JENNA R - University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Contact Information

Department of Management

College of Business, 325Y

P.O. Box 880491

University of Nebraska – Lincoln

Lincoln, NE 68588

Office: 402-472-9434

Research Interests

Strategic Human Resource Management, Compensation, Recruitment, Workplace Diversity

Academic Work Experience

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business, Assistant Professor, 2012-Current

The University of Texas at Dallas, Naveen Jindal School of Management, Assistant Professor, 2011–2012

Formal Education

Ph.D., Management and Human Resources August 2011

University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI

Primary Concentration: Strategic Human Resource Management; Advisor: Charlie Trevor

Secondary Concentration: Organizational Behavior

M.A., Industrial/Organizational Psychology May 2006

University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK

B.A., Psychology & Business Administration May 2004

University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, NE

Teaching Interests

Courses: Strategic Human Resource Management; Compensation

Level: Undergraduate; MBA; Executive Education

Format: On-campus; Online


Schlachter, S. D., & Pieper, J. R. (In press). Employee referral hiring in organizations: An integrative conceptual review, model, and agenda for future research. Journal of Applied Psychology. Advance online publication.

• Extent of Contribution (50%):  This paper is 1 of 3 papers of S. S.’s (first author) dissertation that I guided and co-chaired. I conceptualized the theory-based process model presented and guided the framing of this review/theory paper. Provided critical feedback on the entire manuscript; edited entire manuscript; drafted the response letter to the review team, guided S.S. through revisions requests; completed half of revision requests

Triana, M., Jayasinghe, M., Pieper, J. R., Delgado, D., & Li, M. (2019). Perceived workplace gender discrimination and employee consequences: A meta-analysis and complementary studies considering country context. Journal of Management, 45, 2419-2447.

• Extent of Contribution (25%): Screened and coded relevant articles; provided critical feedback on the entire manuscript; wrote and/or edited portions of the discussion; created appendix of effect sizes coded; edited entire manuscript; completed roughly one-fourth of revision requests; drafted reply letter template and one-fourth of answers in reply letters

Pieper, J. R., Trevor, C. O., Weller, I., & Duchon, D. (2019). Referral hire presence implications for referrer turnover and job performance. Journal of Management, 45, 1858-1888. 317739959

• Extent of Contribution (80%): The data for the main study originated with my (J.P.) dissertation. Conception of work; solely acquired data in main study; led research design and data collection for supplemental study; solely responsible for data analysis; led results interpretation; led drafting of article; led and managed critical revisions of article; final approval of the version to be published

• A paper based on Dr. Pieper’s dissertation, which received the Ralph Alexander Dissertation Award—an award given to the author of the best doctoral dissertation in the field of human resource management.

Pieper, J. R., Greenwald, J. M., & Schlachter, S. D. (2018). Motivating employee referrals: The interactive effects of the referral bonus, perceived risk in referring, and affective commitment. Human Resource Management, 57, 1159-1174.

• Extent of Contribution (60%): Conception of work; led data collection; led data analysis and interpretation of results; drafting of manuscript; led and managed critical revisions of article; final approval of the manuscript to be published

Nyberg, A. J., Pieper, J. R., & Trevor, C. O. (2016). Pay-for-performance’s effect on future employee performance: Integrating psychological and economic principles toward a contingency perspective. Journal of Management. 42, 1753-1783.

• Extent of Contribution (40%): The data originated with A.N.'s (first author) dissertation, but I (J.P.) was extensively involved in the idea formulation, theory development, and crafting the paper; all authors provided critical feedback and helped shape the research, analysis, and manuscript; completed roughly one-third of revision requests; helped shape reply letters; conducted extensive literature review

• Awarded the 2017 HR Division’s Scholarly Achievement Award for the most significant article in human resource management published in recognized journals and research annuals.

Pieper, J. R. (2015). Uncovering the Nuances of Referral Hiring: How Referrer Characteristics Affect Referral Hires’ Performance and Likelihood of Voluntary Turnover. Personnel Psychology, 68, 811-858.

