Ministers of a New Covenant - Seeking God's Heart

Ministers of a New Covenant


People sometimes say the strangest things on their way out of a service. Some seem hard pressed for something good to say. Some of the best one-liners that preachers have reported are, "You always manage to find something to fill up the time." "I don't care what they say, I like your sermons." "If I'd known you were going to be good today I'd have brought a neighbor." "Did you know there are 243 panes of glass in the windows?" "We shouldn't make you preach so often." 

Well, it may be mine to preach, but is all our responsibility to be ministers of the new covenant.

What do we see that we are to with it and what is the message?

2 Corinthians 3:1-6

1. Reputation for godliness v.1

2. Used in transforming lives v.2-3

3. Confidence in the Lord v.4

4. Humble dependence on God’s power v.5-6a

5. New Covenant Message v.6b


We who are saved should never be ashamed to teach the good news message of God’s new covenant. We should never seem lackadaisical or bored with its transforming message for a lost world.

We are to:

• Maintain a reputation for godly living

• Teach the gospel that lives are transformed

• Have confidence in the Lord to do His part

• Humbly depend on God’s power

• Remember that the simple message is “the Spirit gives life.”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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