Portland Community College

Portland Community College, Sylvania CampusBI 231 Lab Supplemental PackagePCC-Sylvania BI 231 Laboratory Supplement1. Upon entering the laboratory, please locate the exits, fire extinguisher, eyewash station, and clean up materials for chemical spills. Your instructor will demonstrate the location of fire blanket, safety kit, and showers.2. Read the general laboratory directions and any objectives before coming to lab.3. Food and drink, including water, are prohibited in laboratory. This is per Federal laboratory guidelines and per College Safety Policy. Do not chew gum, use tobacco products of any kind, store food or apply cosmetics in the laboratory. No drink containers of any kind may be on the benches.4. Please keep all personal materials off the working area. Store backpacks and purses at the rear of the laboratory, not beside or under benches. Some laboratory spaces have shelving in rear for this purpose.5. For your safety, please restrain long hair, loose fitting clothing and dangling jewelry. Hair ties are available, ask your instructor. Hats and bare midriffs are not acceptable in the laboratory. Shoes, not sandals, must be worn at all times in laboratory. You may wear a laboratory apron or lab coat if you desire, but it is not required.6. We do not wish to invade your privacy, but for your safety if you are pregnant, takingimmunosuppressive drugs or who have any other medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, immunological defect) that might necessitate special precautions in the laboratory must inform the instructor immediately. If you know you have an allergy to latex or chemicals, please inform instructor.7. Decontaminate work surfaces at the beginning of every lab period using Amphyl solution.Decontaminate bench following any practical quiz, when given, and after labs involving the dissection of preserved material.8. Use safety goggles in all experiments in which solutions or chemicals are heated or when instructed to do so. Never leave heat sources unattended: hot plates or Bunsen burners.9. Wear disposable gloves when handling blood and other body fluids or when touching items or surfaces soiled with blood or other body fluids such as saliva and urine. (NOTE: cover open cuts or scrapes with a sterile bandage before donning gloves.) Wash your hands immediately after removing gloves.10. Keep all liquids away from the edge of the lab bench to avoid spills. Immediately notify your instructor of any spills. Keep test tubes in racks provided, except when necessary to transfer to water baths or hot plate. You will be advised of the proper clean-up procedures for any spill.11. Report all chemical or liquid spills and all accidents, such as cuts or burns, no matter how minor, to the instructor immediately.12. Use mechanical pipetting devices only. Mouth pipetting is prohibited.Students who do not comply with these safety guidelineswill be excluded from the LaboratorySafe Disposal of Contaminated MaterialsPlace disposable materials such as gloves, mouth pieces, swabs, toothpicks and paper towels that have come into contact with blood or other body fluids into a disposable Autoclave bag for decontamination by autoclaving. This bucket is not for general trash.Place glassware contaminated with blood and other body fluids directly into a labeled bucket of 10% bleach solution. ONLY glass or plastic-ware is to be placed in this bucket, not trash.Sharp’s container is for used lancets only. It is bright red. When using disposable lancets do not replace their covers.1. Properly label glassware and slides, using china markers provided.2. Wear disposable gloves when handling blood and other body fluids or when touching items or surfaces soiled with blood or other body fluids such as saliva and urine. (NOTE: cover open cuts or scrapes with a sterile bandage before donning gloves.) Wash your hands immediately after removing gloves.3. Wear disposable gloves when handling or dissecting specimens fixed with formaldehyde or stored in Carosafe/Wardsafe.4. Wear disposable gloves when handling chemicals denoted as hazardous or carcinogenic by your instructor. Read labels on dropper bottles provided for an experiment, they will indicate the need for gloves or goggles, etc. Upon request, detailed written information is available on every chemical used (MSDS). Ask your instructor.5. No pen or pencil is to be used at any time on any model or bone. The bones are fragile, hard to replace and used by hundreds of students every year. To protect them and keep them in the best condition, please use pipe cleaners and probes provided instead of a writing instrument.a. Probes may be used on models as well. The bones are very difficult and costly to replace, as are the models and may take a long time to replace.6. At the end of an experiment:a. Clean glassware and place where designated. Remove china marker labels at this time.b. Return solutions & chemicals to designated area. Do not put solutions or chemicals in cupboards!7. You cannot work alone or unsupervised in the