Creating a New Agency with a New Mission, New Methods, …

Creating a New Agency with a New Mission, New Methods, and a New Mind-Set

The First 100 Days

Day 1: One Mission, Seven Goals

Our mission is to provide legal, ethical, overt decision support to Congress, all elements of all three branches of government as well as state & local governments, and to dramatically improve the ability of all-source intelligence to provide secret decision support. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a means to an end, not the end itself. However, in passing, we will increase by a factor of 100X to 1000X our national access, from schoolhouse to statehouse, to all information in all languages all the time. We will be under diplomatic auspices, with an Office of Information Sharing Treaties and Agreements led by an Ambassador, in order to embrace the 90% of the world that wants nothing to do with spies and secrecy.

We have seven goals:

1. To provide tailored decision support to legislators, policy makers, acquisition managers, operators and commanders, and analysts. We do this

2. By nurturing, embracing, and integrating the eight tribes of intelligence from all countries, so as to enable universal coverage of every country, in every language, 24/7, down to the neighborhood, tribe, and gang level.

3. By creating a global network of people—both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals—who are nothing less than “first string” professionals in the business of finding, getting, buying, and exploiting all forms of information in all languages, mediums, and domains. We will establish an Academy open to all seven tribes, with the first class of 250 being hand-picked individuals starting on Day 21 and reporting to their first assignment on Day 51.

4. By creating a leap-ahead Global Information Architecture (GIG) that fully integrates Application-Oriented Networking Systems (AONS), semantic web and synthetic information architecture, eXtended mark-up language (XML), Really Simple Syndication (RSS), and a suite of open source software tools such as DARPA has tested to enable all government and non-government parties to share information effectively. We will implement this through a skunk works in the National Capitol Area (NCA), and an Open Source Information System – External (OSIS-X) open to all seven tribes in all countries.

5. By creating a global tasking (requirements) process and system that nurtures Multi-National, Multi-Agency, Multi-Disciplinary, and Multi-Domain Information Sharing (M4 IS).

6. By creating a global collection planning process that optimizes the amount of free information entering OSIS-X and immediately importable to Intelink on the high side; we do this by incentivizing partner nations within each theater of operations, and by providing free access to OSIS-X as a platform for information sharing.

7. By creating a global processing, exploitation, and dissemination system that optimizes the amount of relevant unclassified information and tailored unclassified decision support that can be provided to each of our stake-holding constituencies within defense.

We will have three priorities:

1. Providing decision-support to all those who do not receive secret support, including Congress.

2. Filling in lower-tier collection gaps not now covered by classified sources & methods

3. Providing free online education in all languages as an advanced form of Public Diplomacy.

Days 2-10 Constituencies, Intentions, and Kick-Off

With support from the highest levels of the Department of Defense (DoD), we will establish separate advisory boards for each of the following constituencies:

Executive Office of the President/National Security Council/Office of Management and Budget

Congress/Congressional Research Service/Library of Congress

Policy Makers

Acquisition Managers

Operators (Commanders)

Intelligence Analysts and Collectors

Coalition Governments

Non-Governmental Organizations

Department of Homeland Security Inclusive of Governors and Mayors

Department of State (Public Diplomacy)

Department of Commerce (Economic Security)

Each of these advisory boards will be educated in the art of the possible, will then provide a list of no more than seven “early wins” that would establish our credibility, responsiveness, and value with them, and will then serve as an on-going advisor to the Director, who will appoint an Associate Deputy Director to personally manage our relationship with each of these vital constituencies. At the same time, selected foreign governments and selected non-governmental organizations will be given Letters of Intention from DoD outlining the availability of funding, and the timelines for qualifying for that funding by providing personnel, facilities, and other needed contributions in kind.