• A paper based on Dr. Pieper’s dissertation, which received the Ralph Alexander Dissertation Award—an award given to the author of the best doctoral dissertation in the field of human resource management.

Triana, M., Jayasinghe, M., & Pieper, J. R. (2015). Perceived workplace racial discrimination and its correlates: A meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, 491-513. 10.1002/job.1988

• Extent of Contribution (30%): Screened and coded relevant articles; provided critical feedback on the entire manuscript; edited entire manuscript; created appendix of effect sizes coded; completed roughly one-third of revision requests; drafted reply letter template and one-third of answers in reply letters

Richard, O, Roh, H., & Pieper, J. R. (2013). The link between diversity and equality management practice bundles and racial diversity in the managerial ranks: Does firm size matter? Human Resource Management, 52, 215-242. DOI: 10.1002/hrm.21528

• Extent of Contribution (20%): I was invited to the paper after another author pulled herself from the project; revised the introduction and theoretical development; provided critical feedback on the entire manuscript; edited entire manuscript; completed roughly one-third of revision requests

Tett, R. P., Fitzke (Pieper), J. R., Wadlington, P. L., Davies, S. A., Anderson, M. G., & Foster, J. (2009). The utility of personality test norms: Effects of sample size and sample representativeness. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, 639-659.

• Extent of Contribution (30%): Conducted literature review; wrote the best and current practices in test norms section (including the development of Tables 1 and 2); provided critical feedback on the entire manuscript; edited entire manuscript

Book Chapters

Triana, M., Pieper, J. R., Jayasinghe, M., & Delgado, D. (2012). Racial/Ethnic discrimination in U.S. workplaces. In M. Paludi (Ed.), Women and careers in management series. Vol. 1:  Gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity and power. Westport, CT: Praeger.

• Extent of Contribution (30%):  Searched, screened, reviewed, and synthesized existing studies for the literature review; provided critical feedback on the entire manuscript; helped edit entire manuscript

Published Best Paper Proceedings

Schlachter, S., & Pieper, J. R. (2017) Employee referral hiring in organizations: An integrative review and process model. Proceedings of the Seventy-seventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Online ISSN: 2151-6561.

• Extent of Contribution (50%):  This paper is 1 of 3 papers of S. S.’s (first author) dissertation that I guided and co-chaired. I conceptualized the theory-based process model presented and guided the framing of this review/theory paper. Provided critical feedback on the entire manuscript; edited entire manuscript; guided S.S. through revisions requests; completed half of revision requests; helped shape reply letter

• Runner-Up for the 2017 HR Division’s Best Convention Paper Award.

Titus, V. Jr., Pieper, J. R., & Welbourne, T. M. (2016). Paving the way to post initial public offering (IPO) performance: Human resource growth orientation. Proceedings of the Seventy-sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Online ISSN: 2151-6561.

• Extent of Contribution (40%):  While V.T. (first author) drafted the manuscript, led the theory development, and supervised the project, all authors provided critical feedback and helped shape the manuscript. Responsible for theory development around SHRM-related matters; identified a methodology that allowed us to pursue the research question of interest; led the data analysis and results interpretation; edited entire manuscript; completed roughly half of revision requests

• Finalist for the 2016 HR Division’s Best Convention Paper Award.

Oh, K., Pieper, J. R., & Gerhart, B. (2010). Comparing the predictive power of national cultural distance measures: Hofstede versus Project GLOBE. Best Paper Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD), ISSN 1543-8643.

• Extent of Contribution (60%):  The data originated with K.O's (first author) dissertation, but I (J.P.) was extensively involved in the idea formulation, theory development, data analysis, and crafting the paper

Research Under Review & Requested Revisions

Nyberg, A. N., Maltarich, M. A., Reilly, G., & Pieper, J. R., [Title withheld]. Under review at Academy of Management Journal.



Josefy, M., Titus, V. Jr., Messersmith, J., & Pieper, J. Human resources in initial public offerings.

Status: Conceptual development and data analysis.

