TSP NO: 012-GS-0001 Version 1

DATE: March 9, 2007


Army Traffic Safety Training Program

Introductory Course 1


U.S. Army Installation Management Command


PROPONENT FOR THIS TSP: United States Army Installation Management Command, ATTN:

FOREIGN DISCLOSURE RESTRICTIONS: This product has been reviewed by the product developers in coordination with the Installation Management Command foreign disclosure authority. This product is releasable to students from all requesting foreign countries without restrictions.


|TSP Number / Title |012-GS-0001 v1 / Army Traffic Safety Training Program |

|Effective Date |8 February 2007 |

|Supersedes TSP(s) / |NA |

|Lesson(s) | |

|TSP Users |Basic Combat Training Course (BCT), Advanced Individual Training (AIT), One Station Unit Training (OSUT) |

|Proponent |The proponent for this document is the Installation Management Agency |

|Improvement Comments |Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to |

| |Publications and Blank Forms. Completed forms, or equivalent response, will be mailed or attached to electronic|

| |e-mail and transmitted to: |

| | |

|Security Clearance / |Unclassified |

|Access | |

|Foreign Disclosure |FD5. This product/publication has been reviewed by the product developers in coordination with the Commander, |

|Restrictions |Installation Management Activity foreign disclosure authority. This product is releasable to students from all |

| |requesting foreign countries without restrictions. |


|Purpose |This Training Support Package provides the instructor with a standardized lesson plan for presenting instruction|

| |for: |

| |Task Number Task Title |

| |012-GS-0001 Army Traffic Safety Training Program |

| |Introductory Course 1 |

|Delivery |Lesson Number Technique of Delivery |

|Technique | |

| | Video/Discussion |

This TSP




Preface 3

Lesson Plan 5

Section I Administrative Data 5

Section II Introduction 7

TLO: Identify risk behavior, the risk of a POV accident, and accident aviodance measures, 7

Section III Presentation 8

ELO A: Identify Risks associated with driving 8

ELO B: List the four main principles of Composite Risk Management (CRM) 9

ELO C: Discuss the three parts of the ACT approach to driving 9

ELO D: Identify Five Good Driving Habits you can live with 10

Section IV Summary 11

Section V Student Evaluation 11

Appendix A - PowerPoint Masters A-1

Appendix B - Test(s) and Test Solution(s) B-1

Army Traffic Safety Training Program


|All Courses Including | Course Number Version Course Title |

|This Lesson |012-GS-0001 1 Army Traffic Safety Training Program (ATSTP) |

|Task(s) |Task Number Task Title |

|Taught(*) or |_____________ Recognize different aspects of an effective traffic safety program |

|Supported | |

|Reinforced Task(s) | Task Number Task Title |

|Academic Hours |The academic hours required to teach this lesson are as follows: |

| |IDT |

| |Hours/Methods |

| |50 mins / Video/Discussion |

| |Test 0 hrs 5 mins |

| |Test Review 0 hrs 5 mins |

| |Total Hours: 1 hour |

|Test Lesson Number | Hours Lesson No. |

| |Testing |

| |(to include test review) 10 mins |

|Prerequisite Lesson(s) | Lesson Number Lesson Title |

| |None |

|Clearance Access |Security Level: Unclassified |

| |Requirements: There are no clearance or access requirements for the lesson. |

|Foreign Disclosure |FD5. This product/publication has been reviewed by the product developers in coordination with the Commander, |

|Restrictions |Installation Management Activity foreign disclosure authority. This product is releasable to students from all |

| |requesting foreign countries without restrictions. |

|References |Number |Title |Date |Additional Information |

| |FM 5 - 19 |Composite Risk Management |Aug 2006 | |

|Student Study | |

|Assignments |None |

|Instructor Requirements|One qualified instructor with a thorough knowledge of the Army Traffic Safety Training Program, Introductory Course |