laboratory.8. Microscopes should be cleaned before returning to numbered cabinet. Be sure objectives are clean, use lens paper. Place objectives into storage position, and return to the storage cabinet. Be sure cord has been coiled and restrained. Your instructor may require microscope be checked before you put it away. Be sure it is in assigned cupboard.9. Please replace your prepared slides into the box from which they came (slides and boxes are numbered), so students using them after you will be able to find the same slide. Before placing slides in box, clean it with Kimwipes if it is dirty or covered with oil. If you break a slide, please, inform you instructor so the slide can be replaced. Please be aware that there is hundreds of dollars worth of slides in each box and handle the boxes with care when carrying to and from your workbench.10. Be sure all paper towels used in cleaning lab benches and washing hands are disposed of in trash container provided.Students who do not comply with these safety guidelinesand directions will be excluded from the LaboratoryPlease ReadYou are beginning a very intense laboratory course. Before you come to class you will want to review what the study focus is for that day’s lab. This is important because you will be liable (tested) for the information listed in your study guide and manual. There are lists of terms that you are required to know, as well as tables and diagrams. These are testable as well. If there are slides listed in the study guide then you are also liable to identify these structures under the microscope on quizzes or on practicals. There will also be various models that are available in the classroom which will be used in the tests. It is up to the student to identify the structures on these models. Remember, majority of your practicals will be on these models. Please do not think that you will be able to look at the pictures in the book and do well on quizzes and practicals. YOU NEED TO SPEND TIME WITH THE MODELS!Some labs will have exercises that are required. Please make sure that you understand what was learned in these exercises because these are also fair game to be used for questions in the tests. Each lab will start with a 10 point quiz. You are required to be in attendance at the beginning of each lab. You will receive a zero on the quiz if you miss it. There will not be quizzes on the weeks we have a practical or the week after a practical. If you stay in lab only long enough to take the quiz and then leave soon after the lab will be counted as a missed lab.Spelling can account for up to 10% off of your grade so please be careful. Also be aware of singular and plural usage because these mistakes will count as spelling errors.Absences: You cannot miss more than two labs and still pass the course. Also you can only attend another instructor’s class once during the quarter. This must be approved by both instructors. If you attend another instructor’s lab without permission your quiz will be automatically thrown out. There are review sheets at the end of each exercise that we recommend that you do. You will not receive credit for these pages but they will help you study the material and prepare for the tests.Any material found in the lab manual can be used for the extra credit questions.If you have any questions please contact Marilyn Thomas, Lab Coordinator (Marilyn.thomas@pcc.edu) Thank you!BI 231Anatomy and Physiology ILab 1: Organs, Systems and Organization of the Body: Today’s Lab Objectives:Be able to identify the organ systems and organs listed on any of the models found in labKnow the functions of the organ systemsKnow the basic organs found in the organ systemsBe able to use directional terms to identify body structuresBe able to determine from illustration or written description planes of the bodyBe able to identify major regions of the bodyIdentify abdominal quadrants and 9 abdominal regions and major organs found in eachBe able to identify the superficial muscles on the muscle menThe Organ SystemsReproductiveGonads (testes and ovaries)UrinaryKidneys, urinary bladderNervousBrain and spinal cordMuscular (muscles)Skeletal (bones)RespiratoryNose, larynx, trachea and lungsLymphaticLymph nodes, spleen, thymus and tonsilsIntegumentary SkinDigestiveMouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liverEndocrineThyroid, adrenal glands, pancreasCardiovascularHeart, blood and blood vesselsWhat is Anatomical Position?Directional Terms:SuperiorInferiorMedialLateralSuperficialDeepVentral (anterior)Dorsal (posterior)ProximalDistalContralateralispsilateralPlanes:Transverse (horizontal) planeCoronal (frontal) planeSagittal planeMidsagittalParasagittalBody Cavities:DorsalCranial cavityVertebral canalVentralThoracicMediastinumPleuralVisceral pleuraParietal pleuraPericardialVisceral pericardiumParietal pericardiumAbdominal pelvicAbdominalPelvicRegions of the body:CranialCephalicFacialFrontalOrbitalBuccalMentalNasalOralNuchal (back of neck)CervicalAcromialAxillaryThoracicPectoralSternalBrachialAbdominalUmbilicalCubital (elbow)AntebrachialScapularVertebralLumbarSacralGlutealCoxalInguinalPubicPatellarDigitalPedalTarsalcruralFemoralManualCalcanealPoplitealCarpalAbdominal RegionsNine RegionsFour QuadrantsRight hypochondriacright upper quadrantLeft hypochondriacleft upper quadrantEpigastricright lower quadrantRight lumbarleft lower quadrantLeft lumbarUmbilicalHypogastricRight iliac (inguinal)Left iliac (inguinalMuscles to know:SternocleidomastoidTrapeziusDeltoidPectoralis majorExternal abdominal obliqueRectus abdominisBiceps brachiiTriceps brachiiLatissimus dorsiSartoriusRectus femorisTibialis anteriorGluteus maximusSemitendinosusBiceps femorisGastrocnemiusLab 2: Tissues Quiz #1: Anatomical TerminologyToday’s Lab Objectives:Be able to identify the various tissues under the microscopeBe able to associate tissues with organs in which they are foundKnow the functions of the various tissuesIdentify the muscle typesEpithelial TissueKnow Characteristics of epithelial tissues:How are epithelial tissues named?*Simple squamous epithelium:Locations where found:Functions:*Simple cuboidal epitheliumLocations where found:Functions:*Simple columnar epitheliumLocations where found:Functions*Pseudostratified columnar epithelium (ciliated and non ciliated)Locations where found:Functions:*goblet cells*Stratified squamous epithelium (Keratinized and Non keratinized)Locations where found:Functions:*Transitional epitheliumLocations where found:FunctionsMembranesSerousVisceralParietalMuscle Tissues*Skeletal MuscleCharacteristics:Functions:*Cardiac MuscleCharacteristics:Functions:*Smooth MuscleCharacteristics:FunctionsConnective TissuesKnow the distinguishing characteristics of connective tissuesMatrixGround substance (Know which tissues have solid, liquid or gel)Fibers*Know the fibers CollagenElasticReticular CellsFibroblastsFibrocytes*Adipocytes*Chondrocytes*OsteocytesMesenchymeFibrous Connective Tissues*Dense regular connective tissueCharacteristics:Locations where it can be found in the body:*Dense irregular connective tissueCharacteristics:Locations where it can be found in the body:*Elastic connective tissueCharacteristics:Locations where it can be found in the bodyLoose connective tissue*Reticular connective tissueCharacteristics:Locations where it can be found in the body*reticular fibers*Areolar connective tissueCharacteristics:Locations where it can be found in the body*collagen fibers*elastic fibers*Adipose tissueDescription:Location in the body:Cartilage*Hyaline cartilageDescription:Location in the body:*FibrocartilageDescription:Location in the body:*Elastic cartilageDescription:Location in the body:*chondrocytesLacunaPerichondrium*Bone*Central canal*OsteocytesosteonsDescription:Functions:*BloodPlasmaErythrocytes (RBCs)Leukocytes (WBCs)PlateletsDescription:Functions:Be able to identify on histology slidesLab 3: Integumentary System Quiz #2: Histology Objectives:List the two layers of the integumentList and identify all the layers of the epidermisDescribe the structure and function of sudoriferous glands and sebaceous glands and be able to identify them on both models and slidesIdentify the hair follicle in longitudinal and cross sectionBe able to identify meissner’s and Pacinian corpuscles on both models and slidesDescribe the hypodermis Epidermis- Stratified squamous epithelium hardened with keratin*Stratum basaleBasement membraneMelanocytes*Stratum spinosumDesmosomes*Stratum granulosumKeratohyalin granules (precursors of keratin found in the outer most layer of epidermis)*Stratum lucidumOnly found in the palms of the hand and soles of the feet*Stratum corneumDermis – majority of the fibers are irregularly arranged collagenous with lesser numbers of elastic and reticular fibers*Papillary layer (areolar connective tissue)*Meissner’s (tactile) CorpusclesMerkel (tactile) discs (also found in lower epidermis) *Reticular layer (Dense irregular connective tissue)*Pacinian (lamellated) CorpuscleWarm and cool receptorsPain receptorsHypodermis (adipose and areolar connective tissues)Integumentary GlandsSudoriferous (sweat) glands*Eccrine (merocrine) glands*Apocrine glandsLactiferous (milk) glands*Sebaceous (oil) glandsSebumCeruminous (earwax) glandsHair*Hair follicles*Hair*Shaft*Root*Hair bulbTypes of hairDeterminate hairIndeterminate hair*Dermal papillaRoot sheath*Piloerector (arrector pili) muscleCross section of hairMedullaCortexMelaninCuticleNailsNail bodyFree edgeEponychiumNail rootNail bedLunuleHyponychiumNail grooveNail folds* Be able to identify on histology slides and models where availableLab 4: Introduction to skeletal and nervous systems (pages 55-79)Quiz #3: Integumentary systemObjectives:Describe the composition if bone tissueDescribe the microscopic structure of compact boneBe able to identify structures listed on models and under microscopeDescribe the 3 parts of the neuronList the main divisions of the nervous systemDescribe the functions of the various neurogliasSkeletal systemAxial skeleton: skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column, ribs and sternumAppendicular skeleton: Pectoral girdle: clavicle, scapulaUpper extremity: humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalangesPelvic girdle: hip boneLower extremity: femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalangesComposition of Bone TissueOrganic materialCollagenous fibersInorganic materialHydroxyapatiteBone ShapesLong boneShort bonesFlat bonesIrregular bonesBone MorphologyEpiphysesDiaphysisArticular cartilageEpiphyseal plateEpiphyseal lineCompact boneSpongy boneTrabeculaeMarrow cavityRed marrowYellow marrowDiploePeriosteumPerforating (Sharpey’s) fibersNutrient foraminaPerforating (Volksmann’s) canalsEndosteumMicroscopic Structure of BoneOsteonsCentral (haversian) canalPerforating canalsLacunaeOsteocytesCanaliculiLamellaeConcentricCircumferentialInterstitialBone CellsOsteoblastsOsteocytesOsteoclastsOsteogenic cellsNervous SystemNeuronAxonAxon hillockDendriteNeurosomaNeuroplasmNissl bodiesNucleusNeuron Shapes*Multipolar neuronBipolar neuronsUnipolar neuronsSynapsesSynaptic knobNeurotransmittersElectrical synapseNeurogliaPNSSchwann cellNodes of RanvierMyelinMyelin sheathSaltatory conductionCNSOligodendrocytesAstrocytesMicrogliaEpendymal cellsSpecialized Neurons*Pyramidal cells*Purkinje cells*Be able to identify on histology slides Please use the extra time in lab to review for the practical next week!Lab 5 – Practical #1The practical will cover all the material discussed in the last 4 weeks of labTerms to know, labeled figures, tables, any additional info outlined in the packageModels ImagesMicroscopes (images will also be provided for histology questions)75 questionsTimed stationsLab 6 – Axial SkeletonNo QuizLab Objectives:By the end of today’s lab you should be able to identify the bones and markings listed below on bones of the skull.You should be able to identify parts of vertebrae, ribs sternum and hyoid bonesThe skull (exercise 11)Frontal boneSupraorbital ridgeParietal bone (2)Temporal bone (2)Zygomatic process of temporal boneMastoid processStyloid processExternal auditory meatusInternal auditory meatusJugular foramenCarotid canalMandibular fossaOccipital boneForamen magnumOccipital condylesSuperior nuchal lineInferior nuchal lineExternal occipital protuberanceSuturesCoronal sutureSagittal sutureSquamous sutureLambdoidal sutureSphenoidGreater wingsSuperior orbital fissureSella turcicaHypophyseal fossaDorsum sellaeLesser wingsOptic canalForamen rotundumForamen ovaleForamen lacerumForamen spinosumPterygoid processesMedial pterygoid plateLateral pterygoid plateEthmoid boneCrista galliCribriform platePerpendicular plateMiddle nasal conchaeOlfactory foraminaMandibleBody of mandibleRamus of mandibleAngle of mandibleMandibular condyleMental foramenMental symphysisCoronoid processMandibular notchMandibular foramenMylohyoid lineAlveolar processesMaxilla (2)Alveolar marginInfraorbital foramenParanasal sinusesMaxillary sinusSphenoid sinus Ethmoid sinusFrontal sinusZygomatic bones (2)Zygomatic arch Lacrimal (2)VomerNasal (2)Palatine (2)Inferior nasal concha (2)Wormian (sutural) bonesHard palate = maxilla + palatine boneNasal septum = vomer + perpendicular plate of ethmoid boneFontanelsAnterior (frontal) fontanelPosterior (occipital) fontanelSphenoid (anterolateral) fontanels (2)Mastoid (posterolateral) fontanels (2)Vertebrae, Ribs, Sternum, Hyoid (Exercise 10)Spinal CurvaturesCervical curvature Thoracic curvatureLumbar curvatureSacral (pelvic) curvatureAbnormal curvaturesScoliosisKyphosisLordosisTypical Vertebra structuresIntervertebral discsVertebral foramenBody of vertebraVertebral archLaminaTransverse processesSpinous processSuperior articular processesSuperior articular facetInferior articular processInferior articular facetIntervertebral foraminaCervical Vertebrae (7)Atlas (C1) no bodyAxis (C2) Dens (odontoid process)Transverse foramenBifid spinous processThoracic Vertebrae (12)Superior costal facetInferior costal facetTransverse costal facetsLumbar Vertebrae (5)Sacrum (5 fused)Anterior sacral foraminaPosterior sacral foraminaSacral promontoryCoccyxRibsHeadNeckTubercleCostal grooveTrue ribsFalse ribs (with floating ribs)Sternum ManubriumBodyXiphoid processHyoidLab 7: Appendicular SkeletonQuiz #4: Axial Skeleton Lab Objectives:By the end of today’s lab you should be able to identify the bones and markings from the list below.Pectoral GirdleScapulaAcromion processCoracoid processSpine of scapulaSupraspinous fossaInfraspinous fossaSubscapular fossaGlenoid cavityLateral (axillary border)Medial (vertebral) borderSuperior borderInferior angleSuperior angleClavicleSternal endAcromial endConoid tubercleUpper ExtremityHumerusHead of humerusAnatomical neckSurgical neckGreater tubercleLesser tubercleIntertubercular groove (sulcus)Deltoid tuberosityMedial epicondyleLateral epicondyleCoronoid fossaRadial fossaOlecranon fossaCapitulumTrochleaLateral suprocondylar ridgeMedial supracondylar ridgeUlnaOlecranon processCoronoid processTrochlear notchRadial notch of ulnaHead of ulnaStyloid process of ulnaRadiusHead of radiusRadial tuberosityUlnar notch of radiusStyloid process of radiusCarpal bones (from lateral to medial)Proximal row: scaphoid- lunate-triquetrum-pisiformDistal