APEC Self-Funded Project Proposal Coversheet

APEC Self-Funded Project Proposal CoversheetProject Title:APEC Education Research NetworkProject Number (Assigned by Secretariat):HRD 03 2020SCommittee / WG / Sub-fora / Task-force:HRDWG EDNETProposing APEC economy:ChinaCo-sponsoring economies (if any):Date approved by fora: Expected start date:2021Completion date:2025Project summary:(Describe the project in under 150 words. Your summary should include the project topic, goals, planned activities, timing and location. You must provide more details information by answering the questions on the next page). (Summary must be no longer than the box provided. Cover sheet must fit on one page) The project is an extension of APEC Education Research Network implemented by China from 2015 to 2020. Over past five years, APEC Education Research Network has provided support to the Education Network as well as education collaboration of member economies with expertise and resources of the National Institute of Education Sciences of China. It has contributed to the development of APEC Education Strategy and its action plan, “APEC Education Strategy Dialogue: Competencies, Innovation and Employability” and APEC Report on Education and Economic Development, among other things. Recognizing the need for knowledge sharing and mutual learning among APEC member economies, it is proposed to extend APEC Education Research Network as a platform where APEC economies can share knowledge and information towards better-informed policy making for the region. It will build on lessons and experiences gained from past five years and push forward education research collaboration involving research organizations, education institutions and private sectors in APEC region.Revolving around topic issues such as education response to COVID-19, education innovation in digital age and future education, APEC Education Research Network will carry out thematic collaborative study, hold meetings, workshops and webinars, and develop a website, aiming at producing concrete deliverables such as thematic reports, policy briefs, case studies. The activities will be carried out from 2021 to 2025, with dates to be decided in consultation with member economies.Total cost of project (USD):Project Overseer Information and Declaration:Name: Wang YiTitle: Director of the Division of International OrganizationsOrganization: Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of ChinaTel: 86 010-66096348E-mail: guanx@moe.As Project Overseer and on behalf of the proposing APEC economy, I will ensure that all Project outputs (Project reports, proceedings, slides, presentations, CDs, etc.), will comply with the APEC Publications, APEC Logo and Copyrights Guidelines before being published. I will also ensure that the project will comply with the Guidelines on Managing Cooperation with Non-Members (the guidelines are at: ). I am aware that I am solely responsible for project fund management in relation to fully self-funded projects. Name of Project Overseer Name of Fora Chair/Lead Shepherd Date: Self-Funded Project SynopsisRelevance – Benefits to region: What problem does the project seek to address? Does it have sustained benefits for more than one economy?Education has been recognised as an essential area for regional cooperation since the foundation of APEC. Education supports sustainable economic growth and prosperity in Asia Pacific Region. Education research is foundation of evidence-based policymaking. The APEC economies increasingly look to policies and practices of other economies to inform and inspire their policymaking.The project proposes to extend APEC Education Research Network that has provided intellectual and technical support to the work of Education Network as well as education collaboration of member economies, with expertise and resources of the National Institute of Education Sciences of China. From 2015 to 2020, the network has contributed to the development of APEC Education Strategy and its action plan, “APEC Education Strategy Dialogue: Competencies, Innovation and Employability” and APEC Report on Education and Economic Development, among other things. Recognizing the need for knowledge sharing and mutual learning among APEC member economies, it will build on lessons and experiences gained from past five years and push forward education research collaboration involving research organizations, education institutions and private sectors for the benefits of all APEC member economies.Relevance – Capacity Building: How will the project build the capacity of APEC members (refer to capacity building goals, objectives and principles at Appendix K of the Guidebook). APEC Education Research Network will build the capacity of APEC members through obtaining, sharing, strengthening, maintaining and developing knowledge, abilities, skills and technical know-how to improve their policies and practices in the education sector.The purpose of the Network is to facilitate communication of policies and related research in APEC economies for them to learn from each other, to inform and inspire policymakers and researchers in APEC economies by sharing best practices; to engage in joint research to address common challenges in the APEC region, and to consolidate knowledge sharing for dissemination on a larger scale. Another function of the APEC Education Research Network is to provide institutional memory for previous works. It builds on experience and lessons learned from previous projects to reinforce capacities of participating education institutions and complement the work of other stakeholders. In particular, it will fulfil the needs and opportunities of members in a catalytic way, so as to facilitate each member’s efforts and support member economies to own the institutional capacity acquired for long term impact.In doing so, hopefully it will help attain sustainable growth and equitable