Global growth is slowing, and not surprisingly, many ...

Great Decisions FALL 2020 Topic Descriptions DATE \@ "dd-MMM-yy" 21-Aug-20DateTopicPresenters17 Sep2020Introduction and Review of International Current EventsWhat is happening around the world? There are many other equally important communities and regions outside the US that are largely ignored by our cable news enterprises. People everywhere are struggling with age-old problems plus the new ones caused by the pandemic and resulting economic collapse. We will take a current events cruise and look for successes and difficulties. Afterwards, you will receive a digital list of our best internet news and analysis sources instead of the bags of tourist bling that you would have to take back home on an airplane. Free with your renewed OLLI membership! William24 Sep2020How Financial Technology is Changing the World (FinTech)Myron will show how innovation in financial technology, called Fintech, will impact the lives of billions of people around the world including 20 million people in the U.S. who do not have access to banking service. Some experts say the global economy is undergoing the largest technological transformation in history. That’s more than the telephone, automobile, and electricity combined! Fintech is a big part of this transformationMyron1 Oct2020Effects of COVID-19 on World EconomyDavid will present an updated review of the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the quarantines imposed around the world. While there are many variables in the infection rates, the three most likely scenarios will be examined for their impact on local and national economies. DavidDateTopicPresenters8 Oct2020Cybersecurity and Electronic Voting Systems William15 Oct2020Cognitive Bias Survival Guide You know the feeling: Every day you get flooded with new ideas and information. You barely have enough time to process it all. Sure, you’re a smart and rational person that puts a lot of thought into the decisions you make. But the brain still takes decision-making shortcuts all the time. It especially happens when you need to act quickly, there is too much information, or limited memory.Here’s the deal: Research suggests that there are a number of intellectual stumbling blocks which can get you entangled in wrong judgment without you even noticing. They are called Cognitive Biases. The result is errors and irrational decisions that can hold you back. To help all of us escape this mental quicksand we’ve put together this real-world Cognitive Bias Survival Guide. It’s designed to reduce wrong conclusions and bad choices, plus protect you from charlatans trying to exploit ignorance. Think of it as anti-virus software for the brain!Gary22 Oct2020(bonusclass)Update on Vaccines for COVID-19 William, Donna, LoisDateTopicPresenters29 Oct2020(bonusClass)Russia Patti3 Nov 2020National ElectionAll5 Nov2020Discussion on Post-Election Changes in National Security and International Relations Policies A whole new ballgame or more of the same? The election results will profoundly affect both Congress and the Executive branch. Both domestic and international relations policies will change. With four more years of a Trump administration and a Republican Senate, we should expect to see more of the same but possibly more intense. With a Biden administration and a Republican Senate, it may resemble the tensions of the last four Obama years. With a Biden administration and a Democratic Congress, we might see a strong return to traditional domestic, international relations priorities. And fewer Tweets. However, we must remember that the Coronavirus will vote too. Let’s explore some possible directions - bring your crystal ball. William12 Nov2020Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Almost every nation has enacted laws criminalizing human trafficking, and international organizations, governments, and NGOs sponsor a large variety of projects to curb trafficking and slavery. Billions of dollars have been allocated to these efforts. What is the international community doing to combat slavery and trafficking? What are the experiences like for those being trafficked?DavidDateTopicPresenters19 Nov2020Climate Change and the Global Order Climate change has become one of the defining issues of our time. As much of the world bands together to come up with a plan, the U.S. remains the notable holdout. What is the rest of the world doing to combat climate change? What impact will the effects of climate change have on global geopolitics?Marvey3 Dec2020Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Global growth is slowing, and not surprisingly, many policymakers hope that AI will provide a magic solution. Policymakers in many countries are developing plans and funding research in artificial intelligence (AI). Global growth is slowing, and not surprisingly, many policymakers hope that AI will provide a magic solution. The EU, Brazil, and other Western countries have adopted regulations that grant users greater control over their data and require that firms using AI be transparent about how they use it. Will the U.S. follow suit?Charlie William10 Dec2020India and Pakistan How will the Kashmir situation affect the region, both economically and politically? India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi rode a wave of Hindu nationalism to a historic reelection in 2019. His first order of business was to revoke the special status granted to the Kashmir region, inflaming the rivalry between India and Pakistan. How will the Kashmir situation affect the region, both economically and politically?David ................

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