row: trapezium-trapezoid-capitate-hamateMetacarpal bones (I-V)Phalanges (proximal, middle, distal)Pelvic GirdleOs coxaeIliumIliac crestAnterior superior iliac spineAnterior inferior iliac spinePosterior superior iliac spinePosterior inferior iliac spineGreater sciatic notchIliac fossaIschiumIschial spineIschial tuberosityLesser sciatic notchIschial ramusPubisSuperior ramusInferior ramusBody of pubisPubic symphysisPubic crestObturator foramenAcetabulumPelvic brimLower ExtremityFemurHead of femurNeck of femurGreater trochanterLesser trochanterGluteal tuberosityIntertrochanteric lineIntertrochanteric crestLinea asperaMedial supracondylar line Lateral supracondylar lineIntertrochanteric crestIntertrochanteric lineMedial epicondyleLateral epicondyleMedial condyleLateral condyleIntercondylar fossaPatellar surfaceFovea capitisAdductor tuberclePatellaArticular facetsTibiaMedial condyle Lateral condyleIntercondylar eminenceTibial tuberosityMedial malleolusFibulaHead of fibulaLateral malleolusTarsal bones:TalusCalcaneusCuboidNavicularMedial (first), intermediate (second) and lateral (third) cuneiformMetatarsalsPhalanges The knee jointMedial meniscusLateral meniscusAnterior cruciate ligament (ACL)Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)Fibular collateral ligamentTibial collateral ligamentPatellar ligamentTendon of quadriceps Lab 8: Axial MusclesQuiz #5: Appendicular Skeleton ____________________________________________________________________________________Objectives: Locate the muscles listed and be able to identify these muscles on modelsAlso be able to identify the main origin, insertion and action of each muscleYou will need to know the following terms of movement to be able to properly identify actions of the muscle Anatomical terms of movement(Need to know these for actions of muscles)Flexion- ExtensionAbductionAdductionSupination- Pronation- Opposition- Reposition- Eversion- InversionProtractionRetractionElevationDepressionDorsiflexionPlantar flexionMedial rotationLateral rotationCircumductionLateral flexionFor your information:Sterno = sternumHyo = hyoidGlossus = tongueThyro = thyroidOmo = scapulaMylo = molar (teeth)Myo = muscleName of muscle gives O & IThyrohyoid = O thyroid, I hyoid boneSternohyoid = O sternum, I hyoidOmohyoid = O sternum, I hyoidBe able to identify the muscle, action, origin and insertion for each muscleMusclesMUSCLES OF THE HEADORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVEFrontalisEpicranial aponeurosisSkin over foreheadElevates eyebrows and wrinkles skin of foreheadFacial VIIOccipitalisNuchal line on occipital boneEpicranial aponeurosisFixes epicranial aponeurosis and pulls scalp posteriorlyFacial VIINasalisMaxillary bone; cartilage of nose Bridge of noseCompresses nostrils; dilates nostrilsFacial VIITemporalisTemporal boneCoronoid process of mandibleElevates and retracts mandibleTrigeminal VMasseterZygomatic process and archRamus of mandibleElevates mandibleTrigeminal VOrbicularis oculiMedial orbital marginSkin surrounding eyeCloses eyelids and acts during squinting and blinkingFacial VIIOrbicularis orisMaxillary bone; mandiblelipsCloses and purses lipsFacial VIIZygomaticus majorZygomatic boneCorner of mouthElevates corner of mouthFacial VIIZygomaticus minorZygomatic boneUpper lipRaises upper lipMentalisAlveolar ridge of incisors of mandibleSkin over chinElevates and protrudes lower lipFacial VIIRisoriusFascia of masseterCorner of mouthDraws corner of mouth laterallyFacial VIISUPERFICIAL MUSCULATURE OF THE NECKORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVEOmohyoid Superior belly Inferior bellyClavicle and first ribSuperior margin of scapulaHyoid boneClavicle and 1st ribDepresses hyoid boneAnsa cervicalisThyrohyoidThyroid cartilage of the larynxHyoid boneDepresses hyoid bone, elevates thyroid cartilageAnsa cervicalisSternohyoidPosterior surface of manubrium, and medial clavicleHyoid boneDepresses hyoid boneAnsa cervicalisStylohyoidStyloid processHyoid boneMoves hyoid bone up and backFacial VIIMylohyoidInferior margin of mandibleHyoid bone Elevates hyoid bone and floor of mouth, depresses mandibleTrigeminal VDigastric- Anterior belly -Posterior bellyAnterior: Lower border of mandible near midline Posterior: Mastoid process of temporal boneHyoid boneElevates hyoid bone and base of tongue, depresses mandibleAnt: Trigeminal V Post: Facial VIIMUSCLES OF THE NECK & BACKORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVESternocleidomastoidManubrium and medial third of clavicleMastoid processFlexion and lateral flexion of neck; rotates head so face is turned superiorly and to the opposite sideC2 and C2, spinal accessory, XITrapeziusPosterior surface of occipital bone; ligamentum nuchae; and spinous process of thoracic vertebraeLateral third of clavicle; acromion process; spine of scapulaSuperior fibers: elevates scapulaMiddle fibers: retracts scapulaInferior fibers: depress scapulaSpinal accessory XI, C3, and C4Latissimus dorsiSpinous processes of lower 6 thoracic vertebrae, thoracolumbar fascia, crest of iliumIntertubercular groove of