School Council Minutes (Sept. 2019)

Settler's Green Public SchoolSchool Council Meeting MinutesTuesday, September 17,2019Time: 6:30-7:40pmAttendees: Paula da Silva ( Principal), Shauna Sarjeant (Vice-Principal), Leah Carroccia (Co-Chair), Anwar Ahmed (Co-Chair), Colleen Bowles, Jennifer Barrara, Mareia Duncan, Lorna Drys, Anita Rosic (Teacher Representitive)Welcome and Introductions (Paula da Silva)Approval of minutes (Leah/ Anwar)Appoint New Parent Council 2019-2020 School YearCo-Chairs – Lorna and AnwarSecretary – MarciaFundraising – LeahReview of By-laws (Paula da Silva)Request for Funds- Written request from Carlene Bellsmith (read by Paula da Silva) Re: Request of Funds for Book Title Purchases from the Forest of Reading ProgramDear Parent Council Members,The Library Learning Commons appreciates the partnership you showed during previous school years when you helped to fund the Forest of Reading program book purchases. This program was highly successful in the 2018-29 school year with some of our best participation yet. It is the LLC’s intention to run the same program for this 2019-20 school year, and as such, your partnership in funding the book purchases is once again being sought.For this year, the purchase of 2 sets of Blue Spruce titles, 2 sets of Silver Birch Express titles, 4 sets of Silver Birch fiction titles and 2 sets of Silver Birch non-fiction titles comes to approximately $1700. The LLC is respectfully requesting a total of $1700 to fund the 2019-20 Forest of Reading book title purchases. This request is coming quite early in the year as the vendor show to purchase the titles is at the end of October.Please note that the books continue to be used in our LLC for many years to come, and as such, make this financial investment one that has returns far beyond this year’s Forest of Reading.Thank you for your consideration and partnership in this matter.Carlene BellsmithTeacher-Librarian/ESLPrincipal’s reportOutdoor Learning Space - now has logs, buddy benchesNo re-organization occurred this year. Enrolment is as projected at 491New Teachers – Ms. Sampat, Ms. Mohammed, Ms. Nour, Mr. Gabrielli, Ms. CampbellCustodial Team Recognition – Staff has gone above and beyond to make our school look amazingBathrooms have been renovatedPizza will be organized by staff and supported by parent and student volunteers (Money will be going to support Outdoor Learning Area)Cultural Food Fair will be run by staff and will include food and performances.We are looking at organizing a Spring Fair that will have a small cost for familiesStaff is considering a musical for education week.Student Leadership Teams are being organized. Students are in the process of applying.Als Act of Kindness will continue. Parents are called when students are given an Als Act of Kindness. Names are drawn and students have lunch with administrators.Performances this year will include Walle Shaw, Ballet Creole and Jiggi Jump. Parents will be asked to pay a fee for the performances.We are looking at applying for the Outdoor Grant for Aussie X or Jungle Sport.STEAM class was explained. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math)School Activity Update:Terry Fox– All GradesStrings ClubGlee Club- ongoingPrimary Choir – OngoingJunior Choir - OngoingSoccer Tryouts are in progressProposed School Council Meetings: Nov. 19, 2019, Jan. 21 2020, Feb. 18, 2020, April 21, 2020, May 19, 2020)Meeting Adjourned ................

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