Naming, Numbering and Metadata Standard

Naming Numbering and Metadata Standard

EDRM #1183938

[pic]National Project Management System

Business Projects-IT-Enabled

Revision Record Sheet

|Version Number |Description |Date Issued |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1















5.7 TITLE 11

5.8 CREATOR 11

5.9 SUBJECT 11




5.13 DATE 12

5.14 TYPE 13

5.15 FORMAT 13


5.17 SOURCE 14

5.18 LANGUAGE 14

5.19 RELATION 14

5.20 COVERAGE 14

5.21 RIGHTS 14


6.1 STATUS 16








1 Purpose and Scope

This document specifies the standard for naming, numbering, and metadata within the project.

This standard applies to hardware, software, documentation, and storage.

2 References

The following documents were used to develop this standard:

• ISO 8601 Date Standard

• ISO 15836 Dublin Core Metadata Standard,

• W3C,

• Common Look and Feel Standards and Guidelines for Intranets and Extranets (CLFIE),

• An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, 1996-05-28

Principles of Naming

A Naming and Numbering standard has the following objectives:

• to find things accurately;

• to find things in an acceptable amount of time;

• to avoid storing duplicates items, especially duplicate items with different names; and

• to find a set of similar things with a unique characteristic.

The following principles apply:

• a bad naming convention applied consistently is better than a good naming convention applied inconsistently

• constraints in one system or media can affect naming conventions elsewhere in the process

- e.g., writing CD-ROMs is limited to 64-character file names, which constrains the length of file names stored elsewhere

• use terms and abbreviations found in the Secure Channel Glossary (restricted vocabulary)

• use one approved name to refer to a thing

- e.g., refer to the Virtual Collaboration Service (VCS), not to SiteScape. SiteScape is the product name.

• If ASCII sorting is required, zero-fill

- e.g., CR-0011.doc, CR-0100.doc

not CR-11.doc, CR-100.doc

• identify things uniquely so that they are identifiable in any context.

- This might be impossible for some elements of software where the filename might not be unique e.g. setup.exe. In these cases, we rely on internal identification or storage in a folder.


1 Project Name

The project is named as follows:

|Type |Text |Usage |

|Expanded | |Project Delivery Framework Document title where appropriate |

| | |Document Title where not a Project Delivery Framework Title |

| | |First reference in a narrative document |

|Abbreviated | |Second and subsequent references in a narrative document |

| | |References in forms and on-line applications |

| | |File name |

2 Document Lists

The following lists specify the controlled documentation of the project:

Folder Naming

The two ways to find information are searching and navigating. Folders create a navigable hierarchy. Folder names are guided by the following principles:

• enable the folders to sort in a logical sequence for the context, by folder name.


• a folder should contain like items at each sub-level. In the example below, everything under 2_Definition relates to the definition of the product:


• try to use only one word for the name.

• for software storage, use lower case

• for document storage, use lower case or mixed case

• avoid using only upper case i.e. ARCHITECTURE

• use words that are short, familiar, intuitive

• Projects are located by navigating as follows: Branch Projects + Sector + Project Name

• The standard EDRM folder Structure is shown below.


• Additional folders may be added under these, provided logical connections are maintained.


File Names


• Roxio EasyCD Creator 5 has a file name limit of 64 characters: 61characters, plus “.” (dot) and three-character extension.

• E-DRM exports versions of files externally by appending a 17–character prefix:


• Adobe Acrobat PDF Writer truncates file names at the first occurrence of a “.” (dot), requiring user intervention

• In Word, after Document New, during Save As, it attempts to use the Document Title as the proposed file name, but truncates it at the first occurrence of a “-“ (dash). For example, Meeting Minutes 2003-10-01 gets truncated to Meeting Minutes 2003, requiring user intervention.

• A document title and its file name do not have to match. Abbreviations can be used to shorten the filename. Abbreviations must conform to the Secure Channel Glossary.

• Consider how Annex, Appendix, Version, Date Modified, CDRL ID affect the file name


• File names are limited to 61 characters, plus “.” (dot) and three-character extension:

- 17 characters: E-DRM prefix (NCA-#999999-v99-)

- 44 characters: file name

- 1 character: dot

- 3 character: extension

• Document file name and document file name in a document list must match

• Document title and file name do not have to match

• File Name includes the version ID as vR.V

• File Name includes the CDRL ID, if used

• File Name uses the abbreviation only e.g. OMP

• File name: (E-DRM Prefix)(CDRL) (Abbreviated Title) v(R.V).ext

• Use the date to identify a file only if the date is part of the subject, such as for meeting agenda and minutes:

- Internal AMC Agenda 2006-06-17.doc

- Internal AMC Minutes 2006-06-17.doc

• Do not use the date to signify a version unless the file is an extract or a one-off distribution

