Unidad 1 – Join the Club


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General programme of contents

Foreign languages:


unit 1 – human rights

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand information and follow the argument of oral texts in different communicative contexts:

- A text about Gandhi.

- Two adolescents talking about the life of two people who have been important in the struggle against intolerance in the world.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Intolerance and injustice.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- The life and work of Mahatma Gandhi and his historical importance.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available; in this unit, an essay about patriotism.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; correct use of connectors to express contrast, conclusions and to give reasons.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- present simple and continuous.

- past simple and continuous.

- Perfect tenses.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary to do with war and human rights.

- negative prefixes.

- false friends.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit difficult sounds /ɔ:/ and /υ/.

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 1-2-3 (Students’ Book, pages 40-41).

• Practice exam techniques and strategies using the Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 1 section (Students’ Book, page 142) and the specific oral comprehension and expression sections, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 1 (Students’ Book, page 148) and Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 1 (Students’ Book, page 154).

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a text about the importance of Gandhi as an early user of non-violent resistance against the injustice of the authorities (Students’ Book, page 6).

• Listen to two adolescents talking about the most important events in the lives of Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi (Students’ Book, pages 12-13).

• Prepare and make a presentation about Gandhi, using notes about the most important aspects of his life, his most famous quotes and including the most important points missing from previous presentations by other (Students’ Book, page 13).

• Take part in communicative exchanges referring to people famous for their struggle against injustice and intolerance (Students’ Book, page 13).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article about the life of Gandhi and how his message on peaceful resistance was an example to later non-violent protests around the world (Students’ Book, page 6).

• Read an article about whether it is correct or not to use terms like ‘better’ or ‘worse’ when comparing countries (Students’ Book, pages.14).

• Write an essay about whether patriotism should be considered as a positive attitude, using as a reference the model and the writing tips provided (Students’ Book, pages 14-15; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 113):

- correct use of paragraphs.

- clear expression of ideas.

- capturing of the readers attention from the beginning of the essay.

- correct use of connectors to express contrast, conclusions and to give reasons.

- location and correction of common errors (especially verb endings and prepositions).

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Uses of the present simple and continuous (Students’ Book, page 8; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 80).

• Uses of the past simple and continuous (Students’ Book, page 8; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 80-81)

• Uses of the perfect tenses (Students’ Book, page 9; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 81-82).


• Vocabulary to do with war and human rights (Students’ Book, pages 4-5).

• Negative prefixes (Students’ Book, page 10; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 102).

• False friends (Students’ Book, page 10; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 102 and page 123).


• Difficult sounds /ɔ:/ and /υ/ (Students’ Book, page 11).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language.

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about two important historical characters, Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi (Students’ Book, pages 6, 12 and 13).

• Reference to the social reality of racism in the United States in the mid 20th Century (Students’ Book, page 12).

• Reference to the British Empire and the independence of two of its colonies, India and South Africa (Students’ Book, pages 6-7).

• Reference to Barack Obama the current President of the United States (Students’ Book, pages 8-9).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 1-3.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 1.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 1.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 1.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 1.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 1.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 1.

• Progress Check, Unit 1, Workbook.

• Exam Preparation Practice, Exam 1, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 1 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 1 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 1.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 1.

• Digital Exam Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, Diagnostic test.

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-unit test 1 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-term test 1 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Exam Practice 1-18.

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Listening Practice 1-18.

• Test Generator software.

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Listen to two adolescents talking about most important events in the lives of two important figures in the history of the struggle against intolerance in the world.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: make a simple presentation about Gandhi.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: a text about the importance of Gandhi as an early user of non-violent resistance against the injustice of the authorities.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media: write an essay about patriotism.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1. Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: the present simple and continuous, the past simple and continuous, use of the perfect tenses.

• Learn and expand vocabulary: negative prefixes; false friends.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 2 – enjoying life

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand simple articles on everyday topics and follow arguments in oral texts in different communicative contexts:

- A text about the ‘Pleasure Machine’.

