COLLABORATE 13 Conference Report


2021 National Education Seminar

July 26 – 29, 2021


Reno, NV USA

Seminar Report

{your name here}

{your company name here}

What is this seminar?

NES is the premier educational opportunity for professionals who manage personal property and assets for federal, state and local governments, contractors, colleges and universities and private industries. NES provides important networking opportunities with policy makers and your industry peers. This educational event is designed for managers, administrators, supervisors, and employees at all levels and in all aspects of personal property and asset management in the public and private sector. NES encourages educational sessions that are theoretical or practical in application and address a topic from a managerial or administrative approach, case studies, legislative/regulatory aspects or best practices perspective of property management with introductory, intermediate, or advanced levels of complexity. 

What did I learn?

To answer that question, I will provide a brief set of details for each of the sessions that I attended over the 4-day seminar. In addition, I will share the seminar proceedings by several means including presentations to work groups within {your company name here}.

As a prelude, the goals that I set before attending 2021 NES included:

• {list your seminar goals here}

My participation met all the preceding goals in addition to providing the opportunity to discuss all aspects of personal property and asset management in the public and private sector.

Detailed Session Information

General Session Presentations

Session Title:

Session Presenter Name:

Session Summary: {summarize in your own words}

My Major Takeaways:

• {describe concepts, techniques, tips that were learned or re-emphasized}

Action Items(s):

• {describe actions that you intend to pursue with information learned}

Estimated Return on Investment:

{estimate cost savings and return on investment by implementing the actions described above, if appropriate.}

Session Title:

Session Presenter Name:

Session Summary: {summarize in your own words}

My Major Takeaways:

• {describe concepts, techniques, tips that were learned or re-emphasized}

Action Items(s):

• {describe actions that you intend to pursue with information learned}

Estimated Return on Investment:

{estimate cost savings and return on investment by implementing the actions described above, if appropriate.}

{Copy the above format to report on additional keynotes you attend.}

Educational Breakout Sessions

{repeat this block for each session that you attended}

Session Date and time:

Session Title:

Session Presenter Name:

Session Summary: {summarize in your own words}

My Major Takeaways:

• {describe concepts, techniques, tips that were learned or re-emphasized}

Action Items(s):

• {describe actions that you intend to pursue with information learned}

Estimated Return on Investment:

{estimate cost savings and return on investment by implementing the actions described above, if appropriate.}

Networking Opportunities

{repeat this block for each session that you attended}

Event: {give descriptive title here}

Colleagues Met: {list names and titles of the new connections you made and how they may be helpful to your work in the future}

Discussion Summary: {summarize in your own words}

My Major Takeaways:

• {describe concepts, techniques, tips that were discussed}

Action Items(s):

• {describe actions that you intend to pursue with information learned}

Estimated Return on Investment:

{estimate cost savings and return on investment by implementing the actions described above, if appropriate.}

Vendors and New Products

{repeat this block as appropriate}

Company Name:

Company Representative:

Contact Information:

Company Description: {summarize in your own words}

How Company/Product/Service Can Help:

• {describe concepts, techniques, tips that were discussed}

Action Items(s):

• {describe actions that you intend to pursue with information learned}

Estimated Return on Investment:

{estimate cost savings and return on investment by implementing the actions described above, if appropriate.}


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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