- CR Log.xls (the master copy)

- CR Log Extract 2006-05-25.xls

1 Archive Compact Discs (CDs)

The standard for identifying Archive CDs file listings is as follows:


|Element |Description |

|Archive_CD_ |Fixed text |

|nnn |Three-digit, sequential, positive integer |

|.txt |File extension |





2 E-DRM Export Prefix

When E-DRM exports a file to Windows, it adds a 16-character prefix. E-DRM stores a maximum of 99 versions. The version identifier is zero-suppressed:


|Element |Description |

|LLL |Library of E-DRM |

|- |Fixed separator |

|# |E-DRM Doc ID prefix |

|NNNNN |6-digit E-DRM Doc ID |

|- |Fixed separator |

|v |Version prefix |

|VV |E-DRM version of the file, system-generated |

|- |Fixed separator |


Note : EDRM generates separators and ID codes automatically

3 Task Authorizations

The numbering scheme of a Task Authorization (TA) is as follows:

TA-09 vR.V

|Element |Description |

|TA |Fixed text referring to the type of task authorization: |

| |TA = Task Authorization |

| |FT = Field Trial |

| |IM = Implementation Phase |

|- |Fixed separator |

|09 |Two-digit, sequential, positive integer, including leading zeros |

|v |Fixed text meaning version |

|R |Sequential, positive integer for each release |

|- |Fixed separator |

|V |Sequential, positive integer for each version |

For example, IM-04 v2.1 refers to TA IM 4, version 2.1.

4 Business Change Requests (CRs)

The numbering scheme of a business CR is as follows:

CR-0009 vV

|Element |Description |

|CR |Fixed text meaning “Change Request” |

|- |Fixed separator |

|0009 |Four-digit, sequential, positive integer, including leading zeros |

|v |Fixed text meaning version |

|V |Sequential, positive integer for each version |

For example, CR-0004 v2 refers to CR 4, version 2. Linkage to a Task Authorization is made in the CR Log.

5 Engineering Change Requests

The numbering scheme of engineering CRs is system-controlled by ClearQuest Web:


|Element |Description |

|xxx |Fixed text “xxx” |

|00000009 |Eight-digit, sequential, positive integer, including leading zeros |

For example, xxx00000023 refers to change request 23. For clarity outside ClearQuest, precede the number with “Change Request” or “CR”.

6 Document Metadata

Metadata for documents uses the ISO 15836 Dublin Core Metadata Standard. Dublin Core specifies 15 elements of metadata, listed below:

|Element |Definition |Comment |

|Title |A name given to the resource. |Typically, Title will be a name by which the resource is formally|

| | |known. |

|Creator |An entity primarily responsible for |Creator can be the name of a person, a role, an organization, or |

| |making the content of the resource. |a service. |

|Subject |A topic of the content of the |Keywords, key phrases, or classification codes that describe a |

| |resource. |topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a |

| | |value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification |

| | |scheme. |

|Description |An account of the content of the |Description can be an abstract, table of contents, reference to a|

| |resource. |graphical representation of content, or free-text account of the |

| | |content. |

|Publisher |An entity responsible for making the |Publisher can be the name of a person, a role, an organization, |

| |resource available. |or a service. |

|Contributor |An entity responsible for making |Contributor can be the name of a person, a role, an organization,|

| |contributions to the content of the |or a service. |

| |resource. | |

|Date |A date of an event in the lifecycle of|Date is associated with the creation or availability of the |

| |the resource. |resource. To encode the date value, use ISO 8601 [W3CDTF] in the |

| | |form YYYY-MM-DD. |

|Type |The nature or genre of the content of |Type includes terms describing general categories, functions, |

| |the resource. |genres, or aggregation levels for content. Recommended best |

| | |practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for |

| | |example, the DCMI Type Vocabulary [DCT]). To describe the |

| | |physical or digital manifestation of the resource, use the Format|

| | |element. |

|Format |The physical or digital manifestation |Format will include the media-type or dimensions of the resource.|

| |of the resource. |Format may be used to identify the software, hardware, or other |

| | |equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Examples of |

| | |dimensions include size and duration. Recommended best practice |

| | |is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, |

| | |the list of Internet Media Types [MIME] defining computer media |

| | |formats). |

|Identifier |An unambiguous reference to the |Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of|

| |resource within a given context. |a string or number conforming to a formal identification system. |

| | |Formal identification systems include but are not limited to the |

| | |Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) (including the Uniform Resource|

| | |Locator (URL)), the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and the |

| | |International Standard Book Number (ISBN). |

|Source |A reference to a resource from which |The present resource may be derived from the Source resource in |

| |the present resource is derived. |whole or in part. Recommended best practice is to identify the |