- A radio interview with a famous person.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Holiday preferences.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- An article about real existence and virtual reality.

- Two tourist leaflets about Thailand and Athens.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available; in this unit, an informal letter.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; use of contractions and variety in the use of different verb forms.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully; in this unit, the future:

- will (won’t) + infinitive; be going to + infinitive.

- future continuous (will be + -ing) and future perfect (will have + participle).

- modal verbs.

- gerunds and infinitives.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary to do with holidays and tourist facilities.

- making nouns from verbs.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit difficult sounds /ı:/, /ju:/, /eı/ and /aı/.

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 1-2-3 (Students’ Book, pages 40-41).

• Practice exam techniques and strategies using the Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 2 section (Students’ Book, page 143) and the specific oral comprehension and expression sections, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 2 (Students’ Book, page 149) and Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 2 (Students’ Book, page 155).

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a journalistic text about the possible benefits of a ‘Pleasure Machine’ as a source of virtual happiness (Students’ Book, page 18).

• Listen to a radio interview with Brad Pitt about his holiday plans (Students’ Book, pages 24-25).

• Carry out an interview with a classmate about his holiday plans and report the answers to the class, using the third person singular (Students’ Book, page 25).

• Communicative exchange debating about which of the holiday plans previously presented would be the most interesting (Students’ Book, page 25).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article about a hypothetical choice between living a virtual reality, provided by a ‘Pleasure Machine’ where happiness is guaranteed, or continue real existence, where each individual can contribute to society (Students’ Book, page 18).

• Write an informal letter to an English friend who has decided to visit, using as a reference the model and the writing tips provided (Students’ Book, pages 26-27; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 114):

- clear expression of ideas.

- use of the widest possible range of vocabulary.

- use of a variety of different verb forms.

- inclusion of a friendly conclusion.

- inclusion of a signature.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Use of the future: will (won’t) + infinitive; be going to + infinitive (Students’ Book, page 20; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 83).

• Future continuous (will be + -ing) and future perfect (will have + participle) (Students’ Book, page 20; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 83-84).

• Modal verbs (Students’ Book, pages 20-21, Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 84-87).

• Gerunds and infinitives (Students’ Book, page 21; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference , pages 87-90).


• Vocabulary to do with holidays and tourist facilities (Students’ Book, pages 16-17).

• Making nouns from verbs (Students’ Book, page 22; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, pages 102-103).


• Difficult sounds /ı:/, /ju:/, /eı/ and /aı/ (Students’ Book, page 23).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language.

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Reference to the film Matrix (Students’ Book, page 18).

• Reference to work camps where young people from different countries meet to combine voluntary work and cultural exchange (Students’ Book, page 17).

• Learn about the two most famous universities in Great Britain, Oxford and Cambridge (Students’ Book, page 26).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 1-3.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 2.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 2.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 2.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 2.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 2.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 2.

• Progress Check, Unit 2, Workbook.

• Exam Preparation Practice, Exam 2, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 2 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 2 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 2.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 2.

• Digital Exam Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-unit test 2 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-term test 2 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Exam Practice 1-18.

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Listening Practice 1-18.

• Test Generator software.

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand a radio interview with a famous person.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: present conclusions arising from an interview to the rest of the group.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: a journalistic text about the possible benefits of a ‘Pleasure Machine’ as a source of virtual happiness.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media: write an informal letter to an English friend who has decided to visit.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures referring to the future: future simple, be going to, future continuous, future perfect; modal verbs, and gerunds and infinitives.

• Learn and expand vocabulary: making nouns from verbs.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 3 – people

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand simple articles on everyday topics and follow arguments in oral texts in different communicative contexts:

- A journalistic article about ones choice of friends.

- A conversation between two friends.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Asking for help, excuses and suggestions.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- An article classifying different types of friendships.

- Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available; in this unit, a description of a friend.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; adjective and adverb collocation in sentences.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- defining and non-defining relative clauses.

- exclamations.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary used to define personality and physical appearance.

- making adverbs from adjectives.

