
8001 TR 574 Holmesville, Ohio 44633

Ohio Amish Country: Hand-Crafted. Heart-Felt

The population of Holmes County is approximately 44,000 with approximately 19,000 of those residents who are Amish. The Holmes/Wayne Amish settlement is the largest Amish settlement in the world.

National Geographic named Holmes County as the #3 location in the world to see autumn leaves. If you value a slower paced lifestyle and appreciate the beauty of nature, you will find it in Holmes County. Holmes County is rooted in tradition and you will find friends and neighbors always willing to lend a hand. Almost every weekend in the summer you will find a benefit auction to support a variety of causes. If you access the Holmes County Board of DD website at , follow the link to the Spring Festival and watch the video of our benefit weekend sponsored by the Holmes County Association for Handicapped citizens. In Holmes County, you will still find that a handshake seals an agreement.

Rural and picturesque, it is an attractive leadership opportunity for a developmental disabilities professional who values a rural, conservative culture that cares about individuals with developmental disabilities. You won’t find four lane highways but you will find major state routes with buggy lanes. Visitors find value in the do-it-yourself culture. It represents a unique opportunity where the “English” and Amish cultures come together to support individuals with disabilities.

Candidates looking for an opportunity to grow their personal, fiscal, and collaborative leadership skills, should consider this unique opportunity. The Superintendent is the point person for developmental disabilities services in Holmes County.

The new superintendent will assume full-time duties in June or July of 2015. Transition services with the current superintendent of twelve years are available through the end of August, as needed and desired.

Holmes CBDD Superintendent Search

Mission Statement

Our mission as a family oriented program is to maximize potential, develop independence, educate and support all individuals with special needs and their families through the choice of progressive, diverse and personalized programs and services in a safe, secure environment.

Vision Statement

The Holmes County Training Center will be the leader of innovative and traditional services which families and individuals with developmental disabilities seek out as a trusted source of information and support.


1. Accountability:

The Holmes County Training Center accepts the accountability of its role as a public steward and strives to consistently perform within its resources.

2. Respect and Caring:

The Holmes County Training Center values the diverse beliefs of our customers and stakeholders.

3. Social Responsibility:

The Holmes County Training Center recognizes the diverse needs of our community and seeks opportunities to contribute to its betterment.

4. Teamwork:

The Holmes County Training Center believes in promoting cooperation among families, staff and community.

5. Efficiency:

The Holmes County Training Center continually seeks opportunities for improvement.

6. Valuing employees:

The Holmes County Training Center values the unique talents and diversity of our employees. The Board supports and offers continued growth in their talents and abilities to meet the needs of our customers.

7. Customer Driven Excellence:

The Holmes County Training Center strives for excellence by listening to our customers.

8. Flexibility and Agility:

The Holmes County Training Center strives to be flexible and open to all of the diverse needs of our customers and stakeholders.

9. Honesty and Responsibility:

The Holmes County Training Center pledges to operate in an open and honest manner to earn the trust of the people we serve and our community.

10. Effective innovation:

While considering past effective methods, the Holmes County Training Center will support new approaches to improve services for individuals with disabilities.

11. Visionary Leadership:

The Holmes County Training Center believes that our customers deserve our best efforts to continuously improve what we do and how we do it. To accomplish this, we must appreciate our past and dedicate ourselves to the future. We are pursuing person centered planning and services with the Imagine project.

12. Management by Fact:

The Holmes County Training Center believes that using factual data assists in better decisions.

Holmes CBDD Superintendent Search

Board Members

Myron Stutzman, Chairperson

Jay McCulloch, Vice-Chairperson

Chris Goines, Secretary

Bob Boss

Kathy Schlabach

Abe Yoder

Andrew Yoder

Administrative Staff

F. Scott Brace, Superintendent

Sheri Martin, Assistant Administrator/Adult Services Director

Tracy Kolarovsky, Service & Support Supervisor

Curtis Goehring, Business/Personnel Manager

Rhoda Mast, Principal

Kevin Duff, Maintenance/Transportation Manager

Kathleen Winkler, Habilitation Manager

Sherry Mackey, Production Manager

Renee Spencer, Early Intervention Specialist

Tennille Cline, School Nurse

Lori Day, Dental Clinic Manager

MEORC Support Services

Investigative Services

RVCC/Imagine Services

Business Services

Billing Services

Payeeship Services

Eligibility Determination Services

TDD SSA Services

National Core Indicators Surveys

Annual Community Survey

Holmes CBDD Superintendent Search

Service Areas

Early Intervention

Approximately 70 families receive Early Intervention services each year. The enrollment in January of 2015 was 36 infants and their families. Services are provided by two fulltime Early Intervention/Developmental Specialists with support services provided by our Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist and Speech Therapist. We work to implement the Primary Service Provider model in the family home, within our limited therapy support services. We work closely with Help Me Grow and their service coordinators from the Holmes County Health Department. For children with autism, one developmental specialist is participating in the PLAY Project and we have partnered with Dr. Laura Barr to offer a timely diagnosis through ADEP.