| | |referenced resource by means of a string or number conforming to |

| | |a formal identification system. |

|Language |A language of the intellectual content|Recommended best practice is to use RFC 3066 [RFC3066], which, in|

| |of the resource. |conjunction with ISO 639 [ISO639], defines two- and three-letter |

| | |primary language tags with optional subtags. Examples include |

| | |“en” or “eng” for English, “akk" for Akkadian, and “en-GB” for |

| | |English used in the United Kingdom. |

|Relation |A reference to a related resource. |Recommended best practice is to identify the referenced resource |

| | |by means of a string or number conforming to a formal |

| | |identification system. |

|Coverage |The extent or scope of the content of |Coverage can include spatial location (a place name or geographic|

| |the resource. |coordinates), temporal period (a period label, date, or date |

| | |range), or jurisdiction (such as a named administrative entity). |

| | |Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled |

| | |vocabulary (for example, the Thesaurus of Geographic Names [TGN])|

| | |and to use, where appropriate, named places or time periods in |

| | |preference to numeric identifiers such as sets of coordinates or |

| | |date ranges. |

|Rights |Information about rights held in and |Rights can contain a rights management statement for the |

| |over the resource. |resource, or reference a service providing such information. |

| | |Rights information often encompasses Intellectual Property Rights|

| | |(IPR), Copyright, and various Property Rights. If the Rights |

| | |element is absent, no assumptions may be made about any rights |

| | |held in or over the resource. |

7 Title

• The Document Title is limited to 64 characters.

• A document title can differ from its file name

• Document Title in the document and Document Title in the CDRL must match

• Document Title will use the expanded format and abbreviated format e.g. Operations Management Plan (OMP) or use the expanded format only

8 Creator

Creator is the name or role of the author, or both. If the role is not unique to one person, then use the person’s name. If the document was created by more than one person, then enter the name of the person who assembled the document on behalf of the group.

For example, the CM Plan could be authored by:

John Smith, Configuration Manager

9 Subject

Keywords, key phrases, or classification codes that describe a topic of the resource. Select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme.

10 Description

An abstract, table of contents, reference to a graphical representation of content, or free-text account of the content.

11 Publisher

In office applications, we use the Company and Manager fields to specify the publisher.

Company is PWGSC-TPSGC.

Manager is one of the following:

• the author’s direct manager

• the person accountable for the document

• the approver of the document

• the project manager.

12 Contributor

A person, role, organization, or service that contributed to the content of a document.

13 Date

The standard for dates adopts the ISO 8601 Date Standard, as follows:


|Element |Description |

|yyyy |Four-digit year |

|- |Fixed separator |

|mm |Two-digit month, including leading zeros |

|dd |Two-digit day, including leading zeros |


March 5, 1980 becomes 1980-03-05

May 3, 1980 becomes 1980-05-03


• TBITS-36

• ISO 8601-2000

• FIPS PUB 4-1

• CAN/CSA-Z243.4-89

• ANSI X3.30-1985 (R1991)

Date Modified, Approved, Issued, and Effective

• Date modified is unrelated to the document’s approval and resulting effective date.

• Record Date Issued as a custom document property and field on the UserForm and enter it automatically on the title page.

• Leave Date Modified as a built-in Document Property and the document creator types it into the Revision Record.

• Enter Date Delivered and Date Approved in the Document List

• It is unnecessary to record Date Effective within the document. The document assumes that the Date Approved is the effective date. Scheduled effectivity does not apply to the AIMS R2 project.

14 Type

Terms describing general categories, functions, genres, or aggregation levels for content. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary (for example, the DCMI Type Vocabulary [DCT]).







15 Format

The media-type or dimensions of the resource. Format may be used to identify the software, hardware, or other equipment needed to display or operate the resource. Examples of dimensions include size and duration. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary. For example, the list of Internet Media Types [MIME] defines computer media formats:

• application

• audio

• example

• image

• message

• model

• multipart

• text

• video

16 Identifier

• Doc ID, is common for all releases and versions of a document

• E-DRM specifies a six-digit document identifier #NNNNNN

• Identify superseding versions by CDRL # and version

17 Source

Source is the metadata element used to designate a reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived. The present resource may be derived from the Source resource in whole or part.

18 Language

Relation is the metadata element used to designate the language of the intellectual content of the resource.

19 Relation

Relation is the metadata element used to designate A reference to a related resource.

20 Coverage

Coverage is the element used to designate the extent or scope of the content of the resource. Coverage will typically include spatial location (a place name or geographic co-ordinates), temporal period (a period label, date, or date range) or jurisdiction (such as a named administrative entity).

21 Rights

Rights to a document are expressed as security levels and by role-specific access.


Security is one of the following values:




• Blank

The default is “UNCLASSIFIED”. The Secure Channel Project does not handle information that is Protected C or higher. EDRMS does not handle documents higher than Protected A.