Pieper, J. R. Relative effects of collective withdrawal behaviors on customer satisfaction.

Status: Conceptual development and data analysis.

Pieper, J. R., Davis, P., Oh, K., & Gerhart, B. Beyond expatriates: Cultural distance’s influence on organizational commitment among local employees, migrant workers, domestic workers, and expatriates.

Status: Preparing for submission

Target Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology.

Titus, V. Jr., Pieper, J. R., Welbourne, T. M., & Josefy, M. Paving the way to post initial public offering (IPO) performance: Human resource growth orientation.

Status: Conceptual refinement

Target Journal: Journal of Management

Triana, M., Jayasinghe, M., Pieper, J. R., Delgado, D. Perceived workplace discrimination and employee consequences across the globe: A meta-analysis considering all types of discrimination in the workplace.

Status: Conceptual development and data collection.

Yong, K., Messersmith, J., Pieper, J. R., & Fu, S. Employee mental health and high commitment work systems: Testing competing models.

Status: Preparing for submission

Target Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology


Title: Consider the source: A study of referrer characteristics in the referral hiring phenomenon.

Committee Chair: Charlie Trevor

Committee: Barry Gerhart, Larry Hunter, Ramon Aldag, Markus Gangl (external member)

• 2012 Ralph Alexander Best Dissertation Award, HR Division, Academy of Management

Academic & Invited Presentations

Yong, K., Messersmith, J., Pieper, J. R., & Fu, S. (2019, January) Employee mental health and high commitment work systems: Testing competing models. Paper accepted to the 2019 HR Division International Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Pieper, J. R. (2018, June). Engaging the stars: Talent management of pivotal human capital and employee engagement. Invited Faculty Presentation, Doctor of Business Education Program, St. Ambrose University.

Pieper, J. R., Greenwald, J., & Schlachter, S. (2017, August). Refer and Earn! Understanding the Effects of Employee Referral Bonus Characteristics, Perceived Risk in Referring, and Affective Commitment on Referring Behavior. Paper presented at Academy of Management Meetings: Atlanta, GA.

Schlachter, S., & Pieper, J. R. (2017, August). Employee referral hiring in organizations: An integrative review and process model. Paper presented at Academy of Management Meetings: Atlanta, GA. [Chosen for inclusion in Best Paper Proceedings. Approximately 10 percent of papers are selected.]

Pieper, J. R. (2017, May). Reaching for the stars: Talent management of pivotal human capital. Executive Power Lunch Series, Executive Education, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Titus, V. Jr., Pieper, J. R., & Welbourne, T. M. (2016, August). Paving the way to post initial public offering (IPO) performance: Human resource growth orientation. Paper presented at Academy of Management Meetings: Anaheim, CA. [Chosen for inclusion in Best Paper Proceedings. Approximately 10 percent of papers are selected.]

Pieper, J. R., Greenwald, J., & Schlachter, S. (2015, August). Risk versus reward: The impetus for referring job candidates. Paper presented at Academy of Management Meetings: Vancouver, Canada.

Pieper, J. R. (2015, April). Looking beyond the referral: Behavioral outcomes for the referrer. Paper presented at the School of Human Resources and Labor Relations, Michigan State University.

Pieper, J. R., Weller, I., & Duchon, D. (2013, October). Employee referral hiring: Outcomes for the referrer. Paper presented at the Midwest Academy of Management Meetings: Milwaukee, WI.

Pieper, J. R., & Greenwald, J. (2013, August). Referral bonus effectiveness in social capital activation: The moderating role of referring risk. Paper presented at Academy of Management Meetings: Orlando, Florida.

Triana, M., Jayasinghe, M., & Pieper, J. R. (2013, April). Race discrimination in employment and its outcomes: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the 28st Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Houston, TX.

Pieper, J. R. (2012, August). Broadening the business case for employee referrals: Does referral hiring affect referrer performance and turnover? Paper presented at Academy of Management Meetings: Boston, Massachusetts.