- adjective order.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit difficult sounds – comparing/f/ and /v/, and /b/ and /v/.

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 1-2-3 (Students’ Book, pages 40-41).

• Practice exam techniques and strategies using the Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 3 section (Students’ Book, page 144) and the specific oral comprehension and expression sections, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 3 (Students’ Book, page 150) and Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 3 (Students’ Book, page 156).

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a conversation between two English friends who live in Spain, in which one asks the other for help with a personal problem (Students’ Book, pages 36-37).

• Carry out a dialogue with a classmate, asking for the loan of a book. Ask and answer questions, including requests, excuses and suggestions between the student asking for the book and the other student who doesn’t want to lend it.(Students’ Book, pages 36-37).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article about how each person has different reasons for friendship, and how experts have been able to classify ‘typical’ types of friendship (Students’ Book, page 30).

• Write a description of a friend, including their physical appearance, personality and interests, using as a reference the model and the writing tips provided (Students’ Book, pages 38-39; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 115):

- use of well defined paragraphs.

- inclusion of a wide range of adjectives and adverbs correctly placed in the sentence.

- correct use of tenses.

- introduction of sufficient details to describe the person.

- location and correction of common errors (especially verb endings and prepositions).

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Defining and non-defining relative clauses (Students’ Book, pages 32-33; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 90-92).

• Exclamations (Students’ Book, page 33; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 92).


• Vocabulary to do with personality and physical appearance (Students’ Book, pages 28-29).

• Making adverbs from adjectives (Students’ Book, page 34; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 103).

• Adjective order (Students’ Book, page 34; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, pages 103-104).


• Difficult sounds – comparing /f/ and /v/, and /b/ and /v/ (Students’ Book, page 35).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language.

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Reference to Virginia Woolf, the famous English novelist (Students’ Book, page 30).

• Reference to Rafael Nadal, top Spanish tennis player, and his high level of English (Students’ Book, page 33).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 1-3.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 3.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 3.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 3.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 3.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 3.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 3.

• Progress Check, Unit 3, Workbook.

• Exam Preparation Practice, Exam 3, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 3 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 3 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 3.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 3.

• Digital Exam Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-unit test 3 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-term test 3 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Exam Practice 1-18.

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Listening Practice 1-18.

• Test Generator software.

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand a conversation between two friends.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: dialogue with a classmate, asking for the loan of a book.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: an article classifying different types of friendships.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media: write a description of a friend.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: defining and non-defining relative clauses; exclamations.

• Learn and expand vocabulary: making adverbs from adjectives.

• Learn and expand vocabulary: adjective order.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 4 – crimes

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand simple articles on everyday topics and follow arguments in oral texts in different communicative contexts:

- A journalistic article about young people who collaborate in the fight against crime.

- Four short dialogues in which people give directions.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Description of a photo and speculation about the contents.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- An article about the police recruitment in Britain of young people as informers.

- A text describing criminal activities shown in a street scene.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available; in this unit, the summary of a text.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; brief and clear organization of the most relevant information in a text.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- the passive.

- have/get + object + participle.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary to do with crimes and misdemeanours.

- use of and difference between make and do.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit difficult sounds /ə/ and /з׃/ and comparison of /p/ and /b/.

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 4-5-6 (Students’ Book, pages 78-79).

• Practice exam techniques and strategies using the Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 4 section (Students’ Book, page 145) and the specific oral comprehension and expression sections, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 4 (Students’ Book, page 151) and Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 4 (Students’ Book, page 157).

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to an article about the police recruitment in Britain of young people as informers (Students’ Book, page 44).

• Listen to four short dialogues in which people give directions (Students’ Book, page 50).

• Listen to a young person describing a photo and speculating about the contents (Students’ Book, pages 50-51).

• Oral description of a photo mentioning criminal activity taking place in the scene and adding a personal experience or speculating about what might be happening (Students’ Book, page 51).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article about the police recruitment in Britain of young people as informers. This activity is seen as beneficial to the community by some but sinister by others (Students’ Book, page 44).