Access Control

E-DRM uses the following access control values:

• View Profile

• Edit Profile

• View Document

• Retrieve Document

• Edit Content

• Copy

• Delete

• Control Access

Inside Documents

1 Status

Status refers to the state of a document as it moves through its life cycle.

• Record a document’s status in the Document List, not inside the document, so that a document version can change status without changing its contents

• Derive status from the step in the document life cycle

• Use a watermark WIP to signify versions of documents not for review

• Use a DRAFT watermark for documents in the review process, not yet final

• The approved baseline for a set of items is the set of approved versions

• Use these status values:

|Status |Uncontrolled |Internal |Deliverable |

|Blank | |Not started |Not started |

|DRAFT | |Started |Started |

| | |“DRAFT Watermark” |“DRAFT Watermark” |

|WIP |N/A |Started |Started |

| | |”WIP” Watermark |”WIP” Watermark |

|Review |N/A |Review |Review |

|Revise |N/A |Revise |Revise |

|Verify |N/A |Specified changes were |Specified changes were |

| | |incorporated |incorporated |

|Approved |N/A |Released |Released |

|Superseded |N/A |Replaced |Replaced |

|Obsolete |N/A |No longer used |No longer used |

| | |Not replaced |Not replaced |

2 Figure and Table Numbering

• Exclude Figure Captions, Table of Figures, Table Captions, and Table of Tables from procedure documents

• Use Word’s automatic numbering. The first digit is the Heading Level 1 within which the figure or table was placed. The second digit is the sequential number of the figure within that section.

Figure 6-1 – Caption

Figure 6-2 – Caption

Table 6-1 – Caption

Table 6-2 – Caption

• To use a caption, copy it from the samples above. When creating templates, include a sample of the captions so that authors do not need to create or find them.

3 Annexes and Appendices

• Annexes are separate documents, subordinate to higher-level documents.

• Appendices are internal subsections, at the end of documents and annexes, to provide supplementary information such as long tables and database reports. Appendices do not use numbered outline headings.

• The hierarchy is document, annex, appendix

• Identify Annexes by uppercase letters i.e. A, B, C.

• Identify Appendices by numerals i.e. 1, 2, 3.

• Identify Annexes by Document, then by Annex:

- SMP Annex B v1.0.doc

- SMP Annex B v1.2.doc

• Restructure to reduce Annexes and Appendices. Make more documents stand alone (with their own title), but have an order of precedence and parent-child relationships

4 Document Versions

The standard for naming

• Standard is vR.V.

• R is a release, one complete cycle through the Deliverable Review Process or Internal Review Process. A Release contains one or more versions.

• V is a version, interim iterations before an approved release. Version is incremented at the discretion of the author or at least once per version issued. Documents with the same version identification must be identical.

• Refer to “v1.2” as “version one point two”


CMP v1.2

CMP v1.3

CMP v2.0

CVS tracks versions of custom software CIs and documents internally so that we will exclude version identification in software and document file names stored in CVS. We document the version inside software files and in the Revision History section of documents.

5 Software Versions

The standard for software version numbering is as follows:

RR.VV.BB [yyyy-mm-dd][hh:mm]

|Element |Description |

|RR |Two-digit, sequential, positive integer, excluding leading zeros for the Release. |

|. |Fixed separator. |

|VV |Two-digit, sequential, positive integer, excluding leading zeros for the minor version. |

|BB |Two-digit, sequential, positive integer, excluding leading zeros for the patch build. |

|“ ” (space) |Fixed separator. |

|yyyy-mm-dd |Date stamp for individual components of software |

|hh:mm |Time stamp for individual components of software |

Software version identification typically does not apply to file names. Version identification is recorded inside the source code, in Help About screens (if any), meta tags, etc.

Selecting the correct versions of code for builds is performed by the software source code control system (CVS) with labeled versions of each file.




2.0.1 Build 1 of release 2.0

6 Software Baselines

Baselines are named according to the following syntax:

+ "_" + + "-" +


will be AIMS. It can assume other values, as required

is a numeric separated with periods

will be one of {F, A, D, P} denoting {Functional, Allocated, Development, Product}

For example, the AIMS R2 Functional Baseline will be named:


7 Numbers in Spreadsheets

Microsoft Excel can control how numbers are displayed through custom formatting. Custom formatting is performed in four parts, based on the cell value: positive; negative; zero; text. To access custom formatting, select a range of one or more cells and select Format | Cells | Number | Custom. The following window is displayed.

Paste the custom format specifications into the field Type: as in the figure above:

Dollar signs are used for the first number of several in a column of numbers and for totals:

_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)

Numbers without dollar signs are used for the second and subsequent numbers in a column of numbers:

_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)

These formats are independent of font, border, alignment, pattern and other cell formatting.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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