WebmasterWorld Appoints Joseph Morin as Strategic ...


AUSTIN -- WebmasterWorld's Search Engine & Internet Marketing Conference, Pubcon, being held in Las Vegas, November 15-17, 2005, features a keynote speech by Robert X. Cringely.

"It is a strange new world we're entering, one where again the rules are all changing as bandwidth goes up by another factor of ten. How will this affect webmasters? New products, new services, new things to worry about and get rich from, and we'll talk about several of them," says Robert X. Cringely. "This looks like it's shaping up to be a great event in Las Vegas and I'm really looking forward to it."

"It's a coup to get Robert on board for our Las Vegas conference," said Brett Tabke, WebmasterWorld's CEO. "His commentary is insightful and knowledgeable. He speaks from a wealth of industry experience and is able to connect with key players in the business. This promises to be a hot keynote speech, so don't miss it."

For eight years, from 1987-95, Robert X. Cringely wrote the "Notes From the Field" column in InfoWorld, a weekly computer trade newspaper. He is also the author of the best-selling book "Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can't Get a Date." Most recently, NerdTV is the new weekly online TV show from 's Cringely. In addition, he is the host and writer of the hit PBS-TV miniseries "Electric Money" and "Triumph of The Nerds." Cringely's work has appeared in The New York Times, Newsweek, Forbes, Upside, Success, Worth, and many other magazines and newspapers.

WebmasterWorld's event is supported by the Industry's leading businesses as exhibitors and sponsors including: , Atlas, Ask Jeeves, BestofTheWeb, Casale, CityMax, ClickTracks, CPA Empire, Visicom, Efficient Frontier, Enhance, FortuneAffiliates, Google, InfoSearchMedia, InterChange, JoeBucks, LifeTips, LinkConnector, LivePerson, , , MegaFriends, Moniker, MonsterCommerce, MSN, Microsoft, PartyPartners, PRWeb, PubCon, Revenue Magazine, ROWise, SEO Inc., SLI Systems, SearchEngineWorld, Text-Link-Ads, TicketNetworkDirect, Vegas Partner, WagerShare, WebmasterRadio, WebmasterWorld, WeBuildPages, Yahoo, .

WebmasterWorld's conferences and sessions are for anyone involved in Internet Marketing, the Search Engine Industry, the Online Advertising Industry, Affiliates, Webmasters, and any business with an Internet presence. "This is a must attend event for anyone serious about their Internet presence," concluded Tabke. Pre-registration is essential to avoid disappointment as previous events have been sold out. Conference registrations

About WebmasterWorld:

WebmasterWorld, established in 1998, is a comprehensive news and discussion forum for web professionals and features more than 100 specialist topics covering technical and marketing Internet topics for all levels of ability. It has public and private subscribers-only sections and is the fastest-growing forum on the Internet today.

For more information about the conference, contact Brett Tabke at 512-231-8107 or brett at .

In the UK, contact Neil Marshall Tel: (+44) 118 988 0288 or engine at .

For more details about sponsorship and exhibition opportunities contact Strategic Marketing Director Joseph Morin at 512-497-6856 or joe at .





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