Pieper, J. R. (2012, March). Consider the source: Do referrer characteristics matter in employee referral job performance and voluntary turnover? Paper presented at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

Pieper, J.R. (2011, August). Predicting referral hire performance: Do referrer characteristics matter? Paper presented at Academy of Management Meetings: San Antonio, Texas.

Pieper, J.R. (2010, November). Consider the source: A study of referrer characteristics in the referral hiring phenomenon. Paper presented at The University of Texas at Dallas.

Nyberg, A. J., Pieper, J. R., & Trevor, C. O. (2010, August). Employee performance as a function of an integrative pay-for-performance framework: The importance of timeframe, payment type, and compensatory effects. Paper presented at Academy of Management Meetings: Montreal, Canada.

Oh, K., Pieper, J. R., & Gerhart, B. (2010, August). Comparing the predictive power of national culture distance measures: Hofstede versus Project GLOBE. 2010. Paper presented at Academy of Management Meetings: Montreal, Canada. [Chosen for inclusion in Best Paper Proceedings. Approximately 10 percent of papers are selected.]

Tett, R. P., Fitzke, J. Wadlington, P. L., Davies, S. & Anderson, M. G. (2006, May). Personality profiles: Effects of normative sample size and relevance. Symposium presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Dallas, TX.

Fitzke, J. & Streich, M. (2006, May). Deductive job analysis systems: A comparative review. In J. Foster (Chair), Standardized Job Analysis Tools: State of the Science. Symposium presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Dallas, TX.

Salvaggio, A. N., Streich, M., Denney, R., & Fitzke, J. (2006, May). Still sexist: The relationship between contemporary sexism and applicant evaluations. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Dallas, TX.

Teaching Experience

University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Executive Power Lunch Series (Executive education)

Compensation Administration (MNGT 463, undergraduate)

Strategic Human Resource Management (GRBA 816, Online MBA Program)

Strategic Human Resource Management (GRBA 816, On-campus MBA Program, formerly MNGT 861)

Strategic Human Resource Management (MNGT 461, undergraduate)

Organizational Behavior (MNGT 360, undergraduate)

The University of Texas at Dallas

Introduction to Organizational Behavior (BA 3361, undergraduate)

University of Wisconsin – Madison

Introduction to Human Resources (MHR305, undergraduate)

Introduction to Management—People Program, an intensive summer course for minority high-school juniors. (Summer 2010)

Teaching Assistant Positions: Entrepreneurial Management (MHR722), Executive/Evening MBA, Leadership & Motivation (MHR704), Compensation (MHR610), Discussion Leader for Organizational Behavior (MHR300), Management Change & Organizational Effectiveness (MHR420), Management of Teams (MHR401), Organizational Behavior (MHR704), Staffing (MHR601), Strategic Management (MHR423), Venture Creation (MHR734)

Teaching/Professional Development Activities

Harvard Business School Publishing, Teaching with Cases Online: A Web-Based Seminar (October 2018)

Gallup Accelerated Strengths Coaching, Participant (November 2017); Certified (July 2018)

Harvard Business School Publishing, Case Method Teaching Seminar Part I (August 2014)

UNL’s Summer Institute for Online Teaching, Participant (May-June 2014)

CIBER Faculty Development Workshop, Strategies for Teaching International Negotiation (June 2009)

Academic Affiliations

Academy of Management

Society for Human Resource Management

Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Honors, Awards, & Grants

David P. Lepak Service Award, HR Division, Academy of Management (2019)

Faculty Service Award, College of Business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2018)

Scholarly Achievement Award, HR Division, Academy of Management (2017)

Best Convention Paper Award, Runner-Up, HR Division, Academy of Management (2017)

Paper Development Workshop, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (February 5-17, 2017)

Best Paper Award, College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2015)

Nomination for Emerging Scholar in Employee Participation and Ownership, HR Division (2015)

Nomination for College Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2013, 2014)

UNL Laymen Seed Award - $10,000 (2013-2014)

Ralph Alexander Dissertation Award, HR Division, Academy of Management (2012)

Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship (Fall 2010 – Spring 2011)

Ph.D. Research Competition Selection Committee Grant (2010)

CIBER Grant to attend Faculty Development Workshop (2009)

Best Reviewer Award, OB Division, Academy of Management Annual Meetings (2007, 08, 11)

University of Tulsa Graduate Assistantship (2005-2006)

Popular Press Recognition

Beygelman, M. (July/August 2012). Referred pain, referred gain. HRO Today, 11(6).