| |1. |

|Additional Support | |Stu Ratio | | |

| |Name | |Qty |Man Hours |

|Personnel Requirements |None | | | |

|Equipment Required |Id |Stu Ratio |Instr Ratio| | | |

| |Name | | |Spt |Qty |Exp |

|for Instruction |Computer with DVD or CD capabilities |1:30 |1:1 |No |1 |No |

| |Screen, Projector | | |No |1 |No |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |

|Materials Required |Instructor Materials: |

| |TSP Lesson Plan |

| |References |

| |FM 5 - 19, Composite Risk Management, Aug 2006 |

| |Army Traffic Safety Training Program Introductory Course 1, DVD |

| |Student Materials: |

| |Student handouts - None |

|Classroom, Training |Classroom, General Purpose |

|Area, and Range | |

|Requirements | |

|Ammunition Requirements| | |Stu Ratio |Instr Ratio |Spt Qty |

| |Id Name |Exp | | | |

| |None | | | | |

|Instructional Guidance |NOTE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified |

| |reference material. |

| |Instructors must review the video ATSTP Introductory Course 1 for the latest information and updates prior to |

|Special Note |presenting the class. |

| |You must test run the video on the equipment you will be using. Different computers will vary the method of |

| |delivery. Some systems may not even be able to play the video! |

| | |

|Special Note | |

| | |

| |Effective 1 Mar 07 ASMIS-2 will be changed to TRiPS. The acronym TRiPS stands for Travel Risk Planning System. |

| | |

| |Please identify this change to the students until the video is updated. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Proponent Lesson Plan |Name |Rank |Position |Date |

|Approvals |__________ |_____ |_______________ | |

| |__________ |_____ | | |

| | | |_______________ | |

| | |


Method of Instruction: Video/Discussion

Instructor to Student Ratio is: 1:30

Time of Instruction: 10 mins

Media: Video

References: N/A

Security Classification: Unclassified

|Motivator |Look around at the people sitting next to you and others in the class. Next year some of your classmates may be |

| |dead. Not as a result of combat, but as a result of one of the biggest killers of military personnel – |

| |Automobile Accidents…! |

| |This lesson is designed to provide you with information needed to become a safe Army driver. This lesson is |

| |designed to give you proven techniques that will reduce your risks of being in a serious auto accident, thus |

| |protecting you and those around you. Pay attention during the instruction. The life you save may be your own |

| |(or mine). |

|Terminal Learning | |

|Objective |At the completion of this lesson, you [the student] will: |

| |Action: |Recognize different features of an effective Army Traffic Safety Training Program |

| |Conditions: |In a classroom environment with facilitated group discussions |

| |Standards: |Recognize different features of an effective Army Traffic Safety Training Program on a |

| | |multiple choice test with 80% accuracy. |

| |No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) |

|Safety Requirements |due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment. Exercise care in personal movement in and through such|

| |areas. Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring. In event of electrical storms, you will be instructed|

| |to power down equipment. |

|Risk Assessment Level |Low |

|Environmental |NOTE: It is the responsibility of all Soldiers to protect the environment from damage. |

|Considerations | |

|Evaluation |At the end of this lesson you will participate in a test that measures your ability to recognize and explain |

| |features of an effective Traffic Safety program. |

|Instructional Lead-In |At the completion of this lesson, you [the student] will be able to discuss and explain several features of an |

| |Effective Safe Driving Program. |

| |Welcome to the Army Traffic Safety Training Program Introductory Course 1. This lesson will identify the |

| |components of an effective safe driving program. During this lesson, we will frequently refer to FM 5-19, |

| |Composite Risk Management. |

| |NOTE: Show the introductory segment of the video and be prepared to stop video on cue after Title 2, Ch 2. |

| |NOTE: During the introduction you have two pauses for student discussion. |

| |1. Have you been involved in a collision or know someone who has? (Title 1, Ch 9) |

| |2. How has his life changed? (This stop is after the section where the SP killed 2 people while he was driving |

| |while intoxicated) (Title 2, Ch 2) |


NOTE: Inform the students of the Enabling Learning Objective requirements.


|ACTION: |Identify Risks associated with safe driving |

|CONDITIONS: |In a classroom environment with facilitated group discussions and video |

|STANDARDS: |Identify the five most serious risks associated with safe driving |

1. Learning Step / Activity 1. Five Common Driving Risks

Method of Instruction: Video/Discussion

Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:30

Time of Instruction: 10 mins

Media: Video

References: NA

Security Classification: Unclassified

Lead-In: Every time you are in a vehicle you may face five common driver risks. The video will explain these risks in detail. You should be prepared to discuss each at the conclusion of this session.

