Extension Activities for Children’s Books:

Booklist of Resource Books

|Title |Author(s) |ISBN |

|Worth a Thousand Words: an Annotated Guide to Picture |Ammon, Bette & Gale Sherman |1563083906 |

|Books for Older Readers | | |

|Crazy Gibberish |Baltuck, Naomi |0208023364 |

|Picture This |Bang, Molly |1587170302 |

|Dancing Hearts: Creative Arts with Books Kids Love |Brady, Martha |1555919472 |

|Storytelling in Emergent Literacy |Brand, Susan Trostle |0766814807 |

|Storytime Action |Bromann, Jennifer |155570459x |

|Let's Make It Pop-Up |Carter, David & James Diaz |0689865082 |

|Creating Meaning Through Literature and the Arts |Cornett, Claudia E. |0130977772 |

|Take a Look: an Introduction to the Experience of Art |Davidson, Rosemary |0670844780 |

|Making Books That Fly, Fold, Wrap, Hide, Pop up, |Diehn, Gwen |1579900232 |

|Twist, Turn | | |

|Developmentally Appropriate Practice |Gestwicki, Carol |0766800318 |

|Literature Based Science |Hefner, Christine Roots |0897747410 |

|Tell It Again 2 |Isbell, Rebecca |0876592086 |

|The Power of Reading: Insights from Research |Krashen, Stephen |1591581699 |

|More Than Letters |Moomaw, Sally & Brenda Hieronymus |1884834981 |

|Picture Book Plus |Nespeca, Sue McCleaf |0838908403 |

|Diez Deditos |Orozco, JoseLuis |014230087X |

|Information Investigation: Exploring Nonfiction |Pullis, Laura Turner |1555919553 |

|with Books Kids Love | | |

|450 More Story Stretchers for the Primary Grades |Raines, Shirley |0876591675 |

|More Story Stretchers |Raines, Shirley |0876591535 |

|Story Stretchers |Raines, Shirley |0876591195 |

|Story Stretchers for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos |Raines, Shirley |0876592744 |

|Story Stretchers for the Primary Grades |Raines, Shirley |0876591578 |

|Run, Jump, Hide, Slide, Splash: The 200 Best Outdoor |Rhatigan, Joe & Rain Newcomb |1579905099 |

|Games Ever | | |

|Linking Language |Rockwell, Robert, et al. |0876592027 |

|Mister Roger's Plan and Play Book |Rogers, Fred |1885950004 |

|Creating Readers |Schiller, Pam |0876592582 |

|The Complete Resource Book: An Early Childhood |Schiller, Pam |0876591950 |

|Curriculum | | |

|Smart Play |Sher, Barbara |0471466735 |

|Make Believe: Games and Activities for Imaginative Play |Singer, Dorothy & Jerome |1557987173 |

|The Peaceful Classroom |Smith, Charles A. |0876591659 |

|Whole Language Activities for Young Children |Sobut, Mary A. |0876289731 |

|Looking at Picture Books |Stewig, John Warren |091784629X |

|The Read Aloud Handbook |Trelease, Jim |0141001615 |

|Play and Find Out about Math |VanCleave, Janet |0471129372 |

|Piggyback Songs to Sign |Warren, Jean & Susan Shroyer |0911019537 |

|Literacy Play |West, Sherrie & Amy Cox |0876592922 |


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