• Read a text in which a young person describes what can be seen in a photograph (Students’ Book, page 51).

• Write two summaries: summarize a text about the life of Mahatma Gandhi, from Unit 1, and a text about types of friendship from Unit 3 (Students’ Book, pages 52-53; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 116):

- read the text carefully and make a list of the most important information.

- avoid personal opinions, phrases lifted directly from the text o irrelevant information.

- organize briefly and clearly the most relevant information in the text.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• The passive. The passive in verbs with two objects: direct and indirect (Students’ Book, page 46; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 92-94).

• The passive in verbs such as say, think, believe, know, report, etc (Students’ Book, pages 46-47; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 94).

• Have/get + object + participle (Students’ Book, page 47; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 94).


• Vocabulary to do with crimes and misdemeanours (Students’ Book, pages 42-43).

• Use of and difference between make and do (Students’ Book, page 48; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 104).


• Difficult sounds /ə/ and /з׃/ and comparison of /p/ and /b/ (Students’ Book, page 49).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language.

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about the British writer and journalist George Orwell and his novel 1984 (Students’ Book, page 44).

• Reference to Big Brother, a television reality show and its parallel with the Big Brother of George Orwell’s novel (Students’ Book, page 44).

• Reference to skinheads (Students’ Book, page 43).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 4-6.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 4.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 4.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 4.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 4.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 4.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 4.

• Progress Check, Unit 4, Workbook.

• Exam Preparation Practice, Exam 4, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 4 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 4 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 4.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 4.

• Digital Exam Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-unit test 4 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-term test 4 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Exam Practice 1-18.

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Listening Practice 1-18.

• Test Generator software.

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand four short dialogues in which people give directions.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: description of a photo mentioning criminal activity taking place in the scene.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: an article about the police recruitment in Britain of young people as informers.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media: write a summary of a text about delinquency in Great Britain.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: the passive and have/get + object + participle.

• Learn and expand vocabulary: use of and difference between make and do.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 5 – obeying the rules

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand simple journalistic articles on everyday topics and follow arguments in oral texts in different communicative contexts:

- An article about the need for encouraging children to help with housework.

- A speech to students at a summer school.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Timetables and school rules and activities.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- An article about lack of understanding between parents and children in an American family.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available; in this unit, an article giving opinions about bring forward the driving age to 16 years old.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text; use of data and examples to support arguments in the text and appropriate use of connectors for the context.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- reported speech in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.

- use of and differences between too / enough.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary to do with school rules and regulations in public places.

- adjective + preposition; verb + preposition.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit rhythm as a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables; word stress in sentences and the corresponding intonation (rising or falling).

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 4-5-6 (Students’ Book, pages 78-79).

• Practice exam techniques and strategies using the Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 5 section (Students’ Book, page 146) and the specific oral comprehension and expression sections, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 5 (Students’ Book, page 152) and Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 5 (Students’ Book, page 158).

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to a journalistic text about extreme measures adopted by some American parents in an effort to oblige their children to help with the housework (Students’ Book, page 56).

• Listen to a speech at a summer school living instructions to newly arrived students of English (Students’ Book, pages 62-63).

• Presentation giving information about timetables, rules and activities at the school (Students’ Book, page 63).

• Communicative exchange in pairs in which student A plays the part of an English friend coming to student B’s school. Student B informs about the school and student A asks questions to show interest. Later the roles are exchanged (Students’ Book, page 63).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an article about an American couple who choose to go on strike in the garden of their house as a way of convincing their children to collaborate in the housework. Statements in support of and against this measure from the neighbours (Students’ Book, page 56).

• Write an article giving opinions about bring forward the driving age to 16 years old, learning to distinguish between facts and opinions, using as a reference a similar article about allowing young people to vote from the age of 16 and the writing tips provided (Students’ Book, pages 64-65; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 117):

- organization of the text into clear paragraphs.

- use of a wide range of vocabulary.

- use of appropriate connectors to introduce the different paragraphs.

- use of data and examples to support arguments in the text.