NOTE: Show the next series of the video and stop video on cue after the motorcycle section (Title 5, Ch3).

NOTE: During this section there will be a pause at Title 4, Ch 2 with the question “Why do drivers speed” which gives you an opportunity for student comments.

| |CHECK ON LEARNING: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the ELO. |

| |Let’s review what we’ve covered so far. |

| |NOTE: Read the question. |

| |Q: What are the five most serious risks associated with driving that you will face? |

| |A: (1) Impairment, |

| |(2) not wearing seat belts, |

| |(3) speeding, |

| |(4) following too close |

| |(5) operating a motorcycle. |

| | |

| | |

NOTE: Inform the students of the Enabling Learning Objective requirements.


|ACTION: |List the four main principles of Composite Risk Management (CRM) |

|CONDITIONS: |In a classroom environment with facilitated group discussions or scenarios |

|STANDARDS: |List the four main principle of Composite Risk Management (CRM) |

1. Learning Step / Activity 1. Five basic principles of Composite Risk Management (CRM)

Method of Instruction: Video/Discussion

Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16

Time of Instruction: 10 mins

Media: Video

References: FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management

Security Classification: Unclassified

NOTE: Show Video and stop on cue after the CRM section (Title 5, Ch 4)

NOTE: Ask students to list the five basic principles of Composite Risk Management.

|Check on Learning |CHECK ON LEARNING: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the Learning Activity. |

| |NOTE: Read the question. |

| |Q: What are the four basic principles of Composite Risk Management (CRM)? |

| |A: (1) Take no unnecessary risks, |

| |(2) make risk decisions at the appropriate level, |

| |(3) accept risks only when the benefit outweighs the costs, and |

| |(4) integrate CRM into every level of planning and operations. |

| |(5) do not be risk averse |

| | |

| | |


|ACTION: |Discuss the three parts of the ACT (assess the situation, consider options, take action) |

| |approach to driving. |

|CONDITIONS: |In a classroom environment with facilitated group discussions or scenarios |

|STANDARDS: |Give an explanation of the ACT approach to driving. |

1. Learning Step / Activity 1. The ACT approach to driving:

Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion

Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:30

Time of Instruction: 10 mins

Media: Video

References: FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management

Security Classification: Unclassified

Lead-In: At the end of this block, you will be able to discuss the ACT (assess the situation, consider options, take action) approach to driving:

1. Show video and stop on cue after the end of the ACT section of the video (Title 6, Ch 1)

NOTE: During the ACT portion there will be a pause in the video for student comments to the question, “How would you apply ACT?” (Title 5, Ch 6)

|Check on Learning |CHECK ON LEARNING: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the ELO. |

| |Let’s review what we’ve covered so far. |

| |NOTE: |

| |Q: What is the ACT approach to driving? |

| |A: 1. A - Assess the Situation |

| |2. C - Consider the Options |

| |3. T - Take Action |

| |NOTE: Optional show slide ATSTP-6, The ACT Approach |

| | |

NOTE: Inform the students of the Enabling Learning Objective requirements.


|ACTION: |Identify Five Good Driving Habits you can live with |

|CONDITIONS: |In a classroom environment with facilitated group discussions or scenarios |

|STANDARDS: |List five good driving habits |

1. Learning Step / Activity 1. Five Good Driving Habits to Develop

Method of Instruction: Video/Discussion

Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:30

Time of Instruction: 10 mins

Media: Video

References: NA

Security Classification: Unclassified

Lead-In: Developing effective Driving Habits is a skill you can live with. At the end of this session you will be able to list five habits of good driving.