(White paper featuring dissertation work.)

Academic & Professional Service


Editorial Review Board, Human Resource Management (2019-present)

Editorial Review Board, Journal of Management (2017–present)

Editorial Review Board, Personnel Psychology (2017–present)

Editorial Review Board, The Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies (2012–present)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Academy of Management Journal (2018-Present)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Applied Psychology: An International Review (2016-Present)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Human Performance (2010-Present)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Human Relations (2018 – Present)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Human Resource Management (2013-Present)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Human Resource Management Journal (2018-Present)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, International Journal of Human Resource Management (2019 – Present)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Management (2015-2017)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Organization Science (2018 – Present)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Personnel Psychology (2016-2017)

Reviewer, Academy of Management Meetings (2006-Present)


Assistant Scholarly Program Editor, HR Division (2019)

Scientific Committee, 3rd HR Division International Conference (2018)

Scholarly Achievement Award Committee, HR Division, Co-Chair (2018)

HR Division Executive Committee, Treasurer (2016-present)

Annual Academy of Management Meeting

HR Division Research Networking Roundtable, Facilitator (2018)

Session Chair, HR division (2015, 2018)

Discussion Coach for OB Division Discussion Paper Sessions (2012)

Reviewer, HR and OB Divisions (2006-current)

International Human Resource Management Scholarly Award Committee, Chair (2013)

Participant: HR Division Junior Faculty Consortium at the Academy of Management (2012 & 2014)

Academy of Management New Member Mentor (2012, 2013, 2014)

Participant: HR Division Doctoral Consortium at the Academy of Management (2010)


University of Nebraska-Lincoln:

Faculty Compensation Advisory Committee, UNL Faculty Senate (Fall 2015-current)

Wiebers Scholarship Review Committee (Fall 2018 – Current)


University of Nebraska-Lincoln:

Department of Management PHD Coordinator (May 2019-Current)

Department of Management’s PHD Committee (Fall 2018-Current)

MBA Committee (July 2018-Current)

College of Business Dean’s Search Committee (2017)

Department of Management Faculty Search Committee (2014-2015, 2016-2017, 2018-2019)

College of Business Scholarship, Honors, and Awards Committee (2015-Jan 2019; Chair 2016, 2017)

Take-a-Parent to Lunch, New Student Enrollment (Summer 2015, 2016)

College of Business Administration Classroom Building Sub-Committee (2014-2017)

Coordinator for Management Department’s Recruitment at the annual AOM Meeting (2014, 2015, 2016)

Rural Futures Institute Internship Faculty Mentor for Amanda Burau, MBA student (Summer 2014)

Department of Management Committee as a Whole, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2012-current)

The University of Texas at Dallas:

IT Committee (2011-2012)

Current Graduate Thesis/Dissertation Committees

Committee Member: Minerva Tuliao, doctoral candidate in Educational Studies

Committee Member: Sonya Atkinson, doctoral student in Educational Studies

Committee Member: Jono Anzalone, doctoral student in Educational Studies

Prior Graduate Thesis/Dissertation Committees

Co-Chair: Steven Schlachter, doctoral candidate in Management (Graduated May 2018)

Dissertation Defense Date: April 11, 2018

Placement: University of Central Arkansas, Fall 2018

Committee Member: Yichun Cao, doctoral candidate in Educational Psychology (Graduated May 2015)

Community Service/Events

LOMA Society of Nebraska, Guest Speaker (August 2016)

Lincoln Young Professional Group, Guest Speaker (August 2015)

Kiwanis Club of Lincoln Southeast, Guest Speaker (July 22, 2014)


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