development in the Asia-Pacific region, reduce economic disparities among APEC economies, improve the economic and social well-being of the people; and deepen the spirit of community in the Asia Pacific.Objectives: State the key objectives of the project. The APEC Education Research Network aims at a platform where education research organizations and relevant institutions of APEC economies can share and compile knowledge and information towards better-informed policymaking for all the APEC economies and better social and economic wellbeing in the whole region.Alignment – APEC: Describe specific APEC priorities, goals, strategies and/ or statements that the project supports, and explain how the project will contribute to their achievement. The project is aligned with the theme of “optimizing human potential towards a future of shared prosperity”, in particular, such priorities as “inclusive economic participation through digital economic technology” and “driving innovative sustainability” for APEC Malaysia 2020. The project is aligned with the commitment made by APEC Economic Leaders in 2017 that “we recognized the vital importance of continuing to work for quality and equitable education to enable people of all ages to meet the challenges of rapid changes in today’s world.”The project is aligned with the statement in 2016 Leaders’ Declaration that “we recognize the vital importance of continuing work towards an inclusive education agenda that will enable people of all ages to meet the challenges of a globalized world. Furthermore, realizing that equitable access to high-quality education and training will allow our people to develop skills and competencies from early childhood and through their lifetime, we must focus our efforts on improving the quality, mobility and access to education including in partnership with employers and soft skills development.The project will support member economies to “collaborate on improving education in the Asia-Pacific region under the principle established in the APEC Education Strategy that outlines a path for achieving a strong and cohesive APEC education community characterized by inclusive and quality education that support sustainable economic growth and social well-being, enhances competencies, accelerates innovation and increase employability” as noted in 2016 Leaders’ Declaration.The project is also aligned with the statement of the 2015 Leaders' Declaration that "we will continue to drive regional and global economic prosperity through quality economic growth", among others, through "investing in human capital development", particularly "to redouble our efforts to empower our people with the tools to benefit from and participate in economic growth".The project will create synergy among APEC economies by knowledge sharing and better informed policymaking, resonating the statement of the 2015 Leaders' Declaration that "underscore the synergy between our ambition to improve human capital development and our goals to improve people-to-people connectivity and to continue the promotion of cross-border cooperation in education".Alignment – Forum: How does the project align with your forum’s work plan/ strategic plan?It is aligned with the HRDWG’s mission of “sharing knowledge, experience, and skills to strengthen human resource development and promote sustainable economic growth, in particular, developing 21st century knowledge and skills for all” noted in the HRDWG’s Strategic Plan 2017-2020.Methodology: How do you plan to implement the project? Briefly address the following: Work plan: Project timelines, dates of key activities and deliverable outputs.The following activities will be carried out from 2021 to 2025, with dates to be decided in consultation with member economies: (1)Thematic collaborative study on commonly-concerned topics (2)Meetings, workshops and webinars; Revolving around the following topics: (1)Education response to COVID-19 (2)Impacts of COVID-19 on educational development in future (3)Education innovation in digital age (4)Other topics commonly concerned by member economies;Towards the following deliverables (1)Thematic reports (2)Policy briefs (3)Case study of best practices.Beneficiaries: Selection criteria for participants, beneficiary profiles (e.g. participants, end users, policy makers, researchers/ analysts, gender) and how they will be engaged.The targeted beneficiaries and relevant stakeholders include policymakers, researchers, administrators, students and faculties of education institutions. The participants will be engaged in network meetings and joint publications and benefit from better informed and evidence based policies and practices as a result of sharing best practices.Evaluation: Indicators developed to measure progress, project outcomes and impacts/ successes. Where possible provide indicators which could assess impacts on women.(1) Whether the themes and priorities of the respective host economy of the year has been addressed and reflected in the deliverables. (2) Whether he project outcomes is designed, produced and finalized in consultation with member economies to ensure inclusiveness and broad applicability.(3) Whether participants of the project includes both men and women representatives on an equal basis to demonstrate gender equality. Linkages: Information on other APEC and non-APEC stakeholders and how they will be engaged. If and how this proposal builds on (but does not duplicate) the work of other projects. How will this activity promote cross fora collaboration?The project will involve consultation of various APEC stakeholders and incorporate global agenda such as UN SDG and UNESCO Education 2030. In that case, it will invite the representatives of other international organizations such as UNESCO, World Bank and OECD to benefit from their expertise and experiences. ................

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