Special Education Preschool services are provided in Holmes County by the Tri-County Educational Service Center. Tri-County is based in Wooster but the Holmes County Training Center provides office space for a supervisor and other staff who provide services in Holmes County. East Holmes Schools hosts a preschool class at Berlin Elementary, West Holmes Schools hosts a preschool class at Millersburg Elementary and the Holmes County Board of DD hosts two preschool classes (49 students) at the Training Center. In addition to transportation support for those two preschool classes (23 students), the Holmes County Board provides nursing support, maintenance support and physical therapy services.


The Training Center has six school age classes serving 43 students. One of those classes focuses on autism/low incidence students with support from East Holmes Schools and West Holmes Schools. One of the teachers is also an adaptive physical education specialist. Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and nursing services are integral parts of the services provided. We also have a music therapist on staff. The principal position is currently a 0.6 FTE. Four students are enrolled on Level 1 Waivers and five students enrolled on SELF Waivers. The majority of students served are from West Holmes Schools or East Holmes Schools, although we have students from Southeast Schools.

Adult Services, Habilitation Center

Located in the Training Center’s main building, the Habilitation Center provides services to those who need support in everyday life skills and to those individuals who are not interested in production work. Services focus on exercise, recreation, stimulation and the desires of the individuals served. A positive support culture is promoted. Two adult care rooms are designed with lifts and other features to serve individuals with intensive support needs. Approximately 35 individuals are served, with twelve enrolled on level one waivers and 11 enrolled on I.O. Waivers.

Adult Services, Lynn Hope Industries

Located across the walking trail from the Training Center, Lynn Hope Industries Inc. owns their building. Built with support from the Holmes County Association for Handicapped Citizens, Lynn Hope has a good relationship with many local manufacturers. Work has been consistently available for several years. A variety of piece rated and hourly jobs are available to the nearly seventy five enrollees. Twenty three of those individuals are enrolled on level one waivers and nine are enrolled on I.O. Waivers. Lynn Hope Industries Inc. has started the journey to become a stand-alone private non-profit service provider. They currently employ two staff and are in the process of developing community job placement and support services. Several adults are participating in project STIR and learning to advocate for themselves.

Holmes CBDD Superintendent Search

Service Areas

Service and Support Administration Services

Five SSA staff are in the process of implementing Imagine person centered plans for all individuals eligible for services from the Holmes County Board of DD. Thirty seven individuals receive only SSA services from the Holmes CCBDD. The SSA staff assist 40 individuals enrolled on level one waivers, six individuals enrolled on SELF Waivers and 30 individuals enrolled on Individual Options Waivers. SSA staff work with the Holmes Community Housing Board to support individuals living in four homes in the community. Midwest operates a twelve bed ICF/DD facility in Holmes County. One of those individuals attends the school program. The rest attend the PEAK adult program in Berlin. Half the individuals served by the Training Center are Amish and have religious objections to Social Security and similar government programs like Medicaid. The “English” and Amish communities come together at the Training Center because they care about children and adults with disabilities. They share the belief that individuals with disabilities can teach us love and understanding.

Family Support Services

The Family Support Coordinator assists 45 families with Family Support Services. She also administers respite and transportation support services funded by the Holmes County Association for Handicapped Citizens.

HCTC Dental Clinic

The Holmes County Board of Developmental Disabilities operates a full time dental clinic in a separate fund to assure no local tax dollars are used to subsidize operations. Although the clinic’s mission is to provide dental care to individuals with disabilities and Head Start children, the clinic is open to to the general public. Holmes County is a designated dental professional shortage area. Contract dentists, under the management support of a clinic manager and dental advisory committee, provide basic dental care services including cleanings, simple extractions and fillings. We are a safety net clinic and accept self-pay, Medicaid, Insurance and BCMH as forms of payment for services. For those patients needing anesthesia in order to receive dental treatment, an anesthesiologists is contracted to provide support services several times per year.

