Absolute Monarch Resumes Project

Absolute Monarch Resumes Project-Mayor of LiedberglandName ______________________________________________________________Grade _______________________Objective: Each student will create a resume for an absolute monarch. At the bottom of this page is a list of monarchs to choose from. You may only complete a resume on one of the monarchs listed below! Step 1: Fill in information for the five categories that must be covered in your resume:Objective statement: what is the purpose of the resume? What do you hope to accomplish by having someone read your resume?Experience: what specific experience do you have that would qualify you for the position? List three specific events from your life that would help explain why you are qualified for the position. Make sure to include positions that you held, titles you were given, and explanations of the actions that you took during particular events.Accomplishments: what have you accomplished during your life that would make you look like an ideal candidate for the position? List and describe three specific accomplishments or awards that would make you appear to be the best candidate.References: list the names and titles of two people that could talk about your qualities as a ruler. These two people should be able to give specific information about your experience, accomplishments, and abilities.Photo: you wouldn’t normally include a photo on your resume, however, for this project, you need to include a small picture of your monarch on your resume.Step 2: Complete the resume (1 page recommended, no more than 2 typed pages). Feel free to be creative with the layout of your resume. There are templates online for creating resumes that you could use for the project.Rubric: Absolute Monarch ResumeResume ComponentsResume Format (using template)_______/5Objective statement- thoroughly explains purpose of resume_______/5Experience- lists and thoroughly describes three events that would qualify monarch for position_______/30Accomplishments- lists and thoroughly describes three accomplishments that would quality monarch for position_______/30References- lists and explains relationship with two references that could further qualify candidate for position_______/20Photo_______/5Formatting- organized and neat; pleasant to look at_______/5Monarchs to Research:Phillip II of SpainLouis XIV of FranceFrederick the Great of PrussiaPeter the Great of RussiaCatherine the Great of RussiaJames II of EnglandOliver CromwellCardinal Richelieu (France)Charles I (England) ................

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