humerusExtension, adduction and medial rotation of armThoracodorsalLevator scapulaTransverse processes of C1-4Medial border above spine of scapulaElevates scapula; acts with pectoralis minor to inferiorly rotate scapula Doral scapularRhomboid majorSpinous process of T2-5 and supraspinous ligamentMedial border below spine of scapulaAdducts scapula and rotates it downward; stabilizes scapulaDorsal scapularRhomboid minorSpinous process of C7-T1Medial border of scapula at base of spineAdducts scapula and rotates it downward; stabilizes scapulaDorsal scapularSerratus anteriorExternal surface of upper 8 ribsMedial border of scapulaAbducts scapula and rotates it upward. Important in horizontal arm movements (‘boxer’s muscle)Long thoracicErector Spinae Thoracolumbar fascia; posterior surface of sacrum; iliac crest; spinous process of T11-T12 and L1-L5Transverse processes of thoracic and cervical vertebrae, tubercles of inferior nine ribs, and mastoid process of skullExtension of vertebral columnSpinal nerves dorsal rami Inferior Serratus Posterior Spinous processes of the lower two thoracic and the upper two or three lumbar vertebraeLower borders of the bottom four ribsPulls ribs down, resisting pull of diaphragmT9-T12Splenius Spinous processes of inferior cervical and superior thoracic vertebraeMastoid process, occipital bone, and transverse processes of superior cervical vertebraeExtension of the head and neck; lateral flexion and rotation of the head and neckCervical spinal nervesScalenesAnteriorMiddle PosteriorTransverse processes of C3-C6Transverse processes of C2-C7Transverse processes of C4-C61st rib1st rib2nd ribAnt. and middle: elevates 1st rib, flexes neck forward and laterally, rotates neck Post: elevates 2nd rib, flexes neck laterally, slightly rotates neck Cervical spinal C3-C8.MUSCLES OF THORACIC WALLORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVEDiaphragmInternal surfaces of xiphoid process and inferior 6 ribs; anterior surfaces of vertebrae L1, L2 and L3Centra tendon of the diaphragmIncreases volume of thoracic cavity by pulling central tendon inferiorlyPhrenic nerves (C3-C5)External intercostalsInferior border of rib aboveSuperior border of rib belowElevates rib cage during normal inspirationIntercostalInternal intercostalsSuperior border of rib belowInferior border of rib aboveDepresses rib cage during forced expirationIntercostalPectoralis majorMedial half of clavicle, sternum, costal cartilages, aponeurosis of external abdominal obliqueLateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerusFlexion, medial rotation and adduction of the armLateral and medial pectoralPectoralis minorAnterior surface of ribs 3 to 5Coracoid process of scapulaDepression and inferior rotation of scapulaMedial pectoralMUSCLES OF THE ANTERIOR ABDOMINAL WALLORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVERectus abdominisPubis symphysis and crest of pubisXiphoid process and cartilages of ribs 5 to 7Flexion of vertebral column; stabilizes pelvis during walking; compresses abdomen to aid in defecation, urination, forced exhalation.Intercostal 7 to 12External abdominal obliqueExternal surface of lower 8 ribsLinea alba; pubic crest; pubic tubercle; iliac crestRotation and lateral flexion of trunk; increases intraabdominal pressure during forced expirationIntercostals 8 to 12, iliohypogastric, ilioinguinalInternal abdominal obliqueLateral half of inguinal ligament, anterior iliac crest and thoracolumbar fasciaLower four ribs, linea alba and by conjoined tendon to pubisCompresses abdomen, and flex vertebral column; acting singly, laterally flex vertebral columnIntercostals 8 to 12, iliohypogastric, ilioinguinalTransverse abdominisLateral third of inguinal ligament, anterior iliac crest, and thoracolumbar fasciaLinea alba, pubis crestCompresses abdomen and Increases intraabdominal pressure during forced expiration Intercostals 7 to 12, iliohypogastric, ilioinguinalMUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER AND ARMORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVEDeltoid lateral third of clavicle, acromion process and spine of scapulaDeltoid tuberosity of humerusAnterior fibers: medial rotation and flexion of armMiddle fibers: abduction of armPosterior fibers: lateral rotation and extension of armAxillary SupraspinatusSupraspinous fossaSuperior portion of greater tubercle of humerusAbducts humerusSuprascapularInfraspinatusInfraspinous fossaMiddle portion of greater tubercle of humerusRotates humerus laterallySuprascapularTeres minorLateral border of scapulaGreater tubercle of humerusRotates humerus laterallyScapular circumflexSubscapularisSubscapular fossaLesser tubercle of humerusRotates humerus mediallyUpper and lower subscapularisTeres majorScapula, near inferior angleMedial lip of intertubercular groove of humerusExtends arm at shoulder joint and assists in adduction and medial rotation of arm at shoulder joint.Lower subscapularBiceps brachiiLong head, supraglenoid tubercle;Short head, coracoid process scapulaTuberosity of radius Flexes and supination of forearm; flexion of