PDF Shopkick Case Study


About Shopkick

Shopkick is a fun and easy way for consumers to earn free gift cards for everyday shopping. Shopkick has created an app for smartphones that offers users rewards for shopping activities, both in-store and online. Shopkick partners with major brands like Best Buy and Macy's, and is used by millions of people.

The Problem

Providing employee lunches used to present a major challenge to Shopkick. Different locations had different budgets, catering resulted in wasted food, and reimbursing employees for meals through Expensify led to long waiting periods.

"It was too much work and didn't feel like a perk at all" says Den? Graa, Senior Manager of People Operations.

The Solution

With Emburse, Shopkick issues employees credit cards with spending restrictions on budget, location, and merchant.

The need for reimbursements disappeared and there was a huge cultural add to have people go out to lunch together.

Shopkick's Lunch Policy

Using Emburse's app, Shopkick sets rules for when the credit cards can be used. These rules are automatically enforced by the cards themselves, which deactivate when someone attempts to operate outside of the set restrictions.

Results From Using Emburse


On a monthly basis, it used to take each employee about 1 hour reimbursing their lunch expenses. That meant a total of 105 hours/month or 1,260 hours/year were squandered, time which could have been spent in core business functions.

Also, office managers save about 12-16 hours and the finance team saves 8 hours monthly.


Lunch groups are forming and employees are coordinating lunch outings through Slack. You see people partnered up who would have never gotten food together before which has led to a greater flow of ideas across departments and coworkers.

Overall, there's been a large positive impact on the morale of the company.



Hours saved in a year

# of employees who use Emburse

"Bringing Emburse to Shopkick has helped to provide a rich culture building perk to our employees. The meal card is a perk that every

employee participates in together and gives the employees the freedom to choose which makes everyone happy."

- Den? Graa, Senior Manager of People Operations.


Monthly lunch budget

About Emburse Founded in 2014, Emburse is an all-in-one expense management platform that helps you control spending on travel, recruiting, perks, and general expenses. Emburse allows you to issue virtual and plastic cards instantly with granular spending rules on merchant, budget, and location. For more information, visit

See a demo at


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