer than the box provided. Cover sheet must fit on one page) IntroductionThe fast pace of technological change in recent years has affected citizen’s abilities to effectively navigate the digital landscape as well as their jobs. As digitalisation ushers in powerful new applications and transforms traditional economic sectors, it has become ever more crucial for citizens to quickly be equipped with the necessary digital skills in order to better leverage the opportunities provided by technology in their day-to-day lives.Project DescriptionThis project aims to enhance the mutual learning and understanding on how digital readiness initiatives can aid society to better access technology as well as equip citizens with the skills that are needed to use that technology – actively, meaningfully and safely. It will also provide the platform for APEC Member Economies to discuss and develop ideas on how we can further empower the society with technology. The project would include experience sharing and discussion on (i) Digital Access – i.e. access to affordable, inclusive, and trustworthy infrastructure; (ii) Digital Literacy – i.e. motivation and skills to use digital technologies with confidence; and (iii) Digital Participation – i.e. using technology to achieve a better quality of life. It would also cover protecting citizens against and mitigating the negative impact of technology (e.g. cyberbully and social isolation) as well as connecting communities by leveraging opportunities afforded by technology (e.g. on digital platforms). The project will be delivered through a self-funded workshop which is proposed to be held at APEC TEL 62 in 2020. APEC Member Economies would be invited to share their experiences during the workshop.Total cost of project (USD): Self-FundedProject Overseer Information and Declaration:Name: Wee Yingxian Title: FORMTEXT ?Assistant Manager (International)???? Organization: Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA)Tel: +65 6751 2838E-mail: wee_yingxian@.sg As Project Overseer and on behalf of the proposing APEC economy, I will ensure that all Project outputs (Project reports, proceedings, slides, presentations, CDs, etc.), will comply with the APEC Publications, APEC Logo and Copyrights Guidelines before being published. I will also ensure that the project will comply with the Guidelines on Managing Cooperation with Non-Members (the guidelines are at: ). I am aware that I am solely responsible for project fund management in relation to fully self-funded projects. Date: 17/9/2019Self-Funded Project SynopsisRelevance – Benefits to region: What problem does the project seek to address? Does it have sustained benefits for more than one economy?The project seeks to address the possible gaps in digitalisation inclusiveness among APEC economies. This is achieved through sharing best practices and member economies' initiatives through a workshop on Digital Readiness.Relevance – Capacity Building: How will the project build the capacity of APEC members (refer to capacity building goals, objectives and principles at Appendix K of the Guidebook). The project seeks to reduce disparities among APEC economies and to improve the social well-being of its people. The objective is to build APEC member economies’ capacity in the areas relevant to Digital Economy. This is based on the principle of Long-term capacity building which is driven by opportunities. Objectives: State the key objectives of the project. The objective of the project is to build economies' capability to develop their own programmes and initiatives to increase digital readiness and inclusiveness in society, and hence help to address the focus areas of the APEC TEL Strategic Action Plan (SAP) 2016 - 2020. Alignment – APEC: Describe specific APEC priorities, goals, strategies and/ or statements that the project supports, and explain how the project will contribute to their achievement. The project is consistent with APEC Leader's recognition of role of the Internet and Digital Economy and its impact to economic development. Further it seeks to contribute to the implementation of the APEC Internet and Digital Economy Roadmap. Alignment – Forum: How does the project align with your forum’s work plan/ strategic plan? This project is aligned to objectives of APEC TEL Strategic Action Plan 2016 – 2020. These include Objective 1.1 f) Promote the use of ICTs to improve living standards of citizens, including disabled people and socially vulnerable groups and Objective 1.3 on enhanced digital literacy and improvement of citizens’ capability to fully participate in the Digital Economy. Furthermore, this project is also in line with the APEC Roadmap on Internet and Digital Economy aligning with 3 of its focus areas: 4) Development of holistic government policy frameworks for the Internet and Digital Economy; 6) Promoting innovation and adoption of enabling technologies and services; and 10) Enhancing inclusiveness of Internet and Digital Economy.Methodology: How do you plan to implement the project? Briefly address the following: Work plan: Project timelines, dates of key activities and deliverable outputs.TimelineApproval by APEC TEL post APEC TEL60Invitation to Member Economies to nominate speakers/ presenters approximately two months ahead of APEC TEL 62.A half-day capacity building and information sharing workshop at APEC TEL 62. Finalised report to be circulated (early 2021 or ahead of APEC TEL 63). Beneficiaries: Selection criteria for participants, beneficiary profiles (e.g. participants, end users, policy makers, researchers/ analysts, gender) and how they will be engaged.Policy makers, regulators, government and industry representative involved in Internet and Digital economy strategy development Evaluation: Indicators developed to measure progress, project outcomes and impacts/ successes. Where possible provide indicators which could assess impacts on women.Well-attended workshop, in addition to the development of a case-study report following the conclusion of the Workshop, which may include the impact of the initiative to women. Linkages: Information on other APEC and non-APEC stakeholders and how they will be engaged. If and how this proposal builds on (but does not duplicate) the work of other projects. How will this activity promote cross fora collaboration?Possible involvement of DSG for inputs and comments of the final report. ................

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