armMusculocutaneousBrachialisAnterior distal two-thirds of humerusCoronoid process of ulnaFlexes forearmMusculocutaneous and radialCoracobrachialisCoracoid process of scapulaMiddle third of humerusFlexes and adducts arm at shoulder jointMusculocutaneous nerveTriceps brachiiLong head, infraglenoid tubercle; Lateral head, proximal portion of posterior humerus;Medial head, distal half of posterior humerusOlecranon process of ulnaExtension of forearm; long head extends and adducts armRadialLab 9: Appendicular musclesQuiz #6: Muscles Group 1 Objectives: Locate the muscles listed and be able to identify these muscles on modelsAlso be able to identify the origin, insertion and action of each muscle____________________________________________________________________________________AnconeusLateral epicondyle of humerusOlecranon process, posterior surface of ulnaWeak extensor of ulna, stabilizes elbow joint in extensionRadialMUSCLES OF ANT. FOREARMORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVEFlexor carpi radialisMedial epicondyle of humerusBase of second metacarpalFlexion and abduction of the wristMedianFlexor carpi ulnarisMedial epicondyle of humerus, olecranon process, & posterior ulnaPisiform, hamate, and fifth metacarpalFlexes and adducts wristUlnarPronator teresMedial epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of ulnaLateral surface of radiusPronates and flexes forearmMedianFlexor digitorum superficialisMedial epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of ulnaMiddle phalanges of fingersFlexes fingers and wristMedianFlexor digitorum profundusAnterior and medial surfaces of ulna and interosseous membraneDistal phalanges of fingersFlexes fingers and wristMedian and UlnarFlexor pollicis longusMiddle half of radius, interosseous membrane, coronoid process of ulnaDistal phalanx of thumbFlexes thumb and wristMedianPalmaris longusMedial epicondyle of the humerusPalmar aponeurosisWeak flexion of wristMedianMUSCLES OF POSTEROLATERAL FOREARMORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVEBrachioradialisLateral supracondylar ridge Styloid process of radiusFlexes forearmRadialExtensor carpi radialis longusLateral supracondylar ridge of humerus Second metacarpalExtends and abducts wristRadialExtensor carpi radialis brevisLateral epicondyle of humerusThird metacarpalExtends and abducts wristRadialExtensor digitorum Lateral epicondyle of humerusDistal and middle phalanges of each fingerExtends fingers and handRadialExtensor digiti minimiLateral epicondyle of humerusTendon of extensor digitorum on fifth phalanxExtends 5th digit and handRadialExtensor carpi ulnarisLateral epicondyle of humerus and posterior border of ulnaFifth metacarpalExtends and adducts hand at wrist jointRadialAbductor pollicis longusPosterior surface of ulna and radius, and interosseous membraneFirst metacarpalAbducts and extends thumbRadialExtensor pollicis brevisPosterior surface of middle of radius and interosseous membraneBase of proximal phalanx of thumbExtends thumb RadialExtensor pollicis longusPosterior surface of middle third of ulna and interosseous membraneBase of distal phalanx of thumbExtends thumbRadialSupinatorLateral epicondyle of humerus, proximal ulnaLateral surface and posterior border of radiusSupinates forearmRadialMUSCLES OF THE PALMORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVEAbductor pollicis brevisScaphoid and trapeziumProximal phalanx of thumbAbduction of thumb; opposition of thumbMedianFlexor pollicis brevisTrapeziumProximal phalanx of thumbFlexes thumb; opposition of thumbMedianFlexor digiti minimiHook of hamateProximal phalanx of fifth digitFlexes fifth digitUlnarAbductor digiti minimiPisiform and tendon of flexor carpi ulnarisProximal phalanx of fifth digitAbducts fifth digitUlnarMUSCLES OF DEEP BACK AND GLUTEAL REGIONORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVEGluteus maximusUpper portion of ilium, the sacrum and coccyxGluteal tuberosity and iliotibial tractPrincipal extensor and lateral rotator of thigh; Inferior glutealGluteus mediusLateral surface of iliumGreater trochanter of femur, lateral surfaceAbduction and medial rotation of thigh; steadies the pelvis during walkingSuperior glutealPiriformisAnterior surface of sacrumGreater trochanter of femurAbducts thighTwigs from sacral one and twoQuadratus femorisIschial tuberosityElevation superior to mid-portion of intertrochanteric crest on posterior femurLaterally rotates and stabilizes hip joint Nerve to quadratus lumborumPsoas MajorTransverse processes of bodies of lumbar vertebraeLesser trochanter of femur with iliacusFlex thigh at hip joint, rotate thigh laterally, and flex trunk at hip as in sitting up from supine positionFemoralIliacusIliac fossa and lateral margin of sacrumLesser trochanter of femur with psoas majorFlex thigh at hip joint, rotate thigh laterally, and flex trunk at hip as in sitting up from supine positionFemoralMUSCLES OF THE POSTERIOR THIGHORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVEBiceps femorisLong head, ischial tuberosity;Short head, lateral supracondylar ridge of