The 7 Deadly Profile Photo Sins - Amazon Web Services


Online Allure Formula gives you all the tools, tips, and tricks you need to create a digital "man magnet" that attracts great guys who will crawl through broken glass to give you exactly what you're looking for in a relationship. Whether it's a serious thing or a casual fling, I'll show you how to make it happen.

The internet is a visual medium, and men are visual creatures, so it should come as no surprise that I dedicated an entire section of Online Allure Formula to creating the perfect profile photos.

Your photo is the very first thing that guys will see when they stumble across your profile on any dating site, and it's absolutely critical that your pic sends the right message. Not just to draw in great guys like bees to honey, but to make sure that you're not a target for creeps, jerks, players, or douchebags. (Unless you're into creepy player jerk douchebags, in which case you can just post a photo of your tits and call it a day.)

In the photo section of Online Allure Formula, I'll teach you exactly what kinds of photos to put on your online dating profile - the kinds of poses men respond to; how to get the right responses; even detailed tricks like what to wear, what you should be doing, the exact blueprint for the perfect profile photos.

But that's way more training than I could fit into a single downloadable report like this, and it's getting the cart ahead of the horse.

In this report, you'll get the first part of the actual "Perfect Profile Pics" training lesson taken directly from the Online Allure Formula: The Seven Photo Mistakes that will Kill Your Online Dating Profile.

These mistakes will make you invisible to great guys, and even scare them away.

Worse, they'll make you very visible to the wrong kind of guys, and your inbox will be full of penis photos, rambling messages from anonymous stalkers, and copy-pasted "lines" from players that are just looking to use you and lead you on.

And some of these photo mistakes might seem funny, some might seem like common knowledge, but they're all based on things that I've actually seen out in the world of online dating ? when I was single and dated women online a few years ago, and while doing research for Online Allure Formula.


Michael Fiore



1: Ms. Invisible and The Toxic Butterfly

When you don't have a photo of yourself, there's only one thing that guys think: You must have something terrible to hide.

The first mistake is incredibly common: not having a photo at all. Or even worse, having a photo of a cat, or a waterfall, or a peace sign, or a sunset, or the ever-popular butterfly.

As I've already mentioned, men are incredibly visual creatures. It's a simple fact of nature. As men, the first thing that attracts us to a woman is always going to be something about the way she looks. Her smile, her eyes, her hair, her legs, her lips...

And it's not just the superficial guys. It's all the guys. It's hard-wired into every man's anatomy. Even if a guy is completely in love with your personality ? the first thing that ever attracted him was a part of your body.

If you don't have any kind of photo on your profile, men immediately assume that you are ashamed of how you look, or that you have something terrible to hide. We're going to assume that you're not someone that we want to spend our time chasing after, or even reading about. Especially not when your "empty" profile photo is surrounded by a half dozen other photos of women who weren't afraid to show themselves.

If you don't have a photo, 99.9% of guys ? even really good guys, the kind of guys you want to talk to ? are going to ignore your profile, no matter what you actually say in your profile.

Now that is one foxy lady.

No matter how witty your words are, no matter how great you sound on paper. If there's no photo of you, he's going to move on to the next profile. You really will be "invisible" to men.

Using a "blurred-out" photo is just as bad. If you saw a photo of guy that was blurred out, what would you think? What would go through your mind if he seemed embarrassed to be looking to meet a woman online? It communicates to everyone that you're ashamed to some degree about putting yourself out there.

You should never be ashamed of looking for a relationship on the internet. Some of the early exercises in Online Allure will reinforce that fact, and you'll feel very good about your prospects of meeting really great guys this way.

Now, the butterfly photo is a weird little trend that I found while doing research on Craigslist1, because profile photos don't show up when people browse or search the personals section of the site. Instead, it shows the title of the post, with a little symbol next to it if there's a photo.

Imaging opening his profile and seeing all the characters from his favorite video games...

sexy, right?

So as a bait-and-switch, many women on Craigslist will use "filler" photos. Then, when a guy does a search for "profiles with photos only", the listing will still show up. We'll click the link, expecting to see your beautiful face... and we'll get the butterfly or the waterfall or the sunset instead.

And it pisses us off every time. It's not cute or funny, it just feels like we've been tricked and our time has been wasted, and we'll leave without reading a word of your profile.

1 Craigslist, of course, is not the best place to meet people. We'll go into much more detail about where to meet people ? and where not to meet people ? in the Online Allure Formula program



2: The Silver Medal

Don't use a profile picture of you with your much hotter friend.

I know, I know, beauty is completely subjective. But when it comes to profile pictures... it's not.

Take a look at the example image below. On the left is our hypothetical online dater, and she's just uploaded this as her profile picture. She's very cute. Nice smile, in great shape, and girl-next-door pretty. You know, the kind of woman that any normal guy would really excited to meet and take on a date.

And then there's her friend on the right. The one with the makeup and the pneumatic anatomy.

If this was a bar or a party or a coffee shop, you could win any man over with your witty banter or a well-timed smile. He could fall head over heels for your sultry voice or your contagious laugh...


You're going to lose this one every time...


But your friend looks like a porn star. And this is a dating site. And it's on the internet. And it's filled with a bunch of single guys just feverishly clicking through picture after picture of single women.

The sad truth is that in this environment, nobody is going to look good next to her.

If you have a picture of yourself smiling and laughing, like the readhead down below, that's great, but you don't need to have your other friends in that photo. Crop them out whenever possible. At the very least, make sure it's clear that the photo is about you.