- clear expression of a personal opinion.

- location and correction of common errors (especially verb endings and prepositions).

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Reported speech in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences (Students’ Book, pages 58-59; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 94-97).

• Use of and differences between too / enough (Students’ Book, page 59; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 97-98).


• Vocabulary to do with school rules and regulations in public places (Students’ Book, pages 54-55).

• Correct combinations of adjectives + prepositions (Students’ Book, page 60; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 105).

• Correct combinations of verbs + prepositions (Students’ Book, page 60; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, pages 105-106).


• Rhythm as a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables; word stress in sentences and the corresponding intonation (rising or falling) (Students’ Book, page 61).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language.

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Lean about the systems, timetables, rules and activities in a typical school in Spain (Students’ Book, page 63).

• Reference to SatNav navigation systems, used more and more as a support for drivers (Students’ Book, page 60).

• Reference to bullying (Students’ Book, page 60).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 4-6.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 5.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 5.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 5.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 5.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 5.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 5.

• Progress Check, Unit 5, Workbook.

• Exam Preparation Practice, Exam 5, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 5 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 5 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 5.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 5.

• Digital Exam Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-unit test 5 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-term test 5 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Exam Practice 1-18.

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Listening Practice 1-18.

• Test Generator software.

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand a speech at a summer school living instructions to newly arrived students of English.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: presentation giving information about timetables, rules and activities at the school.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: an article about lack of understanding between parents and children in an American family.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media: write an article giving opinions about bring forward the driving age to 16 years old.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: reported speech.

• Use of and differences between too / enough.

• Learn and expand vocabulary: correct combinations of adjectives + prepositions; correct combinations of verbs + prepositions.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.

unit 6 – telling stories

i objectives

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand simple articles on everyday topics and follow arguments in oral texts in different communicative contexts:

- An extract from the novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

- Listen to a woman telling her children about a special day in her life.

• Express oneself and interact orally with fluency, precision and accuracy, using appropriate resources and strategies for the communicative context:

- Descriptions of events, feelings and wishes.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand general information and specific details in different kinds of texts:

- Description of a landscape in an extract from the story Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

• Plan and produce texts of differing complexity and on different topics, using the appropriate register for the reader and different platforms available, and the model offered to the student; in this unit, a narrative about a special day.

• Use mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion appropriate to the text: use of a variety of tenses to improve the style of a narrative and attention to the overall consistency of style in the text.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• Understand and use complex grammatical structures and the necessary functions appropriately to communicate successfully:

- conditionals.

- structures to express contrast, reason and consequences

- cause and effect sentences.


• Extend and use vocabulary appropriately:

- vocabulary to with the publishing industry and with Internet publishing.

- phrasal verbs.


• Improve pronunciation using the phonetic alphabet and producing different patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation; in this unit difficult sounds /Λ/ and /æ/ and homophones (words with different spelling but the same pronunciation).

3.2 Reflection on learning

• Develop strategies for assessment and self-assessment of the learning process using the Review Units 4-5-6 (Students’ Book, pages 78-79).

• Practice exam techniques and strategies using the Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 6 section (Students’ Book, page 147) and the specific oral comprehension and expression sections, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 6 (Students’ Book, page 153) and Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 6 (Students’ Book, page 159).

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Learn about and appreciate important social and cultural aspects of the foreign language, and value the foreign language as a means of understanding those features.

ii contents

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Listen to an extract from the novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Students’ Book, page 68).

• Listen to a woman telling her children about a special day in her life (Students’ Book, pages 74-75).

• Take part in a communicative exchange in pairs, telling each other about special days, referring to places, people, events and feelings (Students’ Book, page 75).

• Discussion, in pairs and giving reasons, about which has been the best, the worst and the most interesting day in each person’s life (Students’ Book, page 75).

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand an extract from the novel by Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in which Alice has to decide whether or not to drink from a bottle, her feelings of fear and indecision and her certainty that she should act according to the simple rules which her friends have taught her. (Students’ Book, page 68).