Show video and stop on cue after the end of the of the video (Title 7, Ch 2)

NOTE: There will be a pause in this section that asks the question, “Do you know of a collision that was the result of a poorly maintained vehicle?” Allow students to comment. (Title 6, Ch 7)

|Check on Learning |CHECK ON LEARNING: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the ELO. |

| |Let’s review what we’ve covered so far. |

| |NOTE: Read the question. |

| |Q: What are five good driving habits? |

| |A: (1) scan 360 degrees, |

| |(2) adjust speed for conditions, |

| |(3) communicate your intentions, |

| |(4) share the road, |

| |(5) know and maintain your vehicle |

| | |


Method of Instruction: Video/Discussion

Instructor to Student Ratio is: 1:30

Time of Instruction: 5 mins

Media: Video

References: FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management: Unclassified

|Check on Learning |Determine if the students have learned the material presented by soliciting student questions and explanations. |

| |Ask the students questions and correct misunderstandings. |

| |Let’s review this lesson by answering some questions and then we will sum it up. |

| |Q: What are some of the risks associated with driving? |

| |A. Impairment, seat belts, speeding, following too close, and motorcycles. |

| |Q: Related to driving, what does the acronym ACT refer to? |

| |A: Assess the situation; consider the options and take action. |

| |NOTE: Student is not expected to state this verbatim but should be able to recall the high points of the policy.|

|Review / Summarize | |

|Lesson | |


|Testing Requirements | |

| |NOTE: At the end of this lesson you will be given a multiple choice test that covers the material just |

| |presented. You are expected to make a score of 80 or higher on the exam.” |

| |NOTE: Instructor distributes test. Give students 5 minutes to answer questions. When finished select specific |

| |students to tell their answers to each question. If wrong, have another student give correct answers and why it |

| |is correct. |

|Feedback Requirements |NOTE: Feedback is essential to effective learning. Schedule and provide feedback on the evaluation and any |

| |information to help answer students' questions about the test. Provide remedial training as needed. |

Appendix A - PowerPoint Masters


Appendix B - Test(s) and Test Solution(s)

You will have five minutes to complete this test. Circle the correct answer for each question. Do not look at your neighbors test. No talking when taking the test. Place paper face down to indicate you are finished.

I. What is the riskiest activity you will perform while serving in the military?

a Flying a helicopter

b Loading ammunition

c Weapons training

d Driving your car off post

2. What is the number one killer of soldiers?

a Enemy fire

b Roadway collisions

c Aircraft accidents

d Illness

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Driving Habits you can live with?

a Know and maintain your vehicle

b Adjust speed to conditions

c Save gas and drive small cars

d Communicate your intentions

4. Which of the following is NOT considered hazardous when driving?

a Anger

b Wearing seat belts

c Adjusting your radio

d Using a cell phone

5. What does the ACT Approach stand for?

a Always look both ways, cross on green, take your time

b Alter your driving pattern, confuse the police, try to avoid tickets

c Answer the phone, call 911 if emergency, take the shortest route

d Assess the situation, consider the options, take action

6. Can the MPs give you a ticket for not wearing a seat belt?

a Yes

b No

7. What’s the 4 second rule?

a A way to avoid tailgating

b The time it takes to react after drinking

c Time to stop at stop signs

d A time to cool down from road rage

8. Which is not required motorcycle protective equipment?

a Helmet

b Gloves

c Backpack

d Boots

9. Which is NOT a part of CRM?

a Weigh cost against benefit

b Look at the situation

c Make best safety decision

d Look for possible excuses

10. Which is NOT one of the top five reasons for motor vehicle fatalities or injuries?

a Driving impaired

b Driving with your window down

c Not wearing a seat belt

d Following too close


1. d

2. b

3. c

4. b

5. d

6. a

7. a

8. c

9. d

10. b

Appendix C - Practical Exercises and Solutions (N/A)

Appendix D - Student Handouts



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