Even if you and your friends are all pretty evenly matched in the "hotness" department, which is hard for anyone to really judge, err on the side of not having photos of you with other women in general. I can't really explain it, but as a guy, it just causes a bad composition.

A lot of guys will look at a profile photo and say, "oh, she's cute, but man, her friend is really, really, really cute." Nobody looks good that way.

To quote Rodney Dangerfield: "If you want to look thin, hang out with fat people."2

This is like that, but the opposite. No matter how cute, attractive, sexy you are, if you're standing next to somebody who looks like she just walked out of a Victoria's Secret catalog, you are going to suffer in comparison.

"When in doubt, crop them out."

2 If you haven't seen the movie Back to School, you really should.



3: The Instant Family

Keep your kids out of your dating profile pics.

Now, I know I'm going to get some angry people writhing about that, because your kids are lovely. They are cute. They are your life. They are the focus of your day. They take up so much of your time. You are so dedicated to them.

I understand that. I love kids. But, if every profile photo that you have on your online dating profile has your kids in it, it makes guys think that you are looking for a co-parent, not a date, a boyfriend, or a naked gymnastics partner.

Even guys who love kids ? guys who are more than happy to date a woman who has kids and to be a part of their life ? get pushed away by photos about kids.

Remember, your online dating profile is like a movie trailer of what it's like to actually date you. If the trailer is nothing but you and your kids, that immediately makes a guy think that the "feature film" is going to be "daddyhood".

There's another important reason not to post photos of your children on your dating profile. It's a dating website, after all, and thousands of random men are going to see your profile pictures. And odds are, there are going to be at least a few truly bad guys that stop by to have a look. Purely from a safety standpoint, you don't want to give up too much information about your family.

Of course this isn't to say that you should hide the fact that you have children ? that's also going to cause problems and keep you from connecting with the right guys. In Online Allure Formula, we'll talk about when and where to include your children in your profile.

Your kids are adorable... but they don't belong on a dating site.



4: The Easy Target

Don't post sexy or revealing photos.

A lot of women fall into this trap over and over again, but skin is a douchebag magnet. Even a little bit of skin, because skin inevitably makes guys think of sex. The nicest guys on earth turn into cavemen when they see skin on the internet.

And it's not just skin. That "sexy" pose that you thought was kind of cute and funny does crazy things to a man's mind. It flips a switch in our brain, and we can't help but see it as totally serious. We fall head-first into the fantasy that you're one of those incredibly rare women who's just looking for casual sex with total strangers. In our stupid lizard brains, we just hit the jackpot.

So you've got to save us from ourselves. Your profile photos can't communicate any sexual undertones, because even a really great guy will turn into a drooling idiot. Normally, he'd send a polite, respectful message and really be interested in getting to know you as a person.

Now take that same guy and show him a picture of you wearing a crop top and a sultry pout, and he'll go from the eloquent prince charming to "damn girl, u fine. wanna hook up?"

Sexy photos will get you a lot of attention, but it won't be from the guys you want. And even when it does get attention from the guys you want, it'll set the wrong tone for any interaction you have. Just, you know, prepare yourself for an inbox full of penises. A tsunami of them.

The example below shows three different approaches. The photo on the left isn't sexual, but it's attractive. She doesn't seem like she's hiding anything, and she's projecting confidence and leaving a lot to the imagination. This photo says, "I'm a person. I'm somebody that you should take seriously. Somebody you could even have a relationship with."

The middle photo is showing way too much skin. And despite the "sexy" pose, she's coming across as insecure. Now, the photo on the the right is an example of a "slutty" photo that doesn't show any skin at all. The bedroom eyes, the finger sucking, the lip gloss. These photos say something much simpler to every man that sees them: "I'm a toy."

This isn't fair. It's not the way it should be. Rather than trying to get to know you and to appreciate your personality, we're suddenly trying to get into your pants and appreciate you physically.

Being proud of your body is awesome. But sexy photos don't belong anywhere near your public profile. They just draw too many jerks. And of course it's always nice to leave some things to the imagination.



5: The Wet Blanket

If you don't want to be here... leave

Over 100,000 women receive our Digital Romance newsletter every week, and most of them are happy to help us study relationships and dating. So when I was doing my research, I asked them to send in examples of their profile pictures.

And quite a few of them sent in the "I don't want to be here" photo. The photo with the Charlie Brown half-smile. The photo with the bad lighting or the vacant stare. The photo that doesn't say "I'm a confident, beautiful woman whom you should get to know". The photo that says "well, I guess this is me. Take it or leave it."

Your photos in your online dating profile need to show the best version of you, and you have to look enthusiastic and excited about online dating. If you're only there as a last resort, guys will pick up on that. Good guys will pass you by for someone who looks like she's enjoying life, and bad guys will use your lack of options to take advantage of you.

As a woman, would you want to get to know any of these people? Take it from a guy: we don't want to either...

In the examples here, there are two pictures of the same cute young brunette. Same girl, same outfit, same camera angle. The only difference is her pose and facial expression, but these could be two entirely different people.

The left photo says: "I really don't want to be here and have no self confidence."

The photo on the right shows her smiling, looking up to the right (we'll talk about the power of that pose later in the Online Allure program). This photo says: "I'm awesome and fun, and you'd be lucky to date me."

Pretty dramatic difference.

As a guy, the left photo makes me want to run the other way. Or if I was a sex shopper or a douchebag, the left photo shows me a woman that I can easily manipulate.

The photo on the right makes me think that this woman has it together. She's happy, she's going places, she's on a mission, and I'd be lucky to get a date with her.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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