CCSS – Narrative Nonfiction K-6 available in the library

CCSS – Narrative Nonfiction K-6 available in the library


Narrative nonfiction or literary nonfiction is a genre of writing that uses literary styles and techniques to create factually, accurate narratives. These titles communicate information through personal accounts, journal entries, interviews, memoirs, and diaries.

020 WIN

Winter, Jeanette. The librarian of Basra: a true story from Iraq. Orlando: Harcourt, c2005.

Summary:  During the Iraq War of 2003, librarian Alia Muhammad saves thirty thousand new and old books in her Basra library from destruction.

027.4 RUU

Ruurs, Margriet. My librarian is a camel: how books are brought to children around the world. Honesdale, Pa: Boyds Mills, 2005. Summary:  Contains photographs, information, and personal stories about mobile libraries and their young patrons in countries around the world, showing some of the unique ways by which books are delivered, including boat, camel, and elephant.

323.119 FRE

Freedman, Russell. Freedom walkers: the story of the Montgomery bus boycott. New York: Holiday House, c2006. Summary:  Presents the story of the Montgomery bus boycott and the key persons and events that contributed to the year-long struggle for equal rights on Montgomery's city buses.

324.7 STI

Stier, Catherine. If I ran for president. Morton Grove, Ill: Albert Whitman, 2007. Summary:  Several children imagine what it would be like to run for U.S. president, thinking about the fun parts, such as appearing on T-shirts and bumper stickers, and the work, including studying the nation's problems and debating issues.

328.73 KEN

Kennedy, Edward Moore. My senator and me: a dog's-eye view of Washington, D.C. New York: Scholastic Press, 2006. Summary:  This book follows Senator Kennedy and his dog Splash through a busy day in Washington, D.C., from press conferences to meetings with school groups to committee discussions to a floor vote.

363.28 NEL

Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux. Bad news for outlaws: the remarkable life of Bass Reeves, deputy U.S. marshal. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, c2009. Summary:  This biography profiles the life of Bass Reeves, a former slave who was recruited as a deputy United States Marshal in the area that was to become Oklahoma.

371.82 MOR

Mortenson, Greg. Three cups of tea: one man's journey to change the child at a time. New York: Puffin Books, 2009. Summary:  An adaptation of the bestselling book about the American Greg Mortenson's building of over 60 schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

553.6 KUR

Kurlansky, Mark. The story of salt. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, c2006. Summary:  Illustrations, sidebars, and maps tell the story of the history of salt, how it shaped ancient civilizations, and its influence on the world today.

599.2 MON

Montgomery, Sy. Quest for the tree kangaroo: an expedition to the cloud forest of New Guinea. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. Summary:  Full-color, illustrated photographs provide detailed information on the search for the tree kangaroo in Papua New Guinea's cloud forest, and describes its habits, behaviors, and characteristics.

599.63 HAT

Hatkoff, Isabella. Owen & Mzee: the language of friendship. New York: Scholastic Press, c2007.

599.63 HAT Hatkoff, Isabella. Owen & Mzee: the true story of a remarkable friendship. New York: Scholastic Press, 2006.

599.67 BUC

Buckley, Carol. Tarra & Bella: the elephant and dog who became best friends. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, c2009. Summary:  A stray Labrador named Bella befriends Tarra, a former circus elephant and resident of the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. While the pairing is unusual, the two are inseparable--even when a crisis threatens to separate them. Based on the national media sensation, this is a true story of friendship and loyalty.

791.5 SWE

Sweet, Melissa. Balloons over Broadway: the true story of the puppeteer of Macy's Parade. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, c2011.

921 LONGWORTH Kerley, Barbara. What to do about Alice? : How Alice Roosevelt broke the rules, charmed the world, and drove her father Teddy crazy! New York: Scholastic Press, 2008. Summary:  An illustrated biography of Alice Roosevelt Longworth that focuses on her experiences while her father was president of the United States.


White, Linda Arms. I could do that! : Esther Morris gets women the vote. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 2005. Summary:  In 1869, a woman whose "can-do" attitude had shaped her life was instrumental in making Wyoming the first state to allow women to vote, then became the first woman to hold public office in the United States.


Giovanni, Nikki. Rosa. New York: Holt, 2005. Summary:  Presents an illustrated account of Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955, and the subsequent bus boycott by the black community.


Ray, Deborah Kogan. Down the Colorado: John Wesley Powell, the one-armed explorer. New York: Francis Foster Books/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007. Summary:  Chronicles the experiences of John Wesley Powell, who led the first exploration down the Colorado River and through the Grand Canyon.

921 WASHINGTON Jurmain, Suzanne. George did it. New York: Dutton Children's Books, c2006. Summary:  Presents a look at the life of President George Washington, in simple text with illustrations, providing a humorous account of how he tried to avoid taking on the role after serving in the U.S. military during the revolution.

937 DEE Deem, James M. Bodies from the ash. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005. Summary:  Describes the archaeological excavations that began on the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum which had been buried by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79.

973.3 STG

St. George, Judith. The journey of: the one and only Declaration of Independence. New York: Philomel Books, c2005. Summary:  An illustrated introduction to the Declaration of Independence, from its origin to its final home in the National Archives.

975.6 FRI

Fritz, Jean. The Lost Colony of Roanoke. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, c2004.

Summary:  Describes the English colony of Roanoke, which was founded in 1585, and discusses the mystery of its disappearance.


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