Special Needs Library

In partnership with the Holmes County District Public Library, the Holmes County Board of DD operates a library devoted to special needs information and adaptive toys. Because the library is connected to the statewide inter-library loan program, other libraries can borrow our books on disabilities and patrons can borrow from other libraries across the state. The patrons can self-checkout toys and books with their library card. The Holmes County Association for Handicapped Citizens provides $2,000.00 per year to purchase new books each year.


The Holmes County Board of DD operates a fleet of buses and vans to assure individuals have access to services from anywhere in Holmes County. Fifteen bus and van routes operate on a daily basis.

Holmes CBDD Superintendent Search

2015 Revenue Projections (general fund)

General Property Tax $ 2,809,000

Rollback and Homestead $ 285,000

Manufactured Home tax $ 14,000

Other $ 206,000

Business Activity Tax $ 349,000

Ohio Department of Education $ 580,000

DODD Subsidy $ 130,000

Tax Equity $ 113,000

Transfers from federal funds $ 1,225,000

2014 Budgeted Revenue $ 5,711,000

2014 Expense Allocations (general fund)

Salary $ 2,750,000

OPERS/STRS $ 401,000

Medicare $ 42,000

Contract Services $ 1,590,900

Workers Compensation/unemployment $ 73,000

Supplies $ 270,700

Contract Repair $ 62,500

Travel $ 29,300

Equipment $ 80,000

Rental/Advertising $ 6,500

Waiver Match $ 400,000

Other $ 28,500

Transfer $ 400,000

2014 Budgeted Expenses $ 6,134,400

Total General Fund Balance into 2015: $766,677.18

Other Fund Balances

Total Capital Fund Balance into 2015 $ 610,466.72

Total Family Resource Fund Balance into 2015 $ 15,055.22

Total Title XX Fund Balance into 2015 $ 4,321.00

Total Food Fund Balance into 2015 $ 13,233.02

Total Gifts/Donations Fund Balance into 2015 $ 19,278.32

Total IDEA B Fund Balance into 2015 $ 5,634.45

Total Dental Fund Balance into 2015 $ 62,790.37

Total Federal Fund Balance into 2015 $ 859,162.37

Levies (net revenues)

1980 Continuing, 2.5 mills generates $ 660,228.63

1990 5 year, 2.5 mills (renewed in 2014 by 64.76%) $1,046,291.97

1974 10 year, 1.8 mills (replaced in 2001, renewed in 2010) $1,047,415.00

Holmes CBDD Superintendent Search


Candidates are required to submit the following:

• A letter highlighting qualification; reasons for interest in the position; and, salary history and requirements

• An up-to-date resume

• A copy of a current Superintendent Certificate issued by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities if applicable. Candidates who do not hold a current certificate should refer to Ohio Administrative Code 5123:2-5-03 Superintendent Certification Standards to determine if he or she meets the criteria for certification and indicate how they meet the criteria for initial certification. All candidates who do not hold a current certificate must have completed five years of full-time (or equivalent part-time), supervised, paid work experience in administration, supervision, instruction, or habilitation of individuals with developmental disabilities, including three years in a management or supervisory capacity.

• Three professional references with contact information.

Application packets should be mailed to:

Ohio Association of County Boards

Serving People with Developmental Disabilities

Attn: Lana Beddoes, Executive Assistant

Holmes County Superintendent Search

73 East Wilson Bridge Road, Suite B-1

Worthington, Ohio 43085

Or send by email to


Questions may be directed to Randy J. Beach, Contract Consultant with OACB at rbeach@

Applications received by 4:30 pm on Thursday, April 9, 2015 will be reviewed for consideration by the Holmes County Board. Others may be reviewed and considered at the board’s discretion.

Please be advised that based upon the review of Ohio case law, most of the information provided to OACB as part of the hiring process for this position will be a public record and subject to disclosure in accordance with the provisions of Ohio’s Public Records law - Ohio Revised Code §149.43. If the hiring County Board of DD is presented with an appropriate request pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §149.43, it will be required to disclose any responsive records that are in the possession of OACB.

Holmes County Board of DD is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in the provision of services or employment because of handicap, race, color, creed, national origin, sex or age.


Holmes County Board of DD

Superintendent Search

Individual Highlights:

Inside Story 2

Inside Story 3

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Inside Story 5

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Inside Story 7

Last Story 8

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