Days 11-20 Hiring & Firing Key People

With support from the highest levels of the Department of Defense (DoD), we will hire the first 25 key personnel, all of whom have been identified, and we will fire, publicly and for cause, 10 specific individuals whose dishonesty, mis-representation, and lack of professionalism has impaired DoD progress in this arena for over ten years. Each of the new people will be brought on board immediately, co-located and equipped with the best tools, and given a one-week intensive course prior to being sent out all over the world on their assigned missions, which shall include, with the assistance of the Department of State, the negotiation of information sharing treaties with nations, and information sharing agreements with organizations, on a scale and with a speed never before contemplated.

Days 21-30 Establish Academy and Commence Training

With support from the highest levels of the Department of Defense (DoD), we will reassign and/or hire 250 previously identified individuals, selected from among over 7,500 predominantly military professionals, who shall be directed to report to training on Day 21, graduating 30 days later from the Advanced Open Source Intelligence and Decision Support Course (AOD Course).

Days 31-40 Establish Information Technology Skunkworks

With support from the highest levels of the Department of Defense (DoD), we will establish and have operational a skunkworks that will simultaneously implement OSIS-X and create a foundation for rapidly migrating information from OSIS-X to the high side of Intelink via “one touch” transfers pioneered by OSS and the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Beta networks will be established first within the U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) and in Africa, leveraging the existing United Nations Joint Military Analysis Center (UNJMAC) and the African Early Warning and Open Source Information Sharing Network.

Days 41-50 Establish Federated Requirements (Tasking Request) System

Under the leadership of the J-2, USSOUTHCOM, with the head of the USSOCOM Open Source Branch as deputy and chief of staff, a massive global call for requirements will go out, not only within DoD, but within coalition militaries, and non-governmental organizations vital to the transition to and from hostilities, as well as other private sector organizations important to our success. This call for requirements will be web-based, and quickly processed for exploitation and analysis.

Days 51-60 Establish Federated Collection Management (Tasking Demand) System

Under the leadership of the J-2, USSOUTHCOM, with the head of the USSOCOM Open Source Branch as deputy and chief of staff, and consistent with whatever theater inter-agency collaboration centers and theater multinational information sharing centers may have been approved, we will begin the process of establishing secure web-based collection management protocols, to include both a prioritization and a pricing system. This system will first try to FIND the information for free from within our own databases; then to GET it for free from coalition partners; and lastly, BUY it from commercial provides. We will also have a process for kicking vital requirements that cannot be met by open sources, over to the classified collection managers, and we will have a process for being full participants in the classified collection management process so as to identify every opportunity where open source information can either satisfy a classified collection requirement, or facilitate a classified collection requirement (e.g. with spotting and assessment information on potential targets for clandestine recruitment).

Days 60-71 Establish Federated Data and Production Management System

Two things will be centralized in our federated system: requirements, and digital access. No open source will be purchased without first submitting a requirement to the centralized requirements system; and no open source will be found, gotten, or purchased without a copy of the information being archived in XML form within OSIS-X. OSIS-X will serve as a “living library” fully compliant with all meta-tagging and other standards, such that “production” can be “on the fly and fully exploit content-based routing, semantic web, synthetic information architecture, and the integration of visualization and exploitation and decision support tools not yet accomplished elsewhere within DoD. This system will have at least three levels of access: Public, Government, and Restricted. It will have an audit trail and be in all respects suitable for storing and sharing sensitive but unclassified information.

Days 71-80 Finalize Personnel, Facilities, Equipment, Funding, and Focus of Effort

Days 81-90 Test-Drive the Defense Open Source Agency (DOSA)

Days 91-99 Adjust

Day 100 Open for Business

Within 80 days of opening for business—180 days into our existence, we will be perceived to have been a catalyst for an acceleration of inter-agency collaboration and information sharing; to have transformed multinational information sharing; to have transformed how we do secret intelligence; and to have aided in the transformation of how we do decision support, not just to the highest levels of government and to selected commanders, but to every level across every military occupational specialty. We are the future, and the future starts now. St.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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