• Write un blog, describing a real or imaginary day in the student’s life, using as a reference the model and the writing tips provided (Students’ Book, pages 76-77; Students’ Book, Writing Reference, page 118):

- choice of a title with impact, to attract the reader’s attention.

- reflection on the importance of this first blog entry, bearing in mind that it should attract readers to return to subsequent postings.

- honest and original writing; fresh and creative development of opinions.

- consistent style.

- inclusion of images to augment the communicative power of the words.

- regular updating of the blog to maintain the interest of the reader.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language


• First, second and third conditional. (Students’ Book, page 70; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 98-99).

• Structures to express contrast (although / despite), reason (to / in order to / so as to + infinitive) and consequence (such / such a / so) (Students’ Book, pages 70-71; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, pages 99-101).

• Cause and effect sentences (Students’ Book, page 71; Students’ Book, Grammar Reference, page 101).


• Phrasal verbs (Students’ Book, page 72; Students’ Book, Word Building Reference, page 106; Students’ Book, pages 124-125).


• Difficult sounds /Λ/ and /æ/ (Students’ Book, page 73).

• Homophones (Students’ Book, page 73).

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Recognition of the variety of language use: differences between formal and informal, spoken and written language.

• Autonomous use of different digital learning resources such as the computer, and print resources such as bilingual and monolingual dictionaries or other reference books.

• Use of strategies for revising, extending and consolidating vocabulary and grammatical structures.

• Analysis of different grammatical structures through comparison with those of the mother tongue and reflection on usage.

• Use of self-correction and evaluation strategies as a means of progressing in the autonomous learning of the language.

• Reflection on the strategies used to improve oral and written production.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Recognition of terms to do with communication and web publishing such as blog, web page, log-on, Wikipedia (Students’ Book, pages 66-71).

• Reference to Hollywood, one of the most important centres of the film industry (Students’ Book, page 67).

• Reference to various well-known writers such as, Shakespeare and Lewis Carroll, and books like the Harry Potter series (Students’ Book, pages 67-72).

iii assessment

assessment tools

Formative assessment

• Students’ Book, Review 4-6.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Reading, Exam 6.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Listening, Exam 6.

• Students’ Book, Exam Preparation Speaking, Exam 6.

• Vocabulary Self Study, Workbook, Unit 6.

• Reading Self Study, Workbook, Unit 6.

• Grammar Self Study, Workbook, Unit 6.

• Progress Check, Unit 6, Workbook.

• Exam Preparation Practice, Exam 6, Workbook.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Grammar Practice Unit 6 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Vocabulary Practice Unit 6 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Writing Practice 6.

• Teacher’s Resource File, Extra Speaking Practice 6.

• Digital Exam Trainer.

Sumative assessment

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-unit test 6 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-term test 6 (levels A and B).

• Teacher’s Resource File, End-of-year tests.

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Exam Practice 1-18.

• Teacher’s Exam Practice Pack, Extra Listening Practice 1-18.

• Test Generator software.

assessment criteria

content block 1 – listening, speaking and conversing

• Understand the main ideas, and identify relevant details in oral messages or texts in different communicative contexts. Understand a woman telling her children about a special day in her life.

• Express oneself and interact appropriately and fluently in different communicative situations: describe the most important events, and feelings of a special day.

content block 2 – reading and writing

• Understand information in written texts from a variety of sources: an extract from the novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

• Write clear detailed texts on different topics and using a variety of media: write describing a real or imaginary day in the student’s life.

content block 3 – understanding of the language

3.1 Understanding of the language

• Manipulate grammatical structures: first, second and third conditional; cause and effect sentences.

• Manipulate grammatical structures: express contrast, reason and consequence.

• Phrasal verbs.

3.2. Reflection on learning

• Identify and use learning skills and strategies acquired.

content block 4 – socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

• Show curiosity and interest in learning the foreign language and recognize the enriching nature of linguistic diversity. Value the cultural knowledge which comes from the countries which speak the foreign language.


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