[Name/Date line]

Rikki –tikki-tavi


Rudyard Kipling




• Suspense is a feeling of ______________________________________________

• Suspense makes the reader ____________________________________________

• Suspense is created by _______________________________________________

• When is a time that you have felt suspense? (Examples)


• ______________________________________ about what will happen in a story.

• When you make predictions, you _____________________________ because

you want to know if ______________________________________________

How to make a good prediction-

• Review what you already know about _________________________________.

• Guess ___________________________________________________________. What events might result?

• Base your prediction on characters’ ____________________________________



• Foreshadowing occurs when a ________________________________________


• Foreshadowing ____________________________________________________

• Foreshadowing is often accomplished through ____________________________.

• “_________________________________________”


You see a small child stepping in front of a speeding car…You get the chance to sing in front of a thousand people…Your best friend needs help standing up to a bully…All of these are occasions that might make you feel brave.

Think of a time when you felt brave. Describe the situation. ______________________

Define brave (bravery) in your own words: ____________________________________


Vocabulary Definitions

Directions: Write the definition and part of speech for each vocabulary word.

valiant POS________



revive POS________



cunningly POS________



cower POS________



gait POS________



fledgling POS________



consolation POS________



singe POS________



Vocabulary Practice

valiant cunningly gait consolation

revive cower fledgling singe

A. Write the word from the list that best completes each sentence.

1. A puppy might ____________________ if it hears an angry voice or loud noise.

2. After they faint, people need to __________________ before they can stand up again.

3. A ___________________ might be a pat on the back or a kind word.

4. Most heroes are ______________________; they are very brave.

5. Someone who is trying to trick another person needs to act ____________________ to be successful.

6. A horse with a hurt leg will walk with an irregular ___________________.

7. A ___________________ will not fly as well as an adult bird.

8. You can make paper look old if you ___________________ the edges carefully.

B. Writing Option Imagine that you are looking out a window and can see what happens in Rikki-tikki’s garden. How would you explain what is going on to someone who cannot see out the window? Write two sentences that describe events in the story. Use at least one word from the box in each sentence.



Name _______________________________________ Period ____________________


Reading Skill


A prediction is a reasonable guess about what will happen in a story. When you make predictions, you stay involved because you want to find out if your predictions are correct.

Follow these steps to make predictions:

• Review what you already know about the setting and the plot.

• Guess what the characters might do next. What events might result?

• Base your prediction on characters’ words, actions, and personalities.

Directions: Use this chart to record clues from the story and your predictions based on these clues. An example has been done for you.

|Clues from the Story |Predictions |

|Teddy’s mother takes Rikki-tikki home. |Rikki-tikki will become a part of Teddy’s family. |

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Name _______________________________________ Date _____________________


Literary Analysis


Suspense is a feeling of growing tension and excitement. You may feel suspense when you watch a mystery on TV and you’re about to find out who committed the crime. Writers may build suspense by using foreshadowing, clues or hints about what will happen later. Some foreshadowing clues are unusual statements or strong warnings made by characters in the story.

Directions: Record clues in the first column that suggest Rikki-tikki will win his battle with the snakes. In the second column write clues that indicate he will lose. Then answer the question below.

|Clues That Indicate Rikki-Tikki Will Win |Clues That Indicate Rikki-Tikki Will Lose |

|The first line describes “the great war that Rikki-tikki-tavi | |

|fought single-handed” | |

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How does Kipling use different kinds of foreshadowing clues to create suspense?

Name _______________________________________ Date _____________________


Question Support: Literary Anaylsis

1. Recall Why is Rikki-tikki grateful to Teddy’s family?__________________________

2. Recall Why does Rikki-tikki destroy Nagaina’s eggs?__________________________

3. Represent At first, Teddy’s mother doesn’t want the mongoose too close to Teddy. Use a timeline to show three events that help Rikki-tikki prove himself.

Directions: Answer the questions.

4. Predict Complete the following sentences.

My most accurate prediction was that .

I made this prediction because .

My least accurate prediction was that .

I made this prediction because .

5. Analyze Suspense Write W next to any clues that tell you that Rikki-tikki will beat the snakes. Write L before any clues that tell you Rikki-tikki will lose.

___ a. Rikki-tikki does not have a lot of experience fighting snakes.

___ b. Nag knows that a mongoose in the garden means death for him and his family.

___ c. Rikki-tikki saves Teddy by killing Karait.

___ d. Rikki-tikki is afraid that he will not be able to bite and kill Nag.

6. Compare Literary Works Compare “Rikki-tikki-tavi” and “The Last Dog.” Write an X next to any sentences you believe are triue.

_____ a. Both stories focus on the relationship between animals and humans.

_____ b. Both stories feature a hero who conquers many enemies.

_____ c. In “Rikki-tikki-tavi,” an animal protects humans.

_____ d. In “The Last Dog,” a human protects an animal.

_____ e. In both stories, animals are more intelligent than humans.

7. Make Judgments Write an X next to the statement that describes your opinion of this story.

_____ a. “Rikki-tikki-tavi” is a great adventure story.

_____ b. “Rikki-tikki-tavi” is not a great adventure story.

Give two reasons that support your opinion.



Name ______________________________ Period ___________________


Literary Anaylsis


Answer the question and give two specific details from the story to support your answer.

|Question |Answer |Supporting Detail |Supporting Detail |

|1. Which characters in the story| | | |

|have conflicts with the snakes in| | | |

|the garden? | | | |

|2. Why do Nag and Nagaina enter | | | |

|the house? | | | |

|3. How does Rikki Tikki Tavi | | | |

|save Teddy’s life? | | | |


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