femurHead of fibula and lateral condyle of tibiaExtension of thigh; flexion of leg SciaticSemimembranosusIschial tuberosityMedial condyle of tibiaExtension of thigh; flexion of legSciaticSemitendinosusIschial tuberosity, Medial condyle of tibiaExtension of thigh; flexion of legSciaticMUSCLES OF ANTERIOR AND MEDIAL THIGHORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVESartoriusAnterior superior iliac spineMedial surface of tibia near the knee jointFlexion, abduction, and lateral rotation of thigh; flexion of legFemoralTensor fasciae lataeAnterior superior iliac spine of iliumIliotibial tractFlexes thigh, abducts, and medially rotates thigh; steadies trunk on thigh while standingSuperior glutealQuadriceps femoris Rectus femorisAnterior inferior iliac spine and upper margin of acetabulumTibial tuberosityExtension of leg; flexion of thighFemoral Vastus lateralisIntertrochanteric line and linea aspera of femurTibial tuberosityExtends legFemoral Vastus medialisIntertrochanteric line and linea aspera of femurTibial tuberosityExtends legFemoral Vastus intermediusUpper shaft of femurTibial tuberosityExtends legFemoralAdductor longusBody of pubic boneMiddle third of linea asperaAdduction and flexion of thighObturatorAdductor magnusInferior ramus of pubic bone; ramus of ischiumIschial tuberosity of ischiumLinea aspera and adductor tubercleAdduction and flexion of thigh; extension of thighObturator & sciaticGracilisBody and inferior ramus of pubic boneMedial surface of tibia near the knee jointAdducts thigh at hip joint, medially rotates thigh, and flexes leg at knee joint.ObturatorPectineusSuperior ramus of pubisJust inferior to the lesser trochanterAdducts and flexes thigh, assists with medial rotation of thighFemoralMUSCLES OF THE POSTERIOR LEGORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVETibialis posteriorPosterior surfaces of tibia and fibula; interosseous membraneNavicular, with slips to cuneiform; cuboid; metatarsals 2-4Plantar flexion and inversion of footTibialFlexor digitorum longusPosterior surface of tibiaDistal phalanges of digits 2-5Plantar flexion of foot; flexion of toesTibialFlexor hallucis longusPosterior surface of fibula; interosseous membrane Distal phalanx of great toePlantar flexion of foot; flexion of great toeTibialSoleusHead of fibula; posterior surface of fibula; medial aspect of tibiaWith gastrocnemius into calcaneus via calcaneal tendonPlantar flexion of footTibialGastrocnemiusMedial and lateral condyles of femurWith soleus into calcaneus via calcaneal tendonPlantar flexion of foot; flexion of the legTibialPopliteusLateral surface of lateral condylePosterior surface of tibia just below condylesFlexion of leg; medial rotation of leg to unlock knee prior to leg flexionTibial PlantarisLateral supracondylar line of femurPosterior calcaneus via calcaneal tendonAssists in plantar flexion of foot and flexion of legTibial MUSCLES OF THE ANTEROLATERAL LEG AND DORSUM OF THE FOOTORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVETibialis anteriorLateral condyle and lateral surface of tibia and interosseous membraneBase of first cuneiform and first metatarsalDorsiflexes and inverts footDeep fibularExtensor hallucis longusAnterior surface of fibula and interosseous membraneDistal phalanx of great toeDorsiflexes foot and extends great toeDeep fibularExtensor digitorum longusLateral condyle of tibia; medial surface of fibula & interosseous membraneMiddle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5Dorsiflexes foot and extends toesDeep fibularFibularis longusHead and lateral surface of fibulaFirst metatarsal and first cuneiform and Eversion of footSuperficial fibularFibularis brevisLateral surface of fibulaFifth metatarsalEversion of footSuperficial fibularExtensor digitorum brevisDorsal surface of calcaneusBy four tendons into extensor expansionExtends toesDeep fibularExtensor hallucis brevisMedial surface of calcaneusProximal phalanx of great toeExtends toesDeep fibularMUSCLES OF THE SOLE OF THE FOOTORIGININSERTIONACTIONNERVEAbductor hallucisTuberosity of calcaneusMedial aspect of proximal phalanx of great toeAbducts and flexes great toe; supports medial longitudinal archMedial plantarFlexor digitorum brevisTuberosity of calcaneusBy four tendons into middle phalanx of lateral four toesFlexes lateral four toesMedial plantarAbductor digiti minimiTuberosisty of calcaneusLateral side of proximal 5th phalanxAbducts 5th ToeLateral plantarFlexor hallucis brevisCuboid and lateral cuneiform bonesBase of proximal phalanx of 1st toeFlexes great toeMedial plantarFlexor digiti minimi brevisBase of 5th MetatarsalBase of proximal 5th phalanxFlexes 5th toeLateral plantarFor some of the muscles (specifically ones on the sole of the foot) you may need to use your textbook or class PowerPointThe final practical will cover all the material discussed in the last 4 weeks of lab (bones and muscles)Terms to know, labeled figures, tables, any additional info outlined in the packageModels Images75 questionsTimed stations ................

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